Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer) Page 45

by Larry Roberts

  One of the guards on the platform above the containers looked over the edge as the carts rapidly floated away. “Hey Lieutenant. Where they going? Shouldn’t we shoot them?”

  “Only if you want to hump dead bodies. You a necrophilia. You like butt fucking the dead.”

  “No!” He said disgustedly. “They can do that all they want. I don’t want the job.”

  Jack looked up at the man staring down at him, wondering if he was going to ask about several of his men disappearing and suddenly got an idea. “Oh by the way, why did you let Carlo’s leave? (The only one he knew the name of from the diary) He said you told him to go to sickbay. He looked fine to me.”

  “He looked fine? I thought he got shot in the back?” Frowning. That little chicken shit. I am always having to bust his balls in battle for not shooting unless I held a gun to his head. I am going to ream him a big one as soon as I catch up to him. This time he is going to regret being alive by the time I get done with him. He is going to beg me to let him kill someone but it is going to be too late for him now. I may even send him down the shaft with that alien loving crew.”

  “You do that. I am going to keep an eye on the body pickup crews. Don’t let anyone interfere with them when they come back. We are going to dump the bodies down the hole to make the assault more believable.”

  “Grate idea Lieutenant.”

  Jack headed around the core as he watched the first cart with the bin heading back for the compound from the near side piled high with bodies. Higher than it needed to be. The cart leaving a few of the painted training mags scattered across the deck to mark where each body had been amongst the piles of junk.

  One of the reasons Jack had not noticed the catwalk running around the top filled with guards until he watched one get hit by laser fire and drop his weapon to the deck far below was how dark it was above. The blobs in the shadows just did not stand out even when looking for them in the glare of the overhead lights. Over half the guards were already dead thanks to Krump and the scarred guards that had been running around the deck shooting at anything that moved. Now the Guards that had spread out even farther with half of them dead, did not have a clue as the group of men going from body to body, lowering them and their weapons down to the deck so reverently though quickly, were killing them as they went past. Killing the scattered guards by seemingly unarmed clean up men was easy as they squeezed past each of them. Leaving the body behind, propped up on the catwalk rails looking as alive as ever in the gloom while they added their weapons to the next naked body they lowered.

  Jack stopped almost half way around the core when he met Glenn coming from around the other way.

  Glenn turned and pointed over her shoulder off to the side and the large box going up around the view port nearest the open hole of the Chase on that side of the deck. The trunk that had run to the overhead was laying across the front of one of the other 30 foot wide bubble viewports. “Damn Captain, Commander at your 12 o’clock. Thank god the crew for that section followed orders and stayed away from him even though it meant leaving some damn fine heavy weapons behind from what I can see from here. We best get back around the core before he sees us. The crews have finished this half of the bay already and got quite a load. I just wish they were able to get more mags. Evidentially old Commodore King doesn’t believe in giving his guards a full war load of mags and just mostly rubber riot and smoke rounds for the thumpers (grenade launchers). Which is a shame. Seams they were the first thing the guards threw away when the sniping started. I must have counted 20 of them on my side alone laying around, most far from bodies. But we picked them up anyway and did find a few frag rounds in some of them. Not enough to do us much good.”

  Jack chuckled. “I only saw a dozen I think on my side but then I was not counting. The shame is the damn Commander is standing almost over that laser cannon with a power core.” Jack looked at it longingly shaking his head. “Damn. Even with half a dozen bodies, we don’t dare go after it. Damn shame we couldn’t get that but we will do OK without it.” Jack said trying to convince himself. “Just have to remember to take it out first thing since they will re-man it eventually.” Looking over at Commander Glenn’s side of the bay. “How many fenced areas did you find with only women and aliens in them. I have 2 with the last of the men prisoners on my side headed for the shaft compound.”

  “I had 3 and 1 more with men only that looked like they were getting ready to move. Evidentially they are keeping the women for their harems. I don’t know why they are keeping the aliens.”

  “Ya, we may have made a mistake bringing Red along. May have to come up with an excuse why she is with us.”

  “The problem is we could use the guns and manpower the women and aliens could carry. Some of my best shots are in those damn cages. Not to mention they will be sitting ducks when the fighting starts.”

  Jack stopped across from the 2 side by side cages with what looked like mostly women and a few aliens in them while examining another left over pile of junk. Trying not to be too conspicuous Jack looked the cage over and noticed that one of the cages was at the end of the section right next to one of the hatches into the empty Electrical room next to that section’s 30 foot wide viewport. He had not noticed before but now being a ways away out in the main light of the bay, the viewport areas were somewhat dark making it easier to see out the ports and leaving the surrounding fenced area in shadow. The angle of the fenced encloses on this side also hid the electrical room hatch from the enemy Commander, the box they were working on at the view port and most of the guards on that side.

  Jack turned to the Captain. “Glenn, have a couple of your people grab that damn plasma cutter they used cutting the chase shaft out and bring it up here to that port.” Jack nodded in the direction of the cage and power room hatch. “Have them cut a hole in that fence close to the hatch to the power room. Damn shame we can’t move one of those damn cargo crates over to cover the area between the hole and the hatch but hopefully it is dark enough. At least it is out of direct view of most of Commodore King’s men in the other half of the bay around the other cut out Power Chase shaft and that box. Whatever it is for?” Jack could see the open hole in the deck with a growing number of troops milling around it.

  “Ya I think that they are throwing together a lock at the view port to make it easier to send the Commodore King’s remaining crew down the outside of the ship. I think that port is right in line with the turrets we have knocked out and if they stay lined up on that side they should be out of sight if our look outs making it easy to get to the bottom airlock and back in to attack around our rear were he thinks my ship’s defenses will be week.” The Commander tapped her comm onto their guarded channel and got the cutter manned and moving before turning back to look at the growing number of black suited troops. “Pore bastards. Most of them are just following orders like that pore smuck Red chucked down the shaft on our side. But fighting them up here would cost too many of my men.”

  “Eeaa. The problem with that is that we are going to have to fight them anyway since we can’t let them send us down that damn hole.” Jack tapped his comm. “Pan, Krump, I need you two to go to the next electrical room clockwise from the room we started in. I am going to try to start sending the other female and exslave prisoners down through the room to safety and even arm them if we can.”

  “Got you Captain, on our way now. It will take a few minutes to get back around there.” Came Pan’s voice.

  “Good. And tell Krump damn fine shooting earlier. We are now out cleaning up the bodies and collecting weapons and mags. We are also taking the catwalk and placing shooters in mini forts made out of bodies up there for later. Tell him not to get trigger happy.”

  Krump’s voice came on the line sounding pissed. “Got that Captain and thanks for telling me. I was just getting ready to take out one of the nests that was being reinforced.”

  “Eee. Sorry I should have kept you better informed. I will make sure I keep you in the loop from now
on. Red, you on the line?”

  “Yes Captain.”

  “Good, I need you to have one of the carts take you and all the pistols you can get mags for from the racks outside and a half dozen thumpers with their ammo packs and follow the cutting cart. Try to make the cart look as empty as possible. And while you are at it, button up your damn suit and get a rush paint job covering the spaces between the black armor. I need you to blend in as much as possible as just a big crewman while you are in the bay and if you meet someone down below. You are going to be in charge of the prisoner women and aliens. Your main job is to keep them safe since you have the weapons to do it. Which probably means hiding them someplace until this is over with since I don’t see any armor on any of them.” Taking a deep breath. “Lieutenant Shepperd, you on the line yet?” Jack waited a few seconds and tried again but still only got silence. Finally he turned to Glenn. “We are going to have to check and see if she is amongst the bodies before we dump them down the shaft. Too bad your guys don’t know what she looks like.”

  “Don’t need to Turner. That’s what dog tags are for besides no one has a suit like hers.” The Captain hit his comm. “Charley Check the bodies for a Lt. Shepperd.” Then to Jack. “She could have gotten captured or killed trying to get into the ships main weapons locker. With no way of knowing if she has. Which means we are probably on our own. I just hope we have recovered enough to make a fight of it and not a one way slaughter. Ours.” Looking back at the heavy weapon. “Oops the Commander is looking our way.” Cmd. Glenn said worried. “Time to go.Best go with you Turner if we want to avoid a confrontation. I would have to go across the core in front of him to get back the way I came. He gets one good look at me and he will know who I am.”

  “As you said we are done with this side anyway. Best call off the rafter dogs since we don’t have any carts on this side now to drop weapons to.” Jack started walking back the way he had come, ignoring the Commanders attempt to get their attention behind them. Going to where the next body had been laying back toward the compound. They checked out the junk left behind even though most of it had been placed there by their crews picking up the bodies, including the scattered training mags painted black.

  As they made their way back around the bay keeping busy inspecting junk left after the bodies had been taken (that is until they were out of the Commanders sight) Jack glanced up at the crews on the catwalk running back around to the other side with their arms and backs packed full of weapons and equipment. They had stopped being stealthy as soon as he given them the signal and finished off the last few guards on the catwalk in only a few minutes. He was glad to see what looked like several side bags that usually held grenades for the thumpers. Knowing that they would not have wasted time and effort on them if they were simply rubber riot grenades. Still that only meant 2 or 3 grenades for each launcher if they had as many thumpers as he suspected. But better than nothing.”

  Taking his time as he imperceptibly watched the buildup of troops at the other side of the core and the air lock rapidly taking shape. Then the cart with the shallow bin rushed over to the ladder as 6 black suited crewman slid down the ladders holding onto the sides as lines with a dozen packs and equipment hit the deck next to them. Equipment and packs were on the cart in seconds and headed for the shaft compound. No longer needed to hide what they were doing. The guards had already stopped looking at their buddies bodies being hauled away. Even if they had noticed it was too late to stop them. Though several of the ones on the cart laid over the top of the equipment like they were bodies anyway. The remaining six on the catwalk where already halfway back around the bay headed for their assigned forts made out of a couple or three bodies each and their share of the armor from most of the bodies dropped down naked before Jack stopped them when the carts stopped going to the far side. Forcing them to carry everything after that. Picking it up on the way back after killing the last of the catwalk guards on the far end.

  “Shit Turner, here comes that damn Commander and it is too late for me to run.”

  “Darken up your visor a little and stay busy with the junk. I will take care of this I hope.”

  Jack took a few steps toward the approaching cart and came to attention and saluted as it swerved to a stop in front of him with the Commander facing him out the driver’s side.

  Returning the salute. “Lt. Perez, I thought you were looking for Captain Glenn. Why are down here picking up bodies.”

  Jack swallowed as his mind raced for a second. “I found her Sir. Took her back to the Captain’s Cabin already sir.”

  “Oh. Good going. Aaa why do you have your visor closed?”

  Jack was ready for that one as he raised his hand and concentrated on the commander. Hoping it would work. “Sorry Commander but these bodies stink something terrible. I am surprised you have not puked yet.”

  The Commander suddenly turned green as his nose wrinkled up. “Yes I smell it now.” Trying not to get sick. “You left some bodies on the other side. Send someone to get them out of there before they start stinking before I come back. ” The cart raced away staying as far away from any of the piles of junk as possible before disappearing into the core hull.

  Jack walked back to the Commander. “We have orders to send a crew to finish cleaning up the bodies at the other end. Think you could send both crews over together to make sure they get everything?”

  “Good idea Captain. I think I saw a couple cases of mags close by that gun as well. Fact I think I need to go along just to make sure they don’t run into any problems.” Glenn tapped his Comm as he took off back around the core at a jog.”

  Jack tapped his Comm. “Red, once you get those two cages empty and the prisoners safe, there are 3 more on the other side of the Bay. The chases trunk they cut out of the center should give you plenty of cover on that side.”

  “Yes Captain but it may take a while for me to find someplace safe for the first group.” Red said. “Got the first cage’s group going through the upper electrical compartment now.”

  “Captain.” Pan voice spoke up. “We already have a route cleared to stash the prisoners. Red can go ahead and concentrate on getting the others and leave these to Krump and me.”

  “Ok well. You hear that Red? Take the plasma cutter crew with you but first see if you can weld the hole in the cage back up to cover your tracks.”

  “Yes my Captain. We have opened a hole between the two cages on this side and it will be empty in a couple of minutes.” Red paused a few seconds before speaking again. “The cutter crewman says the cages will look good as new when we leave.”

  “Very well Red. Tell me when you head for the other cage, if you run into any problems and when all the prisoners are safely below.”

  Jack was just walking up to the gate of what amounted to a fort with the stacked containers around the chase hole in the deck. “Captain Turner, can you hear me now?”

  “Lt. Shepperd! Are you OK or in trouble? We were starting to think you were not coming back to us. Where are you now?”

  “Just coming out of the core hull ramp with a couple of carts now Captain.” Jack looked around and spotted a couple of carts with trailers barreling out of the same core hull hatch the Commander had disappeared into a few minutes before. “Been busy. I have a few reinforcements and a couple of carts with the last of the weapons from the ship’s armory.”

  “Good. We have plenty of laser pistols and some 30 grenade launchers but few mags or grenades for the thumpers. I hope you brought plenty?”

  “Oops. Sorry Captain. I got sacks of grenades for the thumpers I brought. But in my hurry I forgot the hand grenades as well. I was wondering what happened to all the thumpers I remembered stacked in there. They make good weapons for the inexperienced crew we have to fight with. I will go back up and grab more hand and gun grenades as well as more mags.”

  “No. We will get along with what we have. I won’t risk losing you.”

  “No risk Captain if I hurry.”

watched a couple of figures drop off the carts after they slowed down a little and disappear back through the hatch. The carts speeded back up again heading for the compound and the gate.

  “Shit.” Jack said to himself, then. “Clear the way, open the gates all the way and clear the way now people. Move it.”

  Jack motioned the carts to head straight into the compound without stopping getting a strange look from the 1st class Weapons techs. “I can understand the bodies Captain but what is with all the ammo and weapons. Thought they were only supposed to have training mags and laser pistols.”

  “Now Mr. Curry. Don’t you think that in order to fool the other ship into thinking that this is a real attack that some of them need to fire something bigger than a pistol? Don’t worry, the other weapons only have training mags in them.”

  “Ohhh. Ok, that makes sense Lieutenant.”

  For 6 months Jack had been feeling strange and even unworthy each time someone had called him Captain. Now with this low life calling him Lieutenant he suddenly felt insulted. Jack closed his eyes for a second as he turned away to walk through the gates reminding himself that he was only a temporary Captain and the 1st class was only following orders placing bombs on the backs of some of the guys he was sending into the Compound to their deaths. Turning to look back at Curry Jack shook his head. Curry did seem to feel regret and even guilty from what he could tell which said a lot. Though Jack could not hear him saying much even to himself.

  Suddenly Curry turned white. “Frick! I forgot to put a pack on any of those guys in the carts.” Jack heard him say to himself. Panic racing through his mind. “They are going to cut my balls off and kill me like they did Harry.” Jack felt overwhelming fear flooding from the 1st class as he grabbed a pack and raced over to stuff it on the deck under the rack of the few remaining pistols. A half dozen packs lay under there in plain sight already. Returning to his stack of packs, relief flooded through him. “That guy almost got in without a pack.” Curry made a mark on his list.


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