Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer) Page 112

by Larry Roberts

  She ran through the open hatch past the dead guards and made a bee line to the closest Fusion Core. The problem was that the pilots had no idea how to safely shut down an active core running at full power, let alone 4 of them. Which meant that she was going to have to make the rounds before one of them could be detonated.

  It took her a couple of minutes to properly shut down the first core. Cutting the fuel feed to the core only took a half second but that still left the Fusion ball in the core that could take 20 minutes to burn out. Then switch the cooling to full emergency pressures and running off the storage cells manually to make sure there was not that half second delay the automatics could take when the main generators finally cut out. Then locking the core to the ship manually just to make sure the automatics did not jettison it before she scrammed the core to make sure no one restarted it any time soon. Just scramming the core with it under full power even just after the fuel supply had been cut, could damage the core with the automatics then ejecting it out of the ship just to be on the safe side endangering the ships around it. Not to mention that with the ship parked, the core was not going to get far enough away to save the ship if it did blow as a small percentage did when their containment coils exhausted their emergency power or the lack of a cooling system melted something important before the fusion ball completely burned itself out. Added to the fact that they had no way of knowing how competent the maintenance engineers were.

  There was no way to know ahead of time if this crew had kept up with their Planned Maintenance Schedules or Not. It was just a lot safer to keep it aboard the ship where the containment coils were assured of power from the ships emergency supplies and the cooling system could do its job. It did not matter now even with the small chance that the feed system was damaged when the emergency shutdown coils pinched off any possibility of a fuel pellet or two left in the ring even after the fuel feed had been cut off, entered the core. Even if the last pellet was still traveling around the acceleration ring at a good percentage of the speed of light and wound up destroying half the feed system. Making the automatics think they needed to eject the core. They couldn’t.

  No. Just hitting the scram button on each Core was the last thing they needed to do right then, it was almost as bad as hitting the self-destruct Key even if they had the codes. No she didn’t have the time to teach a coarse right then but several of the pilots followed her around taking down the steps that was needed to shut the others down.


  Jack ran through the open hatch into the Flagg Bridge after taking out the guards on the outside with some well-placed shots as he ran up to the hatch without slowing down. The hatch was a short distance from the corner of the corridor and it only took Jack a half second to get there with the speed he had built up. Then silently taking out the guards standing beside the inside of the hatch before they could react. One good thing about the 3 foot thick bulkhead was that it was sound proof. Slapping the emergency hatch close button on the control panned beside the hatch, Jack could not believe he had made it as the hatch slammed closed without anyone seeming to notice.

  Then Jack could not believe the huge Flag Bridge as he looked around. Officers were at the middle on a raised dais drinking coffee around a planning Holographic Tactical tank showing the surrounding ships including the Red Pepper just sliding up beside them. The Admiral that had just been screaming across the comms sat calmly in the Admiral’s chair to one side of the tank. Steaming Coffee mug in his hands. Rings of recessed desks around them were manned and the crewmen busy.

  The Congressional Rear Admiral leaned forward as he stared at the Red Pepper in the tank. “I want a full analysis of those huge guns on that ship. Where the hell did they come from? Prepare a message Torpedo so our reinforcements will know the new threat.”

  “Shall we include the fact that our gun barrels are burning out in only a couple dozen shots instead of the hundred we were told Admiral?”

  “Who the fuck cares about that you moron. Just send the information about this new ship and be quick about it.”

  “Oh I don’t think that will be necessary Admiral.” Jack said as he walked out the ramp onto the stage while he digested the fact concerning their gun barrels burning out. “They already know all about it and me. Too bad no one bothered to tell you. Actually the ships that should worry you are the DD’s with the big guns and the new Torpedo Bombers and the Torpedoes meant for killing planetary Cities that are so devastating against ships once they are up to speed. Those are the ones that have taken out almost a hundred Battleships like this one in the last few hours.” Jack spotted the Assault boats approaching the ship he knew were full of marines to join the ones already flooding through the ship and smiled. “Just start closing things down now and be nice prisoners. We will try to get you back to your Democrat Commie friends as soon as possible. After all we are supposed to all be part of the Republic. Though I will take a few of your crew with me that wish to volunteer. So far that has averaged 80 percent which is still a big surprise to me. I did not realize Earth was that bad under your Communist Democrat Unionized Rule.”

  Jack surveyed the compartment as he swept the cannon around him and finding no outward signs of resistance he raised his hand for a closer read of the crewmen at the consoles and the Officers around the tank including the Admiral himself.

  Hate with a determination to act with some kind of weapon flashed into Jacks mind and he whipped his canon back to a pair of extremely dedicated and experienced security guards in the corner suddenly running towards a closet that must have had something to do with intruder weapons, Jack blew them away with a single shot to each of their sides since they were too close to the open hatch they were headed for to a stop them any other way. “Anyone else planning on causing trouble?” Jack surveyed the bridge again then flopped the cannon over his shoulder down across his back and locked it into place. “Very well Admiral. Now if you would just surrender your ship, I promise you that we will treat you well. All we will do is ask you a few questions to confirm what the other admirals tell us and send you home.”

  The Rear Admiral with an oriental face turned his chair to face Jack as he smiled and pointed to a big bright red button with a keyed cover that had been pushed back. “Sorry Vice Admiral Turner. You surrender all your forces to me or I will blow my ship and you into eternity with my ancestors. You and your crews will be sent back to Earth to live out your lives as civilians. With the Motherland providing all your needs.”

  Jack’s eyes got big for a few seconds as his mind raced when he first saw the open self-destruct button. Then getting control of himself after a few seconds Jack smiled as a picture of his brother threatening to do something bad if Jack did not do exactly what his brother said and then doing it anyway after Jack complied. Coming up with some lame excuse to do it anyway. Though this time as Jack raised his hands to surrender he was able to read the man like an open book as long as he kept talking to himself. He was used to getting his own way by threatening and lying. Not that he wouldn’t still do whatever he had said he wouldn’t, after he had gotten his way but Jack could see the man was to selfish to kill himself but there was some kind of feeling he could not recognize. Something he had never felt before from anyone. Though as inexperienced as he was with this new mind thing that was no surprise. But Jack knew that the man was lying about not killing them outright for now reason.

  At least that was what he thought the strange feelings from the man meant but he was not sure. And then his brother was good at getting so upset that he would do the most stupid of things without thinking. Even destroying his own things and even expensive ships equipment and then blaming whatever he had destroyed on Jack. And his parents would promptly punishing Jack. All too regularly locking him in his cabin for weeks at a time. Though Jack had used that time burying himself into The Game only coming out long enough to eat and shower. Shaking his head out of that dark place, Jack smiled for a second and crossed his arms in fro
nt of his chest as he bit his lip.

  “Well know I am going to have to call my fleet if that is what you want.” Jack studied the Admiral as he did his best to frown.

  “Why certainly boy. Be my guest.” The Admiral waved his hand toward the comm console.

  Jack walked over to the Comm and tapped in a channel to the fleet and tied in his suit as well as the ship’s Public Address system. “This is Vice Admiral Turner. All Ships, General order 13. I repeat General order 13. That is all.” Jack turned back to the Rear Admiral and smiled doing his best to hold the man’s eyes. The Admiral taking it as a personal challenge to his authority did not blink.

  A minute later one of the officers said. “Damn, they all just disappeared.”

  Looking away from Jack to the Officer. “Who disappeared?”

  “All the other ships. Even our squadron ships. Hell one of those stupid destroyers latched onto the hulk we destroyed directly in front of us and it is almost out of sight already as well as most of the rest of our hulks.”

  Jack looked at the tactical tank and the only things in it were the two halves of the Command Battleship and a lot of wreckage. Though Jack was glad he could see the 3 boats latched onto the front damaged section of the ship and out of sight that had delivered the 3 marine platoons. He knew that while they would take the rest of the ship in short order. Their only real chance was if the Lieutenant was already in the Power Core. Looking down, there was too much armor between them for Jack to tell if she was there or not. But what he could see on the small ship’s condition board on the Flagg deck still showed 3 Cores at full power. Well that was better than 4. Not.

  All he could do was stall and hope she got the job done before this maniac lost it and did something stupid. Jack could definitely see the pressure starting to build as the Rear Admiral realized that his bargaining chips and prizes along with his mutinous ships had flown the coop.

  Jack started walking toward the hatch the Security Officers had been heading for hoping to keep the Admiral’s attention off the ship’s console behind him along the back of the bridge. “You know Rear Admiral aaa… What is your name is again?”

  “It is Chinn you fool. You are on my ship and you don’t even know my name.”

  “Well I don’t have a reason to remember the names of my subordinates Rear Admiral Chinn. Do us a favor and close and lock that detonate button on your chair. I am not a spider so destroying yourself to keep any information out of their hands is stupid. They are no place around. Besides, I know a lot more top secret information than you ever will. Which is why I told you we would send you back. You are not worth the time or effort to interrogate. Your superiors have never trusted you with anything worth knowing. Especially something we would be interested in about their plans. So relax and safe that damn switch.”

  “I am the Son of the forth cousin of the King of the United States. I know plenty.”

  Jack stopped at what looked like a closet hatch. “King? I thought the United States had a President.”

  “Just how stupid are you boy? Presidents are for elections where the stupid masses can elect their favorite TV Star every 4 years. The Democratic Communist Workers Party realized hundreds of years ago that the only way to insure that the best Elite was running the country was to only allow the best minds of the country made up from all the Collage Professor Worker party members across the country to choose the head of state for 10 year terms and give them the power to rule over everyone and everything by decrees that are approved by the Congress. To make them Kings for the People and the workers. With a Congress picked by the Elite with Doctorates in Government or Health to actually run things and an impotent House of Representatives for the masses to vote for so they think they have a say in their Government. The Stupid Supreme Court that kept harking back to some stupid Constitution Contract that kept the Government from doing the Things the Democratic Communist Workers Party wanted to do for the Good of the people was abolished. Even though the Judges regularly twisted that constitution to suit their beliefs, that was to unreliable. A King does not need the limitations of a Stupid Constitution that could not breathe and change and allow the Government to tax everyone but the elites and pass the needed strict laws for the lowlife masses as well as start Reeducation Concentration Camps or even establishing a King when the Elites knew it was time for the Good of the majority of People. No they combined the Supreme Court with the Presidency to create the King. The Term President is only used for the masses. We Elites use the term King in our higher circles you low life’s never see.”

  The Admiral looked at Jack with disgust. “Don’t you know your history boy? The Freedom you Colonist keep bragging about is not good for the stupid masses. The Earth Governments have proven that time and again over thousands of years. Instead of letting the people vote the best looking and sounding Corrupt ideate that bumbles around doing what he thinks the people want to get elected while taking bribes only to do the bidding of the rich. The masses who eventually vote in Dictators that destroy societies and kill millions. The Academics using the Democratic Communist Workers system around the World have provided the World with Benevolent Kings that take care of the People for their own good.”

  “Oh and the rumors of your benevolent President Kings sending millions to die each year in your Worker Reeducation Concentration Camps is not mass murder just because they refuse to agree with the Elite?” Jack stepped into the open hatch and found the Bridges self-defense console the Security officers were headed for but he could not find a single Stun gun or device. Kicking himself again for giving away his damn pistol.

  “You uneducated moron. So what if a few Hundred Million stupid, crazy, criminal workers that refuse to do what is good for them die each year or are shipped to the colonies. The bulk transports bringing the life blood of the Colonies to Earth need something to haul back to the stars. The masses in Earths system all have jobs the State has determined is the best suite for them. They live safe, regulated lives free from decisions and stress and temptations and problems they are not equipped to deal with. That is what the Democratic Communist Workers Party is for. To run and decide everything about their lives including what they need and want, insuring that everyone has everything the State says they need with nothing that can hurt them or be used to hurt anyone else. We have created a worldwide utopia and we will take that Utopia to the rest of Human Space even into Alien Space eventually. For the Good of all beings and the Democratic Communist Workers Party.”

  “Ok a Utopia with the Highest Crime rate in the Republic where millions die each year in robberies, muggings, rapes and murders even though all weapons are outlawed worldwide. Though more people die in your reeducation camps than from criminals.” Jack mused again about getting his cannon off his back and shooting the ass hole before he could press the Self-Destruct button but knew he was not that fast. Nor was there any way for him to get out of the Admiral’s sight for even a second. The closet was just too small.

  “People must be free to do what they want.” Jack said as he looked out of the closet. “Even if they hurt themselves or make bad decisions.”

  “Now there you go thinking stupid politically incorrect thoughts. The Masses cannot be allowed to think for themselves. Only the Politically correct educated elite in government approved Elite schools and Universities are allowed the freedom to think as they should for the good of the stupid masses.”

  Jack grabbed a remote control screen from the console and returned to the bridge stage. “Ok, you let politically correct murderers and child rapists and other criminals go free while executing people that say or do anything that is politically incorrect like holding church services in their homes or caught drinking from Big Gulp containers in public. Sounds a lot hypocritical to me. My granddad told me once that liars always excuse and protect other liars lest they be caught themselves while jumping at every chance to chastise and condemn honest truthful people for minor harmless slips. After all if others do it even a little, then it is ok
if they do it a lot. I wonder Admiral if that is why politicians and some large minorities are so ready to let criminals get away with even murder.”

  “Come boy, have you not heard the famous quote by our first King Black? The law that says that it is better to let 10 guilty murderers go free than send even one innocent man to rote behind bars? We are for the civil rights of all people and their right to a fair and impartial trial to make sure no innocent man ever goes to Prison. That is to make sure that our legal system is equal for all men and women.”

  “Now isn’t that a coincidence I think I heard something like that not long ago about colony law. Something about letting an innocent man rot in jail if it saved the ten lives one murderer left free would take. But one legal system sounds like it was designed to make sure anyone with brains or connections could break the law including murder and get away with it while the other system is designed to keep all criminals locked up for their crimes. In both cases the innocent still get locked up though in one the innocent are allowed to prove themselves innocent after conviction while the other throws away the keys even when new evidence exonerates them. But that could be one reason why the Colonies have a fraction of the crime rate and prison populations Earth has.” Jack walked over about 20 feet from the Admiral and sat down in one of the empty consoles. Jack noticing that only 2 cores remained on line and started playing with the screen. “But then I am no Lawyer so what do I know.”

  “Yes you are just an uneducated back planet moron boy and do not have the mental facilities to understand modern Democratic Liberal Communist concepts. The worst crime is not murder boy, it is thought crimes against the State. No one cares how many stupid lower class people die but the State has to survive.”


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