Henry VIII

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by Alison Weir

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  The Lisle Letters (6 vols., ed. Muriel St. Clair Byrne, London and Chicago, 1981).

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  Loke, W. An Account of Materials Furnished for the Use of Queen Anne Boleyn and the Princess Elizabeth (ed. J. B. Heath, London, 1862–1863).

  Loseley MSS. (Guildford Muniment Room).

  The Lumley Inventories (ed. Lionel Cust, Walpole Society, vol. 6, 1917–1918).

  Lupset, Thomas. The Life and Works of Thomas Lupset (ed. John Archer Gee, New Haven, 1928).

  Lyly, John. Complete Works (ed. R. Warwick Bond, Oxford, 1902).

  Mander, Karel van. Lives of the Netherlandish and German Painters (extracted from the first edition of the Schilderboek of 1603–1604; ed. Hessel Miedema, Doornspijk, 1994).

  The Manner of the Triumph at Calais and Boulogne (Wynkyn de Worde, London, 1532; in Tudor Tracts, ed. A. F. Pollard, London, 1903).

  Maps and Plans from Mediaeval England (ed. P.D.A. Harvey and R. A. Skelton, Oxford, 1986).

  The Maps and Text of the “Book of Idrography” presented by Jean Rotz to Henry VIII (ed. Helen Wallis, Roxburghe Club, Oxford, 1981).

  Materials for a History of the Reign of Henry VII (2 vols., ed. Campbell, Rolls Series, London, 1873).

  Memoir of Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond (ed. John Gough Nichols, Camden Miscellany, 3, Camden Society, 61, 1855).

  Les Memoires de Martin et Guillaume du Bellay avec les mémoires du Maréchal de Fleuranges et le journal de Louise de Savoye (7 vols., Paris, 1753).

  Memoires de Martin et Guillaume du Bellay de plusieurs choses avenues au royaume de France depuis MDXIII jusques au trèpas du roy François premier (Paris, 1569; 4 vols., ed. V. L. Bourilly and F. Vindry, Société de l’Histoire de France, Paris, 1908–1919).

  Memoirs of Henry the Eighth of England (ed. H. Herbert, New York, 1860).

  Memoirs of Several Ladies of Great Britain who have been Celebrated for their Writings (Oxford, 1775).

  Memorials of Archbishop Cranmer (3 vols., ed. John Strype, Oxford, 1854).

  Memorials of King Henry VII (2 vols., ed. James Gairdner, Rolls Series, London, 1858).

  Milles, T. Catalogue of Honour (London, 1610).

  Miscellaneous Antiquities, or a Collection of Curious Papers (ed. Horace Walpole, Strawberry Hill, 1772).

  Monarchs and the Muse (ed. Sally Purcell, Oxford, 1972).

  More, Sir Thomas. The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More (ed. Elizabeth Frances Rogers, Princeton, 1947).

  More, Sir Thomas. English Works (London, 1557; 2 vols., ed. W. E. Campbell and A. W. Reed, London, 1931).

  More, Sir Thomas. Utopia (Louvain, 1516; Oxford, 1551; tr. Ralph Robinson, London, 1556; ed. Edward Arber, London, 1869).

  Narrative of the Visit of the Duke of Najera to England in the Year 1543–1544, written by his Secretary, Pedro de Gante ( Archaeologia 23, 1831).

  Narratives of the Days of the Reformation, chiefly from the Manuscripts of John Foxe, the Martyrologist (ed. John Gough Nichols, Camden Society, 77, London, 1859).

  Newcastle MSS. (Nottingham University Library).

  The Noble Triumphant Coronation of Queen Anne, wife upon the Most Noble King Henry the VIII (Wynkyn de Worde, London, 1533; ed. A.F. Pollard in Tudor Tracts, London, 1903).

  Nottingham University Library MSS.

  Nucius, Nicander. The Second Book of the Travels (ed. J. A. Cramer, Camden Society, London, 1841).

  Original Documents relating to Queen Katherine of Aragon (The Gentleman’s Magazine, New Series, 42, 1854).

  Original Letters illustrative of English History (11 vols. in 3 series, ed. Sir Henry Ellis, London, 1824 (1st series, 3 vols.), 1827 (2nd series, 4 vols.) and 1846 (3rd series, 3 vols.)).

  Original Letters relative to the English Reformation, written during the reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI and Queen Mary: chiefly from the Archives at Zürich (2 vols., ed. Rev. Hastings Robinson, Parker Society, Cambridge, 1846–1847, London, 1856).

  The Paget Letters (Northampton Record Society).

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  Parker, Matthew. Correspondence of Matthew Parker, DD, 1535–1575 (ed. John Bruce and Thomas T. Perowne, Parker Society, Cambridge, 1853).

  Parr, Katherine. The Lamentation, or Complaint, of a Sinner, made by the most virtuous and right gracious Lady, Queen Katherine, bewailing the Ignorance of her blind life, led in Superstition; very profitable to the Amendment of our Lives (Harleian Miscellany 5, 1810).

  Platter, Thomas. Travels of England (London, 1599).

  The Private Lives of the Tudor Monarchs (ed. Christopher Falkus, The Folio Society, London, 1974).

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  The Privy Purse Expenses of King Henry the Eighth from November MDXIX to December MDXXXII (ed. Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas, London, 1827).

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  The Register of the Most Noble Order of the Garter (2 vols., ed. J. Anstis, London, 1724).

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  A Relation, or rather a True Account of the Island of England; with sundry particulars of the customs of these people . . . about the year 1500 (tr. Charlotte Augusta Sneyd, Camden Society, Old Series, 37, London, 1847).

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  Rowley, Samuel. When You See Me, You Know Me (1605; Old English Drama Facsimile Edition, 1912).

  Royal MSS. (British Library).

  Royal Wills (Public Record Office).

  Rutland MSS. (Historical Manuscripts Commission, 1888).

  The Rutland Papers: Original Documents illustrating the Courts and Times of Henry VII and Henry VIII, selected from the private archives of His Grace the Duke of Rutland (ed. William Jordan, Camden Society, Old Series, 21, London, 1842).

  Rymer, Thomas, ed. Foedera, Conventiones, Litterae et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica, inter Reges Angllae, etc. (20 vols., London, 1727–1735; 10 vols., The Hague, 1739–1745; ed. T. Hardy, Records Commissioners, London, 1816–1869).

  Sadler, Sir Ralph. The State Papers and Letters (2 vols., ed. A. Clifford, Edinburgh, 1809).

nder, Nicholas. De Origine ac Progressu Schismatis Anglicani: The Rise and Growth of the Anglican Schism (Rome, 1585; tr. and ed. David Lewis, London, 1877).

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  Scaino, Antonio. Trattato del Giuoco Della Palla di Messer (1553; ed. W. W. Kershaw, London, 1951).

  The Seymour Papers, 1532–1686: Report on the Manuscripts of the Most Honourable the Marquess of Bath preserved at Longleat, IV (ed. M. Blatcher, Historical Manuscripts Commission, London, 1968).

  A Short Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of English Books Printed Abroad, 1475–1640 (ed. A. W. Pollard and G. R. Red-grave; rev. W. A. Jackson and F. S. Ferguson, London, 1976).

  Signature by Stamp Documents (Public Record Office).

  Silver Poets of the Sixteenth Century (ed. Gerald Bullett, London, 1966).

  Skelton, John. The Complete Poems of John Skelton, Laureate (ed. Philip Henderson, London, 1931; rev. ed. London, 1948).

  Skelton, John. Magnificence (ed. P. Neuss, Manchester, 1980; also in Four Morality Plays, ed. P. Happe, London, 1987).

  Skelton, John. The Poetical Works of John Skelton (2 vols., ed. Alexander Dyce, London, 1843).

  Skelton, John. Skelton’s Speculum Principis (ed. F. M. Salter, Speculum 9, 1934). Sloane MSS. (British Library).

  Songs, Ballads and Instrumental Pieces composed by King Henry the Eighth etc. (reproduced from British Museum MS. 31922 for the Roxburghe Club; collated, edited, and arranged by Lady Mary Trefusis, Oxford, 1912).

  Stapleton, Thomas. Vita Thomas Mori: The Life and Illustrious Martyrdom of Sir Thomas More (1588; tr. P. E. Hallett, London, 1928).

  Starkey, Thomas. England in the Reign of Henry VIII, part 1: Starkey’s Life and Letters (ed. Sidney J. Herrtage, Early English Texts Society, Extra Series, 32, London, 1878).

  State Papers of Henry VIII (Public Record Office).

  State Papers of the Reign of Henry VIII (11 vols. published under the authority of His Majesty’s Records Commissioners, London, 1830–1852).

  Statutes of the Realm (11 vols., ed. A. Luders et al., published under the authority of His Majesty’s Records Commissioners, London, 1810–1828).

  Stow, John. The Annals of England, or A General Chronicle of England (London, 1592; ed. E. Howes, London, 1631).

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  Strype, John, ed. Ecclesiastical Memorials . . . of the Church of England under King Henry VIII (3 vols., London, 1721–1733, and in his Works, 6 vols., Oxford, 1820–1840).

  Taylor, John. The Praise of the Needle (London, 1634).

  Thomas, William. The Pilgrim: A Dialogue on the Life and Actions of King Henry the Eighth (c. 1546–1547; ed. James Anthony Froude, London, 1861).

  Three Inventories of the Years 1542, 1547 and 1549–1550 of Pictures in the Collections of Henry VIII and Edward VI (ed. W. A. Shaw, London, 1937).

  Tottel, Richard, ed. Tottel’s Miscellany: Songs and Sonnets by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder, Nicholas Grimald and Uncertain Authors (London, 1557; ed. Edward Arber, English Reprints, 1870, Westminster, 1903; ed. Hyder E. Rollins, Cambridge, Mass., 1965).

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  Wriothesley, Charles, Windsor Herald. A Chronicle of England during the Reigns of the Tudors from AD 1485 to 1559 (London, 1581; 2 vols., ed. William Douglas Hamilton, Camden Society, New Series, 11, 20, 1875, 1877).

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