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Dead Man Code: A Jarvis Mann Detective Novel

Page 25

by R Weir

  Logan moved on, standing and waiting for a bellhop to arrive. I jumped to the counter to speak.

  “I’m wondering if Tess Border is working today.”

  “Yes. She is four stations down. Blonde hair in pony-tail.”

  I said “thanks” and I slid down to her location. She was finishing up with a South American couple, who didn’t appear to speak very good English. It was a struggle but she finally finished up with them. She smiled at me as I took their place.

  “Tess Border,” I asked.

  “Yes. How can I help you?”

  “We have a mutual friend, Kimo Torres.”

  “You must be Jarvis.”

  “I am. Mentioned you could assist me. He also mentioned you were beautiful and took his breath away when you are together. I can see why.”

  I left the part out about her physical prowess, yet she blushed at the words.

  “Kimo is a doll. We always have a good time together.”

  “Can you help me?”

  “For Kimo, I would do anything. What are you looking for?”

  “Room numbers for Logan Albers. Staying in the Octavius Tower. Has two rooms with two other guests coming. A Ms. Sun and Mr. Pittman.”

  She typed away on her keyboard, retrieving the info and giving me the room numbers.

  “Do you have the first names of his guests?” I asked.

  “Miya Sun and Liam Pittman. Shows they haven’t checked in yet.”

  “Anything else you can tell me about their stay?”

  “Both Miya and Liam have pool time scheduled for this afternoon and tomorrow morning. They’ve reserved a shaded cabana between the Fortuna and Venus Pools. Fortuna being the adults’ only pool. Logan has reserved a seat in the Poker Room for tonight and tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Any open Cabanas next to them?”

  “No, they are all full.”

  “Any chance of double-booking in theirs?”

  “Are you planning on causing a scene? If so, security will come down hard on you.”

  “Not at all. It will give me an opening to talk with them. Use my charm.”

  Her eyes met mine, with a hint of intrigue.

  “Does your charm always work?”

  “I have a good track record. Though it’s not a hundred percent effective.”

  “From what I’ve seen so far, it would work on me.”

  “Thank you,” I said with a chuckle. “The percentages often are lower with the ladies. Any chance you can text me when Miya and Liam show up?”

  “Sure. What is your number?”

  I handed over one of my business cards.

  “Not the first private detective I’ve met. You are not like the others I’ve seen.”

  “Hopefully I’m better.”

  “You are. The others seemed sleazy. You at least are easy on the eyes. And charming!”

  “So are you. Can you do me one more favor?”

  “Will I need to smoke a cigarette afterwards?”

  I laughed and then handed her my room card and some money.

  “Nothing that physical. I read on the Internet that if you hand a twenty-dollar bill to the guest services person, they will upgrade you to a better room. Any chance of a better room in the Octavius Tower near these folks?”

  “Is your current room not up to standards?” she asked.

  “Not what I was expecting. I was pretty disappointed.”

  “I will see what I can do.”

  She pocketed the money and then typed away. She was able to get me a nice room just down the hall from where they were staying. A definite upgrade. She made me a new set of room keys and handed them over.

  “I see here listed a Mrs. Mann. Too bad, though, I don’t see a ring on your finger. I’d ask you for a drink later if you weren’t tied up detecting.”

  “I’m sorry to say, yes. Though she hasn’t arrived yet. Home taking care of a sick child. My ring is tucked away safe when I’m working. That way it doesn’t distract the ladies from my charms.”

  “A shame. Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Mann?”

  I reached out my hand and she slowly shook it.

  “Have Kimo take you to a nice dinner the next time you get together. It is on me. Sky’s the limit. Though in Vegas the sky is pretty high.”

  She laughed while handing me her card. “If you need anything else, let me know. I will help however I can. If the wife fails to show up, give me a call if you need some company. I always enjoy charm over drinks.”

  I walked away happy I had some inside help, and another offer of companionship. I’d never do that to Kimo, especially since he carried a gun. But it was always nice to be asked.

  The Forum Food Court was close by so I grabbed a late lunch, found an open seat and waited. The place was loud and crowded, but that seemed the norm for the entire facility. Looking around I saw the melting pot of people, walking by, from all over the world. Most dressed casually, enjoying the good life. Being away from the hard work and horrors on the outside. It was a paradise of sorts. Most would lose money at the gaming tables and slot machines, but wouldn’t care. A small portion would go home a winner, having been the lucky one to hit a payoff. As I finished off my burger and fries a text came in. Logan’s guests were checking in.

  I headed back to the lobby near the check-in counters, hoping to spot them. If they were to head straight to their rooms, I should be able to narrow it down, since I knew the direction and floor they were taking. In about five minutes I saw what I thought was them. A smallish Asian woman, about 5’ 5”, holding hands with a six-foot or so tall white man. Both were about the age I was looking for. Late teens and early twenties. I took a couple of snapshots of them with my phone for reference later. They headed down the long hallway towards the Octavius Tower elevators. I had scoped out the various paths the day before and this morning, so I knew my way around. I kept my distance, though close enough that when we got to the elevators I jumped on with them. They pressed the button for the floor I was expecting, while I pressed the one above them. There were two other people riding up, so they didn’t pay me any mind. After they got off, I did the same on the next floor and then walked the stairs down one level. I strolled down the huge hallway, passing both rooms. I knew who I was after, so now I had to put the rest of my strategy in motion. Since they planned to go swimming in a couple hours, I would head towards the Venus Pool as well. I had packed some swimming trucks, fortunately, so I was prepared. So I took the elevator back to the main level and made the trek to my room in the Palace Tower, to pack and move on to my upgraded accommodations. I would be sleeping among the kings and queens tonight.

  Chapter 54

  Since I knew what time they planned on going to the pool, I listened at the door of my new room and could hear and see them leave as they walked past on the way to the elevator. I gave them about twenty minutes and headed down myself, in my red, white and blue swimming trunks, clean yellow Dri-Fit shirt and tan sandals. I had lathered up with some sunscreen and soon was outside, marveling at the extraordinary liquid facilities before me.

  The Garden of the Gods Pool Oasis is a series of different pools. As with the hotel it keeps the Roman theme, with statues, pillars, and sights and sounds of water fountains everywhere. Around the outer edge there were a few palm trees and a garden. The pool area was pretty crowded, though not overwhelming. Most of the blue crushed velvet padded lounges were taken. Bikini-clad women laying out, working on their tans. Most of the men, thankfully, were wearing loose trunks. I saw only a couple of Speedo-clad gentlemen, which my senses automatically averted. I went over to the Cabana, ready for the confrontation. I walked in and saw the two of them relaxing, still holding hands.

  “Oh my,” I said. “It looks like you are in my cabana. I have a reservation.”

  “Are you certain you have the correct one?” said Liam, who stood up and walked over.


  I showed him the paperwork Tess had given me. He pulled out his o
wn and showed it to me.

  “It looks as if they double-booked us,” I said.

  “Yes, it does. Let me go and see if I can straighten this out,” said Liam. “I will be right back.”

  I smiled at Miya. She was wearing a skimpy flowery bikini, covering just enough of her body to be legal. She smiled back at me. Now time for the charm.

  “I’m so sorry about this,” I said. “I feel terrible this happened.”

  “Not your fault,” said Miya. “I’m sure he can get it straightened out. We come here pretty often.”

  “I haven’t been here before. Just wanted to stay out of the sun when I wasn’t in the water. I worry about skin cancer.”

  “Put on enough sunscreen and you’ll be fine”

  “SPF 80 in my pocket. Hopefully it will do the job. I’m Jarvis, by the way.”

  “I’m Miya. And that was Liam.”

  “Are you two here on business or pleasure?”

  “Pleasure,” she said with a joyous grin.

  “Are you two married?” I asked.

  “No, just close friends. We enjoy each other’s company and companionship. What about you? Are you here for business or pleasure?”

  “Some business, but mostly pleasure. Though I’m alone for now. I hope before the weekend is over I can hook up with someone. Any thoughts on where to meet people here?”

  “I’d try the Seahorse Lounge. A good-looking guy like you shouldn’t have any problem.”

  Liam returned, with the bad news.

  “Well they are all booked. So they said they’d refund both of our monies. Says it happens sometimes. We can share it or one of us will have to do without.”

  “You two can go ahead,” I said. “You are a cute couple, who seem to be enjoying yourselves. I will take one of these lounges here and keep myself covered up when I’m not in the water. Sorry to be a bother.”

  “Not a problem,” said Liam. “Enjoy the rest of your day.”

  Miya grabbed Liam by the arm and looked deep into his eyes, as if to speak telepathically.

  “Oh, Liam, can’t Jarvis join us. There is plenty of room. He seems like a pleasant person. And he is worried about being in the sun too much. You never know, we could become friends.”

  Liam looked over at me, seeming to size me up. I used my overwhelming and charming smile to seal the deal.

  “I suppose it would be OK.”

  “Sure it would,” said Miya. “We’ve been talking, and Jarvis is looking to meet someone this weekend. Maybe we can help him find that special man or woman. I suggested the Seahorse Lounge.”

  “Yes, there are plenty of single people there. You shouldn’t have any problems. Are you married, Jarvis?”

  I hesitated.

  “No comment.”

  “Looking for a little something on the side,” said Liam.

  Stalling to answer, I did my best to blush, as if embarrassed by why I was truly there.

  “I’d say different. Hoping to experience life in new ways. I came to Sin City to see if the label was true.”

  “We sin here quite often, don’t we, Liam.”

  “Yes, we do. A little drink, a little smoke and then we stroke.”

  We all laughed at his humor. I was making headway, which was good.

  “Do you gamble?” I asked of both of them.

  “No,” said Liam.

  “I like to shop,” said Miya. “Liam helps me pick out some clothes to wear and then not wear.”

  “I hear there is a Victoria’s Secret here,” I said.

  “Yes, my favorite. I always go there to find something new.”

  “Maybe I should go with you and find something for…the little lady. In case I’m bad here, I can get her something to ease my conscience.”

  “I think jewelry would be better. Plenty of options there, too, at the Forum shops. But I always like another man’s point of view on my sexy apparel.”

  “We can both help each other. What about you, Liam? What can you help me with?”

  Liam sized me up again. I was auditioning, it would seem, for them. So far the part I was playing was working.

  “Time will tell. But I’m certain I can think of something.”

  “Well, time for a swim.”

  I peeled off my shirt. I wasn’t Adonis, but I was in good shape, and would only appeal to them more, once they’d seen additional skin. I headed for the water and hopped in. It wasn’t really deep enough for a hard swim so I just floated around. The water felt warm from the heat of the sun. I looked back and saw them talking, all the time watching me. I had made progress; the seduction had begun.

  Chapter 55

  We were the best of pals when our time at the pool ended. They invited me to dinner, with a friend, but I declined. I figured it was Logan and couldn’t take the chance he’d recognize me, so I made up the excuse that I had a previous engagement with a potential client. So we agreed to meet at around seven at the Forum Shops, since their friend was going to enjoy some poker. So we’d do a little shopping, assist each other in some purchases, and afterwards maybe head to the Seahorse Lounge.

  I returned to my room and changed into some workout clothes and headed to the hotel gym. It was huge, like everything else at Caesar’s. I found the nautilus equipment and treadmills were excellent and pushed myself hard. Once done I was back in my room and sat in the jetted tub to ease my soreness and relax, before getting dressed and making the long trek to the Forum Shops that was on the far end of the Palace property.

  I had not shared with Miya and Liam that we were staying on the same floor or even the same tower. So I did my best to avoid them, trying to leave after them or taking the stairs. We had said we would meet up at the south end entrance near the Colosseum, where all the concerts were held. I was early, so I took a seat and waited, reading about world events and sports on my phone. Football was in preseason mode, while baseball was in the home stretch of their regular season. I thought of Dennis Gash and his last year of high school football, and hoped he got the scholarship he deserved. People of all ages passed me by while I waited. I was wearing shorts and a tank top, along with my Nike running shoes. I was looking good for my approaching new friends, who I stood up to greet. Miya was wearing a short flowered skirt and halter top to match. Liam was in shorts and a polo. Both smelled of perfume and cologne, with just a whiff of marijuana smoke and alcohol. Each looked a little glassy eyed as well, but happy to see me. Miya even hugged me, and I could feel her braless chest and hard nipples pointing into my stomach. I was glad he didn’t hug me, as who knows what hardness I’d feel from him.

  “I’ve got my credit card. How about you?” said Miya.

  “My plastic is ready to go,” I replied.

  And we were off. The Forums area was as big as any mall I’d ever been in before. There were sections that were three levels high, with spiral escalators to glide you up and down. Roman statues, pillars, and artwork were everywhere. Others sections were only a single level, with a blue sky ceiling. The shops ranged from common, like Apple, Gap and Nike, to the high end like Armani, Gucci and Versace. In some of the stores my credit limit probably wasn’t high enough to buy anything. Which was OK, as I had no intentions of splurging. Just acting like I was. Miya had us heading straight to Tiffany & Co. She was determined to find me the perfect jewelry for my wife back home, who didn’t exist. Where was she when I needed to buy something for Melissa?

  “Here is a beautiful necklace she’d enjoy,” said Miya, pointing through the thick glass case.

  “Ten thousand,” I replied. “A little out of my price range, unless we can haggle them down on the price about ninety percent.”

  The sales lady shook her head. “Don’t have that much mark-up.”

  After looking around some more, Miya found something else.

  “How about these diamond earrings?”

  “Still twenty-five hundred. Not sure I even have that much limit left on my card after this trip.”

  She was determined, but c
ouldn’t find anything, as everything was over a thousand that appealed to her.

  “We’ll keep looking.”

  Which we did, going up and down the Forum shopping area. When we hit the Victoria’s Secret & Pink shop, Miya turned her attention to herself. Going from rack to rack, she found a couple of sheer teddies and held them up to her body.

  “What do you think,” she asked of Liam and myself.

  “Fabulous,” answered Liam.

  “Hot,” I replied. “Try it on and see what you think.”

  “Care to join me in the dressing room?” she said.

  “Tempting. Though I’m sure they have cameras in there.”

  “All the better. Liam has been in there with me on many occasions. It is quite a rush.”

  “I’m not good in public. But behind closed doors, and I could give it go.”

  “You might get your wish. Let me try these on.”

  She went into the dressing room, alone. While in there Liam walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

  “You realize she is hot for you,” he said.

  “I’m getting that impression. Hopefully you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. I don’t mind sharing. Could be a good time for all of us, if you know what I mean.”

  “I think so. Though I’ve never had a three-way before. I might need a little help.”

  “We have lots of help back at our room. Weed, pills, alcohol. All the right stuff to get you in the mood. Are you interested?”

  “I’d be willing to come up and see what develops. I’d even enjoy watching you two. It would be like live porn.”

  He put his arm around me now.

  “She is a wild one, too. Nothing she won’t do. We can demonstrate and see if you’d care to jump in.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  Liam walked over to the dressing room door and knocked. Miya opened it and he stepped in. About ten minutes later they both came out, her hair a little bit messy now. She walked over to the sales desk and threw down her credit card. Liam adjusted himself as he walked over to me.


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