Going Down: A Collection of Erotic Stories for Aquaphiles

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Going Down: A Collection of Erotic Stories for Aquaphiles Page 6

by Alex River

  "Oh, we have an understanding. On my side, as long as it doesn't involve a penis, it's fair game. On his side, as long as it doesn't involve a vagina, he's welcome to go for it," Ellie said.

  "Sounds fair," said Swish. "So, do you want the Introductory, the Cosmopolitan, or the Japanese Schoolgirl Special?"

  Ellie swallowed. Hard.

  "Definitely the Japanese Schoolgirl Special," she said after a moment.

  "Any turn-offs? Health conditions that might be exacerbated by an elevated heart rate or intermittent oxygen deprivation?"

  "Not that I know of."

  "Alright. You'll need a safe signal--"

  "How about 'Antares'?" Ellie suggested.

  "Ah-- no. It can't be verbal. You won't be in any condition to speak for a good portion of our session." Another pulse of wetness pooled in Ellie's bikini, unbidden. "Here. Take my secondary feeder tentacle in your hand. You can squeeze as hard as you want-- you aren't strong enough to hurt me. If you want to stop at any point, just let go of it. Okay?"

  "Got it," Ellie said, grasping the offered tentacle and grinning. "I'm ready when you are."

  "I'm ready now," said Swish.

  * * *

  Suddenly, it wasn't the friendly Swish any more. The alien's whole aspect changed, becoming predatory, and Ellie shivered in excitement, backing up. Her back was to the swimming pool, though, and the slimy creature quickly slipped around to block any other escape route, crowding her closer and closer to the edge. She was just contemplating trying to dart past it when one tentacle whipped out with terrifying speed to fasten around her calf.

  The bulk of the monster pushed past her and slid into the pool, pulling her in behind it. She screamed as she hit the water, clawing her way back up to the surface through a sea of flailing tentacles to gasp for breath. The grip on her leg pulled her under again, where she was helpless to stop the beast from coiling itself around her arms and legs. She tried to thrash, but she might as well have been held in bands of steel as she was forced onto her back and dragged through the water, chest burning. She felt the creature pause for an endless moment to adjust its grip before lifting her face out of the water to gasp for air.

  She lay in the monster's embrace for a moment, panting, then tried once again to free herself, succeeding only in dunking her head back below the surface for long moments before she could right herself. She was already smeared with slime, but the suckered tentacles held her with ease even as they coiled further up her arms and legs like boa constrictors. When the muscular bands were curled up around her knees, they suddenly wrenched her legs apart, and she squealed in surprise. New tentacles probed around her torso, laying down fresh slime trails as the tip squirmed under the edge of her bikini top and snapped it effortlessly it two. The cups dragged across her sensitized nipples to settle beneath her shoulders, waving in the water and baring her breasts. As if curious, tiny, prehensile tentacle tips began to tweak the aching, erect peaks, before curling tightly around them and squeezing.

  Ellie groaned, then gasped as something cool and slimy touched her belly and slid down under the side of her bikini bottoms, even as another tentaclid up her inner thigh to mirror it on the other side. With a jerk, both sides of the fabric snapped, and the ruined swimsuit floated away, leaving her naked, exposed, and helpless.

  She squirmed and kicked, succeeding in jerking her knees closed for a moment, but then a medium-sized tentacle looped around her throat once... twice... inexorably forcing her head back to accommodate the two thick coils. The pool water washed over her eyes, lapping at the edges of her mouth and nose and she froze, swallowing, feeling her throat bob against the gentle, steady pressure as the ripples and waves from her earlier struggling threatened to swamp her, cutting her off from the air above. The hard strength in those coils around her neck was a warning as her legs were wrenched open again. She could feel her pulse pounding against the faint constriction around her neck as a blunt tentacle circled her waist and crept down, across her navel, spreading slime through her little triangle of hair, pushing apart her swollen, dripping pussy lips and sliding across her clit, each tiny sucker dragging across the sensitive nub as the thick end pushed into her hole. Deeper and deeper it burrowed, rooting around until it bumped up against her cervix, causing her to cry out in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

  The coils around her neck tightened momentarily in warning, and Ellie whimpered, subsiding. The tentacle tips gripping her nipples began to milk her rhythmically, squeezing and pulling. The thick flesh inside her flexed and moved, but did not thrust, the edge of one of its suckers barely tickling her clit. She lay back, trembling in the grip of the alien, and a small climax washed over her, causing the water to close over her head in mid-gasp as her back arched involuntarily, cunt pulsing around the large tentacle filling her. The alien stilled, then shivered deliciously in response to the juices flowing from her and immediately resumed its attack.

  Ellie squirmed, bubbles streaming from her nose and mouth, straining upward toward the air as the stimulation to her now over-sensitive flesh continued, the tip of the tentacle inside her curling and twisting around to brush her g-spot over and over. Her face broke the surface, head still in the grip of the tentacle looped firmly around her neck, and she blinked and spat water. As she gasped air desperately, another thick appendage probed her face, dripping slime, resting terrifyingly over her nose and mouth for a few moments before flopping across her eyes, blinding her. Tiny tentacles tickled her earlobes, circling the shell of her ear, exploring the nooks and crannies as she shuddered, held helpless by the pressure at her throat. The tentacle in her pussy twisted against her g-spot once more, dragging across her clit as it moved, and she came again as the tentacles at her ears wriggled inside, blocking her ear canals with slime as they squeezed in, probing deeper and deeper, never still. The tips questing tickled her inner ears relentlessly as she pulsed and writhed with her orgasm, the sensation almost unbearably intimate, slime cutting off every sound except for the pounding of her heart and her own gasps and sobs reflected back at her.

  Blind and deaf, the orgasm subsided and she hung limply, moaning as the big tentacle began to fuck her, thrusting in and out slowly, the rows of slimy suckers sliding back and forth across her sensitive clit with each long, lazy press. Her mouth fell open as she panted in reaction, and the big glop of slime that landed on her face was her only warning as a large tentacle forced its way past her parted lips and filled her mouth. Smothered by the slime covering her nose, she struggled to breathe as the two tentacles thrust in time with each other, double ending her. The one in her mouth grally pushed harder and deeper, until it was dunking her face under the water for long seconds with every leisurely, unhurried stroke. The stuff dripping from it tasted of salt and seaweed, and she swallowed reflexively as it slid down her throat, trying to clear her nose and grab a bit of air each time the rhythmic thrusting allowed her to surface for a second or two.

  Her third orgasm rose up and crested over her, much deeper and longer than the others as the strong tentacles pressed into her yielding body and pushed her under the water. Lungs burning after the endless, pulsing waves of sensation, Ellie surfaced, panting rapidly through her nose, to the feeling of a new tentacle sliding between her ass cheeks. She squirmed in protest and sobbed around the solid length thrusting into her mouth as the thing began to prod around the tight ring of muscle it found there.

  * * *

  Aiffal wandered into the ship’s natatorium and stopped dead at the sight that greeted him. Ellie, naked but for the torn bikini bra hanging from her shoulders, was hanging limply in Swish's tight embrace in the crystal clear water of the pool. She was covered in slime, blind, deaf, collared, and gagged; being fucked by tentacles in every available orifice.

  "Hello, Aiffal," said the alien. "I hope this is all right. Ellie said you two had an arrangement."

  "Well," Aiffal said after a moment. "I'm a little irritated that she didn't call me to watch, actually."

" said Swish, still thrusting. "It was kind of a spur of the moment thing."

  "Oh," Aiffal said. "Okay. Have you got a safe signal?"

  "Of course," Swish answered, sounding slightly miffed. "I am a professional, after all."

  "That's good. Just checking. So, um, do you mind if I watch you and jerk off while you're finishing up?"

  "Not at all," said the alien. "The more, the merrier. Do you need a tentacle or three?"

  "No," said Aiffal, stripping off his duty uniform and donning swimming goggles before lowering himself into the pool a few feet away from the large alien enthusiastically molesting his hapless lover. "Thanks. I'm good." He took himself in hand, and began to stroke slowly as he watched Ellie surface momentarily to gasp around her mouthful of tentacle, completely unaware of his presence as she was pushed relentlessly under the water once more. "How many times has she come, anyway?" he asked.

  "Four," said Swish. "I'm thinking she's about finished."

  Aiffal ducked under the water to examine Ellie's swollen nipples and flushed chest, noting the goose bumps on her arms and the way she clutched Swish's secondary feeder tentacle in her hand like a lifeline. "No," he said, surfacing. "She can do one more. You'll need to tickle her, though. She has very sensitive feet."

  "Huh," said Swish. "I'll have to remember that one. Thanks."

  "Don't mention it. Oh-- by the way, be careful because she might pass out. She does that sometimes."

  "Noted," said the alien, and Aiffal took a few deep breaths and sank under the water to watthe action.

  He had to admire Swish's technique. The alien drove thick tentacles alternately into Ellie's cunt and ass, then pulled back and plunged both in at once. He surfaced for a few moments to watch appreciatively as another tentacle fucked her mouth, pushing her head under the water with every slow, unhurried thrust, forcing her to exhale bubbles on the way down and drag in an exhausted breath through her nose on the brief upstroke, totally at the mercy of the alien’s rhythm. Two more nimble appendages worried at her red, sore-looking nipples. Sightless, ears blocked by tiny, active tentacles that squirmed and writhed disturbingly, taste and smell dominated by pool water and the alien's briny pheromones, she was floating semi-conscious and half-drowned in her own little waterlogged, over-stimulated world.

  Aiffal knew that Swish would have to shake up her nervous system to get her over that final peak, and her feet were just the way to do it. He watched intently as Swish drew one tentacle-tip softly along the arch of Ellie's left foot, then the right. She jerked and moaned, the moan choked off into bubbles as the tentacle fucking her mouth pushed her underwater mercilessly. The sound went straight to Aiffal's cock and he squeezed himself harder. Swish began to weave the tiny appendage between Ellie's toes, circling and sliding. She surfaced and gasped, grunting muffled protests around the thick tentacle pushing into her mouth, but each protest was answered with a punishing triple thrust into mouth, cunt, and ass that cut off her strangled cries of outrage with a panicked burble as her head disappeared under the water for long moments.

  Under the surface, Aiffal could see how the rough suction cups on the bottom of Swish's tentacle were dragging across Ellie's clitoris with every pounding thrust, and he groaned softly, increasing the speed of his strokes. She was close. So close.

  He almost missed it when Swish readjusted the double loop of tentacle around Ellie's vulnerable throat and squeezed as she sucked in a breath at the surface, then jerked her down into the depths of the pool and held her there on the bottom, still fucking her. Shocked over the edge by the primal threat, she twisted and thrashed uselessly underneath three meters of pool water for long moments, then went rigid and arched into a massive orgasm. Swish kept the pressure on as she spasmed, and Aiffal's own orgasm overcame him as he watched her struggle and jerk for a few more moments. He could see the exact moment she gave up, going limp and dropping the tentacle clasped in her hand. In that instant, the other tentacles fell away from her neck and the alien propelled her quickly back up toward the light and air. Aiffal followed them up, out of air himself. Ellie’s desperate, choked gasp as all three of them surfaced wrung a final, shuddering aftershock from him, and he clumsily grabbed the edge of the pool for support, too wrung out to tread water.

  When he had control of his own limbs again, Aiffal heaved himself out of the pool and crossed the few steps to the jacuzzi, lowering himself into the hot water gracelessly.

  “Wow,” he said profoundly.

  Supporting now instead of restraining, Swish lifted Ellie from the pool and settled her down in the hot tub, and into Aiffal's arms. She was limp, and covered head to foot in slime. "Aiffal?" she asked sleepily. "Tha' you?"

  "Yup," he told her. "It's me."

  "I did five," shed. "Without passing out, I mean."

  "I saw," he said.

  "An' now I'm covered in slime," she finished, and Aiffal bit his cheek to keep from laughing at her.

  "Lean back," he said instead. He supported her head as she leaned back into the water, keeping her nose and mouth above the surface as he gently cleared the slime from her face. She hummed in appreciation as he ran his fingers through her hair, rubbing the strands through his fingers until the worst of it was gone. It was going to take a shower to get it out, properly.

  "There you go," he said, lifting her back into his arms.

  "Mmm," she said, and snuggled against him.

  Aiffal turned his attention to Swish, who was sprawled indolently next to the jacuzzi. "You okay, Swish?" he asked.

  "Never better," said the alien. "Your lover is delicious."

  "I know," Aiffal said. "You should try her with whipped cream some time."

  "What's whipped cream?"

  "Er... actually-- don't ask. It probably doesn't translate well from the original 'mammal'."

  "Oh. Okay. Hey, what's that noise?" Swish asked.

  "It sounds like we're coming into orbit around Callixis IV. You're home, mate!"

  The alien flushed orange with excitement. "Really? I can't believe it! Thank you Aiffal! Thank you Ellie!"

  "No, Swish, thank you-- for helping me escape from the Spice Baron... and for the show just now," Aiffal said.

  "Thank you for a lovely evening," Ellie said, still pleasantly muzzy.

  "My pleasure," said Swish. "Goodbye, you two-- I'll miss you." With that, Swish hurried off in the direction of the console room, still glowing a happy orange.

  "I liked him," said Ellie, once Swish had gone. "He was a nice tentacle monster."

  "Definitely a nice tentacle monster," Aiffal agreed, holding her close.





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