Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer) Page 30

by Larry Roberts

  Pan frowned as her mind went dark to Jack making him wonder if he had really pulled a boner this time. He was getting real tired of innocent talk eliciting nasty consequences. But then that is what he gets for letting his mouth run without thinking, he thought to himself. Jack sat there starting to get worried as he waited to see what words of stupidity had gotten Pan upset.

  Pan stared at Jack for several minutes before she finally spoke. “I beg your pardon Captain Jack. Please do not kill… Aaa, I do not believe that refurbishing this battleship is in the best interest of anyone. Sending this ship back into Combat even if we could repair the engines and God Guns would be a waste of valuable resources with the chances of this ship surviving alone against even two fully functional God Battleships doubtful let alone a whole squadron. They would easily batter down the shield decks and destroy or even capture the ship.” Pan took a deep breath letting her naked breasts expand out of her blouse a good foot in front of her as her mood began to lighten. “No, a single Battleships factories are limited in what they can produce. By combining the two battleship’s factories, we can not only increase the size of equipment we can produce but the complexity of equipment as well, geometrically. We do that by producing factory modules themselves. Special factory modules. Modules a single ship by itself cannot produce.”

  “Ok… Aaaa. Well then I will ground the ship into the bubble next to the Hulk base and you can connect them with a tube. Hopefully the powers that be will think that it is as stuck as the hulk is and not get ideas.”

  “No Captain Jack.”

  “What do you mean no? And call me one or the other, Captain Jack sounds like a Pirate Movie tittle.”

  “We must dock the Battleships butt to butt. Stern to stern I believe is the proper Navel term Jack. The ships are already designed to do exactly that. Locking sterns together for transferring large quantities of supplies and repairs that cannot be accomplished singly. The Factories are already in the sterns below the power cores and refurbishing the storage decks between the factories will give them plenty of room to expand production facilities while we add rings of warehouses and construction bays around the outsides of the hull using the materials mined from the bubbles surface and left over from the shield deck imbedded at the crash site still being mined.”

  Pan took another deep breath exposing her tits again. “Please forgive me again but I do not wish to join your Navy and become an officer to follow you to your next assignment.” She took a quick hurried breath and practically spat out. “I wish to stay with the station and expand the production facilities and the station’s size. I want to make this Station the world you were talking about giving to the Slaves. With the materials and metals deposited on the Bubbles surface and the second Battleships facilities, we can expand the station across hundreds and eventually millions of square miles inside the bubble with the fusion core at the center of the bubble providing unlimited energy for thousands of years if not forever once we tame the core furnace. We can tone the fusion furnace down to providing just enough energy to keep the inner surface at a comfortable temperature at one atmosphere with an industrial complex rotating around half of it to shade half the bubble into days and nights. I want to create a world for trillions not for just the slaves but for all species including you humans. The only world that will last is one that includes all peoples Jack.”

  The Ensign that had been watching from another compartment for signals to interrupt during the meeting as they had planned, came bursting through the hatch red faced with her stun gun already drawn. Starring at Pans expanding and contracting naked boobs with their big red tits sticking out toward Jack (female Dumont’s Oxygen storage sacks) as she raised the weapon.

  Jack felt her jealous rage before she slammed the hatch open and was already lunging out of his chair but he doubted he could reach her in time. If he had just not been show shocked at what Pan had proposed, he would have felt her coming in plenty of time. But then he was still getting used to this strange new ability of his.

  In desperation Jack lashed out at the Ensign screaming in his mind. “NO Love! She is only excited by her dream. She is not trying to seduce me.”

  Jack shouting into her mind stopping her as Pan turned following Jack as he ran around the side of the desk to the Ensign.

  Taking another deep breath in her excitement, her boobs grew even bigger. “I think we can even put an air curtain around the whole entire bubble and create what you humans call a Garden of Eden across its trillions of square miles of the outer surface.”

  The Ensign took one look at Pan’s expanding breasts as she kept talking about expanding the Station into the biggest planet in the universe. Making her breasts with huge red nipples bounce as she turned to keep up with Jack lunging toward the Ensign. Not even noticing what was going on around her.

  “Not with my man you whore!” The Ensign pulled the trigger sending the stun beam past Pan just missing her huge breasts as they bounced, the beam hitting the desk behind her.

  Gutner was suddenly there jerking the pistol out of the Ensign’s hand as Jack tackled her sending them both to the deck past Gutner’s legs.

  Pan continued to babble on about the new bubble planet as Jack tried to get the Ensign to calm down. Not even noticing that she had been shot at or that Jack was screaming at the Ensign using his mind as well as his voice.

  Jack finally got the Ensign to calm down sitting in a chair in the Corner with Gutner standing over her.

  Pan finally ran down as Jack sat back down behind his desk. “So what do you think Jack? Isn’t that a wonderful idea? Can we keep the Battleship?”

  Jack glanced at the Ensign with jealousy oozing from herd and spiking with Pan calling him Jack. “Aaa. Overseer. Maybe you should just keep calling me Captain.” Jack raised is hand and motioned at Pans huge boobs while trying not to look at the twin tits jutting even farther out at him. “Could you please aaa put them away.”

  Pan looked down from looking excitedly at Jack to her breasts and shook her head. “How they get out there. Sorry Captain.” She said as she started exhaling, and exhaling and exhaling, deflating her boobs. “I guess I was more excited than I thought. But can you see what a great opportunity this is?”

  Jack could smell and feel the almost pure oxygen flowing from Pan exhaled breath toward him. The heady excitement as the large quantity of pure oxygen hit his blood and permeated through his mind and body giving him a bit of a rush as he took another breath even though he really did not need to. “Could be the number one marvel of the universe Overseer Pan. But please remember that we are at War right now fighting for all our lives. The Spider Gods find out about this treasure and capture it. It is all over for humanity. They won’t need a mature Iron star.”

  “Aaa not exactly correct but close Captain. I do not believe that some of the more rare and important elements will be found on the shell but you are right. The vast quantities of all the other elements would be disastrous for us all if the Gods found this. But I think we can grow the base to produce weapons for the war in quantities no one else can. Not even the Gods. But that means we must find a plentiful source for those rare elements as well. Elements that are only fond in the cores of heavy metal planets that are big enough or on the surface of mature almost dead Black Dwarfs. We call them Heavy Netted Dwarfs because their surfaces look like fishermen’s nets spread across them. They are very, very rare.”

  Jack’s eyes lit up as the Ensign’s behavior was forgotten. “You can mine these Heavy Netted dwarfs and the cores? Aaa just how big does a core have to be to have these rare metals? A few hundred miles or thousands?”

  “The Dwarf cores have to be thousands of miles across or the pressures never got high enough to produce the rarest of elements. As for the Heavy Netted Dwarfs. Only one Dwarf in thousands is of the right age to be netted. Only a time span of less than a million years of the billions of years life of a Dwarf is netted. The rest is either too hot or too cold. Both of which makes it impossible to mine.
Fact is we don’t actually mine the Heavy Netted Dwarf as scoop up the molten element as it flows to the surface before it sinks again as it cools. Then lastly only one in thousands of Netted Dwarfs have the heaviest elements. Much rarer than mature heavy metal stars.”

  “So a heavy metal planetary core has to be bigger than a couple hundred miles across. Much bigger than a moon. Damn it. But you say you can simply scoop up the rare elements from the Netted Dwarf.” Jack suddenly knew where they could hopefully get all the rare elements they would ever need. That is if the powers that be would let them since the same powers that be were terrified of the very people trying to help them and were orbiting that very star. Shaking his head as the Ensign groaned with disgust as Pam’s boobs finally disappeared back into their little covered mounds on her chest.

  Glancing at the Ensign with Gutner still standing over her to keep her from doing something stupid. He had too many other things to do to worry about rare elements they may never need even if they couldn’t get the two Battleships mated permanently and then producing first. Now that Pan had said something about the ship’s being able to mate, he was able to find the information stuffed into his mind. Now he needed to check into getting some simulator time to practice docking a billion ton monster to another half bullion ton monster without destroying them both. He did not need the problems with a jealous Ensign that was still too emotional at the moment to even talk to.

  “Very well Pan, you can start planning on combining the two production facilities when we dock the two ships together. That also means integrating the two crews.” Jack forced himself to take a breath, the pure oxygen Pan had been breathing at him had been providing him with more than enough oxygen, reducing his regular breathing rhythms. “Up grading the Destroyers after we dock and I don’t need them for propulsion on this monster anymore are top priority. I also…”

  “Jack aaaaaa, Captain, we do not need to wait to upgrade the Destroyers. We can complete most all of the upgrades while they are docked to the sides of the ship before we reach the Hulk station. Whoever designed the Destroyers did a good job. The engines and all the other systems can be isolated from each other while keeping the engines running. Including adding the Buzzard coils to collect reaction mass for the engines from the Nebula cloud in just a few days now we have torn apart the first two DD’s on the upper deck. We can produce easy to install kits for them all.”

  “Very good Pan. Get to it and update me later on your progress.” As Pan started to leave Jack stopped her. “Oh Pan. Thank you for your help and not telling them I could hear them mind speak.”

  “Yes Captain. I am sorry if you could not understand everything that they were saying. It is easy to turn to our natural language instead of God speak when mind talking. Though when I used English they did usually answer in English in their minds. I hope it was enough for you to alleviate your fears even if you could not understand a lot the others had said.”

  Jack was a bit surprised that Pan had not realized that he could understand everything they said. Not even realizing that they had been mind speaking in anything but English. Though now that she had said something about it, he realized that he had noticed that they had spoken in several languages and yet he had understood every word. Ok, so how come she did not know that he could understand other languages. He would have to think about that a bit. “Oh, a, yes thank you again Pan. This mind speak shit is still new and strange to me and hopefully I will get better.”

  Taking a deep breath. “I did not realize all the work and bother everyone had gone to and done to produce the bridge and my quarters. It is the best Command deck in the entire Republic fleet and I love it even if it does scare me a bit. Aaa, I am just a bit afraid of what my superior officers will think when they see it. Please thank everyone for me and tell the crew on the deck not to hide from me while they are doing their jobs. It, it. Aaa it is a waste of their time to have to wait for me to get out of their way. I really did not mean to insult anyone. I just figured they would rather be doing something else but taking care of me.” Not knowing what else to say Jack just shut up and went back to work.

  Pan left smiling and then Gutner. Leaving Jack and the Ensign alone in the office.

  When they were gone Jack looked up at the Ensign. “What the hell was that all about? There is no excuse for you acting that way. Besides you and Pan are great friends.”

  “Not when she goes flashing those monster boobs at you she isn’t.”

  “Damn You Ensign. How can you be jealous of boobs that are almost none existent?”

  “Bull shit. Those damn things get bigger than mine and you can’t keep your eyes off of them.”

  Jack stepped up to her grabbing her arm and dragged her out of the chair and through the Captain’s sweet to the Bedroom where he flung her onto the bed and said. “The only boobs I am interested in are yours now strip.” Jack unzipped his own suit as he slammed the bedroom hatch.


  The Stern of the Battleship hit the Hulk Station collapsing both hulls into each other as the Station hulk was pushed into the clear bubble shattering it. Sending the inside covering of green and red crops flashing out into the vacuum of space as the sterns of both ships continued to disintegrate into each other. Finally the fusion core of the oldest ship was hit collapsing its shielding and it exploded destroying both ships and knocking a hole into the hundred thousand mile wide bubble with a fusion furnace at its center. The huge bubble started shattering from the stresses of the fusion explosion on its shell with the internal pressure scattering the pieces back out into the cloud from whence they had come from until almost half of the perfectly round ball was destroyed. The central fusion core no longer receiving enough reflecting radiation to continue its fusion furnace quickly died going cold and that area of space returned to the normal cold blackness it had known for eons.

  Jack through back the simulator’s canopy cursing. A dozen times now he had failed to dock with the fixed Hulk Station. Though he usually hadn’t done as bad a job of it as he had done this time. Climbing out he walked around forcing himself not to curse in front of the flight crews watching him around the other simulators.

  A Dumont came rushing up to him. Jack did not recognize him until he spoke. “Captain, I have finished converting the first Torpedo Bomber into Transport mode. With your permission I will leave to bring back our families as soon as I get a pilot?”

  “Very well Chump, have a nice trip and I look forward to meeting your family.”

  “Thank you Captain. They wish to thank you personally when they arrive for letting them join me and for my promotion.” Chump started to move away only to stop and turn back around. “Captain, which pilots do you want us to use on the bomber shuttles? The regular shuttle crews or the bombers crews?”

  Jack looked at the simulator dreading having to climb back in only to crash and burn again. He needed a break and some fun. “Tell you what Chump, I will pilot you there to make sure your family get back safe and sound and then I will make up my mind.” Jack stepped up to the Dumont slapping him on the back, dragging him along as he headed for the elevator.

  Jack found that Chump had made additional changes he had figured would take too long including taking out the lower turret and stripping the Bombay for more cargo room. Except for being a little cramped in head room, the bomber transport now had a nice long cargo bay with an elevator ladder arrangement in place of the lower turret for loading pallets.

  “With your permission we will start the construction of the cargo transport version of the Bomber design with a cargo hold twice as big Captain and more comfortable seats. Though those you call Bigfoots are still too big to fit.”

  “I was just wondering if building a Transport version was possible Chump. I can’t wait to see it. How long will it take to produce one?”

  “One of the Factories can have the first one out the hatch in a week with one every couple of hours after that. How many do you want us to produce Captain?”

/>   “Ok that long. Well, I would think a half a dozen would be plenty but if it takes a week to get it going make a few spares while you are at it and do a full squadron. We have plenty of room to park spares.”

  Jack climbed up through the belly hatch noticing all the room and then up around the weapons officers console and into the pilot’s seat and started the bomber/transport’s checklist. Half way through it something caught his attention outside the canopy. Looking up he saw the Red headed little Bigfoot sticking her head into a side maintenance hatch of the Starboard engine. “What the hell is she doing here?”

  Chump stuck his head up into the canopy and smiled. “Oh yes the Little Bigfoot. She has been a great help around the flight deck since I got here. Her muscling out the turrets and other equipment and holding the elevator in place cut the rework time in half. She keeps trying to talk us into making a simulator she can get into.” Chump making a strange noise Jack realized was a Dumont chuckling. “Now isn’t that the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard Captain. She is too big to fit into any of the cockpits so making a simulator for just her is stupid.”


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