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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

Page 26

by Larry Roberts

  Three crewmen came into the Mess deck from the stern with a marine behind them. Several of the crewmen in the mess had barely enough time to point at them before the Ensign had dropped two of them with her stun gun.

  Blowing on the tip of the barrel she smiled over at Jack and the surprised Commodore. “Everyone for the last 6 months has been so damn respectful and polite concerning these, (She lifted up her giant breasts) I haven’t had to stun anyone. I was starting to feel invisible. Needed the practice. As it is it took me two shots to get the one in front with his full body in plain sight. I think I need to start wondering around these destroyers so I can get some target practice in.”

  “I think you have had plenty of target practice already Ensign, you hit the third guy with only a couple of square inches to target behind the second on the first shot.” Jack smiled. “Let’s go Anny Oakley.”

  “How do you know I wasn’t aiming at the second guy?”

  Jack chuckled. “Because it was the third guy that was already leering at your boobs with his eyes bugged out. And thanks for not taking the easier shot hitting him in the head scrambling his brains for a week. I think he is going to have a lot to say.” Jack turned and stepped through the hatch and headed forward. The Commodore and Ensign hurrying to catch up.

  Jack followed the still warm trail forward and up the officer’s country ladder trunk strait to the Conference hatch now part of the Captain’s cabin.

  The Commodore was only a few steps behind Jack as Jack reached over his shoulder and grabbed the pistol grip and pulled the big assault gun up over his shoulder and down to port arms. With the stock folded up alongside the breach, shortening the gun to make it easier to handle in close quarters even with its fat 20 inch long barrel, Jack switched hands to point the barrel at the starboard bulkhead as he walked up toward the hatch. Some 5 feet short of the hatch the gun barked blowing a hole in the starboard bulkhead at chest high. Jack continued walking forward without slowing down and passed the closed hatch to stop another 5 feet past the hatch where the gun barked again blowing another hole in the bulkhead.

  Without really stopping, Jack returned to the Conference room hatch switching the pistol grip back to his right hand. Taking a breath Jack used his left hand to open his helmet and then the hatch before grabbing onto the front stock again. Taking a couple of steps, Jack pointed the gun strait in and then he stopped in the open hatch as the Commodore caught up to him. The gun was pointed directly at Tweed sitting at the head of the table as Tweed’s sweat beaded face turned white.

  The Commodore opened his visor to smell burnt flesh. As Jack took a step in and the Commodore followed he saw the body of an officer laying on the deck in front of each of the holes Jack had blasted through the bulkhead. Gronk blaster assault guns still clutched in their hands pointed toward the hatch.

  “Ok Tweed, any of your officer’s fart and you die.” Jack said, though all the Commodore could see were Tweed’s 4 senior officers sitting around the head of the table to each side of the heavily panting Tweed with their hands in full view as they smiled lovingly at tweed. They did not even seem to notice Captain Turner.

  Tweeds hand moved less than an inch on the table and Jack jerked the assault gun up to blast the overhead behind Tweed with a burst of shots blowing a hole in the upper corner of the bulkhead and overhead revealing the remnants of a laser turret. “Do that again and I will kill you instead Tweed.”

  “You can’t do this. This is my ship. Whatever accident happened in the boat lock, I was here the whole time. I had 6 witnesses or are you going to kill my remaining 4 witnesses as well.”

  “Sorry but I don’t like ambushes. I don’t know how you got Gronk Assault guns but I will find out. And as I announced a few minutes ago anyone caught with a weapon was and will be shot on sight.”

  “Oh, now you can see through bulkheads Captain Turner?”

  “Looks like it was just lucky guesses tweed. Was nowhere else one could spring a trap unless you have a midget hiding under the table. You are under arrest for murdering Commodore Fletcher and his staff. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

  “Now isn’t that a coincidence. That makes me Commodore of this Squadron and you can’t arrest me without my flag superiors’ consent and you can’t even contact him in less than a month by the time those fools back at The Rock get done shuttling your message back and forth across the Cloud to make sure it can’t be traced to The Rock and then tested for worms and bugs and viruses a hundred times before they even open it to analyze it for another month for secret codes and meanings before my Wing Commander Admiral Klink even sees your report or message. I on the other had have a direct line to the Admiral now that I am Squadron Commander. And even if you have a taped confession with video of me doing it and press charges, I only need five minutes with the judge and he will dismiss the charges with prejudice even if it costs him his career later. You are the one that is going to get executed by the time I get done with you and I don’t even need evidence once I get done talking to the prosecutors and judges. Now get off my ship. Or do I have to have the crews from my squadron come over here and kick you off.”

  Jack smiled shaking his head. “Damn Tweed are you so full of yourself that you don’t even know what is going on in the universe around you? For Crist’s sake we are at War and all you are interested in is profits.”

  Tweed sat back in his oversized, overstuffed Chair with his fat spilling out around it. “Of course my boy. Why do you think I let old Klink talk me into signing up with the Navy Commanding Destroyers? I stand to make a killing. No right minded Commander will ever send destroyers up against the Spider Battleships. I will spend the war doing police shit like this selling and buying and making millions. Hell once I heard you guys were cut off out here and low on supplies, I talked old Klink into volunteering for this assignment then made sure no sane transport Captain would come near this place though the Chief of Security for the Rock was already trying to do just that. The Ass holes at The Rock maybe scarred shitless of you and your aliens and your toys but I realized right off that trading food for advanced alien tech will make me a fortune back on earth. I have a transport waiting for my cargo as soon as we rotate back to The Rock.” Tweed smiled from ear to ear. “So let me see your list of alien tech boy and get this show on the road. If I get what I want from you I may even be generous about not pressing charges for you killing old stupid Fletcher. After all he was on your shuttle boat when he died.”

  “Not going to wash Tweed.” Commodore Harris said. “I saw you down at the lock when the hatch was blown. You are going down for murder.”

  “Now, now.” Turning to the first officers to his right. “How long have we been here today Number One?”

  “All afternoon Captain.” The officer said with a smile.

  “See Commodore. You must have been seeing things in the excitement.”

  “So the crewmen who saw you running through the mess deck a few minutes after we saw you in the lock’s port was seeing things as well Tweed?” The Ensign said as she stepped into the Conference compartment.

  “Yes as soon as I talk to them they will change their stories Ensign.” The Captain’s eyes grew big as he saw the Ensign’s huge breasts. “Fact is I am sure after I have talked to you in private, you will realize you made a sad mistake.”

  “Dream on Fatfuck. I am never going to be in the same room with you alone.”

  “Now Pretty Ensign. Come closer and I am sure I can change your mind. Come feel my needs lovely girl.” Tweed smiled from ear to ear as he stared at the Ensign. “You have no reason to fear me, I am just a lonely helpless man with needs. Come closer and help me please.”

  Commodore Harris’s head started aching as he watched the Ensign standing next to him take a hesitant step toward Tweed and say. “Oh you pour man.”

  Jack suddenly realized that Tweed’s mind was lighting up like the Dumonts’ had when they had attacked him while his senior officers minds flushe
d with love as they stared at the Captain without a single word in their minds to themselves about anything. Jack was getting used to ignoring most of the self-mind talk babbling around him and to have nothing at all from the Officers around him was not normal which had not changed from when he had been there for lunch. Tweed’s gaze was focusing on the Ensign as he leaned forward trying to get closer as he stared raising his hand with his palm out to Jacks surprise. “Come closer Ensign and let this pore innocent old man talk to you for a few minutes and you will understand that I could never do anything so terrible ever.” Taking a deep breath as he stared at the ensign. “Come closer. You need to come closer Ensign. Come and listen to this pour man’s innocent voice of reason. Come closer and feel my innocent lonely needs.” Tweed seemed to think nothing of Jack and the Commodore in the Compartment as he continued to stare at the Ensign. “You will protect me against this horrible Captain Turner and the Commander. They are so despicable you must shoot and kill Turner immediately!”

  Jacks shook his head as the ensign took another step toward Tweed mumbling something.

  Jack felt the slight ache in his head as the air seemed to glow brighter between Tweed and the Ensign as she stepped closer. Shaking his head Jack took out his stun gun and shot tweed in the head ending the attack.

  The Ensign jumped back hitting the bulkhead hard as she grabbed her head. “Fucking God Damn. What was I doing?”

  Jack stepped to the Ensign keeping the stun gun pointed at the 4 officers now sitting staring across the table at nothing with eyes as big as gulf balls. Putting his arm around the Ensign. “It is ok now. I stunned him. Evidentially he is an Empath similar to Pan and the other Dumonts. Probably how he controls his crew. It also explains how he managed to screw over so many people for so long. Thank god it seems to have been short range and not permanent once people got away from him.”

  The Commodore stared at the Ensign and Jack with his mouth open. “Empath?”

  The ships First Officer turned from looking at Jack and looked at Tweed and then jumped up out of his seat, backing until he was plastered to the bulkhead. “What the Fuck is that mass of shit?” He said as he turned pale. “Where is Captain Tweed?” The First Officer reached out and shook the shoulder of the female officer sitting next to him at the table. “Stern! Where is the Captain?”

  Shaking her head she turned to look at Jack and then back at Tweed and then did a double take. “He was right there a few seconds ago.” Taking a baffled breath. “Who the hell is that old Fat Fuck?” Disgust plastered all over her face as she looked closer staring at the face of the head draped back over the head rest of the chair. “No it can’t be. That is Tweed? He gained 300 disgusting pounds, 20 years and not one damn muscle.” Shaking her head as she turned pale. Tears streaming to her eyes. “No! I have been sucking that fat fucks cock for years now letting him fuck me. NO God! I remember every fucking sick detail now including the damn roles of naked fat. How the hell could I…” She screamed as her face turned pale. She swiveled the chair around trying to get out as she put her hand over her mouth and started retching. Her stomach convulsing. Half out of the chair her leg got caught on something and she fell across the table toward Tweed. Only catching herself from falling into him barely a foot away. She breathed in as her face turned green wrinkling up her nose and lost it. Her stomach emptying itself projecting its contents all over tweed over and over again as she propped herself up on her hands trying to keep from falling into and touching him.

  Gutner Dank pounded down the passageway sliding to a stop at the hatch. Looking around the Compartment with his gun ready. The deck felt like half the Gronks on the ship were headed this way. “Felt Overseer mind probe Captain but I see no Dumonts to kill. Which way did it go Sir.”

  “Relax Gutner, Captain Tweed is the Empath. I shot him in the head with a stun gun. Take him and treat him like the Dumonts already in custody but keep him well separated from the rest. I don’t think he has the power or capabilities of the Dumonts but I also don’t want him learning anything from them either just in case. And again keep your distance.”

  Jack turned to Commodore Harris as the Ensign disengaged from him and took her Assault Blaster and started walking toward Tweed. Her finger on the Trigger with the safety off. Gutner Dank standing back as he watched her approach the Captain sprawled in the chair with folds of fat hanging off the sides and under his arms and chin. “Just try that shit now ass hole.”

  “Commodore Harris, I am going to need to see Captain Tweed’s records. I need to see where he was born.”

  The Commodore shrugged his shoulders as his stare shifted between Tweed and the horrified or catatonic officers around the table. “Sure Captain, but I don’t understand why that would be important.”

  The Female Executive Officer started stripping right there next to the table ripping half her clothes off without bothering to unfasten them. “Get me off this damn ship now! Immediately. I am not spending another second on this God Forsaken ship.” Half naked she headed for the hatch Jack had come through only to be stopped by one of the Gronks that had showed up at the run.

  As she continued to strip with tears streaming down her face trying to get around the Gronk. She screamed. “That fucker puke face has been raping me for years. I said get me off this fucking ship!” As she finished stripping and started clawing at the Gronk who ignored her and did not move.

  Jack turned to the Gronk. “Sgt. Necklop. Take this human to sick bay and keep her under close guard and in sight at all times including the head. She is not to touch anything or talk to anyone other than the ships Doctors. Until I say so. You are authorized to use deadly force. Is that clear?”

  “Under close sight isolation guard until you say so. Eye Sir.”

  “Very well. You may proceed.” Unlike human marines or guards, Jack knew that the Gronk would not argue, sympathize or listen to complaints about privacy or melt to the woman’s tears or lust for the woman’s naked body or fall asleep after getting bored, giving her many chances to escape or send and receive messages to make plans with the rest of the crew. Jack quickly assigned arriving Gronks to take each of the officers into custody with the same instructions.

  Jack finally walked over to the Ensign with her assault gun still sitting in the mouth of the unconscious Captain with Gutner Dank standing to one side waiting with several others he had detailed to help him when they arrived. Putting his arm around the Ensign. “He can’t hurt you now Ensign.”

  “I can still feel that ass holes lust and contempt and feel what the hell he wanted to do to me after I got close enough to him to force me to love him.” She looked at Jack suddenly surprised. “I could hear him talking to himself.” Her eyes getting big. “How the hell is that possible?”

  “It took the Yeti and her Dumont clones attacking me to open my mind enough to do that as well. I think Tweeds attack on you did the same to you.” Jack said as he studied her for a few seconds. Then tried talking to himself in his mind. “Can you hear me talking to myself in my head love?”

  “No shit Jack. I can’t believe this. Say something again. Aaa, in your mind.”

  “Then you did hear me mind speak. This is getting more amazing all the time. Fact is I think I remember us doing this when we were really little kids but I’m not sure.”

  The Ensign pulled her weapon from Tweeds mouth and stepped back. “Well I am sure but I just thought it or they were old dreams or my imagination. Can you still hear me?”

  “Yes love.”

  “How far can we do this? What kind of range do we have Hun.”

  “I don‘t know. Pan can do it with other Dumonts but only at close range I think. I know I can’t hear here beyond a few yards and then I have to be looking at her. They have to use the pads to communicate most of the time. We may have the same restrictions but I don’t know. We will have to do some experimenting when we get time.” The Ensign and Jack stepped back away from Tweed and Gutner stepped in and started preparing tweed for transporting.r />
  Jack hit his come checking to make sure that the mass tanks packed with food were ready to be moved when they jettisoned them from the Destroyer and then headed for the bridge only yards away. The food tanks would be taken to the main hanger.

  Commander Harris followed them and then watched as the Ensign and Jack worked at different consoles interacting with each other with many glances or longer looks while they waited for the other to finish some step before proceeding, without speaking unless it was necessary to talk to one of the crews around the ship. It was beyond strange to watch their facial expressions change as if they were talking and joking with each other yet not saying a word. Then the Ensign slapped the console she was at and turned to Jack as she waited looking at him a few seconds before turning back and shutting down the console to go to a different console and again act like she was going down a check list only her and Captain Turner could hear. Stepping closer he looked to see if they had some kind of text comm between them (even though he knew of no such possibility), but found nothing.

  Finally the Commodore hit the console in front of him making both the Ensign and Jack jump and turn around as he said. “Damn it! What the hell is going on? First you knew that tweed was going to blow the damn lock and then you seem to know exactly where Tweed is going which can be explained by the suit seeing an infrared trail but then you shoot through a damn insulated bulkhead to take out two armed men waiting to spring a trap that I sure can’t explain with any sensors I know about. Then Tweed seems to be forcing the Ensign to come to him simply by demanding that she come while he is insulting her and she goes only to have you shoot Tweed in the head.”

  “Then his officers turn into zombies and act like he had them hypnotized or something for years doing ungodly acts against their will. Only to have an army of Gronks bust into the Compartment ready to kill an Overseer for doing something called a mind prob. Only for you to tell them that Tweed is the Empath and not a Dumont or what you told me before were the Gods slaves Overseers. And now you two have spent the last 15 minutes doing procedures that require close cooperation between separate crewmen at separate consoles reading long checklists without saying a fucking word to each other which is fucking impossible. I know that it is impossible. I have been doing the damn same check lists for a year now and they simply cannot be done without close verbal communications and cooperation between the operators.”


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