Government Z (Book 1): The Beginning

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Government Z (Book 1): The Beginning Page 16

by Reid, Bryan D.

  Its’ been a long four weeks hiding and not being able to contact you guys was hard especially when you told Christi I was dead, but I have been watching your every move this whole time and I give Christi an A for her performance over the CB I said with a smile. What do you mean? Rus asked. The only person who knew I was alive was Christi since I had contacted within six hours of the boat exploding I said. I contacted her to let her know I was ok with the exception of this scar and what had happened since I knew eventually when you contacted the outpost you would tell her I died. Did you guys ever think there was a chance I survived? I asked. No we were up on the bridge when we saw the missile blow up the boat and we never saw you jump into the water Rus said. How did you survive the explosion and what have you been doing over these past four weeks? Don asked. I will explain all that later right now we need to get this cleaned up I said. Rus will you grab Dr. Chen’s security code and bring it over to the elevator I asked. I scanned my security card and punched in my code releasing the room from lock down. I scanned Dr. Chen’s card and punched his code in. Once the doors opened I scanned Dr. Chen’s card again and punched in code for the security room which is the floor above us. I stepped back off the elevator and the doors closed heading for the floor above us. So why didn’t we enter the elevator? Rus asked. I used Dr. Chen’s card so it looks like him and the other agents returned to the security room I said. Rus and Don gathered the gear while Bryan messed around with a something in the corner. I scanned my security card and opened the elevator once we entered I punched in the code to return to the third floor. When we got to the third floor I rescanned my card and put the elevator on lockdown again then we exited the elevator and made our way to the parking structure. Once we got in the SUV we started driving toward the Lincoln Memorial. Once we arrived there I exited the SUV and asked Don and Rus to give me a minute. I pulled out a cell phone and made a call to Director Skinner. What is it agent Vaiddein? A deep voice asked. Sir the National Academy of Science has been compromised I believe the outpost has reached the city limits I said. What? How the hell did this happen? Director Skinner demanded an answer. I believe they entered the city as corpses and attacked several agents including Dr. Chen I said. I put the building in lockdown but I am unaware what they had with them and if they can get their way out I said. I heard Skinner slam his fist down and hung up the phone. I waved to Rus and Don to exit the SUV. They walked over and joined me. Why are you using a cell phone you know they can track your position remember Don said. I am well aware Don but this cell phone is FBI approved to keep in contact with Director Skinner and with the position I have he is the only one above me I said. Again I will explain all that later but for now look at the science building in three, two, and one. We looked at the National Academy of Science as the building completely collapsed. What the hell just happen? Don asked. I set a bomb to go off with a twenty minute timer since it went off so far under the building it basically made a giant sinkhole and destroyed the entire building I said. Let’s head back to the hotel where we can eat and rest, then I will explain everything. I put my hand up to my headset and said now Bruce get the food ready we are on our way and smirked at Don when he looked at me in shock that my headset was wired to theirs and Bruce’s.

  Chapter 18

  We arrived back at the hotel where I was greeted by Bruce, Mike, and Jon with smiling faces. They were extremely happy to see me. We embraced with handshakes and hugs. Once we entered the hotel we made our way up to the ninth floor suite where there was a large spread of food and spirits set up on the large dining room table in the suite. We filled our plates and our glasses but it was long after that when the question quickly came up again. So Bryan, how did you survive that explosion and where the hell have you been for the past month? Everyone asked. Alright so here we go then I said.

  Once you guys jumped off the boat I turned downriver and once the boat was going straight I gathered my supplies. After I had my suit, axes, and guns I looked up to see that missile launched into the air so I had to move quickly. I grabbed the anchor, cut the rope, and jumped into the river just as the missile hit the boat so when it exploded the impact blew the debris toward me and that’s how I got this scar. I held the anchor until I reached the bottom of the river and then kicked to reach the surface. When I reached the surface though the boat had drifted ashore well at least the remains of it did and the patrol was searching for a body. I saw an FBI agent walking along the shoreline alone so I took a deep breath and went back under the water. When the agent stopped in front of me I acted quickly and jumped out of the water swinging my axe spearing him in the temple. I then quickly put on my black suit, then dressed the agent in my clothes, and threw his body back in the river letting him float toward the burning wreckage. I put him on the middle of a fire like piece of debris from the boat replacing his weapon with my weapons, and placed his hand on the axe I left buried in his head. I went back to the position and slowly walked back toward the boat where another agent announced he found a body. So I slowly walked up and blended into the crowd of patrollers. After we loaded the body up and sent it to the National Academy of Science we got into the black SUV’s then started to drive away. I placed the weapon in my lap not knowing where we were headed. As we crossed over the bridge the SUV I was in broke off from the pack and took me toward this hotel. The agents in the front passenger seat turned around with his gun drawn and said do you think we are stupid or something. Before he could open his mouth again I shot the three agents and had to grab the wheel before we crashed the SUV. I dumped their bodies in a dumpster and took the SUV and drove around until I found the new wax museum. Since it was the middle of the night and under construction it was shut down luckily when I arrived. Once I got there and scouted it out I made my way to the wax room where the sculptures were made. I took over three hours but I made a face out of the wax and a ponytail out of the fake hair that had pins to hold it to the back of my head without being detected. Once the waxed cooled I applied it to my face and made sure it wouldn’t peel off unless I ripped it off. I made three extra sets after I had secured the first one just encase of any mishaps. Once I completed that I packed them up in a small trunk to secure them and headed for the closest department store to find clothes and suits. Once I found a new suit and face I had to create a new identity and background. I took a chance and headed directly for the FBI building where I entered thru the underground garage. The name badge I acquired had limited security access to the building and computers, so before I even entered the building a higher up agent told me to go with him out on an assignment where I got to travel with that senior agent who worked on the seventh floor. He was called out on an assignment and grabbed me to assist him so he was the only one who had seen my new look. We traveled to Langley, Virginia where we arrived to a full out war between the CIA and FBI.

  The CIA found out the FBI was experimenting with toxic chemicals so the FBI decided to announce the CIA was supplying our camp with weapons and declared them an enemy of the New United States. Once the FBI found out the CIA knew they moved in for an instant attack. I had to shoot several CIA agents so I would blend in with the FBI firing upon them. I found one agent who was slowly bleeding out so I stooped down and applied pressure to his wound. He informed me of nuclear power plant the FBI was working with but he didn’t know which one. He also mentioned a file but the CIA couldn’t crack the passwords and that’s how the FBI tracked them down. I sat there trying to save his life when that senior agent walked over and shot that CIA agent six times. When I looked up at him he said there will be no survivors. The war lasted only six hours after we arrived and they burned the CIA headquarters to the ground. On the drive back to FBI headquarters I asked some questions of the agent I was with. I tried to ask about the nuclear power plant but when I mentioned it the agent slammed on the brakes, exited the car, walked over to my door, where he proceeded to rip the door from the hinges and threw it fifty feet away. When I looked up his jaws were separated with the four talons sc
reaming at me. I pulled my gun out only to have the agent slap it from my hand and then rip me out of the car. I got up and into a fist fight with the agent being very careful not to get nicked by his talons or bit. These zombies seem to have almost superhuman powers. This agent had incredible strength, agility, and jumping skills. I had to fight with all my strength but this agent just manhandled me. He threw me at one point into a chain linked fence at least thirty feet away and broke one of the poles right in half. Then the agent in one motion jumped into the air and landed five feet away from me. The battle was taken its toll on me so I did the only thing I could think of so as the agent approached I laid there until he was close enough. Then I jumped up grabbed the agent like I was tackling him and dropped him back first onto that broken pole piercing him thru the heart. I slowly dragged what energy I had, picked up the keys, the senior agents security card, and my gun then started for the car. When I got to the car I looked back to see the senior agents body was no longer on the post then suddenly the agent fell from the sky right near the car charging hard. I raise my gun quickly and put two bullets in the center of his forehead and he dropped. So the direct head trauma is still the only way to stop these zombies. After that battle I realized my face was partially torn so I had to get back to the SUV I had to replace it and get cleaned up. So by this point it had been four days since I was “blown up” on the boat and now I was putting on a new face literally in the FBI underground garage about to use a high level security card to gain access to the upper levels and files of the FBI.

  I scanned the new security card and headed to the seventh floor. Once the elevator doors open I headed straight for the agents office, since it was in the middle of the night I was able to walk freely to the room. After putting on a conference call sign on the door and locking it I started browsing through the computer. I started reading emails and looking for any files that could help me. I was able to hack into the mainframe and create a profile and send it from the Vice President’s computer within the White House declaring that the agent was being sent on assignment and a replacement was being sent to meet Director Skinner at 9:00a.m. It was just a matter of stripping the number codes from the emails to be able to make it look like it came from the VP. I worked for the next two hours created a file announcing all my achievements and why I had been selected to serve just under Director Skinner. After creating the profile I snuck back out of the FBI headquarters, went and cleaned up, and then at 8:45 a.m. drove to the main entrance of the FBI building. I parked the SUV in front of the building and entered the building announcing to the agent I came across at the desk I was there to see Director Skinner. He said right this way Mr. Vaiddein the Director is expecting you. I walked thru the building with swag like I was better then everyone there and cockiness when I entered Skinner’s office. He seemed to take a liking to me. Once we finished the introductions he gave me a security card and code for everything, a team of agents that would follow my every order and full access to any file I needed. The first thing he gave me was orders to search the city to see if the militia leader had any followers that may have eluded the standoff on the river. So I sent the agents up the river to the state border and ordered them to search by foot the entire riverbed for any signs of an extra group of militia. While my team was gone I got to work. First I scouted the Jefferson Memorial at night with night vision goggles and saw Don scouting in the direction of the hotel so next I hit up several clothing stores looking for clues if the militia had entered the city. In reality I was loading clothes into suitcases and dropped them off in random rooms throughout the hotel so it would look like the hotel was evacuated while people were on vacation. I found that the hotel had been abandoned for sometime do to foreclosure. I also stashed the FBI supplies for Rus and Don knowing they would probably be the ones to attempt gaining access to the FBI. Why did you figure they would be the ones? Bruce asked. Well Mike wouldn’t want to endanger his son and you have a baby on the way I said. Anyway after I dropped off the clothes I hit up several grocery stores and packed the fridge and freezer with the freshest food I could find because I knew you would all be famished from the journey to that point. So to kick start you guys I went to the Jefferson Memorial to get your asses moving to the hotel. Once I knew you were there I gave you time to search the hotel, which we always do, and by then my team had reassembled and I setup a search mission to scout all the empty building in town and once they were searched had the agents board up all the windows and doors. I must have forgotten to secure the alley door I said with a laugh. As we searched the hotel I knew the rooftop would be too open for you guys to hide so I figured you would have hidden in the top suite. That’s why I entered the room first and then told the agents when they arrived I scouted the room and it was clear. Once we left the hotel Director Skinner called my men away for a compound elimination so I would be freed up for a few days and that’s when I started searching files and the computers for whatever information I could find.

  I was shocked by some of the file folders I looked through. I found some files that had details of the test subjects with both stories of the successes and failures of the toxic chemical. Let me show you some pictures of samples I have and be prepared to be shocked. These three photos are of a subject they got off the street. They offered a homeless man a meal in exchange for being a guinea pig for chemical testing. This picture is of a fresh blood sample and this is after the chemical was injected. You can see how the chemical has completely mutated his blood turning it a yellowish color and in these before and after photos you can see how the patient eyes went from green to white. Now these photos are of a soldier out of Arizona and the same as before a fresh blood sample photo and this one is after the chemical was injected. You can see in this one that the blood has fused with the chemical making it stronger and enhancing the blood creating those advanced zombies. Also you see how the blood did not change to the yellowish color similar to the color of the mixed chemical. So that explains why the regular zombies bleed yellow when they get shot or stabbed and the advanced zombies bleed red like us so that is why they are also less detectable until their faces separate with the jaw having four talons on the end. But these next photos are the most interesting and questionable. This here is the fresh blood sample and this photo is after the chemical is injected. Are you sure these look like the exact same pictures Don asked. Yes I am positive I said and the only reason I am is because that blood sample is mine. Everyone at the table looked at me in shock. I don’t have any details as to why the chemical didn’t fuse to mine so that will be one question we will have to look into more I said. There were also folders marked by state and each one had a compound that was eliminated by the FBI. It had satellite images of the compound, number of people linked to the compound, and a date. With a little more digging I found out the dates were when the compound was destroyed and some small notes on how they did it too. Between weapons and using both zombies and the more advanced zombies all these compounds have fallen but our advantage is they have never come across an outpost like ours. Most of these other compounds don’t have any walls and people are free to come and go as they pleased. Our compound I believe is there greatest threat that they have ever come across to date since we have taken a strong stance to survive. But thankfully I have not come across any files or documents of our outpost yet so either they don’t know about it or haven’t figured out how to stop us.

  Three days after searching thru files and documents my team returned and we headed to the Department of Energy. That’s where you two arrived and joined our team. I kept you at Department of Energy since I knew the two of you would find any information you could. We did Rus said. We found a file on the DuKoppus Nuclear Power Plant with several documents signed from Director Skinner. Don grabbed the file and I scanned over most of the documents. I think some of these pages may be keys to what the CIA was looking into before the FBI eliminated them. We will research that later I said. That’s why I put the two of you in the administration office because
all those files were from the CIA headquarters. Once I put you on assignment I went back to my office where I created ID’s, security cards, and history for the two of you. I also created several death threats sent to me via the Pittsburgh militia. Unfortunately Jamal’s crew was the closest and only one I knew of and it would give me a reason to request a new location for working and protection from agents of my choosing. I chose to make this hotel my new location with Guy McGregor and Xavier Wells as my personal protection I said with a smile as I handed Rus and Don their new ID badges. Since the threat was faked from the Pittsburgh crew Director Skinner ordered the FBI to eliminate them as well but since Jamal was not one of the people killed the threat was taken serious and my removal from the headquarters was granted. It was a choice I had to make for the survival of our outpost I said. I know we try to save who we can but our motto has been for the good of the outpost. I returned only hours before you two entered the FBI headquarters and made your way to my office so that’s what happened over the four weeks between me dying and being reunited with you. Our next step will be to return to the wax museum to update Rus and Don’s look, research more into this FBI/DuKoppus union, find out why the toxic chemical had no affect on my blood, and to take down the FBI before we are able to continue our search for a cure.


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