Government Z (Book 1): The Beginning

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Government Z (Book 1): The Beginning Page 24

by Reid, Bryan D.

  Chapter 25

  After hearing from Rus on how the search was going in Las Vegas we had high hopes we would hear good news soon. As precaution of the battle we were preparing by sending four scouts out every twelve hours to patrol every direction for one hour about thirty miles from the compound. They scouted a thirty mile radius around the compound starting in the northeast and southwest corners and would travel back and forth one time before returning to the compound. The riders would travel together in groups of two to the starting points and then would split up traveling in opposite directions until they met the other driver traveling toward their location, then they would ride back to came together. With the north, south and west being farm fields surrounding the compound we gained almost two miles and the east was a small wooded area before getting into the little village near my parents house. Everyone continued preparing the weapons and defenses every day. Don and the group we found at our work worked on removing the guns and rockets from all the vehicles and attaching them to the top of the walls around the catwalk. So Don where did you decide to put each weapon around the catwalk? I asked. Well since we don’t know where the attacks will come from I modified all the stands and post that hold the mini chain guns, rockets, and sniper rifles Don said. Each location has four of these quick release latches which are interchangeable to each post Don added. That’s awesome I said. So what do we do know one of our co-workers asked. I stared at him for a minute before returning my stare toward Don. We wait I said smugly. The next nightfall approached with no word from Rus. I sat close to the CB radio trying every fifteen minutes but hearing nothing but static. Don came up to the command center after dinner with a bottle of bourbon with a couple of glasses and some very fine cigars he found on the last trip out. Well thank you sir I said out the side of my mouth as I lit my cigar. Still no word from Rus yet Don asked. No, it’s not like him to miss a deadline for calling I said. How long ago was his call time Don asked? Three hours ago I answered as I slammed the bourbon Don had poured me. He’s probably just on to something; you know how he gets Don said trying to ease my mind. Don and I keep trying the CB until our cigars were gone then headed off to bed. The next morning Don and I were part of the scout team that headed out at eight. Don headed with Bruce to the northeast location as Pastor Scott and I traveled to the southwest. I traveled across the southern road headed toward Don who was driving the east route south toward me. While I was traveling my mind just went adrift. Flashbacks starting coming to me of the events since it all started. I ran through driving my family to the airport before they left on vacation and if I would ever see them again or if they were even alive, the night before and morning after the white flash, building the compound, and traveling to Washington D.C. But something kept sticking in my head as I approached the meeting point with Don. I arrived first and closed my eyes trying to remember. As Don pulled up he could see the intense look on my face as I was trying to think. What is it Don asked? I was having flashbacks the whole ride here and that day before that E.M.P. was set off kept replaying in my head I said. Do you remember the day before shutdown at work? I asked Don. Of course! Why? Don said. Remember I had to take that employee to the ER I asked. Yeah what’s your point? Don asked. I revved my Spyder and shouted follow me as I started to drive away.

  I hurried back to the compound driving out of sight of Don a couple of times. I arrived back at the compound a few minutes ahead of Don. Bruce and Pastor Scott were already back when I parked my Spyder in the garage as Don came racing in on his motorcycle. What the hell is it Don shouted at me? I ignored him as I pulled my desert eagle out and started a fast paced walk toward the hospital. I walked into the hospital where Abby and the baby were getting a monthly checkup by Dr. Li Wong. Abby noticed the gun in my hand as Don, Pastor Scott, and Bruce came rushing in behind me. Bruce, take Abby and the baby to the command center I ordered. As they exited the building I pointed my gun at Dr Li. Dr Li got a terrified look on her face. What are you doing? Dr Li asked. I know who you are now I said. I can’t believe it took this long I continued. Tell me who you really are I ordered. I am Dr. Li Wong, head doctor of the East Wing at River District Hospital, Head Doctor of this compound now Dr Li answered with confidence. I noticed a small bead of sweat roll down the side of her head as she was speaking. Your still lying I insisted. Lay down on that gurney I ordered her with my gun still pointed at her. She laid down on the gurney where I pulled all the straps across tying her body to the gurney. What are you doing Don asked in a demanding tone? I never paid attention until Dr. Li’s hair starting growing and her root were showing. I noticed it just before Rus left when we were in the mess hall one night for dinner and it came to me while I was riding alone on our scouting trip. What does that have to do with anything Dr Li demanded? I will search for the evidence I need and then you will talk I said. I started searching the hospital high and low while Don and Pastor Scott just continued to look on, but over the next ten hours I turned up nothing. I think you’re going insane, now untie me Dr Li screamed at me when my search came up empty. I sat on the floor as Don headed to untie the doctor. I was so sure of it I said. As Don unhooked the first strap I noticed a small footlocker under the workbench my dad had made out of metal. Hold on Don I asked. I’ve never seen this footlocker before I said looking at a very concerned Dr Li. I opened the footlocker and found boxes of black hair dye and a cell phone. I searched the cell phone and found several text messages to a number I most defiantly recognized. With the last two messages the most intriguing. The second to last message which was sent the day Rus and Bev left for Las Vegas said “Sir one of the compound leaders is headed for Las Vegas in search of a cure. The numbers continue to grow here and their defenses are strong but with the numbers being sent you should have no problem over taking them and putting an end to this major threat. I will notify you once I eliminate the leader and then you can begin your assault on the compound.” I read out loud. The last message read “Take him out now and we will begin the assault.” I finished the messages and stared at Dr. Li. Who are the messages sent to? Don asked. I placed the phone on the counter top, pointed my desert eagle at it, and pulled the trigger. After, I turned my gun and pointed in Dr. Li’s face. Give me one reason I shouldn’t put a bullet through your face right now you two faced bitch I screamed. I understand the phone but what is up with the hair dye Don asked? Well you remember I asked if you remembered that night at work before this all started I said. Yeah what of it Don asked. Well when I first noticed was the other day in the mess hall. I hadn’t paid much attention to Dr. Li before that night but I saw the blonde roots starting to show and the longer hair that had grown out really made it completely noticeable that I had met her before on that particular night I said. I cocked the hammer on my gun; last chance I said. Three, Two, One I counted down. As I got to one she started to cry. Okay, Okay, I am not Dr. Li Wong she screamed. Then tell us who you are and what you are doing here I demanded.

  I undid another strap allowing “Dr. Li” to sit up and after she composed herself she began to tell us her story. “My name is Beverly and I was a RN in the ER at River District Hospital. I am the nurse that was working the night you brought that employee into the ER with the bump on their head. I was working the night this all started with those first patients that came in with white eyes, the guard who died, and that huge four armed creature. The hospital went into lock down and we all had to survive on our own. I was in one of the patient rooms hiding when I heard the door get ripped off the hinges and watched thru the crack of the closet as this huge four armed creature started to tear the room apart. Suddenly to my surprise I watched this four armed creature start to shrink back down to a normal size with these two additional arms disappear into the rib cage area, as I continued to watch this creature transform when suddenly standing in my view was Dr. Li Wong. Dr. Wong turned around to the closet as a moved I knocked a hanger off and it fell to the bottom of the closet. The doors flew open as Dr. Wong stood staring at me. I was crying so hard b
egging for her not to hurt me. She said she would make me a deal I couldn’t refuse. She proceeded to drag me by my hair down to the surgical room where she strapped me to a gurney. She then cut all my hair off, dyed it black, and drew three vials of my blood. I asked her what she wanted me to do. She said she would let me and my family live; all I had to do was pretend I was Dr. Li Wong. She then threw me in the office with my boss Anne Harris and offered her the same deal. All she had to do also was pretend I was Dr. Li Wong. She told us to continue to wait in the hospital and she would come and find us. Then a couple of days went by while we took refuge Ann’s office. Then Dr. Li with a huge blonde wig on showed up with all these other people and told us there was hope. After Ann was killed my blonde roots started showing signs of returning so Dr. Li got me supplies of hair dye. She told me to continue dyeing my hair and to be “Dr. Li Wong” if I wanted to see my husband or child again. So I have done everything she has asked of me. This footlocker is hers.” So where is she now I asked? She goes by the name Bev now and she’s with Rus in Las Vegas.

  I ran for the command center and started calling Rus on the CB. Rus, Rus, answer me God dammit I shouted. I turned to Don and told him to get everyone to the mess hall now. Don took off rounding up everyone in the mess hall and strapping our “Dr. Li” back to the gurney while we would figure out her punishment later, while I continued trying to reach Rus. Once everyone was at the mess hall they said down for dinner. I continued trying to reach Rus, when Don entered to let me know everyone was in the mess hall eating dinner. I headed for the mess hall to address the compound. I stood at the front of the mess hall. Can I have everyone’s attention please I announced. We have just found out that one of these creatures has infiltrated our compound, working in compromise with another individual, and we will soon be under attack I stated. The creature hid among us as Bev who was really Dr. Li in disguise, while the Dr. Li we all knew was Bev following orders to save her family I continued. We have a few options and I think a vote will be the best way to take action I said. The options we have are as followed; one we leave the compound heading for Las Vegas in a search and rescue for Rus and the cure, two we stay and fight while continuing to make this our home, or three we all pack up and head our separate ways I asked? We will take a vote by hands and the majority wins I said. As I asked for who wanted to vote for the search and rescue Bruce came bursting thru the mess hall doors. You need to get to the southeast catwalk now! Bruce said in a rush a panic and excitement. The entire mess hall followed toward the southeast wall as Bruce, Don, Christi, Abby, and I headed up the stairs to the catwalk. I looked out over the wall toward the edge of the tree line of the farthest field away. It was dark around the base of the trees but hard to make out since it was over a mile away. I picked up my sniper rifle and pierced through the scope. What do you see Christi asked? I pulled my eye away from the scope and looked at my four friends on the catwalk with me and said, well I guess we vote for number two. Since Bruce had warned us he already knew what was coming, so Christi, Don, and Abby grabbed binoculars or a scope and looked at the tree line. Zombies as far as the eye could see were slowly walking out from the trees. I turned toward the rest of the community. The time is upon us, go to the armory and get your weapons and prepare for a fight. Everyone took off for the armory while Bruce, Don, Christi, Abby, and I headed for the command center.


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