Cole in Her Stocking

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Cole in Her Stocking Page 3

by C. A. Szarek

  She whispered his name again, but got the message, increasing the pace of her thrusts.

  He released her and settled his hands at her slender waist, lifting her up and down when she started to tire. Cole sat up and cradled her on his lap as the sex pounded on.

  Andi bent her knees into the bed and circled her hips as she moved against him. Her inner muscles fluttered around him; she was close.

  When her head fell back for the second time, he kissed her throat. He thrust one last time.

  Her sex squeezed his like a vise and orgasm roared over them both. She whimpered and kissed him hard, gripping his shoulders, shuddering in his arms.

  Their mouths parted and Andi buried her face against his neck.

  They breathed hard, chest against breasts, and Cole didn’t want to be parted from her body; wished his dick was ready to go for round three. He cradled her close, kissing her damp forehead, her cheeks, then the top of her head before pressing a tender kiss to her lips.

  “We should get some Z’s.” Andi’s whisper was heavy; she was almost asleep.

  They snuggled down into the bed, and he yanked the blankets over them. “Sleep, babe. I’ll hold you.”

  “You sleep, too.” She yawned.

  Cole smiled. “I will, don’t worry.”

  “Surprised Micah let us have this much time uninterrupted.”

  “We had a ‘Daddy needs Mommy-time’ pep talk.”

  She lifted her head from his chest, flashing a lopsided grin that made his stomach flutter. “Right. Sure you did.”

  “Well, I can’t leave it to luck, can I babe?”

  Andi laughed and kissed his chest before settling against him.

  Minutes later, her breathing fell into a deep even rhythm as he rubbed her back. Contentment settled over him, and he didn’t fight his yawn.

  The look on her face when her mother had broken the news crept up from his memory.

  Cole frowned. He didn’t want Andi to worry about anything, especially Christmas.

  Of course, she could be sad her parents had had to cancel but he would be there. The boys would be there. They were her family, too. Most important family, actually.

  Even after marriage and a baby, Andi didn’t rely on him as much as he’d like. She took too much on herself. It was in her make-up to be the strong female, detective, mother, wife.

  Still, he wanted to remind her he’d always be there for her. They might not be partners at the police department, but they sure as hell were at home.

  Cole sighed and kissed her forehead when she made a noise in her sleep.

  They’d have a fantastic Christmas—as a family.

  He’d just have to show her.

  Chapter Four

  “I’ll be back, babe.”

  Andi looked up from the sugar cookies she and Ethan were icing. Well, she was icing them, her son was making a red and green sticky mess, but he was adorable. “Work call?”

  “Nope, just need to run out.” Cole had an odd expression on his face, but when their eyes met, her husband flashed dimples.

  That smile always scrambled her brains—and he knew it.

  She studied him, but got nothing. Which made her even more suspicious.

  Cole was up to something.

  Is it something to do with last night?

  He’d helped her get the boys in bed, and right when she’d slipped into comfortable sleepwear, he’d announced he had to go out. Told her not to wait up for him.

  Her husband had been evasive when she’d questioned him. Had only explained his partner needed him. Andi hadn’t asked much more. Detective Jared Manning had a penchant for spending too much time at the local cop hangout, a bar called McAuley’s.

  Cole had probably had to get him home and cleaned up. Not a responsible thing to do when one was on call, though.

  “Jared, okay?”

  “Yeah.” He paused, as if he didn’t know why she was asking.

  She narrowed her eyes. “It’s Christmas Eve, where could you possibly have to go?”

  One dark eyebrow shot up. “I’ll never tell. C’mon, don’t interrogate me. You’re gonna ruin it.”

  “Hmmm a surprise?”

  “A surprise! A surprise!” Ethan jumped off the step stool he’d been using at the counter.

  One icing container went flying. Green splats hit the tiled floor.

  “Oh, Ethan,” Andi groaned.

  Cole laughed. “On that note, see you later, babe.”

  “Of course,” she muttered. When Andi looked up, he’d already disappeared from the entryway. The front door closed with a thump.

  Damn man.

  Her son’s blue eyes were misty when their gazes brushed. He held his little hands out. “Sorry, Mama.”

  “It’s okay, baby. We have more.” She bent and cleaned up the thick blobs of green. Andi righted the icing container and set it on the counter. She rinsed a washcloth in warm water and cleaned her son’s hands and face. “Let’s try to get some icing on the cookies, okay?”

  Ethan flashed a grin. “It tastes good, Mama.”

  “I know, baby. You’re going to bounce off the walls all night from all this sugar.”

  “Bounce, bounce, bounce.” He punctuated his words by hopping across the kitchen back to his stool.

  Andi found herself laughing, despite the irritation at her delinquent husband. What on earth could he be up to? A last minute gift for her?

  They’d agreed to keep the budget reasonable, spending most of their Christmas money on the boys. However, Andi had asked for a few things, and of course, had bought Cole most of the things on his short list.

  She’d had to yank it out of him anyway. He’d kept telling her he had everything he needed, but she’d made him name a few items. Everyone should have a present or two to open on Christmas morning.

  “Santa’s coming tonight?” The excitement in her four-year-old’s voice made her grin.

  “Yes, sir. After you and Micah go to bed.”


  His loud voice made her wince, and Andi shot a look to the baby, napping in his carrier on the kitchen table. The five-month-old didn’t stir.

  Thank God.

  Micah had actually slept through the night. One of the offending teeth had broken through his gums, so perhaps the worst was over.

  Andi could hope, anyway.

  “I want lotsa presents!” Ethan grinned and slathered red icing on a stocking shaped sugar cookie with a child-sized bladeless tool. He’d gotten it mostly on the treat, so she didn’t admonish him.

  She encircled him on the stool, and took his small wrist, guiding his hand around the cookie. “There you go, baby. Good job. It looks yummy.”

  He smiled up at her. “I like making cookies with you, Mama.”

  Andi kissed the top of his head. “I do, too. Let’s do more.” She grabbed a snowflake and reached for the white icing.

  “Daddy got an owie,” Ethan said about ten minutes later, when she was stacking iced cookies in a plastic container with sheets of wax paper between them.

  “What, baby?”

  “On his arm. A big boo boo.”

  She looked into his eyes. “A boo boo?”

  The little boy nodded and grabbed his upper arm. “Right here.”

  Her stomach jumped, but she didn’t want Ethan to realize he’d raised her alarm. “What did his owie look like?” She kept her voice even, her words slow.

  “All white.”

  All white? A bandage of some sort? Damn.

  Had something happened last night between Cole and Jared at McAuley’s? “Your dad’s okay, baby.” Andi wanted to question him further, but didn’t.

  Cole had been dressed and feeding Micah when she’d risen that morning. She’d slept deeply, hadn’t woken when he’d come to bed. So she’d had no chance to see his unclothed body. Unless he’d done that on purpose. Something had happened and her husband hadn’t wanted her to see a wound.

  She swallowed back a curse and reminded
herself she couldn’t kill Jared Manning. It was Christmas, after all.

  Her son’s gaze was solemn and innocent, making her heart tripped.

  “Daddy’s all right, okay buddy?” She ruffled his red curls until he giggled. “Let’s get your bath early tonight.”

  Ethan’s little shoulders sank and he pouted like a pro. “Mama, I’m not tired.”

  “I didn’t say bed, now did I? We still have to eat dinner. I said bath. Let’s get you unsticky, sugar-boy.” Andi tweaked his nose.

  “Promise I can stay up?”

  “No way. Santa won’t come if he thinks you’ll see him.”

  “Awww, Mama.”

  She bit back a grin at the serious frown on his little face. “We’ll put some cookies and milk out for Santa later. And carrots for the reindeer. How about that?”

  His face lit up. “Okay!”

  “Only if you take a bath now.”

  Ethan reached for her hand without missing a beat. “Okay, Mama.”

  Andi laughed.

  Chapter Five

  Cole snuck into the living room, setting the long slender box under the Christmas tree behind a big colorful packaged addressed, To: Ethan, From: Santa. The gift for Andi was wrapped in simple silver paper and would be the last he offered.

  He didn’t want her to spot it until then.

  His arm smarted with the movements, but his two-day-old tattoo looked awesome this morning. Damn, it’d been difficult to keep it a secret. Who knew his wife expected him to parade around without clothes on?

  She’d been extremely suspicious when he’d sported a T-shirt before bed the night before.

  Guess that’s what you get for marrying a cop.

  Cole smirked.

  He’d had to tell her he’d needed to finish up a report on his laptop before he could sleep. He’d waited until after midnight, put all the ‘From: Santa’ presents for the boys under the tree and gone to bed only after she’d fallen asleep.

  Andi was light sleeper, so he’d held his breath as he’d slipped beneath the comforter, but she hadn’t woken. She’d snuggled close, her gorgeous body sleep-warmed and soft, but he’d contented himself with just holding her until sleep had claimed him as well.

  “Santa came, Santa came!” Ethan hopped down the hallway in his snowman pyjamas.

  Cole grinned when he straightened, meeting his older son by the tree. “Breathe, kiddo.” He gathered the ball of excitement disguised as a child into his arms.

  Andi laughed and shook her head as she joined them, Micah in her arms.

  Their baby was awake and smiling.

  His wife’s gaze swept up and down his body. “Since when do you wear a robe?”

  He shrugged and hurried forward to press a kiss to her mouth. “Merry Christmas, babe.”

  From his perch on Cole’s hip, Ethan kissed his mother’s cheek at the same time. “Merry Christmas, Mama!”

  Her face relaxed into a smile and Cole kissed the baby’s dark head before backing away. He sucked in a breath. He’d reveal his surprise in due time.

  His suspicious little wife would have to be kept busy with kids and presents so he could get away with it.

  “Wanna see what Santa brought, E-man?” Cole asked.

  “Yeah!” His older son practically jumped from his arms.

  “Hold on, I want to grab the camera,” Andi said. “In addition to phone pics, I want some real ones for the scrapbook.”

  “I already got it.”

  “Oh, thanks!” She smiled again and they gathered around the tree, all taking a seat on the carpet.

  Micah cooed and grinned from his seat on her lap, flashing his one bottom tooth.

  Cole grabbed a wiggly Ethan and made him sit to wait and be handed gifts instead of diving under the tree as the kid would have preferred.

  “Who’s first?” Andi asked.

  “Me! Me!” Ethan bounced from his seat and clapped his little hands.

  He chuckled and grabbed the closest box for his older son that wouldn’t reveal his surprise for his wife.

  Chunks of wrapping paper littered the living room carpet.

  Ethan had already sped off to his room to play with his dozen new toys.

  Cole wanted a moment alone with Andi, so he didn’t admonish the little boy to stay in the living room for the sake of Christmas family time.

  They had all day together.

  Micah napped on a cozy Santa printed Christmas blanket and there were only a few things left under the tree.

  His heart had jumped with every picture Andi had snapped and every smile they’d exchanged. Seeing Ethan’s excitement would never be seconded.

  The contentment and love on his wife’s face made him feel like he owned the world.

  She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  “Thanks for the sweater, I really like it.” Andi smiled yet again as she folded the red fluffy V-necked garment her friend Nikki had picked out when he’d sought female help. She put it back in the gift box and slid it under the tree.

  Nerves churned the coffee in his stomach. Cole was glad they’d planned breakfast after presents; he would’ve tossed his eggs for sure. He chided himself to calm down.

  This is Andi, not a stranger.

  She’d love what he’d had made for her. Would know how much it meant—to them both—the moment her eyes rested on it.

  But what would she think about the permanent part of his gift?

  “Hey, you okay?” Andi scooted closer, studying him.

  He cleared his throat. “I am. I have one more thing for you.”


  Nodding, he kissed her quickly and grabbed the silver package.

  “You got quiet on me,” she said as she accepted the slender box.

  “I’m cool—fine. I’m great. Open it.” Cole smiled and his heart thundered as she flipped the present over.

  “Jewelry?” She winked and slowly peeled the paper back.

  Too slowly.

  “You’re killin’ me, babe.”

  “Why?” She paused. “Afraid I won’t like it?”

  “Andi.” He mock-glared.

  She grinned and ripped the paper off the box so fast it was reminiscent of Ethan. Andi’s gasp made his stomach flip. “Oh, Cole.” When she met his eyes, hers were misty.

  “Do you like it?” His voice cracked.

  Andi nodded, one tear slipping down her cheek.

  Cole wiped it away.

  She cradled the white gold chain in her palm, tracing the oversized links at the front. Her expression was tender. His wife sucked in a breath as she stared at the necklace he’d special ordered from the only jeweler in Antioch. The man had made it himself. Custom, and beautiful.

  One-of-a-kind, like Andi.

  Their names each had a link. ‘Ethan’ and ‘Micah’ were etched in fancy lettering between ‘Andi’ and ‘Cole.’

  “I know you usually don’t wear any jewelry other than your wedding ring, but—”

  She launched herself at him, kissing the words out of his mouth.

  Cole took control and deepened their kiss, holding her close.

  “I’ll wear it every day,” Andi breathed against his mouth. “I love it. So much. And I love you.” She kissed him again, fast and hard.

  He groaned as he made himself pull away. Otherwise he’d throw her down to the carpet and take her, right by the tree. In the interest of kids and Christmas, it wasn’t the best idea. “I love you, too. There’s more,” he whispered.

  “I don’t need more, I have you.” She handed him the necklace. “Put it on for me?” She turned, allowing easier access.

  Cole fastened the shiny white gold around her neck, kissing her skin above the clasp. “It’s not something for you. It’s something for me. But I need to show you.”

  She met his eyes, one delicate eyebrow arched.

  “Just wait.” He shifted away, breaking their physical contact.

  Andi’s blue eyes widened when he loosed the belt o
n his robe, but he flashed his best dimpled smile and intentionally let the terry cloth slide from one shoulder before the other. The robe pooled at his waist.

  She shook her head and giggled at his impromptu play-strip tease, until her eyes latched onto his right biceps. She gasped.

  His heart sped into overdrive.

  “Oh, Cole.” Andi moved back to him.

  “It matches your necklace.” He swallowed hard. He wanted to explain to her what the tattoo meant to him, but words dissolved as her fingertips brushed his newly inked skin.


  Cole had worked undercover consistently when he’d been with the FBI, and even though it wasn’t unheard of, identifying marks such as tattoos were discouraged.

  It was more than that.

  Leaving the Bureau, moving to Antioch to be with Andi and Ethan, having Micah. Marrying the love of his life. It was all as permanent as the chain he’d had placed on his arm.

  He needed Andi to see that. Believe it. He’d always be there for her.

  She’d marked him as much as the guy who’d inked his skin. Their boys had marked him, too. They were in his heart, but each of them had a link with their names for the world to see how he felt about them. He’d even left room for any other children they might have.

  The tattoo was a symbol for Cole.

  He was happily chained to Andi and their boys.


  “I know what getting this means to you,” Andi whispered, as if she’d read his mind. Her gaze lowered, and she covered his tattoo with her palm. “You never could before, because you hadn’t found your place. But now you have.”

  A sudden lump in his throat almost made him choke on his words. “Looks like my wife knows me well.”

  A soft smile bloomed on her lips, spreading until she was beaming. She kissed him. “I love it. It’s perfect. It’s us.”

  Cole pulled her close. “You’re perfect.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Not at all. But this Christmas is. All because of you, Cole Lucas.”

  “I wanted to make it special.”

  “You totally did.” Her expression went playful and she winked. “But I feel like I owe your partner an apology.”

  “Huh? Jared? Why?”


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