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Sex Page 4

by Jillian Dodd

  “I don’t even know what to say,” Dawson says. “It’s almost too much to take in.”

  “Oh, Dawson, look at this,” I say, after popping open the door that now joins this room to Ava’s bedroom. He saunters in, a big grin on his face when he sees that the room has been reconfigured. We’re now standing in a massive closet, complete with chandelier and rows of empty clothing racks. The walls are painted the same color as my closet, a soft peachy pink that flatters your skin. There are openings on all four sides of the closet. One leading back into the bunk room, another into a cozy study zone with a built-in desk and bookshelves, and a third into a room with a TV and beanbags. The forth opens into her bedroom, which is very grown-up looking in a color palette of soft pink, glittering gold, and a muted grey.

  Dawson doesn’t say anything, and I worry that he thinks it’s too mature. Or too much. Or just all wrong.

  “Thank you,” he says in a voice that is so raw and sincere, tears immediately fill my eyes. He rubs his hands down his face, wiping his eyes. “For doing this for us. Part of me is a little worried that this is too much luxury, but the other part of me feels like you’re their fairy godmother. And after all they went through maybe spoiling them a little isn’t such a bad thing.”

  “I think Peyton deserves the fairy godmother crown.” I wipe my tears. “I’m sorry I keep crying. I’m just so emotional about all this.”

  “What do you say we hit up that wine cellar and celebrate?”

  I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss him. “I think from now on, we’re going to celebrate every single day.”

  He whispers in my ear. “Which I’m pretty sure involves getting started on my list.”


  Vanessa’s Estate - Holmby Hills


  I’m packing up my belongings. I have a week off before I officially start my job at Asher Vineyards, but there’s really no reason to stay in L.A. It’s been well over twenty-four hours since I was put in car and sent home by Riley, so he could snuggle with Shelby. He told me that he was only going to be there to comfort her. That he wouldn’t have sex with her, but—and maybe it’s because my husband was a liar—I didn’t believe him. I could see the way she was manipulating him, playing on his emotions. I mean, part of his job is to determine whether or not someone is a good actor. How could he not see through Shelby?

  Or was the drama for me? If I hadn’t been there, would she have simply fell into his arms and then pulled him into her bed? She certainly looked different than the last time I saw her. Gone was the bleach blonde hair and slutty outfit, and in its place was a really beautiful woman. And the former cocktail waitress now has a Fendi bag?

  Which means Riley bought it for her.

  Does that mean he loves her?

  I shake my head, hoping to get those thoughts out of my brain.

  Grow up, Ariela. You aren’t seventeen and worried your drunk boyfriend is going to cheat on you. I’ll never forget that night. Riley and his brothers were upholding the Johnson brother reputation by flirting with every female standing at Homecoming, but it was okay. Our relationship was strong. We loved being together. Being with him never got old. And I never ever worried about him being with someone else. Never felt an ounce of jealousy. Until that night. We’d been dating for a year. His brothers had been feeding him shots. A beautiful, college-aged girl was very interested in him. And he was loving it.

  I stood there, tears filling my eyes, not knowing how to stop it.

  So I left. Went to the lacrosse field. Sat on the bleachers and cried. We’d spent so many incredible nights in that spot, it felt like a good place to mourn what I thought would be the end of our relationship.

  But Riley followed me. Begged for forgiveness. And told me that he’d never do anything to make me cry.

  And he never did.

  Until I came back here.

  Now it seems like all I want to do is cry when I think of Riley. Either because I’m so happy I can hardly believe it, or because the situation seems fucked up beyond belief.

  A line from the Keatyn Chronicles movie runs through my head. It was one that hit me when I was watching it. Keatyn’s mom told her that she couldn’t fully love anyone until she learned to love herself. I sat there in the darkened theater with Coffee Kyle holding my hand and knew that was my problem. I hadn’t loved myself for a long time.

  I shove the last of my clothes into a suitcase and slam it shut.

  When I throw my phone in my handbag, I notice the envelope. Thick creamy paper with my name sprawled across it in Keatyn’s elegant hand. She gave it to me after dinner, and with everything that has gone on since, I have yet to open it.

  I use a letter opener on the desk and find a note wrapped around a very large check.

  Keatyn and I hadn’t really talked about what she was going to pay me for the event, and this is above and beyond what I expected. The words written on the page draw me in.


  Thank you.

  That’s what I need to tell you.

  A million times thank you.

  For coming back into my life at just the right moment.

  For reviving a friendship I have missed so much.

  For creating an incredible wedding experience.

  I know this check is more than the fee you quoted me, but you earned every single penny. Every single detail of my wedding was perfection. Quite honestly, I don’t know how you did it. How you were able to take an afternoon of me telling you about what I thought I wanted my wedding to be like, and three weeks later turn it into what I just experienced.

  I wasn’t sure what to expect when I hired you, and it kind of reminds me of when we were back at Eastbrooke, when we jumped in with both feet because we didn’t know better. I hope you do that with your life now, Ariela.

  Jump in with both feet.


  I sit down slowly, thinking.

  That’s it. Today, I am going to do what I said I was going to do. Going back to Homecoming was healing for me. It helped me let some of the pain go. To remember the good times, not just the heartbreak. I know I need to do that here, too.

  I’m going to all the places that were special to Riley and me when we spent the summer here. I’m going to get over it and then jump into my new life and new job with both feet.

  I grab my phone and make a call.

  “What’s up, my beautiful boss?” Kyle asks.

  “What are you doing today?”

  “Maggie showed me our love nest, so I’m just here waiting for you to get back.”

  “Our love nest?”

  “Yes, we officially have an office here at Asher Vineyards.”

  I can’t help but smile. “Where is it?”

  “A loft above the tasting room. It’s cool. Lots of exposed brick and wood beams. They were using it for storage. She said we could decorate however we wanted to, but for now, I have a phone, a laptop, and a card table. Really all I need. The phone has been ringing off the hook. Mostly reporters wanting to know details about the wedding, but there are a lot of people who would like your services. Me being one of them.”

  “Kyle, seriously, you can’t sexually harass your boss.”

  “I want to do more than harass you,” he laughs. “But I saw you sneaking off with Riley. You still in bed with him?”

  “Uh, no. It’s a long story. What about you? Did you have fun at the wedding?”

  “Actually, I did. I met this amazing girl.”

  “What amazing girl?”

  “Her name is Avery. She just turned eighteen, but she doesn’t act like it. She’s kind of an old soul like me. Bummer that she lives in Malibu, because we talked all night. Usually I don’t talk much to the girls I—”

  “The girls you what? Tell me you didn’t sleep with Keatyn’s little sister?”

  “I was going to say the girls I meet at parties. Usually, it’s more of a hook-up situation. It was different with her. Whatever. She’s cool. We might b
e friends. You know the only one I want to hook up with is you. How are my odds?”

  “Honestly, they keep going up.”

  “Oh, that’s not good. What happened?”

  “Riley’s baby mama thought she was having a miscarriage, so Riley had to go back.”

  “And you just let him go?”

  “No, I told him I was going with him.”

  “Finally, the girl grows a set. Thank God.”

  “That’s what I thought, too. But it backfired. I was pissed. It showed. The baby mama was all damsel in distress, and Riley ate it up. I’m afraid he has feelings for her.”

  “Don’t confuse his feelings for the baby for feelings for her.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. I shouldn’t. But he also hasn’t called me since he put me in a cab at her hotel so that he could spend the night with her.”

  “Comforting or fucking?”

  “Supposedly comforting.”

  “I saw the way he looked at you, Ariela. The man is in love. Don’t let the baby mama ruin it for you. When Tom met Gisele, his ex was a few months pregnant. It all worked out for them. It will work out for you, too. And don’t be a pussy. Call him.”

  “Okay, maybe I will.”

  “So, what’s next for us? What do I tell all these people who want you to do their events? Also, you should know that I took so many selfies with celebrities that my phone is blowing up. My friends are mega jealous.”

  “What’s next for us is helping to build the ideal event space at the vineyard. And, on the side, we can take on a few events.”

  “Awesome. I’m going to research all these people’s net worth, and I’ll give you a list in order of who will probably pay us the most. I’m thinking I should get a cut.”

  “Just be thankful you’re not making coffee anymore.”

  “Hey, I liked making coffee, and I was good at it.”

  “Did you earn what I’m paying you?”

  “No, ma’am. I’ll shut up now. Hey, your phone is ringing again. When are you going to be back in your office?”

  I make a snap decision. “Wednesday.”

  After I hang up, I make another decision. I call Riley.

  “Hey, kitty,” he says, like he didn’t spend the night with the baby mama and forget to call me.

  “I hadn’t heard from you since, well, since,” my voice falters, but I take a deep breath and regain my strength. “And today is the day I’m going to do what I said. I’m going to all the places on the date that never ends. You had mentioned that you wanted to go with me, so I thought I would see if you were still interested in doing so,” I say, sounding almost like I’m confirming a business meeting.

  “I haven’t called you,” he says.

  “I know. I figured you were tied up.” Shit. Hopefully he wasn’t literally tied up with Shelby. No, get those thoughts out of your mind. He told you that he still loves you. Be confident. “I understand, Riley.”

  “Things didn’t go exactly as I expected them to when we got to Shelby’s.”

  “With me or with her?”

  “Either, I guess. Can we meet for breakfast? Talk. Then if you still want me to go with you, I will,” he says cryptically. My heart sinks. If he tells me he slept with her again, I will probably die. Literally in front of him. Die.

  And it’d probably serve me right.

  He gives me the name of a restaurant near his office, but I say, “No. We’re going to the Omelette. That’s where we went back then. It’s where I’m having breakfast today. You can join me there if you’d like.”

  “Uh, okay,” he says. “See you shortly.”

  I put my fists together in the air like a champ. Because I kind of feel like one right now. I have to start standing up for me.

  Triplets. And no, we’re not talking about the newly legal ones.

  Well, people.

  My heart is pounding, and I’m slightly out of breath as I write this.

  Just today, I got some incredible news. If you recall, I not only predicted a quickie wedding, I was the first to notice Keatyn’s baby bump and her enhanced figure. (This was just seven short days ago!)

  I’d like to say it was my top-notch investigative reporting, or my ability to grind on the rumor mill, but in this case, it seems the sources themselves did it. Somehow, though, it was kept quiet. You’d think wedding guests would have been tweeting and talking it about it non-stop. Because THIS IS BIG!

  (As big as Keatyn soon will be!)

  Keatyn is indeed knocked up, and get this—she’s having triplets!

  So picture the scene. Keatyn and Aiden have surprised their guests with a wedding. You’ve had a few spiked lemonades too many, and you’re on the dance floor grinding against some hottie and from atop a Ferris wheel the groom cries out, “Triplets. Triplets. We’re having triplets!”

  Now we understand the need for the quickie wedding.

  Still no word on who the baby daddy is. My money is still on Knox. But based on Aiden’s excitement, rumor has it that Aiden is the baby daddy.

  Speaking of Knox, I will be excusing myself early today to stalk the places he likes to frequent. I’d like to help that man drown his sorrows. (And it may involve letting him put his p in my v.)

  What? I can feel your judgment through the page. You know you totally would, too, if the opportunity presented itself.

  And I’m off!

  The Omelette - Santa Monica


  I spy Ariela the second I walk into the restaurant. She’s wearing a little blue dress similar to the one she wore on that day so long ago. I can still picture it fluttering around her legs as she ran through the waves. Back when things were easy. When love was enough.

  Until it wasn’t.

  She looks up from the newspaper she’s reading and smiles, causing my heart to soar. But I can’t let it. I take a seat across from her. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, yourself. So, we might as well get straight into it. Tell me what happened with Shelby after I left.”

  “Before I do that, I just have to say I was really disappointed in how you treated her.”

  “How I treated her? Are you kidding me? Do you not see how she is manipulating you?”

  “Manipulating me? She thought she was losing our baby. She got robbed. How was she supposed to act?”

  A waitress stands next to our table, ready to take our order. I order quickly for both of us just so the waitress will leave us alone.

  “I don’t know,” Ariela says quietly, looking like she’s going to cry. “I’m sorry, Riley. I just can’t shake the feeling that she’s using you.”

  “How would you feel if you were in her shoes?”

  “If I were pregnant with your child? I’d be thrilled.”

  “No, if you met someone at a bar, went out a few times, used condoms every time, had stopped seeing each other and then found out you were pregnant.”

  She shakes her head. “I’m not sure. I guess it depends on the guy. I guess Shelby got lucky in that regard. You’re a good guy.”

  “Would you want me not to be?”

  “No.” She sighs. “I have baggage, Riley. My husband cheated on me. I didn’t trust him.”

  “I’m not him,” I say simply.

  “I know, but when I was there with you and Shelby, all my insecurities came back. It was hard watching you hug her.”

  “Imagine what it felt like for me to see you kissing your husband, looking like you’d just had sex, after you told me it was over.”

  She reaches across the table and takes my hand. “I’m sorry for that.”

  “You blamed me for jumping to the wrong conclusion, for not giving you a chance to explain, but I feel like you don’t want to talk about Shelby. You never ask about her. You haven’t asked when she’s due. How she’s feeling. What I’m feeling. You say you’ll love me and the baby, but based on what happened at the hotel, I just can’t imagine that working out.”

  “You don’t think we’ll work out?” she as
ks, looking crushed. “But at the wedding . . .”

  “At the wedding my life hadn’t interfered.”

  “What will you do if my ex tries to interfere?”

  “Next time, I won’t leave,” I grumble.

  “It’s weird, isn’t it?” she whispers. “That both of us feel so jealous right now. We never were that way in high school. We trusted each other completely.”

  “Yeah, well, that was before.”

  “At the wedding, you said we could start on a level playing field, but I’m not sure that’s possible. Our field isn’t level. And that’s my fault.”

  “I thought we decided we are both to blame?”

  “I would love to start over with you, Riley. Do you think we can do that?”

  “I hope so,” I admit just as our breakfast is served.

  Once our food is laid out in front of us, she says, “You never told me what happened after I left.”

  “She snuggled into my chest and went to sleep.”

  “And that’s it?”

  I give her a hard stare and tap my foot on the ground. “Either you believe me or you don’t. If you don’t, there’s no reason for us to even continue. I’m going to be spending time with her.” She doesn’t respond right away, so I dig into my food. I worked out early this morning and am starved. Ariela picks at her food, pushing it around on her plate.

  “Are you having sex with her? Have you since you found out she was pregnant?”

  “Yes, I have. I’m single, Ariela. I can have sex with whoever I want.”

  “Do you not want to be in a monogamous relationship with me?”

  “I’m not opposed to it, but we’ve never discussed it. After we slept together that night I went to talk to you, I didn’t want to sleep with anyone ever again in my life. But a lot has happened since then.”


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