Kings of Ghumai- The Complete series Box Set

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Kings of Ghumai- The Complete series Box Set Page 102

by D N Meinster

  When the branches nearby shook, Rikki expected it was birds and the like that had been frightened to retreat. Instead, it was more Streamers that emerged. Many were female archers, their bows locked on to the trio. Men with clubs also came out of hiding. But none of them made a shriek more horrible than the whistle. That sound originated from a creature tied in chains and being egged on by two captors.

  "Surrender," a woman said as she sidled up behind them. Her hair was a swirl of black and yellow, which was tied up into a bun atop her head. Her leather outfit was armless, and her bow was the only one not in a firing position.

  "By what cause do you attack us?" Doren demanded to know.

  The woman did not have an answer for them, and she studied the trio before she spoke. "I do not need to justify my actions to you."

  "You should," Rikki warned. "It might be the only thing that can save your life."

  The woman's eyes narrowed, but she seemed to take the threat seriously, falling back toward the rest of her compatriots. She approached the captive creature and took one of the chains into her grasp.

  That's when Rikki saw that it wasn't any creature. It was a human, dirty and sliced in so many places that it hardly resembled one. Its eyes were dead, and the scars on its throat probably explained why it couldn't speak.

  The woman brought it closer to the trio before she spoke into its ear. "Take their weapons from them."

  Rikki's staff was yanked from her hands, and Doren and Aros lost possession of their weapons as well. They flew to the feet of the captive, where they smashed together before lying motionless.

  Rikki audibly gasped. That wasn't any person that had been bound and tortured. It was a mage

  "Are you willing to surrender now?" the woman asked, expecting her defenseless prey to answer in the affirmative.

  But Rikki was not so helpless. The channeling crystal around her neck began to glow. And her companions were ready to fight as well, their armor lit up and their arms targeting their attackers.

  "Why are we wasting our time with these?" one of the men asked their leader.

  The woman responded by smacking him in the face with her bow. She stared Rikki in the eyes as she considered her next move. "Is it your intention to die today?"

  "This is not how we die."

  "Let's find out. Fire!"

  As arrows streamed through the air, Rikki jabbed a palm forward and easily redirected them from their path.

  Doren and Aros released the beams from their armor, frying the wooden shafts as they took out the Streamers behind them.

  And then, from nowhere, another cadre appeared. But these fighters were not part of the woman's unit. They bounded onto the trio's opponents, slicing them open and spewing blood across the field.

  The captive mage was helpless as an arrow struck it directly in the forehead. It fell face-first into the Kytheran weapons it collected.

  "Tonna!" one of the new arrivals screamed, and an arrow soared directly at the woman who had challenged them.

  Tonna deflected the arrow with her bow and returned fire.

  Rikki summoned the trio's weapons into the air, blocking the arrow’s momentum as she guided them back to their owners.

  Doren took hold of his shield for only a moment, before he tossed it an archer nearby.

  Aros ignored his blades as they hovered in front of him. He appeared to be having fun as he took advantage of his armor's capabilities.

  A small explosion shook the area and a bunch of limbs scattered through the air.

  "That's the last of it!" someone shouted from the chaos.

  With her staff now back in her possession, Rikki waved it toward their opponents. Their bows broke in two as they tried to fire, and their swords and clubs shattered into splinters.

  "Retreat!" Tonna shouted at her defenseless warriors.

  The few that could got up and chased their leader as she ran from battle. The rest were either dead or too injured to follow orders.

  Aros finally grabbed hold of his blades as the three of them were surrounded by a new group. These Streamers had shaggier clothes, and their weapons were less pristine than their prior opponents.

  "We're not going to surrender to you, either," Rikki warned as she aimed her staff at them.

  "We're not asking you to," one of them said as he stepped forward. "But who are you?"

  Rikki grinned in relief. They'd finally met some Streamers who were willing to talk.

  Chapter Four


  After years of practicing with Ratch, Aros had become skilled with a blade. But it apparently didn't take as long to be proficient with the Bellish weapon he possessed. He only had to point his arm in any direction and the beams that materialized produced maximum damage. He'd never felt helpless in battles as long as he had his clawblades, but now he felt something different: invulnerable.

  So another group had surrounded them. Aros believed he could take them on by himself. That he had Doren and Rikki with him only made victory all the more certain.

  But these people didn't want a fight, and Aros couldn't help feeling slightly disappointed.

  They were an odd bunch; their disheveled appearance reminding him of the Outerlings they'd once stumbled upon. But they appeared better fed and more muscular. And they'd just helped defeat a more intimidating gang. So despite their sullied clothing, they were undoubtedly well matched.

  The man that stepped forward had bags around his eyes and wild stubble across his face. There were a few buds growing from his deep gray hair, highlighting the tangled mess with green. A rusted sword hung from his hip, and he kept his hand far from it as he spoke with Rikki.

  "We are from Kytheras," Rikki responded. "I am Rikki Nasem. This is Doren Tunsev and Aros Asilias."

  "And how did three Kytherans get to Terrastream?" the Streamer asked.

  "Magic, of course. I shifted us here."

  "So, you're a mage," he said, eyeing her staff.

  "Who are you?" Rikki asked.

  "Jemmy. Jemmy Lette." He looked to one of his men before speaking again. "I hope you are from Kytheras, because there are no good mages left in Terrastream."

  "What does that mean?" Doren asked, taking a step closer to Rikki.

  Jemmy glanced at Doren but didn't answer.

  Aros clenched the hilts of his blades and he let out a slow breath as he urged himself to stay calm. Maybe it was because this kingdom reminded him of Faunli, but for the first time since he'd left there, he felt a tingling of rage. He cautiously returned his clawblades to his back and waited for Jemmy's response.

  But it wasn't Jemmy that spoke. A woman stepped forward, her tan skin marred by gray dirt that matched her attire. Her hair was as green as the plant life that encompassed them, but it was her pink eyes that stood out the most. They reviewed the trio before locking onto Aros. "That thing I shot is what's left of mages here in Terrastream." She motioned to the pile of chains atop the corpse. "That's how Kahar treats mages."

  "I've seen worse," Rikki said, recalling Versil's lab in Belliore.

  "They slaves," one of the other men whispered.

  Aros gazed at the body and shuddered. "Why did you help us?"

  "We were helping ourselves," Jemmy replied. "It was us that Tonna was after. Aiding you was mere coincidence."

  "Or the work of the Goddess," Rikki suggested.

  Aros unconsciously reached for the golden M hanging from his neck.

  "The stars were aligned, I'd say," Jemmy responded. "Even better it was Tonna and not one of the other Hunters that came this way. Not sure we could've survived that."

  "We would've," Aros stated.

  "What gives you so much confidence?" the woman asked. Her eyes had not left Aros since they'd noticed him.

  "Before we answer, perhaps you should tell us why this Tonna was after you," Doren said.

  "Why was she after you?" Jemmy retorted.

  "Probably because she thought we were with you," Rikki shot back.

sp; "Got you there!" one of Jemmy's men cried out.

  "We're the last Streamers," the woman started. "Though they call us Revolutionaries. My name is Loraya. These are my brothers, Yayne, Kyer, and Nott. And that one's Pats." She pointed at a green-vested man.

  "And this is my sister," Jemmy said, pointing his thumb at Loraya.

  "You're not fighting some other members of your family, are you?" Aros asked, remembering the Korona dynasty in Faunli.

  "There was only one other member of our family," Jemmy replied. "And we just lost him."

  Loraya finally broke eye contact with Aros as she felt a tear forming.

  "You still haven't told us why they were after you," Doren stated.

  "Terrastream has a king," Jemmy said, "and we don't believe it should."

  "You're trying to depose a king?" Rikki asked, flabbergasted.

  "The six of you?" Doren added with heavy skepticism.

  "There are more of us," Loraya replied.

  "Not a lot more," one of her brothers inserted.

  Aros ran a hand through his spiky brown hair, trying to digest what they were telling him. This tiny band was trying to overthrow a king. He started to laugh and quickly put a hand to his mouth. It took armies of thousands to even challenge a ruler. There weren't even a dozen men in this grouping.

  "You know our goal," Jemmy said. "What's yours? Why are you in Terrastream?"

  "Neanthal," Rikki confided.

  Any joy these Revolutionaries had from their victory swiftly dissipated. "The Divider of Lands?"

  "The Divine Corruption?"

  "The Beast of Faunli?"

  "The very same," Rikki stated, and she went on to tell them how Hatswick was after the Keys.

  Aros patted the Keys hanging from his waist and then stroked the purple fuzz ball that was hanging right by them. Mr. Kwee looked up at him with his oversized yellow eyes and let out a "Kwee!"

  "If Terrastream has a king, he probably has the Key," Doren said. "Which means we can't antagonize him."

  "So you're fine with injustice in the land so long as it doesn't affect you?" Jemmy inquired as his demeanor soured.

  "We're not here to meddle in your politics," Doren responded.

  "It worked out fine in Faunli, though," Aros noted.

  Rikki and Doren both flashed annoyed looks at him.


  "Is Faunli more important to you than Terrastream?" Loraya asked with a sense of despondency.

  "We only got involved because of the Key," Doren sighed. "Their emperor wouldn't turn it over. We had no choice."

  "So you'll only help us if Kahar refuses to comply with your request?"

  "Kahar?" Aros asked, puzzled by the world.

  "King Mahan Kahar," Loraya stated. "The illegitimate ruler of our kingdom."

  "If you know your history, you know that Terrastream has never had a king," Jemmy relayed.

  "What about Aergo?" Doren asked.

  "He was the king of all of Ghumai, and he allowed Terrastream to maintain its chiefs and its tribes."

  "Kahar has abolished any sense of who we were," Loraya sighed. "That's why we're the last Streamers. We're the only ones fighting for the Terrastream that has always been."

  "So a king is a recent development here?" Rikki said.

  The widest of Loraya's brothers squeezed himself into the conversation. "We shouldn't be asking them for help," Yayne said. "We should be offering them ours."

  There were murmurs of agreement from some of the Revolutionaries.

  "What about a bargain?" Jemmy suggested. "We help you obtain the Key. You help us depose Kahar."

  "No deals," Rikki said. "Were you not listening? Hatswick already has one of the Keys. And he's not going to be negotiating to grab the next one. We're going to take it and we're going to move on."

  Aros hadn't expected to hear such an aggressive approach from Rikki. Hatswick getting the better of her in Belliore probably contributed to this new attitude. But it should've been obvious by now that no matter what they planned on doing, it was going to be much more complicated than they expected. They should make a deal. They could use the help.

  Loraya whispered in Jemmy's ear before she spoke again. "Then we will help you and ask nothing in return. But we must regroup before we storm Valiant Keep again. If you'll join us." She motioned in a direction opposite the mountains.

  Rikki raised an eyebrow as Doren spoke up. "If you're trying to make us feel guilty that we won't help you, it won't work."

  "Are all Kytherans suspicious of generous offers?" Loraya asked, her eyes falling again on Aros.

  Aros opened his mouth to speak, but Doren got his words out first.

  "Perhaps we forgot to mention. I am Prince Doren Tunsev, and no man that I have ever known has done something for nothing."

  There was more muttering amongst the Revolutionaries as Doren commanded Loraya's full attention. "I suspect you have not met many Streamers, Prince, for all of us are as good as our word."

  "It's your motives we don't trust," Rikki snapped back, latching on to Doren's suspicions.

  Aros could feel a burgeoning tension between their groups, so he decided to say what was on his mind and possibly break it. "I trust her."

  Doren and Rikki both nearly keeled over as Aros' statement knocked them from their harshening disposition.

  Loraya smiled at Aros as she focused back on him. "He's a prince and she's a mage. What are you?"

  "A guardian," Aros said, trying to stand at full attention.

  "Aros," Rikki grumbled under her breath.

  "What?" Aros replied. These Revolutionaries had already saved them and now they were offering help in acquiring the fourth Key. Maybe they had ulterior motives, or maybe not. Whatever the case, it was better to have someone native to the kingdom on their side. They would've gotten nowhere without aide in Faunli and Belliore. Why should it be different here?

  "I guess it's decided," Doren stated with a hint of malice.

  Jemmy clapped twice. "Follow us, but try to make sure no one is following you."

  The Revolutionaries turned away from the Kytherans and headed off into the brush. Aros and his friends went after them, though it was clear Rikki and Doren did so with some reluctance. They didn't say a word to Aros as they walked by his side, and they eventually fell back and tucked their hands into one another's as they continued onward.

  Though the fields were as green as Faunli's, they were more wild in Terrastream. In some parts, the grass rose past the knee. In others, there were blooming flowers cluttered together and painting the landscape in every shade of the rainbow. The insects were larger here, too, and Aros grimaced as he remembered some of similar size in Belliore's tropical zone.

  In Faunli, they had seen houses and villages in the distance. Here, there were no signs of human life, besides the actual humans. He didn't spot any as they went on, though, and wondered if that had something to do with the malicious king that'd been spoken of. But Aros did eventually see an animal that brought him to a stop. A family of horses frolicked openly in the fields, chasing each other before grabbing a purple fruit from a nearby bush.

  Aros didn't realize how long he'd been watching them until he looked ahead and could barely make out Rikki's magenta hair in the distance. He started to run to try and catch up and almost ran straight into Loraya.

  "Whoa there," she said, pushing her hand into his shoulder so they didn't crash.

  "Sorry," he replied.

  "Something the matter?" she asked as she studied him.

  "Just..." He pointed at the horses.

  "Beautiful creatures," she sighed. "Do you still ride them in Kytheras?"

  "There aren't enough left to ride," Aros replied. "But Rikki does have a pegasus."

  "Pegasus?" she repeated as if she'd never heard the word.

  "A horse with wings," Aros elaborated. "It can fly."


  "I've ridden a velizard recently," Aros said.

  Loraya urged hi
m to continue on as they chatted. "We don't ride the animals here. It's one of the few traditions Kahar has upheld."

  "Is he that bad, this Kahar?"

  "Not Neanthal bad," Loraya responded. "I used to have nightmares about him when I was younger. The elders would tell us stories. Some of us refused to believe they were real. But I would dream about the man with the eyes like fire. The man that wasn't really a man.

  "Kahar is a man. But he is the worst of us. Why so many follow him, I can't understand. Why were so many willing to rebel against the old way? And they call us the Revolutionaries." Loraya spat off to the side. "But he is our kingdom's problem. And he is mortal."

  "You're sure about that?" Aros asked.

  Loraya gave him a funny look. "Have you met someone that isn't?"

  "Actually..." Aros tugged at one of his spikes. "Just the other day."

  "Really?" Loraya asked like she couldn't believe it.

  "His name is Valal. Or it was Valal. Now it's Versil. He's an old mage that was basically in charge of Belliore."

  "How old?"

  "Thousands of years I think," Aros answered. "Now, mages can have a long life, but not that long."

  "Well, Kahar is no mage," Loraya disclosed. "One arrow to the right place and he'll fall like any man."

  "Right," Aros said, noticing the stick-like bow hanging from her shoulder. "You're an archer."

  "Was that a question?"

  Aros shrugged. But his mind flashed back to Leidess, and every game of Splitting they once played seemed to go through his mind simultaneously.

  Aros and Loraya continued walking side-by-side in silence until they finally caught up with the rest of the group. Doren and Rikki were still holding hands.

  "Where are we going, anyway?" Aros asked.

  "Fusion Forest," Loraya revealed. "The last free place in all of Terrastream."

  Jemmy must've overheard their conversation, for he fell back to add to it. "We once made base in the Enduring Mountains, figuring the network of caves and its sheer size would make it impossible for Kahar to find us."

  "And it also made attacking his castle relatively easy," Loraya added.


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