Tempted by the Jaguar #1: Transformation (Riverford Shifters)

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Tempted by the Jaguar #1: Transformation (Riverford Shifters) Page 8

by Cristina Rayne

  Kylie drew in a sharp, shocked breath, and some of the heat that was scorching her body from within began to cool. At that moment, Hunter looked more animal than man even though he was still in his human form.

  I did this to him, Kylie realized with rising horror, to those men.

  The pinched look on Hunter’s face eased, and he slowly released her head and stepped back. His eyes were fixed on her warily as though he expected her to attack him at any moment.

  Her body still burned painfully with the need to either mount or have Hunter mount her, and only the horror of the situation prevented her mind from giving over to instinct again.

  “Hurry!” she said urgently. “I don’t know how much longer I can stay myself!”

  Hunter nodded and dashed over to the driver’s side while she climbed up onto the passenger seat. She concentrated on shutting the door and buckling her seatbelt, using those simple tasks as an anchor to her sanity. The heat within was a million times worse than the worst fever she had ever had. Hell, just shifting her thighs had her groin throbbing almost unbearably with need. She clenched them together with a quiet groan. A few more minutes and Kylie was afraid she wouldn’t be able to keep herself from masturbating in front of Hunter for even just a little relief.

  “Hurry!” Kylie repeated pleadingly through gritted teeth, her eyes closed against seeing the living temptation beside her. Her hands clutched the seatbelt across her chest so tightly that her hands were beginning to hurt.

  The truck’s tires screeched horribly as Hunter peeled out from the curb. She heard several cars honking angrily at them, but Kylie was feeling so miserable that she couldn’t even drum up the energy to worry about wrecking. She distracted herself by thinking about what she would do once they arrived wherever Hunter was taking her.

  First and foremost, she would jump into the shower turned up to the iciest setting possible. She didn’t care if she dies of hypothermia. Anything would be better than the burning she was currently enduring. If this was what a female jaguar shifter endured every time they went into heat, Kylie didn’t know how they managed without going insane.

  “Almost there. Hang in there,” Hunter abruptly said, his deep voice reverberating directly through her loins, making Kylie clench her thighs together more tightly with a moan of frustrated agony.

  She heard Hunter hiss and wondered if she had accidentally bombarded him with a fresh new pheromone wave of doom. Dammit! Why didn’t anyone warn her about this? She had no memories of her mother ever going through something like this!

  By the time the truck stopped and she heard Hunter open the door, Kylie was practically writhing on the seat. Her eyes flew open, and not waiting for Hunter’s instruction, she all but flew out of the truck. They were in the parking garage she had never seen before. The unfamiliarity of it stopped her in her tracks. She had expected Hunter to drive her to her apartment and thought she could just make a dash for her unit.

  Kylie wrapped her arms around her trembling body just as Hunter cautiously walked up to her. “Follow me, but whatever you do, don’t touch me. I’ll make sure you get into the new apartment I’ve arranged for you, but for God’s sake, don’t even think about leaving it until your heat ends. I’ll try to find a woman from our clan to come sit with you. She’ll be able to explain what’s going on with you better than I ever could.”

  “How long does a jaguar’s heat last?” Kylie asked as she followed him into the building, making sure to fix her eyes on his feet.

  “Twelve days usually,” he replied apologetically.

  She hissed in sudden anger, making her momentarily forget about the throbbing between her legs. “There’s no way in hell I can miss that much college!”

  “Until you learn to control your pheromone output, you’ll have to.”

  Kylie’s growl of frustration was all jaguar. She was so upset, that she didn’t realize that they had reached the elevators and Hunter had stopped to push the button. Her entire front rammed into his back, her aching nipples rubbing against the cotton of her shirt as her breasts pressed against him.

  A sharp growl was her only warning before Kylie’s body was suddenly whirled around and her back slammed into the elevator doors, a soft, wet mouth swallowing her gasp of shock. Then her mind blanked as relief and pleasure thundered through both her mind and body.

  Somewhere in the far corners of her mind, she had a vague perception of clutching tightly at Hunter’s shoulders, of Hunter’s hands squeezing her ass and the two of them grinding their pelvises against each other in the most delicious friction she had ever experienced while tongues tangled and they both did their best to suck the breath completely from each other’s lungs.

  Then the support at her back disappeared, and both Kylie and Hunter stumbled backwards into the elevator. That abrupt movement seemed to snap Hunter out of his frenzy long enough to force himself away from Kylie.

  “Kylie—you have to—we can’t—” Hunter ground out with tremendous effort as he blindly searched for the right floor button behind him, not daring to take his eyes off a very annoyed Kylie.

  But then Kylie cupped his cock through his jeans instead of going for his lips and Hunter’s lips and hands were once again on her like a beast before she could even blink. The elevator jerked as it started to rise, causing them to fall against the back wall in a tangle of limbs.

  Kylie wrapped a leg around his thigh in order to grind more easily against his swollen member, causing Hunter to bite down hard enough on her bottom lip to draw blood. The salty taste seemed to drive them both into a greater frenzy, and suddenly, kissing and rubbing her body against him wasn’t nearly enough.

  She reached up to grip the flap of his shirt where it opened just below his neck and yanked down hard. The sound of buttons hitting the metal walls of the elevator sounded almost preternaturally loud to her heightened senses.

  Hearing the sudden ping of the elevator reaching the designated floor was enough for Hunter to snap out of his pheromone-induced lust and tear himself away for a second time before Kylie could even run her hands up the smooth muscles of his chest. This time he didn’t even try to talk to her as he rushed out of the elevator before the doors had even slid completely open, probably figuring she would follow him—as if she could do anything else in her current state.

  Hunter was fumbling with the lock when Kylie caught up to him, pouncing on him just as he managed to turn the knob. They tumbled through the door, landing in a heap onto the soft, beige carpet with Kylie on top more or less straddling his waist. Hunter’s willpower had apparently run out again as his arms encircled her waist possessively and his lips met hers aggressively. The sound of ripping fabric reached her ears a second before the cool air of the apartment hit her suddenly bare back. Another hard yank, and the elastic of her bra snapped.

  Hunter then rolled them until he had settled his hips between her legs. He lifted himself off her body only long enough to rip the rest of her shirt and bra off, tossing them somewhere behind her, before he buried his face between her breasts and took a long, deep whiff of her scent. It was an action her jaguar side found extremely arousing.

  He reached up a hand to pinch and fondle one of her breasts before moving to take the hardened nipple of the other into his mouth. Kylie moaned and arched up into that warm, wet suction, the fingers of one hand clutching a handful of his thick black locks while the other had slipped beneath the collar of his opened shirt and was in the process of digging her nails deeply into the firm muscles of his back just below his shoulder.

  However, her sex continued to throb with need, and Kylie bucked her hips, trying to regain the fantastic friction she had experienced in the elevator earlier. An answering thrust of Hunter’s hips had her murmuring in encouragement. God, she had never wanted another man as much as she wanted Hunter. She had to feel him thrusting inside her now!

  “Hunter—please,” Kylie begged, thrusting up against his hardness desperately as he continued to roughly suck and lathe attention o
n her nipples. “Need…inside me now…!”

  She could feel Hunter’s entire body tense against her, and her body tightened in anticipation. Then the warmth and weight of Hunter’s body was just—gone.

  Kylie’s eyes flew open in enough time to see Hunter scrambling away from her across the carpet on his butt, the expression on his face a strange mixture of lust and guilt.

  “I’m s-sorry!” he rasped, climbing onto his feet with the look of a man who was in agony.

  He stumbled over to the door, his body trembling and jerking as though he had to fight through an invisible barrier for every step. His hand reached clumsily for the door as he staggered across the threshold.

  “I’ll send someone to help you, I promise!” he called in a strangled voice, as if even that had been agony, before slamming the door shut so hard that the walls shook.

  Plunged into sudden darkness, Kylie lay on the floor, half-naked and so sexually frustrated that she felt as though she was about to explode from it. There was now only one real option left to her that didn’t include pleasuring herself until she was raw, and she shuddered at the thought of the ice shower waiting for her as she forced herself to her feet—even as she was grateful that Hunter had been strong enough to even give her the option.


  Kylie groaned and wondered how they could be anything but awkward the next time they saw each other. Somehow, she didn’t think this desperate feeling of wanting him would go away so easily after the twelve days were up.



  After finding a severely wounded wolf shifter within Hunter’s forest territory, Kylie is put in a dangerous position where she must choose between saving two lives and revealing her secret to the worst possible person.

  Releases on December 19, 2014

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  As always, reviews and feedback, even if just a word or two, are greatly appreciated!

  Also by Cristina Rayne

  Claimed by the Elven King

  Claimed by the Elven Brothers: Decision (An Elven King Novella #1)

  Claimed by the Elven Brothers: Fate (An Elven King Novella #2)

  Shadows Beneath the Falling Snow (An Elven King Prequel Story)

  (Part of the Kiss of Christmas Magic Box Set)

  Blood Escort: A Short Story (Erotic Tales from the Vampire Underground #1)

  Urban and Epic Fantasy, writing as C.G. Garcia:

  The Supreme Moment (A Fractured Multiverse Novel)

  Black Crimson: Blood Fire Chronicles Book 1 (A Fractured Multiverse Novel) *coming soon

  Old Souls (Book 1)

  The Ties that Bind the Soul (Old Souls Book 2)



  Cristina Rayne lives in West Texas with her crazy cat and about a dozen bookcases full of fantasy worlds and steamy romances. She has a degree in Computer Science which totally qualifies her to write romances. As Fantasy is her first love, she feels if she can inject a little love into the fantastical, along with a few steamy scenes, then all the better. She is also the author of the Claimed by the Elven King and Erotic Tales from the Vampire Underground series.




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