Charming Dave

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Charming Dave Page 13

by Doreen Alsen

  But since she cleaned the Bradfords’ house as well as the Brewsters’, she’d checked Alden out and felt comfortable letting Shanna go out with him. However, she did not want him getting so physical with Shanna. Shanna was too young for that kind of relationship.

  Dave and Mike returned after the coronation. Andi smiled. “Good job there, Coach.”

  “I try.” He looked at Ainslie. “That’s a beautiful little girl you got there.”

  Ainslie, flooded with pride, nodded. “My babies are the reason I get up in the morning.”

  Andi’s smile drooped a little. “I can only imagine.”

  Mike slipped an arm around her waist and hauled her in. “How’s about taking a walk around the gym outside so we can catch evil doers.”

  Andi laughed. “I love nothing better than catching evil doers.” She and Mike walked away toward the visitor side door of the gym.

  Dave sidled up to her. “Congratulations.”

  Ainslie grinned. “Maybe I should get her into pageants here.” Chuckling, she slid Dave a glance. “Y’all do have pageants here in the north, right?”

  “Yes, Ma’am, Ah b’lieve we do.”

  Dear Lord, that had to be the worst southern accent she’d ever heard. “Stop,” she laughed. “Just stop. You sound like a Hop-a-long Cassidy wannabe. I’ve never heard anyone from the South talk that way.”

  “I’ll work on it. You can teach me.” Unrepentant, Dave waggled his eyebrows. “I’m a slow learner. I need a long time to get the facts, but once I have all the knowledge I need, I know exactly what to do and when to do it.” She knew that suggestive tone of voice. No doubt there would be more going on than just teaching him how to speak southern.

  Lord love a duck, she surely wanted to give him lessons in how to speak with a southern accent.

  An accent dripping honey.

  All over.


  In bed.

  She did feel very eager to get the clothes off Dave Mason. A flash of sheer heat ran up her body. The tip of her tongue came out to moisten her lips. He watched her, his gaze smoldering.

  Dave broke away first, cleared his throat, and fixed his tie, even though it didn’t need fixing. “Are you going to congratulate Shanna?”

  “I don’t want to embarrass her,” she lied. She cleaned the houses of Shanna’s friends.

  But this was Dave. She realized with a jolt that she trusted him enough to tell him anything. “Shanna isn’t comfortable sharing the fact that I clean most of her friends’ houses.

  His eyebrows squashed together like he didn’t understand what she was saying. “Well, okay then. Why don’t you let me buy you a cup of punch?” He touched her elbow, and she felt electricity zap through her body.

  “I know that punch and can say with absolute certainty that it’s not a very good incentive.”

  He looked at her solemnly. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “Let’s go check out the refreshment table again. Sometimes, while all the attention is on the coronation, kids take advantage of that and spike the punch or slip a plate of pot brownies on the table.”

  A quick spurt of gratefulness overtook her. He wasn’t going to make her talk about Shanna’s embarrassment over Ainslie being a cleaning lady and a waitress. It was a Charleston thing. They had been on the top of the social circle. It was totally her fault that Shanna was a snob.

  Still, it hurt a little bit.

  When they got to the table, he greeted the kids standing around. “May I have two of the pumpkin cookies, please?” He handed a five-dollar bill to the girl at the cash box. “I hear they are very good.”

  The girl laughed, picked up two sugar cookies decorated with two inches of frosting to look like pumpkins, and put them on a paper plate. “Thanks!”

  “Thanks!” Dave said.

  “You’re welcome! Hope you like your cookies!”

  “No problem with that, Liz. I have yet to meet a cookie I didn’t like.” Dave punctuated that with a smile, then turned and gave Ainslie one of the frosted cookies. “Let’s take a walk around the room.”


  “Why are you constantly looking around?” Cecily murmured into Ruark’s ear. “You’re supposed to be my date, as in like, paying attention to me.”

  Ruark bit back a sigh as he looked down at the girl who was wrapping herself around him like a vine on a stick. “What? I’m paying attention to you. We’re dancing.” To a trite and sappy slow song about true love.

  “No, you’re not. You’re too busy trying to keep an eye on Shanna and Alden.”

  Cecily’s pout was nearly as good as Shanna’s. What was it with girls and pouting? And what could he say? He was more interested in keeping track of Alden and Shanna, especially since he knew Alden hoped to get lucky and Shanna’d been drinking.

  Cecily disentangled herself, grabbed Ruark’s hand, and dragged him to a corner of the gym where there were few kids. “Look,” she snarled, “I’m used to guys treating me better than this. So, if you don’t step up and stop embarrassing me by ignoring me, I’ll make sure everyone knows the truth about you and Shanna.”

  What the hell? “What do you think is the truth about me and Shanna?” Had Cecily figured out he was gay?

  “That your mom is my cleaning lady, and the dress Shanna is wearing is one of my cast-offs that I gave to charity.” Smug, Cecily crossed her arms under her breasts. “We’ll see how popular she is then. She might even lose her spot on the cheering team.”

  Whoa! Ruark so didn’t see that one coming. What a biatch. Shanna thought Cecily was her BFF. Showed what Shanna knew.

  He pushed aside the relief he felt when Cecily hadn’t found out he was gay. Lord help him, but he was going to protect his sister by dating Cecily, more than this one time.

  His life sucked. Shanna was dating a guy who loved to humiliate Ruark at every opportunity, most likely looking to score and toss Shanna aside once she put out. With their father in prison, Raurk had to take care of his sisters. And Cecily wanted him to dote on her until she found a new toy and dumped Ruark. That day could not come soon enough.

  Sometimes a guy just had to put his own feelings aside and look after his family, no matter what it cost him. He sighed and pulled Cecily’s hand, and just for good measure and a great show, he kissed her cheek. He hoped none of the foundation she’d troweled on rubbed off on his lips.

  Her eyes glittered, most likely in triumph. If this was the way it had to be to keep Shanna on Cecily’s good side, he’d do it.


  Pinned against the stone wall of the school, Shanna tried to keep from panicking as Alden kissed her really hard. He kissed her so their teeth clicked together, and he stuck his fat ol’ tongue in her mouth, like it had a right to be there. His hand had a death grip on her right breast as he squeezed it.

  If this was the way northern boys kissed, then she wanted no part of it. Alden had lived in fairy tale prince land in her mind, until he started making out with her.

  It was a dance. She had a pretty dress, and she wanted to dance, not be pawed like this.

  Turning her face away from him and breaking the kiss, she asked, “Alden, I’m getting cold. Can we go back in and dance?”

  “What’s the matter with stayin’ out here and having a little fun?” He squeezed her breast hard again. His breath smelled kind of boozey, even though he’d chewed an entire pack of spearmint gum.

  Her little buzz from the vodka in the limo had burned out an hour ago.

  “Nothing. I like it fine,” she lied through her teeth. “I just want to go in and dance again, that’s all.”

  He looked at her as if she were speaking Martian. “If that’s what you want, sure we can go back for a while.” He stood back from her. “We’ll still have the after party at Kevin’s house to have some fun.”

  She winced from having been pushed against the wall. She hoped there was no damage done to the back of her dress. Something must be wrong with her. She really liked Alden, he was so hot
and all that, so she should like making out with him and stuff. Right?

  Really confused and a little bit ashamed, Shanna ran her hands through her hair. She’d have to stop in the ladies’ room before going out onto the dance floor. She didn’t want her momma to see her like this.


  Crepe paper drooped and tangled as the clean up crew came in. The last teen had left about a half hour before. The air smelled less like a dozen cheap colognes all mixed together. As the poisonous combination faded, the smell of eye-burning floor cleaner replaced it. Ainslie stifled a yawn as she wiped down the refreshment table.

  Another new experience, being part of the cleaning crew. Dave had to make sure the decorations were down so the gym could be a gym again. Next week was coed volleyball, and the janitors were putting up volleyball nets so all would be ready for the first period on Monday morning.

  Andi sidled up to her, wet cloth in her hand. “You have beautiful children.”

  “Thank you.” Ainslie answered her. “I think they’re gorgeous, but of course I’m biased.” She bit on her lower lip. “I wanted to meet their dates, but it didn’t happen. What is your opinion of the kids they were with?”

  “They’re tight in the popular crowd. Cecily is all right. She’s right on top with the uber-popular girls.” She wiped at a spot on the table. “Alden is the captain of the football team.” She pressed her lips together. “They come from solid families.”

  But, because she was a mother and her children went out of their way to avoid her, her stomach churned. She sighed, wishing with all her heart she didn’t have jobs that embarrassed them.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Thank you for the dance. It was so good to see Shanna and Ruark with their friends.” Ainslie twirled her thumbs as Dave parked in front of her house.

  “No problem. It was one of the best Homecoming Dances I’ve been to.”

  “Well, I doubt that. I just loved seeing Shanna get crowned Homecoming Queen.”

  “About seeing Shanna…” Dave reached into the pocket inside his jacket. He pulled out a DVD. “I, uh, shot this yesterday at the game. It’s the cheering squad at halftime.”

  She looked at the slim box he held out to her. “Cheerleaders?”

  “Yep. I know you were disappointed because you couldn’t go to the game.” He took her hands and pressed the DVD into them. “You wanted to see Shanna cheer. Now you can.”

  She looked at the DVD and held onto it as if it were made of spun gold. “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “As a reward, you can invite me in for coffee.”

  Oh, those blue, blue eyes of his. How could she say no when he was looking at her like she was the only woman in the world. “Would you like to come in for coffee?”

  “I would love to come in for coffee. Thanks for asking.” He was up and out of the car and holding her door open before she had a chance to blink.

  She put her hand in the one he held out and wiggled herself out of the seat. He pulled her in for a breath-stealing kiss. “Let’s go on in and get rid of Chelsea,” he whispered into her ear, after he had playfully nipped at her earlobe.

  She shivered. The man was a magician. “As soon as we politely can.”

  He kissed her again, this time longer, and caused Ainslie to shiver again.

  Dave murmured, “I can be polite. Look up polite in the dictionary, and you’ll see my picture.” He planted a little kiss on the top of her head.”

  “Ditto.” She went up on tiptoes and brushed her lips over his before they opened her front door.

  Chelsea sat on the sofa reading a book, all nice and quiet. She looked up as Dave and Ainslie came through the door.

  “Is Patsy in bed?” Ainslie let Dave help her out of her coat and thrilled at the courtesy.

  “Sound asleep, like the little angel she is.” Chelsea stretched as she stood.

  Ainslie began to open her purse so she could pay Chelsea, but Dave beat her to it, handing Chelsea a couple of twenties.

  “Oh, Dave no,” Ainslie protested.

  “Let me get this,” he said.

  Chelsea stuffed the cash in her jeans pocket. “Thanks!” She stood there, apparently not in a big hurry to leave. “Anytime you need a babysitter, you know where to find me,” she chirped. “Was the dance fun? Anybody get detention? An in-school suspension? I want details.”

  Dave rocked back on his heels as he put his hands in his pockets. “Pretty uneventful, no drama, no problems.” His face was unreadable. “Which is just the way I like it.”

  “Oh, sure, me too.” She slung her backpack over her right shoulder. “Well, I better go. I’ve still got some lesson plans to write and e-mail to my co-operating teacher.”

  Ainslie gave Chelsea a quick hug. “Thank you for taking care of Patsy. It meant a lot for me to see my children and their friends.”

  “No worries.” Chelsea nodded. “See you later.”

  Ainslie and Dave both watched her leave. Ainslie heaved a big sigh. “Looks like everything went okay.”

  Dave looked around the room. “We can pop the DVD in, if you want to watch it.”

  “Please! The DVD player is part of the TV. I’ll just check on Patsy.”

  He smiled at her, his come-get-me smile, which made her insides melt. “I can work a coffeemaker, you know. Check on Patsy and let me get it going.”

  She nodded, then skedaddled, anxious to check on Patsy.

  Opening the door with a tiny creak, Ainslie poked her head through so as not to disturb her sleeping little girl. Ainslie shut the door and followed the rich, nutty aroma to the kitchen and Dave.

  It felt odd to see him puttering around her kitchen, though she could get used to it. She leaned against the doorjamb. “Did you find everything?”

  He grinned as he turned. “Yes.” Moving across the kitchen, he caught her hips and pulled her against his body. His hands rubbed her lower back. If those hands moved any lower, he’d be grabbing her derrière. “I found everything just fine,” his voice was a gruff, rusty whisper.

  He kissed her, gently, just a mere brushing of their lips, which spun into a long, slow kiss. Her heart started thumping loudly. “I’ve been wanting to do this all night.” Ainslie threaded her arms around his neck, because her legs were about to melt into a puddle on the floor.

  Breathing heavily, he murmured against her lips. “Are you okay with this with Patsy around? If you’re not, we can stop.” He flexed the fingers that were holding her upright and squeezed her bottom.

  “She’s a very sound sleeper.” Could Dave be any more considerate, worrying about Patsy?

  “I’m very glad to hear that.” Hiking her up with those strong, warm hands of his, he pulled her in close. She wrapped her legs around his while he moved to the kitchen table. He stood between those rickety legs of hers to kiss her again.

  Her head fell back, and he took the advantage and kissed the sensitive arch of her neck. Slow and sweet sweeps of his lips traced her throat alternated with quick little nibbles, teasing and ticklish.

  Ainslie reached between them to unbutton his shirt so she could feel the muscular, warm skin. She traced the outline of each and every muscle.

  When she had finished with his shirt, he murmured, “My turn.”

  She shivered as he uncovered her and for a moment stood silently, his arms around her waist, her arms clinging around his neck. She had to let go of his neck so he could slip the two purple sweaters over her head.

  That done, those magic hands of his moved up her back to the edge of her bra. She shivered, loving the way he touched her. Dave pulled the cups down under her breasts and pushed the straps down her arms.

  Dave stopped kissing her, pulling back to see what he’d discovered. Gravity was not her friend. If he expected perky, smooth skinned, and no stretch marked breasts, he was out of luck. Her boobs didn’t do perky any more, due to 38 years and the three children she’d breast-fed.

  So nervous that Dave wouldn’t like what she looked li
ke, she practically choked on it.

  “You’re so lovely,” he breathed in a reverent whisper. “I’ve lost a lot of sleep dreaming of what you looked like, and you’re much more beautiful than I imagined.”

  Agile fingers rolled and teased her nipples into achy awareness. It had been so long for her, and his hands on her breasts felt so good.

  He eased her backward on the table, so her body needed to rest on her elbows. He cupped both breasts, kneading and fondling them. Dave kept his hand on one while he bent his head playing with the hard, wildly aroused, needy point of the other, laving her with sweeps of his generous tongue. Then he tugged her nipple gently with his lips and nibbled on it with playful teeth until she squirmed with frustration and delight. The man had mad skills.

  He found another really sensitive spot on her neck and made her moan and wiggle against him.

  “Chelsea? Momma?” Patsy said from the living room. “Momma?” Her voice started to take on an edge of panic. “It’s scary here alone.”

  “Oh, God. This was a bad idea.” Ainslie slipped off the table, pulled her bra up, and hauled her sweater over her head. “I’m right here, baby.” She didn’t look back when she opened her kitchen door.


  Dave looked around. Hearing Ainslie coo and comfort her little girl, he felt a jolt of emotion. He was all the way gone, in love with Ainslie Logan.

  Moving into the living room, Dave stood, ready to stay or go, depending on what Patsy needed.

  Ainslie didn’t miss a beat, she just murmured soft words Dave couldn’t hear while she cuddled her daughter on the couch.

  The phone rang. “Do you want me to get that?” he called to Ainslie.

  She looked at him. “Do you mind? It might be one of the twins, and I’m all tied up with my little pumpkin here.” This statement was followed up by a monster burp from said pumpkin.

  “I don’t mind at all.” He took a deep breath while picking up the phone. “Logan residence.”

  “Who’s this?” Dave recognized Ruark’s voice, even though the background noises were loud enough to make it difficult to hear.

  “It’s Mr. Mason. Is something wrong? Do you need help?”


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