Absolving His Sins: Trident Security Book 7

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Absolving His Sins: Trident Security Book 7 Page 12

by Samantha A. Cole

  Cracking open the bottle of water he was still holding, he guzzled half of it. The liquid quenched his parched throat. Getting himself back into mission mode, he took a seat in the recliner, trying to ignore the way she sat on the couch and crossed those long legs of hers. “First things first. What questions do you have about the lifestyle? I need you to not be shocked at what you’ll see tonight. There’s going to be people walking around half or almost completely naked. Spankings and floggings. Fucking in public. Some public humiliation. Women and men being submissive to the Doms. You have to remember, this is all consensual. There are dungeon masters who will intervene with a scene or negotiation if needed. They keep an eye on everything.

  “Don’t be surprised if you have both sexes coming up to you, dropping to their knees, begging you to scene with them—especially with how you’re rocking that outfit. Damn, woman.” He took another much needed mouthful of water. “Can you handle that? Any questions?”

  Jordyn took a deep breath. He could see she was getting herself into the frame of mind needed to portray the character she was about to display to a large crowd of people. “I have a few questions. I found a lot on that site, but reading something and experiencing it are two different things.”

  “Absolutely. Ask away.”

  Swinging her foot, she said, “I’m still not sure about this whole thing. How is this not abuse, Carter? I mean, caning and flogging someone? I can’t understand how that’s consensual. Public humiliation? Seriously? And don’t get me started on the fucking body fluids play!”

  “Well, you’ll be happy to hear body fluid play is on my hard limit list. Turns me off.” He sighed, trying to figure out how to make her understand the lifestyle he loved. “Sweetheart, not everyone is wired the same way. That’s nothing new to you. It’s how you’re able to analyze a target and figure out the best way to fool them to get what you need out of them. Think of it this way—some people like horror flicks and some hate them. Coke or Pepsi. Love coffee, hate it. Flowers and candy, or a new sniper rifle. Everyone has different likes and dislikes, that’s what makes everyone unique. And everyone has their own kinks. There are things you like to do that turn you on, but they aren’t the same things that turn someone else on.” Putting his water on the table next to him, he sat back and tapped his thigh. “Come here.”

  Jordyn froze. “What do you mean, ‘come here’?”

  “Come lay across my lap, face down—I want to show you something.”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, asshole.” She crossed her arms and glared at him. “You want to try and seduce me when you’ve got a wife or lover and a kid you neglected to tell me about. Fucking classy. Well, it’s not going to fucking happen.”

  Carter shook his head, total confusion on his face. “What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t have a wife and kid. Where’d you get the idea I did?”

  “I heard you talking to her—your ‘favorite lady’—on the phone in Scotland. ‘I love you, too, sweetheart. Give my boy a kiss and a hug from me. I’ll call you when I land in D.C.’”

  Whatever response she’d expected from Carter wasn’t what she got. He began roaring with laughter, just as he’d done downstairs in the garage when she’d told him he was a perverted woman abuser. He threw his head back and rolled it from side to side against the brown leather of the recliner. “Oh, Jordy, Jordy, Jordy. What am I going to do with you, love? You are so entertaining . . . and misinformed.” He lifted his head and his amused gaze met her pissed off one. “I do not . . . repeat . . . do not have a wife and son—or a daughter for that matter—no kids, no woman waiting for me in the wings. Vicki is my foster sister. Justin is her son—my nephew.”

  Her jaw dropped. “Y-you have family? They know you’re alive?”

  He knew what she was thinking—that was unheard of in Deimos. The black operatives had all “died” in their former lives. Their friends and family, if they’d had any at the time, visited empty graves. It sucked, but was necessary to keep everyone safe. The only reason Carter’s sister knew he was alive was because she’d spotted him when he’d been checking up on her—something that had earned him a figurative ass-kicking from his boss afterward.

  “Yes, I have family, but it’s only Justin, Vicki, and her husband Joe—and I’m sure you understand why I’ve never mentioned them before. Gene is the only person who can connect them to me. But I’ll tell you about them some other time—we’re veering off the subject, and I need you to understand what I’m trying to say about the lifestyle if you’re going to be convincing down in the club tonight.”

  Taking a deep breath, he let it out slowly, trying to get back into the frame of mind he needed to be in—Dom mode. He lowered his voice. “Please, come here and lay across my lap. I promise, I’m not going to do anything to hurt or humiliate you. I want to prove a point, nothing more. If you say the word red—your safeword—I’ll let you stand immediately.” He was taking a huge chance here, but if they were ever going to get past the elephant in the room, he had to do this. “Please, Jordy. Trust me to show you what I know your body is craving. As soon as I told you to lay across my lap, the pulse in your neck increased, your breath hitched, lips parted, nipples puckered, and I’d bet a thousand bucks you’re wet and wanting right now. It’s not a crime to be turned on, sweetheart.”

  Her jaw clenched as she stared at him. Her mind and body were dueling with each other, and he prayed the latter was the victor. He held out a hand to her and waited. Seconds ticked by. He’d wait for hours or days if he had to, having learned a long time ago patience was key in most situations on a mission or in the lifestyle.

  Slowly, Jordyn uncrossed her legs and stood. She hesitated before stepping over to him. Carter stayed perfectly still, his heart pounding in his chest. His relaxed gaze remained on her apprehensive one. She had to do this on her own. Her mind had to learn to let her body take over. “You swear you’ll stop if I tell you to? If you don’t, I’ll do everything in my power to castrate you.”

  “I’ll stop” he assured her. “But just make sure that’s what you really want before you say the word red.

  She bit her bottom lip, and again he waited while her mind and body battled within her. When she turned and lowered herself onto his lap, his soul rejoiced. He didn’t move a muscle as she situated herself. His cock hardened as she shifted on his thighs, but there was no way he could control its response to her. Finally, she seemed comfortable, and he laid his hand on the back of her thigh. She practically jumped out of his lap, and his other hand went to her back, urging her to stay where she was.

  “Easy, Jordy, easy.” He caressed her spandex-covered skin and spoke as if trying to calm a jittery horse. “Relax, baby. You’re safe with me, I promise.”

  Gently, he made small circles with the palms of his hands as he murmured words of reassurance. Her head tilted to the side, and she studied his face with wary eyes. He slowed his breathing and pulse as if waiting to take a sniper shot. All his energy was focused on getting her to relax. His hand at her thigh started stroking from her knee to the bottom of her ass. With each pass, it went higher and higher until it covered the swell of her ass cheek. Minutes went by, yet all he did was soothe her with his touch. The tension slowly left her, and her body melted into his. She was getting into the zone he wanted her in. Palming her ass, he squeezed then let go and stroked her again. He repeated that several times until her legs separated a scant inch. Trying not to smile, he was certain she wasn’t even aware she’d opened a little to him, and he regretted the cat-suit at that moment. A skirt would have given him full access to her sweet pussy.

  Lifting his hand, he gave the luscious flesh of her ass a love tap—nowhere near as hard as he wanted to spank her, nor as hard as he knew her body wanted. Her breathing increased and her legs shifted again, but she remained where she was. He started a new string of actions—well, just added to the one he’d already been doing. Stroke from knee to ass, squeeze cheek, circle palm, lift hand, and tap cheek, re
peat. With every reoccurrence, he made the tap a little harder.

  Jordyn squirmed on his lap. The wariness in her eyes had been replaced with heat—sensual, soul-bearing heat. What he wouldn’t give to add thrusting his fingers into her pussy to the mix, but he could get close. After the next slap—they no longer could be considered taps—he ran two fingers between her legs and found her clit under the thin material covering it. Jordyn moaned. She was so turned on and had no idea why—but he knew.

  “Are you okay, Jordy?” His voice was low, caressing her skin just as his hands were. “I know you’re wet and hot—I can feel it. Do you want me to stop?”

  Her hips bucked as her legs parted for him some more. Her grasp on his lower leg, holding her steady, tightened. She was panting, reaching for the orgasm that was just beyond the horizon.

  “Tell me, sweet Jordy, do you want me to stop or let you cum? I can do that without even taking your clothes off. Tell me what you want. You have the control here; the choice is all yours.”

  Chapter 13

  The war raging within Jordyn’s body was one her mind was about to lose. Every organ, muscle, bone, nerve, and cell was beseeching her to do what Carter wanted so he would let her cum. Tell him. Ask him. Beg him.

  Her orgasm was just beyond her reach; all she had to do was open her mouth and say the words. Carter’s fingers reversed direction as they circled her clit over and over. New sensations overpowered her and a gasp escaped her. “Please! Don’t . . . ¡oh Dios mío!”

  She felt the slightest hesitation in his torturous acts before he continued. “Don’t, no, and stop are not words I’ll heed, Jordy. If you want me to take my hand away and let you stand then say the word red.”

  “No! Don’t stop!” She couldn’t control her writhing as she tried to get his fingers to go faster—harder. Her breathing was so rapid, she was getting lightheaded. “Por favor . . . Carter, please let . . . let me cum!” A sob tore from her chest. “Now! I need . . .”

  His fingers picked up their pace, and he increased the pressure. She was reaching the peak of the mountain he’d taken her up. Suddenly, the hand on her back was gone and came down hard on her ass sending pain through the nerves. Shocked, she couldn’t say a word as the pain became pleasure, and she fell into an immense chasm. Her body shook with the force of the orgasm as she screamed her release. Wave after wave of hedonistic sensations tumbled over her as her thighs clenched around his hand, not wanting it to end.

  Breathless, her lungs struggled to fill with oxygen again as the orgasm ebbed and she sagged limply across Carter’s thighs. Never in her life had she cum while still fully dressed. Her muscles quivered with the last remnants of ecstasy as he turned her over and settled her back down on his lap. Her ass was sore, but for some reason that made a flash of pleasure erupt from her clit again. Cuddling her to his bare chest, Carter placed a kiss on her head before tucking it under his chin. His hands massaged her arms and legs in firm, yet soothing, motions. “That’s pretty much the extent of me hitting a woman, my sweet Jordy. Sometimes it involves a flogger, but it always has the same end goal—my submissive’s pure and complete satisfaction. How do you feel? Well, beside your sore ass.”

  Confused, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. “I-I don’t know . . . kind of lightheaded.”

  “That’s subspace. Did you read about that on the website?”


  His hand went to the nape of her neck and her shoulders, and kneaded the muscles there. “Your body released an overload of endorphins which give you the feeling of being drunk or high. Some describe it as that floating feeling you get from nitrous oxide at the dentist.”

  She buried her head in his chest, inhaling his scent. Her mind and body felt just like he’d said—she was floating. Had she really been so wrong all these years? Unable to answer that, she filed the question away for later when she could think clearly—something she couldn’t do in this man’s arms. All she could do right now was feel.

  How long they sat like that she wasn’t sure, but despite his massaging her limbs, some of her muscles began to protest the prolonged, motionless position. Stirring, she glanced up at Carter and saw him smiling down at her. It wasn’t a smirk of satisfaction, she realized. Instead, his face held an expression of serene contentment—as if her orgasm was all he needed to enjoy himself. His cock was still hard and pulsating against her hip and she trailed her fingers down his sculpted chest toward it.

  Before she could pass his bellybutton, he grabbed her wrist. “Not necessary, love. This wasn’t about me. While I would love to bury myself in your sweet body, now isn’t the right time.”

  Lifting her up, he helped her stand before getting to his feet as well. He stepped away from the recliner and gently pushed her back into it. The brown leather held his body heat and she snuggled into its warmth. It even smelled like him and she reveled in the deliciously masculine scent she would always recognize as his.

  Leaning down, he kissed the top of her head again. “I’m going to get changed and then we’ll go downstairs. By the way, did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” When her mouth ticked up in a lazy, yet sexy smile, and she shook her head, he said, “Well, let me remedy that. You look stunning, and I’ll have to beat both the subs and Doms off you with a stick tonight.” He chuckled. “Although some of them will enjoy that.”

  With one last kiss, this time on her forehead, he strode to the closet and retrieved some clothes, then handed her a tube of ointment. “Put this on your ass and thighs. It’ll soothe them. Unless you want to strip and let me do it, but I can pretty much guarantee if that happens, we’ll wind up in that big bed for at least the next twenty-four hours.”

  Her eyes widened and she silently shook her head at him. There was too much confusion bouncing around her head for her to feel comfortable getting naked and letting him care for her sore buttocks.

  “Didn’t think so,” he said with a wink before heading to the bathroom.

  Once the door shut behind him, Jordyn let out a heavy breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. So much had changed in the last few hours. Things she knew—or thought she knew—weren’t as clear-cut as she’d thought. She forced her mind to shift to Carter’s revelation of his foster sister and nephew.

  As far as she was aware, no operative at Deimos had family members who knew they were alive. In Jordyn’s case, she’d had no family left who even cared if she were dead or not. There were a few aunts, uncles, and cousins in Argentina, who’d stolen her estate out from underneath her feet after the homicide/suicide of her mother and father, and she’d been an only child. She’d gone from having everything a teenage girl could materialistically want to having nothing and facing eviction from the only home she’d ever known. Her mother’s brother, Ignacio Alvarez, the black sheep of the family, had taken her in after learning his fourteen-year-old, orphaned niece was penniless. A pickpocket, scam artist, and cat burglar, Uncle Iggy, had taught her the tools of his trade after illegally sneaking her into the United States since he didn’t have her passport or birth certificate. She’d changed her last name from Cabrera Alvarez to just Alvarez, not wanting to be associated with any part of the sperm donor who had destroyed her young life. This year was the tenth anniversary of Uncle Iggy’s death in a freak car accident, and she still missed him terribly. Despite his life of crime, he’d been the sweetest man she’d ever known. With him gone, there had been no one to “mourn” her when she was allegedly killed in a boating accident off the coast of California.

  Her brooding over the past was interrupted when the bathroom door swung open and Carter came striding out. Her mouth dropped as she stared at him. His long legs were encased in black, leather pants which laced up at the crotch. The material hugged his ass and groin, making her mouth water. His bare chest was now covered by a gray T-shirt, but it was snug enough to outline every muscle and contour. He went to the closet and retrieved clean socks and a pair of black, leather, motorcycle boots, then sat on one of the d
ining table chairs to put them on. His long, dark blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail again, tied off with a thin, leather cord.

  Pulling her gaze away from him, Jordyn stood and entered the bathroom where she used the toilet, applied the ointment to her still stinging ass cheeks, and cleaned up a bit before fixing her hair and face again. She always kept a small bag with an emergency stash of makeup in her go-bag for situations like this—right next to her KA-BAR knife. She may be a sanctioned assassin, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t look good doing it.

  Once her face was repaired, and every silky strand on her head back in place, she took a deep breath and turned off the bathroom light as she walked out. Trying not to drool over Carter, she pushed her mind into mission mode. It was a good thing he’d given her that website to look over. While she still didn’t understand the lifestyle—or her reaction to the spanking he’d given her—she’d read enough to, hopefully, fake it downstairs with convincing success. She could at least blame any negative reaction that might pop up as she was still a “newbie” to the lifestyle.

  Carter adjusted the legs of his pants over the boots then stood. “Ready, Mistress Jordyn?”

  “Ready, Master Carter.”

  A sexy grin spread across his face. “Damn, I wish you were saying that from a submissive’s point of view. But . . . anyway, you’re going to see quite a few faces you’ll recognize. One or two might recognize you, but they’ll follow my lead. If I introduce you, they’ll pretend this is the first time you’re meeting them. It’s common out in the real world not to acknowledge knowing someone from the lifestyle, but here in D.C., it’s not unusual for the reverse to happen. There’s a few members from MI6, Interpol, and other allied agencies, all networking while enjoying some kink.”


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