Home > Other > CARA’S MAN - TAROT: THE FOUR OF SWORDS > Page 2

by Fawn Lowery

  “Details,” he said, smiling at her. “I’ve taken care of the details.” In the next instant he took hold of her right hand and placed it on his erection. “See.”

  Cara lowered her head and glanced at the hot stick of flesh in her palm. True. He had taken care of the details. The condom was already in place. A smile pulled at her lush lips.

  “I read once that you were particularly good at tending to even the smallest detail,” she quipped. Her hand moved along his length.

  He laughed out loud at her words. “Even the smallest detail can have significant meaning,” he said, his hands moving to her buttocks. He smoothed his palms across her supple flesh, then delved between her legs, causing her to gasp.

  Their conversation abruptly over, he grasped her buttocks in his palms and pushed his hard cock between her legs, entering her warm cave. Cara wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes.

  At first he shoved in so fast that it made her gasp, he was so long and thick, but once he began moving, she savored every thrust with elation. Her body was starved for male attention — for a hard cock that could thrust her to orgasm.

  Her senses were keen to the sensations he was causing her to have. His big hands grasped her buttocks and pressed her crotch into his with such expertise that Cara knew for certain he would not disappoint her.

  The metal massage table shook with their hurried movements. She was on the verge of climax, the tide of orgasm rising inside her when she realized Gabe was just as close. She held him tighter as he increased his thrusting and when she knew the moment of release was upon them, she ground her lips against his and allowed the explosion of incredible sensations to flood her body.

  * * * *

  Gabe kissed Cara’s breasts while the orgasm waned inside his body. They were sweating, panting. Cara stroked his cheek, and delved her fingers amid his auburn hair, combing it off his forehead. She kissed his mouth, tasting the sweat on his upper lip. Their hot breath mingled.

  “I have other relaxation techniques too,” he said. He trailed his lips down the arch of her throat, across her collarbone and onto her breast. He pulled her right nipple into his mouth and suckled it, causing it to tighten.

  I bet you do, Cara thought. The waning sensation of orgasm still lingered in her body while her mind was still trying to make sense out of what had just occurred. She had had sex — hot sex — with Gabe Collins — a man she’d only just met.

  He pulled his mouth off her breast and looked at her, meeting her green gaze.

  “You’re wondering why you had sex with me, aren’t you?” He raised one hand and ran his palm across the rise of her left breast, slowly, teasingly.

  Cara shook her head from side to side. “No. I admit sexual attraction to you,” she confessed, her cheeks pinking slightly. “It’s just that I’ve been in awe of you for so long —“

  His outburst of laughter cut her words short.

  Gabe trailed a fingertip along the smooth contour of her left cheek. “And why in God’s name, would you be in awe of me?” he asked, a teasing grin on his lips.

  “I can name every building project you ever completed, Gabe Collins,” she began, her eyes caressing his face. “I’ve read every interview you ever gave-“

  “Hush,” he instructed, placing his finger across her lips.

  She stared at him. He appeared genuinely humbled by her praise. Realization wafted through her insides. Gabe Collins was not only a brilliant architect, but also, he was humble. Suddenly she viewed him in a whole different light. And for the first time since they met, she felt herself relax in his presence. She almost laughed out loud. For Pete’s sake! She had just fucked the guy — on a massage table, no less — and now she felt relaxed in his presence! Get a grip, girl, she silently admonished.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked, staring down at her.

  “Ravished,” she admitted, smiling at him. Sex always gave her an appetite, but she didn’t tell him, she merely sat still while he removed himself from between her legs, discarded the used condom in a small waste can near the back of the room, then came back to the table to help her down.

  * * * *

  The main dining room at the resort was a huge room sporting a tropical motif of red hibiscus and green palm leaves. White linen-draped tables filled the space with white taper candles lighting each. The ambience of the room spoke of quiet and seduction, a place where lovers could share a succulent dinner, complete with wine in crystal glasses or indulge in one of the numerous drinks the resort was popular for. Alas, Cara’s medication prevented her from trying any of the concoctions — but she promised herself once the pill bottles were empty — she’d sample every drink on the menu. It was a silly whim, perhaps, but being restricted in any way was foreign to her lifestyle. She had always been a free spirit — taking each day as it came — until her health became in jeopardy from over-working.

  They were seated at a table near a large window where they could look out over the beach. The sun was near setting and the horizon was ablaze with gold and magenta hues. A very beautiful contrast when compared to the deep blue of the Caribbean waters. The thought of a stroll on the beach suddenly came to Cara’s mind, but then she glanced across the table and locked gazes with Gabe. He had other ideas in mind, she realized. His blue gaze was smoldering with lust.

  “You look lovely,” he complimented, his gaze wafting over Cara’s strapless sundress.

  “Thank you,” she replied, wondering if the top of her dress revealed too much cleavage. His eyes were drinking her in, heating her skin with warmth that belied his touch.

  “After dinner, I’ll show you another relaxation technique,” he said in a low voice, a slanted smile gracing his lips.

  Cara’s heart skipped a beat. She could hardly wait, she admitted silently. She picked up her menu and began reading the entrees. Oysters were the featured item for the evening, but she doubted whether either of them needed additional sensual stimulus.

  They ordered steaks and carried on a friendly conversation until their food arrived. Cara hadn’t been kidding when she admitted to being ravenous. She ate every scrap on her plate and when the dessert cart came around, she ordered the tropical cheesecake.

  They had after-dinner coffee, and then Gabe invited her for a walk on the beach. The sun had dipped below the horizon and the new moon hung high overhead amid a placid field of twinkling stars.

  “It’s a night for lovers,” Gabe said, grasping Cara’s hand.

  Were they lovers? Cara wondered. Given the fact that they had just met earlier in the day, could they be considered lovers? Perhaps they were embarking on a short torrid love affair, she dared to think. Sex. Lust. Their association had all the earmarks of an affair. She glanced at him, illuminated in the soft white light of the moon and stars. He was, perhaps, the most handsome man she had ever met. And, to tell the truth, she had secretly been in love with him since her college days. But then that was only a girlhood crush, she decided. Love only blossomed when two people came together in real life.

  The sex with Gabe had been incredible, hot, lusty, a joining of two people in need of orgasm. She wondered — but chose not to ask — had it been as long for him as it had been for her? Had he gone without a woman — as long as she had gone without a man?

  That’s a silly thought, she admonished, smiling. She pulled her gaze away from Gabe and turned her eyes out over the ocean. It was quiet, lapping gently at the sandy beach. The moon shone on its rippling surface, accentuating the rolling whitecaps as they came gently ashore.

  The tug on her arm landed her in Gabe’s warm embrace. She snuggled against his chest, his fragrance that of expensive cologne and warm male flesh. She felt contentment foreign to her body, something she was unable to completely describe.

  His lips were warm pressing atop hers and his hands were gently gliding across her back. She gave her mouth over completely to his tending, relishing the care with which he bestowed his kisses. When he bid entry into her mouth with hi
s tongue, she eagerly opened her lips and welcomed him inside, meeting the tip of his tongue with her own. A dance of sorts ensued, with Cara poking her tongue into his mouth before the kiss ended.

  “I want you,” Gabe whispered against Cara’s lips. “I want to make love to you right here on the sand.”

  The thought of having sex again with him filled her with expectation of the highest kind. In the past she had never been able to get enough sex — to experience orgasm enough. Occasionally she wondered how she managed to work such long hours — especially when she was living with Ron — knowing there was a willing sexual partner waiting at home. In the end, she had simply realized she didn’t truly love Ron — not the way a woman should love a man in regards to lasting love.

  The thought of others walking along the beach perhaps, coming up on them as they were having sex, briefly ran through Cara’s mind. But then she quickly pushed the thought aside. Earlier that morning she had seen a couple fondling each other in the pool. The resort catered to adults only, she reminded herself, pushing aside her fears.

  The thought that they were indeed having an affair grew in her mind as she allowed Gabe to pull her along the beach to a small alcove where a number of large sandstone boulders lay. He tugged her behind one giant rock and pulled her into the circle of his arms.

  “Want to know a secret?” he asked in a low voice.

  “I love secrets,” she replied, raising her arms to encircle his neck.

  “I feel like a kid sneaking around to have sex.”

  Cara giggled, then silenced when he kissed her.

  She was burning with desire when he pulled his mouth away and began searching for the zipper on her dress. Finding it, he quickly lowered in, exposing Cara’s bare breasts to his eyes. His hands at once rose to cover them, his thumbs rubbing erotically on her nipples.

  Cara unbuttoned Gabe’s shirt and pushed the fabric aside so she could run her palms across his warm skin. A bevy of taut muscles lay just beneath the smoothness, flexing as her inspecting hands glided over them. A spray of dark hair lay across his chest and around his male nipples. Cara dipped her head and kissed one nipple tentatively, bringing a shiver from Gabe. Then, in the next moment, he clasped the back of her head and held her mouth against his nipple. She pulled the tiny nub between her lips, feeling it firm against her tongue.

  Her dress disappeared from her body in one swift movement, leaving her clad only in a red panties and white strappy sandals. She laughed softly and stepped out of her shoes, opening the way for Gabe to strip off her underwear. He rid her of the tiny panties almost as quickly as he had her dress, then he stripped out of his own clothes.

  The moonlight bathed their naked bodies, caressed the creamy smoothness of supple skin and lent an aura of seduction to their senses. Gabe dropped to his knees and pulled Cara’s hips to his mouth. He kissed her abdomen and poked his tongue into the hollow of her navel.

  Cara sucked in a quick breath and tangled her fingers in his thick hair, holding his head against her belly. His hands grasped her buttocks, his fingers inching along the rounded halves with inspecting ease. Soon she felt his fingers broach her rear orifice and was overcome with desire to spread her legs and feel his mouth on her crotch.

  He pushed her thighs apart with one hand and stroked her crotch with his fingers. Parting her hairy fleshy lips, he delved his tongue inside her delicate folds.

  “Oh Gabe!” Cara said in a breathy tone. She sucked in a deep breath as his mouth found her clitoris and sucked it between his lips. “Oh honey!”

  He sucked on her clit while his finger poked inside her rear orifice, sending her almost into orbit. She bucked her hips and urged him to play more while she clutched his head and pressed his face tighter into her crotch.

  Her breasts heaved on her chest. Her nipples were tight clusters, jutting forward. She brought one hand up to fondle one, needing to be touched, feeling on fire with desire.

  An orgasm began for her. Gabe’s mouth was sucking on her clit so wantonly and his finger was into her rear orifice up to his palm — she had never been brought to orgasm like that before and it was all too marvelous!

  “I’m having an orgasm, Gabe!” she whispered.

  He increased his sucking on her clit as she tangled her fingers in his hair in her fit of climax and gyrated her hips against his mouth and hands.

  * * * *

  Cara stretched and turned on her side. The bedroom was brightly lit from the sun shining in through the drapes she had not drawn at the window. She refused to open her eyes, content to lie still and contemplate the past several hours of her life.

  She had met — and had sex — with Gabe Collins — the one man in the whole world she idolized. He had come to her at the pool — and she had given in to her lust for him.

  Lust, she thought, trying to figure her motive for last night’s sex on the beach. Silly, she was her own person — she answered to no one, yet she had come to the island to rest, to regain a semblance of purpose in her life.

  Her eyes flickered open. She should call the office and check on things. Marie was capable of answering the phone and taking messages, but she didn’t have a clue about sending out any of the designers on a job. Leslie Miller was deep into the Crane project, a series of loft apartments on the east side; and Jean Elliott was almost finished with the Compton apartment, a short project that involved working with the clients to redo their residence. Jean was the newest addition to the Phillips Design Studio. She was fresh out of college and in need of guidance.

  Cara levered herself out of bed and reached for her cell phone. One quick call, and she’d put work out of her mind. She punched in the number and waited for Marie to pick up.

  “Phillips Design Studio,” Marie chirped into the receiver.

  “I’m calling for a report, Marie,” Cara informed her.

  “You’re supposed to be resting and recovering,” Marie reminded, her voice stern.

  Cara rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. If Marie only knew how hard it was to lie around and do nothing — she wouldn’t be yelling at her. She listened to the drone coming over the line, giving Marie the benefit befitting her age — she often took the mother-daughter side of things where Cara was concerned. She waited for Marie to pause in her reprimand, and then she asked again about business.

  Marie drew in a long breath. “Jean will finish up the initial design this week, and then when the client approves the recommendations, she’ll arrange for the construction — or whatever it will take.”

  Cara smiled and shook her head. Marie was trying hard to reassure her that all was well and she should get back to relaxing — or enjoying herself.

  “Everything is fine,” Marie continued. “And I have the number to the resort if I need to contact you.”

  Cara hung up the phone and headed to the shower. It was nearly impossible to get work out of her head.

  The telephone was ringing off the hook when Cara returned from her morning shower.

  “Good morning, sleepy head.”

  The husky voice caressed her ear and brought a wide grin to her face. Gabe was on the line. And after last night — well, she could still recall how his hands felt skimming across her bare skin, how his mouth felt pressed against her. And the orgasms had been absolutely incredible!

  “Come join me for breakfast, Cara. I’m downstairs in the restaurant.”

  Breakfast with Gabe. The thought sent her senses reeling. Last night wasn’t just a dream — or a sex romp on the beach with a handsome stranger. It had meant something to him, perhaps, as it had meant something to her.

  “I’ll be there as soon as I dress,” she said, pulling the towel from her body.

  “I’ll be waiting,” he said, and then hung up.

  Cara dressed quickly, pulling on white slacks and a red t-shirt, then stepped into her sandals. She grabbed her purse and cell phone and headed for the door, and then she realized she didn’t have a speck of makeup on her face. Rushing to the bathroom, she quickly
dabbed on red lipstick and a touch of mascara, and then she was momentarily startled by her own reflection in the mirror. For a moment she stood still and stared at herself. She looked rested already, she thought, turning her head from side to side.

  She giggled, a short burst of laughter that echoed around her in the large bathroom.

  “I have a sex glow,” she murmured, biting her bottom lip. She smoothed her fingertips across her right cheek, meeting her green gaze in the mirror. “Yeah,” she agreed, nodding her head. “I have Gabe to thank for this glowing look.”

  She saw him seated at a table for two mid-way in the restaurant, a cell phone held to his right ear, an assortment of papers on the table before him. He was working, maybe conferring about some multi-billion dollar building project somewhere in the world.

  A wave of utter sadness swept through her insides. She had only just found him — he couldn’t leave yet. She managed to contain the moan of regret that tried to inch up her throat. She shouldn’t have such thoughts about a man that must belong to the world — since his talents were displayed so lavishly in numerous countries.

  She warned herself against having such thoughts and crossed the room to slide into the chair opposite him. He made eye contact with her, and waved one hand for the waitress, without missing a word in his phone conversation.

  Cara ordered omelets for each of them, having gotten a nod of agreement when the waitress began to write. She served herself coffee and tried not to eavesdrop on his conversation, but after a couple of seconds she realized it was impossible not to overhear.

  Gabe was discussing a project with one of the foremen on the job and Cara’s idea that he would be leaving the island pretty soon, was reinforced. She tried to push aside the dejected feeling she harbored and turn her attention to the steaming cup of coffee sitting before her.

  It was almost five minutes later when Gabe got off the phone. By that time Cara had convinced herself that she was lucky to have spent any time at all with busy architect, Gabe Collins. She aimed her best smile at him when he closed the cover on his cell phone and turned his attention to her.


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