Horsemen of Apolcalypse Island: Sin

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Horsemen of Apolcalypse Island: Sin Page 5

by Layne Blacque, Taige Crenshaw

  Sin laughed. When he spoke again, his voice sounded light, feminine and possessed a decidedly Californian accent.

  "I saw the way you looked at her during our brief tour of L.A."

  Alana blushed. “I don't know what you're talking about!"

  "Liar!” Sin, who wore the body of a five-foot-ten-inch supermodel, hefted a pillow at her. “I can read your thoughts, remember? And your thoughts definitely had some ideas about Miss Top Model."

  "Oh, Lord!” She sat beside him—her—and stared at the face of the model whose rounded curves and girlish beauty had obsessed her for years. “Damn. You look just like her."

  "Thank you."

  "You didn't possess her body or anything, did you? Are we breaking some kind of rule, here?"

  Sin tossed back his newly acquired red-brown hair and batted green, cat-like eyes. “Nope. She's fine. Halfway around the world filming her talk show as we speak."

  Feeling a little shy, Alana reached out to touch a supple cheek; then one, large, delectable breast. “I've always thought her skin would feel like satin. Turns out, I was right,” she giggled.

  The Sinful Supermodel pouted. “Don't you want to explore a little more deeply?"

  "I've never been with a woman before,” she admitted. “I wouldn't know how to begin."

  "Come closer, Alana. I'm sure the rest will come to you..."

  Every part of Alana's body screamed for Sin's touch, and she melted completely when Sin began peeling off the red bikini that covered her beautiful, borrowed, sienna flesh. She reached out, caressing the other woman's hair and neck, whispering words both wicked and kind to spur her on.

  "Wow. I just like looking at you. I like touching you. I can't find anything wrong with you.” Her pupils dilated. The desire in her voice dripped freely. “You're so beautiful, that I just want to look at you.

  Sin pouted. “You're not going to leave me for a woman, are you?"

  Alana laughed. “Why leave you for a woman when you can become one?” She jumped upon her man-woman and pressed a kiss onto its perfect, supermodel mouth.

  This is exactly what Sin had wanted, how he'd imagined it. Even though he'd willed this action into place, he had no control over it but instead was swept away in the building storm.

  Alana became open and playful, peppering him with kisses that delighted every part of his body. He welcomed the intensity of her touch, thrilled at her curiosity and child-like exploration of another woman's body. Though he'd lost count of how many women he'd watch make love to one another, the experience was always a revelation to him. And on the few occasions he'd stepped inside a woman's flesh, as he had on this night, he'd always been amazed by the gentle but no less passionate ardour he experienced when being made love to in female form.

  He straddled Alana, using his tongue to move down the length of her wet open pussy. Her hot pink cunt flowered open, suckling his mouth, giving and receiving moist kisses of the most intimate kind.

  He revelled in his human's taste and smell, rubbing his nose against her trembling thighs and using his whole tongue to lick her aching lips from top to bottom. He'd bring the squirming woman beneath him to the brink many times before finally allowing her to let go.

  Chapter Eight

  Love and Other Things Left Unfinished

  "Happy Anniversary, Alana. Twenty-four hours ago we first met."

  She opened her eyes, groaned and shoved her head beneath a pillow. “Close the blinds, please. My head feels like it's about to explode and my body aches. I feel like I was hit by a truck. Or a six-foot-tall sex demon."

  "Want me to hit you, again?"

  "Do you even have to ask?” She smiled into the pillow. Rolling over, she propped herself up on an elbow. “I'll need some breakfast, first."

  "What do you have to eat? Would you like me to whip up something?"

  Her mouth fell open. “You can cook too? You eat?” Was there anything this superman couldn't do? Her stomach grumbled her assent. “You're too good to be true."

  He stood, stretched and ran his hands through his long, blonde hair. “Why does my ability to cook surprise you? Who do you think it was who taught the first men to make the first pans and utensils? I'm no mere sexual being, Alana.” His eyes hardened appearing to her like bitter chips of ice. “My brother Lust showed your people how to make fire. It was he—greedy, hungry, horny little bastard that he is—who taught the first men what plants to use to spice your foods. He forged the first iron skillets and woks."

  Damn, she thought. He thinks I just like him for his doggy-style...

  Sin stood at the foot of her bed, flexing adorably and looking a lot like a wounded child. Alana had to stop herself from laughing out loud. Apparently being immortal and divine was not enough to make this being feel secure. His ego, like every other part of him, was huge and needed stroking.

  Suddenly, she began to see him as a suitable replacement for the meal she wanted. “You're not mad, are ya, baby?"

  Though he made a show of pouting, his gorgeous eyes mirrored his good humour. “Only a little."

  "Well, I'm going to have to make it up to you then."

  "And how are you going to do that, Alana?"

  "How do you want me to?” She scooted down the length of the bed, positioning herself in the middle. She lifted her legs over her body parting them in a perfect V-shape. She grew wet from just the sight of his perfectly structured body, so much so that her hot juices trickled onto the sheets.

  "Damn, baby girl. That's hot!"

  A very tall, very built, very handsome man stood in Alana's doorway, watching the action. His wide, expressive face was so chiselled, so defined, that each feature appeared to have been sculpted out of bronze marble. His close-cropped hair stood up in careless spikes along his perfectly proportioned head, almost as if he'd used his fingers instead of a comb to style it. He was bigger than Sin—taller, wider, more muscular but seemed younger and less mature. He wore a snug, green military-inspired tee shirt and loose-fitting camouflage pants.

  Alana screamed, dove beneath her sheets and hefted a pillow at the intruder. “Who the hell are you?"

  Sin rolled his eyes and crossed rippling arms across his massive chest. “Lust! I swear I mention your name once, and you appear like I summoned you, or something."

  "Great to see ya, man.” The second Horsemen walked into the bedroom and embraced his older brother. “I woulda knocked, but—"

  "But you like nothing better than walking in at the worst possible time,” Sin grunted.

  "You two are brothers?” Alana stopped shivering long enough to ask the question. “You're like Sin?” Her heartbeat quickened, and for a brief moment, guilt crept into her belly. Immediately, an irresistible attraction toward this deeply tanned redhead with the devilish smile consumed her. But should I feel guilty?

  "Am I like Sin?” he echoed. “I think I'm a lot better than Sin. Lust is better; ask anyone. After all, the wages of Sin is Death!"

  Alana stifled a giggle at what she witnessed next. Sin, the annoyed, elder brother, smacked Lust—hard—on the back of his pretty, rust-coloured head.


  "Why are you here, Lust? And where are the others?"

  The younger entity rolled his deep, green eyes and looked to the floor. “Well, if you'd keep your giant mitts to yourself I'd tell you."

  "Just tell me."

  "Fine,” he huffed. “Well, it seems that Strife is on the prowl again."

  "I was afraid you were going to tell me that."

  "There's more."

  Sin sank onto the bed and dropped his head into his hands. “What is it?"

  "He's causing a lot of trouble, as you might imagine.” Lust shrugged. “He's found himself a real hottie somewhere in the United States. Anyway, like yourself, that dude wastes no time. Since yesterday, they've met, fallen in lust and are presently shacking up."


  "Soooo, he and his girl have gone all Bonnie and Clyde. They've already killed her boyfrien
d and one of her uncles.” Lust shook his head. “You know how he works, dude. Once he's done alienating and killing this chick's family and friends, she'll be..."

  "Next,” Sin finished. “I really, really thought Strife had gotten over that ... fetish. Where is he staying?"

  "Some place called Brooklyn. I would go try to stop him, but—"

  "But you have other things to attend to. Right, brother?"

  Alana feeling ignored and forgotten watched the exchange from her corner of the bed. She expected embarrassment or shame to show up on the younger creature's face, but she saw none of these there. Instead a kind of smug defiance asserted itself making him seem all the more amoral.

  Lust laughed and turned to her. Purposefully, he scanned every inch of her body.

  She shivered. Though a sheet covered her, she was certain he'd seen everything she had to offer. And if his sexy smile as any indicator, he'd liked what he saw. A lot.

  "I gotta go, bro.” The uninvited entity patted his brother on the back. “Take care of yourself, and your new lady friend."

  "Where are you going?” Sin demanded. His voice had grown thick with anger. He clenched and unclenched his meaty fists at his sides.

  Lust winked at his brother before disappearing into a torrent of bright red light.

  * * * *

  Ten agonising minutes passed before Alana and Sin could speak.

  Alana's chest tightened as she fought to find words that could express her feelings. Her life had changed so radically, so magically in the span of a day and it was all because of Sin.

  "I know you have to leave,” she whispered. “And I understand."

  "I don't want to go, Alana."

  She sat at the top of the bed with her head against the black marble headboard. From her position, she had a clear view of the muscles in Sin's back—bunching and knotting, flexing and crunching.

  She wanted so much to reach out to him, to hold him against her body and beg him not to go. But she was determined to not allow her selfish needs to come before Sin's duties—whatever those duties might be.

  She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged herself trying to rock away her panic. “How long will you be gone?"

  He was by her side in an instant pulling her into his arms. He kissed her eyelids, her nose and her waiting, moist mouth.

  She straddled him locking her legs around his rock-hard midsection and latched clawed fingers into his thick shimmering hair.

  Desperation filled his touch. He rested her against the bed. He pushed forward sinking deep within her. She moaned.

  Sin pumped into her, his thrusts insistent. Wrapping her legs around his hips, Alana clamped her hands on his ass. He turned his head, his lips searching for hers. Shifting to meet him, Alana relinquished her whole being to him.

  Groaning, she rotated her hips countering his motion. Tears burned her eyes, and she closed them knowing this was goodbye. Sinking deeper into his kiss, her tears rained down her cheeks, mingling with their kiss. Undulating her hips, she pushed down on him. The soft fall of tears hit her face. Opening her eyes Alana met Sin's and realised he was crying. Watching the sorrow on his face she moved with him as their tears mingled. Pleasure burst out of her. Arching her back, she clenched her legs tighter around him. Sin murmured against her lips, continuing to kiss her as his release took him over the edge.

  She held him as he shuddered. Sin collapsed, sliding down her body until his head lay on her breast. Alana's hand cupped his head. The hot wash of his tears drenched her skin.

  He went slack in her arms. Looking at him she saw that he'd fallen asleep. The tear streaks on his face made her heart clench. Pushing at him gently, she stilled as he murmured and rolled off her. Sin curled away, continuing to sleep. Alana rose from the bed. Grabbing her robe she shrugged into it and looked back at him once more. Turning, she walked to the door and left the room.

  * * * *

  Sin woke, fear pounding in his throat. He kept his eyes closed afraid of what he'd see. He couldn't take it if he was still in the tree and the interlude with Alana hadn't been real.

  It couldn't have been a dream. Feeling the bed below him, Sin relaxed. Slowly, he opened his eyes. Chocolate brown eyes gazed down at him calmly. Sitting up, he rested his back against the headboard. His throat thickened with what he must say. He watched her eyes as he spoke.

  "I don't know when I'll return, Alana. But I'll make this vow to you. When you see me again, take comfort in the knowledge that I will have rid the world of Strife. If I should not return, take comfort in the knowledge that I love you."

  "If you think I'll stay behind like some meek little woman then you're delusional.” Alana raised an eyebrow.

  He was surprised. He started to shake his head when he looked at her realising she was dressed. Glancing behind her, he saw the suitcases by the window. Looking at her, he saw the stubborn tilt of her chin.

  "I can't take you with me, Alana. Strife is dangerous,” he warned.

  "I didn't ask your permission, Sin."

  She collected a slip of paper from her nightstand. Dropping it on his chest, she stepped back. When he saw that it was a flight confirmation, his lips thinned. Reading the destination, he laughed.

  "You really are a handful."

  "Yes. I don't appreciate you thinking you would leave me here, Sin."

  Knowing the way of women, the powerful being rolled off the bed and stood. He clothed himself with a thought and reached for her. Alana slapped at his hands. He refused to be dissuaded. Grabbing her, he pulled her into him. He kissed her thoroughly. Alana went limp. Smiling, Sin kissed the pulse in her throat. Alana jerked from him slapping her hand on her neck.

  Narrowing her eyes, she turned and looked at the mirror across the room. “What the heck is this?” She pointed to the mark on her neck.

  Sin studied the ancient glyph now branding her flesh. Rocking back on his heels, he grinned.

  "Since you want to come with me, it's only appropriate for you wear my mark.” He shrugged, fighting a laugh.

  Alana's eyes blazed at him. “What about a mark for you?"

  Touching her hand he gave her a ball of power. She looked at him in confusion.

  "What do you want it to say?” Looking deep in her eyes, he saw a devilish sparkle.

  Alana lashed out, slapping the pulse in his neck. He winced as the mark fused into his skin. She grinned and turned, grabbing her bag on the way to the door. Looking at the mirror, he laughed.

  Hands off unless you want an ass whipping.

  Alana was watching him. “That's so those women in New York know they can look but not touch. Bring my bag."

  The glyph fused to his flesh was in the ancient language. Leaving her bags, he followed her. Alana waited by the front door. Her look clearly said ‘where are my bags'. Walking toward her, Sin saw her eyes drop to the mark.

  "I feel it's more appropriate,” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist. He kissed her nose.

  She placed her hand over the mark, looking at him with shining eyes. “Yes it is. I love you my Alana's Sin."

  He laughed and kissed her. Raising his head he opened the door and stepped outside. He brought her close to him. “Hold on."

  A wind whipped around them as their journey began.

  * * * *

  And so Alana joined Sin as he blazed forth upon the earth, seeking Strife, his errant and bloodthirsty brother.

  Rage, the fourth Horsemen, remained in hiding. He stayed out of sight, simmering with anger—plotting and planning.

  Lust, the youngest Horsemen, did not seek a fight. Nor did he wish for reunion with the master. What he desired most was good food and a great woman. He found both. But in finding his woman, Lust found something he had not been seeking.


  About the Authors

  Layne Blacque grew up in Brooklyn, NY. She's a freelance writer whose articles on relationships, pop culture and the paranormal appear in popular magazines and web sites.

  Blending contemporary issues with high-voltage drama, Layne is best known for writing about blue-collar heroes and the sassy women who love them. When feeling whimsical, she plots escapist fantasies showcasing gods and monsters that rule and rampage through our world and other realities. A keen observer of pop culture, she can often be seen balancing her laptop upon her knees in front of her television set. To learn more about Layne, visit her website.

  Email: [email protected]

  * * * *

  Taige Crenshaw has been enthralled with the written word from the time she picked up her first book. It wasn't long before she started to make up her own tales of romance.

  Her novels are set in the modern day between people who know what they want and how to get it. Taige also sets her stories in the future with vast universes between beautiful, strange and unique beings with lots of spice and sensuality added to her work.

  Always hard at work creating new and exciting places Taige can be found curled up with a hot novel with exciting characters when she is not creating her own. Join her in the fun and frolic, with interesting people and far reaches of the world in her novels.

  Email: [email protected]

  Layne and Taige love to hear from readers. You can find their contact information, websites and author biographies at

  Also by Layne Blacque

  Sensual Mastery: Whipped

  Also by Taige Crenshaw

  Club Immortality: Lay Me Down

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