Going Down: A Collection of Erotic Stories for Aquaphiles

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Going Down: A Collection of Erotic Stories for Aquaphiles Page 1

by Alex River

  Going Down

  A Collection of Erotic Stories for Aquaphiles

  By Alex River

  Copyright ©2011 by Alex River


  This book contains stories of an explicitly sexual nature, and deals with aspects of sexuality that some readers may find disturbing, including breath play, bondage, dominance and submission, and dubious consent. Many of the fictional situations depicted herein are dangerous. Do not attempt to replicate them in the real world, as they may result in serious injury or loss of life.

  The author and publisher are not responsible for injuries incurred by readers attempting to engage in any activities depicted in this book. Especially the ones involving tentacles.


  Co2ercion: She is bound, naked and helpless in the bottom of the bathtub as the water rises over her head. He watches, stroking himself… and waits for her lungs to reach their limits.

  Nostalgia: In college, she had a little ritual when it came to masturbating in the tub. Now, she’d like to share it with him, and he’d like to spice it up a bit.

  Leila’s Story: Leila and her two lovers want to make the most of their vacation in a tropical paradise. When she finds a warm, secluded rock pool, the morning promises to be a memorable one as the men take turns with her in the water, driving her to new heights of ecstasy.

  Waterfall: There’s nothing like a bit of bondage and domination in the shower. Especially when things get turned around and some sexy revenge creeps into it.

  Surrender: Sasha’s new friends Thomas and Jackie have an open relationship when it comes to sex, and a gorgeous private swimming pool. When she is invited to participate in their little games-- complete with forced breath-holding and underwater orgasms-- she dives into the action head first.

  The Game: She’s in the bath, and she’s bored. What can she and her husband do with a pair of dice, a stopwatch, and a length of rope to pass the time? And what sort of bet will she make with him based on the outcome of their new game?

  A Helping Tentacle: Friendly, alien tentacle-monster Swish is hitching a ride on the star cruiser Endeavor after being rescued from an evil slave master. Ellie is assigned to keep him company and look after him on the journey. To pass the time, they talk about Swish’s old career back on his home world, the pleasure planet Callixis IV. Ellie is intrigued. Swish is amenable.


  The man removes his clothes and gathers up a collection of items from the countertop before stepping into the huge, sunken bath, its bottom slippery where the water is just beginning to rise. Treading carefully, he turns to lower himself onto the recessed seat on the other side of the deep, two-person tub and deposits the items on the ledge next to him.

  He selects the bottle of lube and pops the top open, allowing a thn stream to dribble into the palm of his right hand before closing the container and setting it aside. The smooth liquid is cool against his erect cock as he twists and pulls. He relaxes back in the seat and strokes himself slowly as his gaze travels appreciatively over his wife, bound and helpless at the bottom of the tub.

  His eyes sweep up and down the length of her body, taking in the scene. Her wrists are bound with soft cuffs and fastened to heavy-duty suction cups attached to the floor of the tub above her head, at shoulder width. The position forces her shoulders back, causing her breasts to jut out, the nipples pointing straight up as if desperate to stay out of the water. Her ankles are crossed and tied with several turns of rope, then fastened over the graceful arch of the faucet, forcing her knees apart and leaving her pussy wide open and vulnerable to the pounding stream of warm water pouring over it from the tap above.

  The hardware connecting her cuffs to the suction cups clinks as she twists restlessly. Her eyes are fixed intently on his hand, pumping himself slowly up and down, his thumb swiping across the swollen head with each stroke. Her tongue darts out, licking her lips unconsciously, and he smiles faintly as the water level creeps slowly higher.

  Before long, she will be distracted by more... immediate… concerns.

  He leans on one elbow, taking it all in-- the way she jerks occasionally as the water pounding between her legs hits a particular angle; the way her hands fist from time to time, thumbs rubbing across the other fingers as if desperate to be touching something; stroking something. He sees the small shudder when the water reaches her ears and pours inside. Watches her eyes flicker closed as the water runs over them, as well.

  It creeps up her cheeks, threatening her nose and mouth, and she stretches up to follow the receding air above her, fighting against the leverage imposed by her legs, bound and held above the water, and her wrists fastened to the bottom of the tub above her head. Moments later, her nipples lose their fight to stay afloat and disappear, unremarked. He sees the moment she decides to lose the battle to keep her nose and mouth above water, in hopes of prolonging the war. His cock twitches in his hand as she inhales deeply and lets herself sink back down to land with a soft thump that he feels through the soles of his feet.

  He counts to himself silently as she rests on the bottom. Ten... twenty... thirty... forty... at forty-three she stretches upwards and breaks the surface for a few deep breaths, then settles back again. And so the pattern goes: the water rising higher and higher each time, forcing her to strain further and further for each breath.

  He pumps himself faster, pushing repeatedly close to the edge and then backing off as he watches her fight against her predicament. Her trips to the surface become more frequent, but less productive. His cock pulses, weeping pre-cum the first time she tries to surface and fails, a surprised burst of bubbles welling up instead. He eases off, just trailing his fingers up and down his erection, barely touching, as she lunges for the surface again, her gasp cut short with a burble.

  The next attempt yields better results and she relaxes back to rest, but that just brings on the inevitable denouement-- by the time she is ready to try again, it's too late. She stretches upwards to the limit of her bonds and falls short. After two more attempts she settles back to the bottom, defeated, small bursts of air escaping periodically to trail up to the surface.

  He lowers himself into the water to sit next to her, and reaches down to the end to turn off the tap. He settles himself comfortably, waiting until a huge flurry of bubbles erupts from the bottom before unhooking the wrist nearest to him and pulling her up.

  He supports her head above the surface while she sucks in air gratefully. When her breathing has calmed, he leans down, lips brushing the shell of her ear as he whispers, "Now... are you ready to give me what I want?"

  "Never," she growls, so he pushes her back under the water without warning and refastens her wrist, trapping her once more. Counting slowly to thirty in his head, he readies the selection of toys sitting on the edge of the tub, then unhooks her wrist again and allows her up for two quick, slightly panicky-sounding breaths before plunging her down and repeating the process.

  He ignores the toys the first few times, keeping her down for thirty seconds at a stretch and letting his hands roam over her body, stroking, squeezing and penetrating whatever part of her he wishes. His pace is leisurely, as unhurried as if each half-minute lasts an eternity; no doubt, from her perspective, it seems that they do.

  When this no longer gets the response he desires, he moves on to the toys. The first snick of the nipple clamp on her sensitive flesh results in a short, bubbly shriek; the second, a longer underwater moan. Burying the dildo-shaped vibrator deep between her legs and thumbing it onto the highest setting yields thirty seconds of spirited arching and struggling; when the same item sl
ips past her open lips as she sucks in breath, filling her mouth and throat and pushing her, millimeter by millimeter, back under the surface-- her choked "mmph" of surprise and protest cut off as the water closes slowly and inexorably over her wide-open lips and flaring nostrils-- it yields struggling of an entirely different nature.

  He lets her up after fifteen seconds that time, spitting water and some fairly creative curse words at him, then makes up for it the next time by keeping her down for a full minute as he tugs and jiggles the chain linking the nipple clamps, watching the short bursts of bubbles rise up to the surface.

  Occasionally she becomes resigned and quiet, and he regains her attention by unhooking her wrist at the thirty-second mark and allowing her to get within a hairsbreadth of the air above, then pulling her back down and refastening her before returning to whatever he'd been doing previously, as if he'd never been interrupted. When her remaining breath erupts in a plume of bubbles, he hauls her up and once again whispers in her ear, "Are you ready to give in to me yet?"

  "No," she answers, her refusal growing weaker each time.

  Eventually, he tires of the game, his aching hard-on demanding attention. He lifts her head up, once again brushing her ear as he speaks.

  "I think I'm going about this the wrong way. Perhaps I'll just take what I want. I don't really see that you're in any condition to stop me, do you?"

  Her full body shudder makes him think that this was the right answer all along. He drapes her free arm over the edge so she can support herself.

  "Rest for a minute-- you'll need it. Don't try anything, though, because you won't like the results."

  He leans down and unfastens her ankles, tossing the rope aside. Releasing the suction cups, he repositions them to move her further away from the tap, giving himself room.

  "Now, deep breath, on three." She fills her lungs to capacity as he counts, and disappears under the water with a whimper as he roughly forces her wrists back down to the bottom and refastens them. He shuffles around and lifts her ankles, holding them high and wide as he kneels at her entrance and thrusts inside with abandon.

  He sets a bruising pace, intent on outstripping her need for oxygen, and on his own swollen cock. As his balls begin to tighten and burn, he places one of her legs against his shoulder, and reaches down with his free hand to roll her clit firmly against her pubic bone in time with his thrusts. The first bubbles appear as she begins to lose small bursts of air, and a few seconds later she clamps hard around him, pulsing as the waves of her orgasm crash over her, dragging him over the edge as well.

  He growls and releases into her, riding the series of small aftershocks until the sensation becomes too much. Pulling out, he lifts her legs to the side and lowers them back down, then slides over to lie beside her. He trails a hand slowly between her legs, up her fluttering stomach and ribcage, tugging the chain linking her nipple clamps once more before removing them and soothing the chafed peaks with a stroke of the palm; then sliding his hand firmly over her vulnerable throat with its racing pulse, pausing to feel the stream of small bubbles slipping from her nose trickle through his fingers before finally leaning forward to release her wrists. She follows the slow trail of bubbles up and surfaces with a low moan of exhausted pleasure, her breathing ragged and deep. He pulls her into his arms, letting her rest bonelessly against his chest as he smoothes back her hair and catches his own breath.

  "Thought you were going to use the safe signal a few times, there," he says with tired amusement.

  She lazily flicks water at his face. "Oh, ye of little faith," she mumbles against his chest. "Just you wait until I turn the tables on you next time. Then we'll see who's begging for mercy."

  He tucks her more closely against his side and leans his head back against the edge. "I'm exhausted, just thinking about it," he says, still smiling.


  They are naked on the bed, touching each other, when he guides her hand down to rest between her own legs.

  “Do you want me to show you how I used to masturbate?” she asks, and he nods.

  She leads him into the bathroom and turns on the tap in the big, deep corner bathtub. Over the noise, she explains.

  “Your own hands get kind of old after, say, a decade or so, you know? I came up with this while living in a loft apartment at college. No shower, just a tub, but I discovered that letting all that water pressure run between my legs felt really great.

  "It became a sort of game eventually. I’d lie witmy head resting on the bottom of the tub and try to climax before the level got so deep that I was underwater. For some reason that really turned me on, and the closer it was, the harder I’d come. I love the feeling when the water runs into my ears-- it’s like a kind of penetration-- and the feeling when the water is right up to my nose and mouth, just about to wash over me, kind of a helpless feeling.”

  By this time, the water is warm, and she adjusts the temperature carefully. Plugging the drain, she steps in and lies back, sliding forward until her feet rest high on the wall over the tap and the water runs directly over her pussy. She feels her husband’s hand run over a still-dry breast. Then he speaks, voice rough with excitement.

  “This time, you’re coming twice instead of once. And don’t cheat, because I’m here to play referee.”

  She shudders, and uses one hand to open her pussy lips so the water can hit her labia and clitoris directly. Large hands slide over her body, adding to the sensation. Soon, the warm water laps at the shell of her ears, rising closer and closer before finally spilling into both ear canals simultaneously as she shivers with pleasure. Outside sound is cut off, and her heartbeat is reflected back at her as the pounding water between her legs continues.

  Sight goes next, as the water rises up her cheeks and temples and pours over her closed eyes. Unexpectedly, a hand strokes over her half submerged face, fingers teasing her lips until she opens her mouth and begins to suck them. The sensation and the symbolism pushed her over the edge and she comes hard, her husband's hand moving to her forehead

  As the sensation fades, she twists her hips to avoid the extreme stimulation of the water on her oversensitive flesh, then belatedly realizes that this will make it impossible to come twice before the water washes over her face completely. She moves back into the flow, but the water is already at the edge of her nostrils and mouth, and while the feeling still excites her tremendously, she knows she isn’t going to make it so she starts to lift her upper body out of the tub.

  Before she gets very far, the hand on her forehead firmly and inexorably pushes her back down into the water’s embrace. The word “referee” flashes in her head as water trickles into her nose, and she jerks hard in surprise, heart racing. A wave swamps her, and, thinking quickly, she emptied her lungs of air as it receded. Her lungs burned as the water washed over her again, and she gasped a great breath as her nose and mouth surfaced momentarily one last time.

  Isolated except for the gently insistent hand on her forehead, pinning her to the bottom and enforcing her rules, she counts her pounding heartbeats as the rushing water between her legs pushes her closer to the edge while at the same time separating her farther from the world of light and air above.


  Fifteen... the heartbeats speed up even more as orgasm approaches.

  Twenty-five... the beats slow down, everything in slow-motion as the diving reflex kicks in, giving her the feeling that she could stay underwater balanced on the knife edge of orgasm forever, until...

  ... thirty-two... the climax explodes from her body as the air explodes from her lungs in a violent trail of bubbles, and the hd that was holding her down immediately lifts her up and supports her face above the water as she convulses with wave after wave of pleasure.

  Her husband eases her back against the edge of the tub, and a moment later, she feels him climb into the tub and straddle her torso. His thighs push her down into the water as he settles into position. She sucks in as deep a breath as she can manage befo
re slipping under the surface and lets herself be pinned by his weight. He scoots forward, trapping her even more thoroughly. Something soft brushes her lips and she roots forward blindly, taking his penis into her mouth, bubbles escaping around his length.

  She can't suck without drowning, but he thrusts shallowly for long seconds as bubbles escape from her mouth and nose. When she has nothing left, he pulls away and leans back until she can struggle up enough to barely break the surface and suck in air. He repositions himself and gathers her breasts together in his hands, then begins to thrust into her cleavage, every thrust threatening to push her under once more. It goes on and on, each wave of water washing over her face blending into the next as he thumbs her sensitive nipples and pushes himself into her soft flesh. Eventually, his thrusts lose their cadence and ropes of cum slap across her face before he goes limp, unintentionally pushing her under with no warning and pinning her to the bottom for several long seconds while he collects himself. He clambers off and she surfaces with a moan. They rearrange themselves so she is tucked against his side, then he kisses her and begins to softly stroke her clit, settling in for the long haul.

  She languidly pushes her hair back with one hand as the slow sparks of pleasure dance up and down her spine.

  "I should masturbate more often," she says.

  Leila's Story

  Leila burst into the beach house, grinning as her two companions glanced up from the breakfast table. One dark and the other sunny and bright, their gazes sharpened as they took in her wet hair and the towel clutched carelessly around her body.

  "You'll never guess what I found," she said excitedly. "Come and see!"

  Dominic's expression turned speculative as he smiled, shooting a glance at Johann and setting the glass in his hand down with a decisive clink.

  "Lead on," he told her, climbing to his feet and stretching. Johann followed suit, his smile indulgent.


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