Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Collection 6-10

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Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Collection 6-10 Page 176

by Laurell Hamilton

  Harold of the scarred face was leaning at the far end of Edward’s house with a high-powered rifle pointed at Edward. He had most of his body hidden behind the house, and held the rifle like he knew what he was doing. If he’d wanted to drop Edward, he could have done it before Edward got the drop on him. That Harold hadn’t shot anyone yet meant they had come for more than just killing. Probably.

  Harold said, “Nobody panics, nobody gets hurt.”

  “Harold,” Edward said, “when did you guys make bail?” He was still staring down the barrel of his Beretta at Harold. I could almost guarantee he was sighting on the top of the other man’s head, his best killing target from what little he had to shoot at. Edward did not shoot to wound.

  “Only Russell got arrested,” Harold said, rifle settled comfortably against his shoulder.

  Speak of the devil. Russell came around the corner behind Harold. His nose was packed with white cotton and covered in a hard bandage. I’d broken his nose. Great.

  “I thought terrorizing women and children carried more time than this,” I said. I kept the gun behind the open door. I didn’t want to give anyone an excuse to start shooting.

  The tall silent Newt came around the other side of the house with a large shiny revolver in his hands. He held it two-handed and moved in a cross-foot glide that said he knew what he was doing. There was a woman beside him, moving like a smooth oiled shadow. She was six foot if she was an inch, and the tank top she was wearing showed off shoulders and arms that made most of the men look puny. Only her breasts pressed against the shirt showed her braless and very much a girl.

  Olaf pointed his gun at them. Bernardo moved up with his gun, and the woman turned to him. Olaf turned as Newt moved across in front of him like a long distance dance. The woman and Bernardo were more practical. They just stood a little bit apart and stared at each other over their guns.

  Only Russell kept walking and didn’t pull a gun. I tried pulling mine and pointing it at him. He did stop, but his smile got wider and the look in his eyes got worse, as if he had plans for me, and they were all about to come true.

  “You shoot me and they shoot your friends. You’re the only one our boss wants,” Russell said.

  “But we’re not here to kill anyone,” Harold said, very quickly, as if he wanted to be clear on that. If I were staring down a gun barrel that Edward was holding, I’d want to be clear, too.

  Russell started walking towards me, even though I had the Browning pointed at his chest.

  “Our boss just wants to talk to you, that’s all,” Harold said. “I promise he just wants to talk to the girl.”

  I was backing up with the gun held out. Russell was still walking forward very confident. Unless I was willing to shoot him, he wasn’t stopping. I did not want to be the one who fired the first shot. People were going to die, and I couldn’t control which people that would be.

  I could hear the truck now, crunching over the gravel. I did the only thing I could think of, I turned and ran. I heard a surprised, “Hey,” from behind me. But I was over the edge of the slope and down the other side. I suddenly wasn’t worried about tearing my stitches up, or how tired I was. My heart was in my throat, and I found that not only could I walk without falling down, I could run. My mind seemed to be working faster and faster. I saw a dry wash at the base of the slope and a clump of trees to one side. I slid into the wash in a rush of small stones. I landed on all fours, heavy, and was scrambling to my feet before I felt the first trickle of blood down my back. I was behind the trees as I heard Russell slither down the slope behind me.

  I couldn’t shoot him, but there were other options. I was aiming for the clump of trees. But say what you like about Russell, he could run, because I could hear him doing it. He wasn’t going to give me enough time to hide. I ran past the trees and knew that I couldn’t outrun him. The adrenaline was already beginning to fade, and the heat folded around me like a hand. I just wasn’t up to a long chase today. I had to end it, soon.

  I slowed, just a little, one to save energy, and one to let Russell catch up sooner. I took a big breath and prepared. I knew what I wanted to do. But my body had to do it. I couldn’t hesitate because my back or my arm or anything else hurt. I risked a glance back, and Russell was almost there, almost on me. I kicked him, full out, straight in the balls. I did it without hesitating, almost without setting up for it, letting his own momentum carry him into me. The shock sent me hopping backward, and I did what I still wasn’t smooth at in class, I did a reverse roundhouse kick, to where I thought his face would be, and it was. He’d crumbled, clutching himself, and he went to his knees with the kick. He stayed on all fours shaking his head, but he didn’t go down. Dammit!

  A voice yelled from up the slope. “I don’t see them.”

  There was a long piece of bleached wood on the floor of the wash. I picked it up and hit him twice, hard. He finally slumped on the ground and didn’t move. I didn’t have time to check for a pulse. The wash stretched straight for about a hundred yards before brush filled the end of it. There was a place in the bank that had washed away more than the rest. It was like a shallow cave. I had a split second to decide which way to go. I took the knife sheath out of my back pocket, and threw it knife and all as far as I could towards the brush. I went for the cave, scrambling on feet and hands like a monkey, keeping low. I was in the cooler shade of the depression when I heard the men coming down the slope.

  “I don’t see them,” the first man said.

  “They went this way,” a woman’s voice. Could there be two female bad guys? I didn’t think so. Did that mean that there was one less gun up with Edward and the others? I let the thought go. I had my own problems.

  Rocks cascaded down over the overhang like a dry waterfall. At least one of them was coming down directly on top of me. Would the ceiling of the little cave hold the weight? I was already regretting hiding. But the wash stretched open and straight for too far. I’d have never made it to the place where it emptied and there was brush. I just wasn’t that fast today. If they thought I’d gone that way and didn’t see me, then it would be a good plan. If they turned and spotted me, it was a bad plan. I heard them coming, but the man’s voice was right above me. It made me jump. He had to be standing just to the right of the roof. “Jesus, there’s Russell.” He jumped into the wash and started running towards the fallen man.

  The woman was more cautious, sliding down into the wash, searching up and down the wash. She was so close, I could have reached out and touched the leg of her jeans. My heart was thundering in my throat, but I’d stopped breathing. I was holding my breath, willing her to go to the men, to walk away, and not look back.

  “He’s alive,” the man said. Then he was up and moving towards the sheath I’d thrown. “She went this way.” He went for the brush.

  The woman walked towards him.

  He was already at the brush, pushing into it.

  “Maury, dammit, don’t go in there.” She had to jog to have any chance of catching him. She didn’t look back to see me crouched in the hole. When her broad back vanished into the brush, and I heard the man curse, I crawled out of the hole and started up the slope on all fours. If the woman and Maury came out now, I would be caught like a black speck on a white sheet of paper. But they didn’t come, and I made the top of the slope down from where I’d first entered, crawling on my belly to lie under the sage bushes that edged Edward’s front yard.

  Something slithered off to my right, and it wasn’t human. A snake. A snake had slithered away deeper into the bushes. Shit. Thank you, dear God, that it left. One more problem and I was out of solutions. Of course, now every noise seemed to be reptilian, and crawling on my belly through the thick bushes, the smell of sage thick in the hot air, was a little slice of nightmare. I kept waiting to hear that dry rattle that would tell me I’d used up all my luck. Every twig that brushed my leg seemed to have scales. The only thing that kept me from screaming was the knowledge that someone would probably sho
ot me before they knew it was me.

  By the time I crawled to the very edge of the bushes one painful inch at a time, I was sweating and it was only partially from heat. The sweat stung on my back, and I knew that some of the thicker trickles were blood and not sweat. I could see the yard through the last screen of sage. Things had not improved.

  The woman and the new man, Maury, had left the yard, but three others had taken their places. They had the men on their knees. Olaf had his hands laced on his bald head. Bernardo had his one good hand on his head, and his cast raised as high as he could. Edward was the closest to me. Newt was so close I could have put the knife into his foot. Harold was talking into a cell phone. He was waving one hand and had the rifle slung over one arm. He put the phone away from his mouth, and said, “He says search the house.”

  “What for?” one of the new men said. He had dark hair and a revolver.

  “For an artifact, something the girl used against the monster.”

  “What kind of artifact?” the dark man asked.

  “Just do it,” Harold said.

  Dark hair grumbled, but he motioned and the two men left to go into the open door of the house. Edward must have unlocked it for them. What the hell had been happening while I was crawling through the bushes?

  The three men went into the house. Harold was still talking on the phone. That left just Newt with his .45, and he wasn’t even pointing it at anyone’s head. It would never get better than this. Any second now the others would come back up the wash or out of the house. I’d have liked to have at least gotten to my knees and plunged the knife into a vital area, but the bushes were too thick. I’d never push to my knees without making all kinds of noise.

  If I fired a gun, I’d alert all the others. Shit. I had two knives. I had one idea. I slipped the blade out of my right arm sheath, making sure my left hand had a good grip. Newt’s foot was still so temptingly close. I took the invitation. I stabbed the right-hand knife into the foot opposite from his gun. I felt the blade sink into the ground underneath his shoe, as he screamed. I was on my knees behind him, as he tried to twist and bring the gun on me, but he had the gun pointed for someone standing on his left side, and I wasn’t there. I plunged the other knife up into his pants, into the front of his pants, my hand between his legs, and I missed. I didn’t hit flesh. Fuck. I twitched the blade to the side and felt him, but he wasn’t cut. But he was very, very still.

  I hissed, “Don’t move.”

  He didn’t move. He stayed like some kind of awkward statue.

  Harold started walking towards us. “What’s wrong, Newt?”

  Newt swallowed, and said, “N—nothing. Thought I saw a snake.”

  I whispered, “Good boy, Newt. If you want to keep the family jewels intact, very quietly hand me your gun.” He let the .45 fall into my hand. I was close enough to whisper to Edward, “What do you want me to do?”

  “Call Harold over.”

  “You heard him, Newt,” I said.

  The man never argued. “Hey, Harold, can you come over here a second?”

  Harold sighed, snapping the cell phone shut. “What is it now, Newt?” He was almost even with Edward when he noticed that Newt’s gun was gone. I was still hidden behind the larger man’s body; even the blade was hidden in the cloth of his pants. “What the hell?”

  Bernardo pulled one of the gold chopsticks out of his hair, and it was a blade that ended in Harold’s arm. Edward hit him in the gut, doubled him over, and disarmed him. He stood over him with the rifle. Olaf and Bernardo were on their feet. I don’t know what the plan would have been next because we heard the sirens. Police sirens.

  “Did you call the cops, Harold?” Edward asked.

  “Don’t be an ass,” Harold said.

  “Anita,” Edward said.

  “I didn’t call them. I’ve still got a .45 pointed at you, Newt. Don’t get cute.” But I withdrew the blade very carefully and stood up. I kept his gun pointed at his back, but I was beginning to doubt I’d have to shoot anybody. The sirens were almost here.

  The three guys came out of the house with their guns in plain sight. They looked to Harold, saw him on the ground, and Edward had the rifle to his shoulder and was sighting down the barrel at them. Their eyes flicked to the cops coming at a fast pace, and back to Edward. They threw their guns down and laced their fingers on their heads without being told. I doubted it was the first time they’d had to do it.

  It was an unmarked car with a marked car following it. They skidded to a stop on opposite sides of the black truck and four cops spilled out. Lieutenant Marks, Detective Ramirez, and two uniforms I didn’t know. They had guns pointed but looked a little unsure who the bad guys were. Couldn’t blame them. We had all the guns.

  “Detective Ramirez,” I said. “Thank God.”

  “What’s going on?” Marks said, before Ramirez could answer me.

  Edward told them that Harold and his men had jumped us and were trying to question us about the mutilation murders. Marks found that fascinating. Edward had known he would. Yes, Ted Forrester would press assault charges. Any good citizen would. There were enough handcuffs to go around, barely.

  “There are two more out there somewhere,” Edward said in his best helpful voice.

  “There’s one unconscious in the wash that way,” I said.

  Everyone looked at me. I didn’t have to pretend to be uncomfortable. “He was chasing me. I thought they were going to kill the others.” I shrugged and winced. “He’s alive.” It sounded like an excuse even to me.

  They called for more men to search the area. They called for an ambulance for Harold, Newt, and Russell, when they found him. I’d sat down on the ground, waiting for everyone to do their jobs. I was using both hands to prop myself up. Now that the emergency seemed to be over, I wasn’t feeling so good.

  Marks was yelling at me. “You left the hospital against doctor’s orders! I don’t give a damn, but I want a statement. I want to know exactly what happened at that hospital.”

  I looked up at him, and he seemed to be taller than he was, farther away somehow. “Are you saying that all the lights and sirens were because you were mad at me for not giving a statement before I left the hospital?”

  A flush spread up his face, and I knew that that was exactly it. One of the uniforms called, “Lieutenant.”

  “I want that statement today.” He turned and walked away. I hoped he stayed there.

  Ramirez knelt beside me. He was wearing his usual, shirtsleeves rolled back, a striped tie at half-mast, around an open collar. “You all right?”

  “No,” I said.

  “I went to the hospital today, and you were already gone. That night, the elevator had been turned off because of the fire alarms. I had to double back and get the stairs, and come up behind you. That’s why I was late. That’s why I wasn’t there for you.” For it to be almost the first thing out of his mouth, it must have been bugging him. I liked that.

  I managed something close to a smile. “Thanks for telling me.” I was so hot. The yard seemed to be swimming in heat, as if I were looking at the world through rippling glass.

  He touched my back, I think to help me up. He drew his hand away from my shirt. His hand was bloody. He went on all fours, using one hand to raise my shirt. It was so blood-soaked that he had to peel it away from my skin. “Jesus and Joseph, what the hell have you done to yourself?”

  “It doesn’t even hurt anymore.” I heard myself saying it from a long way away, then I was sliding over into his arms, his lap. I heard someone call my name, and I finally passed out.

  I woke up in the hospital. Doctor Cunningham was bending over me. I thought, “We have to stop meeting like this,” but didn’t even try to say it out loud.

  “You’ve lost blood and had your stitches redone. Do you think you can stay in here long enough for me to actually release you this time?”

  I think I smiled. “Yes, Doctor.”

  “Just in case you got any funny ideas abo
ut leaving, I’ve doped you up with enough pain killers to make you feel really good. So sleep, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  My eyes fluttered shut once, then opened. Edward was there. He bent over me and whispered, “Crawling through bushes on your belly, threatening to cut off a man’s balls. Such a hard ass.”

  My voice came faintly even to me. “Had to save your ass.”

  He bent over me and kissed me on my forehead, or maybe I dreamed that part.


  SOME TIME DURING the second day in the hospital they lowered the meds, and I started having the dreams. I was wandering in a maze made up of high green hedges. I was wearing a long, heavy dress, made of white silk. There were heavy things under it, weighting it down. I could feel the tightness of a corset under the dress, and I knew it wasn’t my dream. I would never dream of clothing that I had never worn. I stopped running through the green maze, looked up into a flawless blue sky, and shouted, “Jean-Claude!”

  His voice came, rich, seductive. He could do things with his voice that most men couldn’t do with their hands. “Where are you, ma petite? Where are you?”

  “You promised to stay out of my dreams.”

  “We felt you dying. We felt the marks open. We worried.”

  I knew who “we” was. “Richard isn’t invading my dreams, just you.”

  “I have come to warn you. If you had picked up a phone to call us, this would not be necessary.”

  I turned and there was a mirror in the middle of the grass and the hedges. It was a full-length mirror with a gilt-edged frame. Very antique, very Louis XIV. My reflection was startling. It wasn’t just the clothes. My hair was in some kind of complicated mound, with thick curls hanging down here and there. There was also more of it, and I knew at least some of it was a wig or at least hairpieces. There was even one of those beauty marks on my cheek. I expected to look ridiculous, but I didn’t. I looked delicate, like a china doll, but it wasn’t ridiculous. My reflection wavered, then grew taller, and it was Jean-Claude in the mirror, and my reflection had vanished.


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