Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer) Page 99

by Larry Roberts

  Jack grimaced as he turned from the Navigator to the Comm officer. “Good, tell Pan to wait a few please.” Jack said as he slapped the short range comm icon to the two DD’s and then explained what he wanted them to do.

  Two minutes later he slapped the long rang Comm screen on and said. “Pan, how many of the DD’s are ready for battle. I don’t care what engines they have as long as they have the pair of 16 inch guns under their wings.”

  “Aah Admiral.” Looking down at her PDA. “We have 22 not counting the 6 you took with you. 18 have the new engines with the last 4 getting their engines now. We just finished changing the Phoenix over to 4, 16 inch guns to match the 5 we have added 4, 16 inch guns to already. We found out that 4 of the upgraded 16’s actually put out more firepower than two of the 24’s which is all we can put on one of the DDs without destroying it when they fire. We are in the process of changing the rest over to the new configuration now.”

  “You have got to be shitting me. Four 16 inch guns? Have you been on any that have shot even a pair of 24 inch guns at full power yet? Four 16’s will tear the damn ship apart.”

  “Already tested Admiral. The Captain of 1701 insisted on the additional guns and several of the other Captains agreed so we added our instant foam armor to strengthen the ships where they needed it and added the new generation of plasma generators and power cores to keep the firing rate up to 2 shots a second per gun. Alternating between pairs of guns gives you 4 salvoes of two guns a second at full power and yes we have had to do major programing to allow the engine and coils to compensate for kickback from the guns.”

  “And we have enough 16 inch guns to convert all 30 DD’s?”

  “With the 16 inch guns stripped from TF-58 hulks the transports brought, we have plenty. “We are using the 24 inch guns we took from Ditzen’s Battleships you originally wanted on the DD’s to mount on and defend the Station which was what you wanted the 16 inch guns for originally.”

  “Ok. And what about the 8 inch guns? Did you have to take them off to do this?”

  “Just took out the lower pair on each wing. They did not have much of a field of fire anyway with a pair of 16 inch guns under each of them blocking them from firing anyplace but in a narrow arc straight ahead and to the side. The remaining DD’s are already half way through getting the 4, 16 inch guns to bring them up to the new standard.”

  “Damn Pan. The 8 inch guns come in handy.” Taking a deep breath shaking his head. “I will have to check into replacing one of the outer 5 inch turrets with the extra 8 inch turret later but we don’t have time to worry about them now. The damn Congressional fleet is coming out to play on their way to destroy TF-58 and all quarter million surviving crewmen. I need every DD now. How fast can you get all of them battle worthy? I don’t care which of the big guns are on them. I just need hulls.” Though Jack had to admit to himself that 4 guns would be better than 2 but just getting hulls here was even more important. He was going to have to do some shock and awe and that meant hulls.”

  “Aaa I can have the engine repairs out in 2 to 3 hours. By adding workers, the rest of the DD’s will have their 4, 16inch guns slapped under their hulls in about an hour after that. The work crews can finish installing the plasma generators and controls for the guns on the way. What do you want me to do with the 8 new Battletransports we are just finishing rebuilding. We don’t have much more than a skeleton crew on most of them yet.”

  “You have finished upgrading their guns and armor?”

  “Yes Admiral, all 6 turrets have been raised onto pedestals in a single ring and armored. The 12 guns have new Capacitors and plasma generators giving each gun double the firing rate with double the power. We even have finished stretching them and set up as basic transports with the side rails added to mount cargo containers along the full length of the armored cargo decks and a thousand feet in front. They will operate as a transport with the crew they have now but if you are going to fight them, they need more crewmen. What do you want us to do?”

  “I want you to put the crews they need to fight on them and send them out with the DD’s. I will send you the coordinates where I want them to assemble and hope we can last the 24 hours it could take to get here. So tell them to get their proverbial butts in gear and get here.” Taking a short breath. “I also need you to send someone to the freeway crossing to build a by-pass tunnel from the Delta 7 corridor to New Home’s Corridor. Task Force 58 is headed for New Home and I don’t want to worry about a whole fleet being spotted by accident going down the central freeway. Something I should have done originally but I really did not want the enemy finding a dedicated tunnel but know we have no choice. I just have to hope you can make sure no trace of the tunnel byway remains after TF-58 finishes using it this one time. Their Battleships are headed your way while the Dwarf stays behind to lead what Congressional Fleet units I can’t stop, in another direction.”

  Shaking his head Jack started to sign off but stopped and smiled. “Almost forgot. I want every fighter and bomber you can squeeze on those 8 Battletransports, even if it takes another couple of hours. It is a shame I have not had time to figure out how to make the bulk transport with all the damn prison cells into a carrier. The cells changed into cabins would make good accommodations for all the crews needed.” Jack chuckled. “Well anyway. Include as many of those city busting torpedoes as you can lay your hands on as well for the bombers on the Battle Transports. Those are some nasty ass kicking torpedoes if I can figure out how to use them here in the cloud. They have a minimum range to build up the speed they need. Shit that is going to delay them longer but a couple hours longer with it already taking 24 hours to get here anyway won’t make that much difference. Go ahead and finish up those DD’s as much as you can. I don’t want to go feeding units into this meat grinder piecemeal. They will just get eat up in small groups. I will just have to hope that with enough firepower assembled into the squadron, I can make up for the lost time when they get here. Turner out.”

  Slapping the comm panel again. “Flight. I need a fighter sent to the Ice moon. We need those two DD’s here as soon as possible. Oh and break out the Long lance missiles and City killer Torpedos and tell me how many we have so I can plan accordingly.”

  “Already got the LL missiles out of deep storage and we have 142 of them. Not enough to take out more than a couple of Battleships if we get lucky Admiral. We only have 98 of the City Killing Torpedoes but they require thousands of miles to pick up enough velocity to do any damage.”

  “Well then we will have to be sure to use their strengths as best as we can against the enemy ships weaknesses.”

  “I don’t see any strengths against battleships with armored decks protecting them Admiral. You even said that the Black Hole torpedoes which we have plenty of are worthless against battleships with navigation screens. Which means we have nothing.”

  “Not at all Commander. The Long Lance missiles will be perfect for the fighters to ram up battleship asses and take out their drive engines or even the navigation emitters to clear a hole through their screens for the Black Hole Torpedoes. Comm. Send a note to Pan at New Home adding a few thousand Long lance missiles to the wish list for the fighters.” Shaking his head. “Damn. But now is not the time to figure out how to modify the Black Hole torpedoes to enable them to get through the navigation screens even if my mind did just come up with some good possibilities I don’t have time to work on right now. I will send my ideas down but see what you guys can come up with to get them through the screens.”

  “Yes Admiral, we will see what we can come up with. Flight Control Out.”

  Studying the enemy DD that was to be the first to sight them Jack smiled. “You would have to be damn stupid to fire your puny 8 inch guns at a damn battleship just sitting here minding its own business. That is until a bunch of your Battleship buddies arrive. Comm, order 1717 to stick its head out into the head of the Maze half way between us and the DD with their IFF on full. Preferable before the DD sees us. I don’
t want to be accused of scaring the pour Congressional DD’s Commander with 1717 just showing up at point blank range with a Battleship behind it. Make sure they keep their pointy end toward the enemy. Then pray the Exslaves’ new armor coating works as advertised just in case they are not friendly.”

  Taking another breath. “You can also tell 1717 that since they are the ones with their ass hanging out in the air, they can take the bastard out when he fires but not before.” Turning to the pilot. “Mr. Black, Slide us back into the cloud out of obvious sight without getting 1717 in our line of fire if you would please. If 1717 gets into trouble I want to be able to finish off the enemy before too much damage is done. Got that weapons. Be ready but only on my command.”

  DD 1717 slid out into the middle of the Corridor getting there in plenty of time to serve as a sitting duck and then just sat there. The DD’s Captain turning on his navigation, running and identification lights with his Republic IFF that made sure everyone in ten thousand miles knew who and were his ship was. Jack felt his throat and neck start to tense up making it hard to breath as a tear of pride came to his eye at the Commanders bravery. Stopping himself every few seconds from ordering the DD out of harm’s way as it became harder and harder to breathe.

  Jack’s First Officer turned around. “Aaa Admiral, you were talking about Earth’s old west, I saw a documentary one time about duels and gunfights. And it said that the first person to shoot usually won. Something like 90% of the time. It is kind of hard to shoot back if you are dead.”

  Jack did not take his eyes off the DD as he answered through tight lips. “Why the hell do you think I ordered guns to be ready to fire? Hopefully we can save most of the crew but I am not going to start a war by shooting first. But we cannot afford to wait until we are surrounded by Battleships to find out.”

  They continued to wait. The seconds feeling like minutes.

  The lead Congressional DD slipped around the corner and came to a stop. Then just sat there.

  “Shit. How long until the DD’s wingman clears the corner?”

  “Thirty seconds Admiral. The next DD section is 2 minutes away.”

  Tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair. “Comm, open a channel to 1717 and… No.” Jack smiled. “Comm, find me the message Admiral Spencer sent to The Rock when he first got to Delta 7.”

  “Got it Admiral.”

  “Play it in the clear. Hell, send it to the net as well. All the way to Earth and the Colonies. I do not have any orders forbidding me from sending it. And put it on our side screen.”

  “This is Admiral Spencer Task Force 58. I have arrived at entry point Staging Station Delta 7 after escaping…”

  The Congressional DD opened fire on 1717. Each of its 8, 8inch guns sending only a couple of streaks a second at DD-1717 since the guns and generators it had were just standard issue without any of the upgrades the Exslaves had outfitted their DD’s with. Jack could not be sure but all the beams seemed to be missing DD-1717 but it did not matter. One would eventually hit.

  DD-1717 just sat there without returning fire. “What the hell. Sensors are they damaged? I do not see any damage. Did I miss something? Why are they not returning fire?” The Admiral’s message continued to broadcast across the cloud and beyond.

  “No damage Admiral. I don’t think 17 has even been hit yet.”

  “Comm get me an open channel to 17. Now!”

  Then as Jack was about to punch something himself to get them to return fire before they were hit and crewmen killed the first DD’s wingman having sped up slid around the corner and started firing.

  Seventeen Seventeen took a hit on its bow. The plasma explosion billowing into space from the impact point on the bows armor as the beam was reflected off at an angle from the steeply slanted armor.

  And then 1717’s two 24/16 inch guns fired at the same time and the lead Congressional DD started tumbling without another shot. Two 3 foot wide holes had been punched through the 20 feet of armored wedge. The armor blowing out a larger hole than the beam itself.

  Jacks Squadron DD fired its 8/6 inch guns hitting the Congressional wingman DD punching holes across the wide flat top of the wedge that was facing them with the first shots and the DD suddenly stopped firing and started tumbling.

  “Admiral, 17 on the Comm.”

  Jack started to scream at the Commander that appeared on the screen for waiting so long to fire. But held his tongue for a couple of seconds before he looked away and down to the Tactical screen.

  The DD’s Commander spoke up without waiting for Jack to say anything. “No damage Admiral. The bow armor was hardly scratched with only a small crater.” Seventeen’s Commander said with a smile.

  Jack smiled at that news. “Commander. You have the DD’s coming out of the passages on the South side of the maze’s entry area. You do not need to wait to be hit again. Just take them the fuck out. Over.” Hitting the comm off icon. “Comms get me 1715 now.”

  Seventeen Fifteen’s Commander came on the screen and Jack did not give him time to talk. “Commander, you have all the DD’s on the north side of the Maze entry area. Don’t let them get a shot at you if you can help it, just take them out. Period. Out.”

  The Weapons officer turned to Jack. “But Admiral. Don’t we get to shoot at least a couple of them?”

  Jack watched 15 and 17 race to firing position after firing position, taking out DD after DD as he answered. “Bide your time Reems. You get to shoot at something that can shoot back.” Looking up at the officer. “A hundred and thirty seven of them from my last count a couple days ago. Plenty for you to shoot at and get shot back at. Comm, open a channel to both DD’s.”

  Reems turned white.

  Jack sat back in his command chair. “Zoote! Are you around?”

  The hippie gal appeared in front of Jack sitting in the lotus position on her magic carpet. “Yes Admiral. It has taken some time for me to get used to this new alien core you had installed for me. The processors are configured strangely but it is big enough to handle the workload without Jeeves taking up room. You sure you don’t want his help? He is not as cantankerous as I am.” Watching Jack shake his head no as he closed his eyes for a second. “Very well then. How may I help you?”

  “I thought you were training my new Captains in Battledestroyer tactics? These Captains are fighting like they have never even read the basics. What is your problem?”

  “My problem is the Core computer on those DD’s. My training program on them is wholly inadequate for the job you ask. It is little better than a video game and the Captains take it as one. They are very good at the game but do not translate the game to real life it appears to me. You will have to reinforce the lessons they have learned in the relatively simple game and translate them to real life until you can get the DD’s cores up graded.”

  “Shit. Comm get me New Home and Pan again.”

  “Admiral, the DD’s are on Channel 2.”

  Jack tapped Comm Ch. 2 onto the main screen. “Have you guys learned nothing from The Damn Game? Half those DD got shots off at you both. You do the same with the Battleships and you both will be fucking vapor. I am not going to allow stupidity to Cost me your ships. I know you know the fucking basics from The Game. Now I want you to drop your gun power to training and make some attacks on the Red Pepper. If I get a shot on your ships I am replacing you as Captains. Got that. Now use your fucking brains and your training even if the game did look like a kid’s toy. We have about a half hour before you have to do it for real, now get to it.” Jack slapped the mute to Channel 2. “Weapons, reduce the power on the guns and be ready. You know what they are going to do, make sure you hit them before they hit us. Number One where are my other two DD’s?”

  “Pan on Chanel 1 Admiral.”

  Jack switched the DD Commanders to a side screen and put Pan up on the main. “Pan, I have one more request. The core computer on the DD’s is shit, I need the best you can get on short notice thrown on them so they can be training attack tactic
s on the trip over. If the squadron you send is not able to maneuver and fight as one whole unite by the time they get here, we don’t stand a chance. Any questions or suggestions?”

  Pan looked up from her PDA. “The Cores will be installed before they leave. On another topic Admiral. We included bomber support facilities and magazines on the Bulk Mass Carrier when we converted it to a bulk cargo Container Transport. Including enlarging the external container rails to be able to serve as pressurized cargo tubes or as fighter and bomber operational launch and landing tubes even while containers are attached to the outside. It can carry a full load of cargo containers and operate up to 600 fighters and bombers in the 6 external tubes at the same time with access to the armored magazines buried inside the transport between cargo holds. Flight Operations wants to put the majority of the bombers with their longer cycle times and ranges on the Carrier safely out of range of the Battleships, with the majority of the fighters that have the need for short turnover times and shorter ranges to rearm on the Battletransports. Do you want us to send the up Armed Civilian Transports as well?”

  “Hell no on the Civilian Transports. Without the proper training it would just be sending them as cannon fodder to get the enemy’s attention for a few minutes and I won’t waste resources like that. I would rather have their 16 inch guns on the fast DD’s. But you can use the 24 inch guns we stripped from the Battleships that assaulted the Hulk Station to make them Battletransports to upgrade volunteer Transports that are willing to sign on and leave their civilian familieswith the station while they defend the station or conduct ambush operations in the cloud. I will not risk tramp civilians. You will need them if we fail and it will give you time to start training them using Zoote and The Game.” Jack smiled. “Putting 8 to 12 of the upgraded 24 inch battleship guns on each with added armor around their engines and other vital compartments of the transports should inflate their egos and make recruiting much easier.”

  “Admiral, Tactical. The lead Battleships have stopped advancing.”


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