Sleepers (Book 6)

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Sleepers (Book 6) Page 17

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Nope. That was a sign,” I said. “’Night, Mera.”

  “Are you kidding me? You’re kidding me, right?”


  “Oh my God.”



  I placed my hands on her face and kissed her, leaving my tightly closed lips to hers for a moment before backing up, turning around, and heading to my bed.

  She stomped and yelled at me again. “Alex!”

  That was fine. I smiled. I had asked for a sign; I got a sign.

  Before she could hate me or I could regret walking away, without looking back or staring pathetically at her, I went to bed.


  I had the best and worst of both worlds. As a parent, when your children are little, you can’t wait to take them to school or to a sitter, just for the break. As they get older, they need you less and you wait for that moment when you get time with them.

  I dropped all the little ones off at school and was delighted to see Danny waiting outside.

  Danny was getting older, and though we lived in a small complex, he had friends and people he hung out with. I saw him less and less.

  “Hey.” I hugged him. “To what do I owe this?”

  “Thought I’d walk you to your radio shift before I get some sleep.”

  “This is really nice,” I looped my arm through his. “Maybe you can tell me about the rumors I heard.”

  “Which are?”

  “Bonnie said you snuck Sleepers into Storage Three.”

  Danny scoffed. “Now, why would I do that? And why would Bonnie say such a thing?”

  “She said she heard them when she was riding this morning.”

  “Oh, well, she heard something that isn’t Sleepers. We have wild boars in there. Three of them.”

  “That’s excellent.”

  “It’s a surprise so don’t tell anyone.”

  I placed my finger to my lips. “I won’t. Can I tell Hank?”


  “The South Bound guy. I like to share stories when I talk to him each day. That way he knows us a little better.”

  “How much are you telling him?”

  “Nothing vital. Just day to day stuff.”

  “Okay,” Danny said. “I have a reason for walking you.”

  “I figured you did.”

  “Something is really bothering me.”

  “It’s about last night,” I said. “What you saw ... or almost saw.”

  “Nah, that’s none of my business. The baby is though.” He stopped walking. “Mom, is this Alex’s baby?”

  “You knew it wasn’t Beck’s.”

  Danny nodded. “I knew that, I just… is it Alex’s?”


  “I love Alex, Mom, but it’s bothering me. Why is he giving up his parental rights? That’s not like Alex.”

  “No, it’s not. It’s because of the timeframe, because of how things went down. He felt it was the right thing to do.”

  “Doesn’t he want to be the father?”

  “Oh, Danny, I think more than anything he wants to be the father.”

  “What about you? Who do you want to raise this baby?”

  “We’ll all raise it,” I said. “More than anything, I want to share this with Alex. Is that wrong?”

  “No.” He leaned down and kissed me. “It’s the right thing to do.” He started walking again. “Besides, Ed says you guys are together for like twenty years.”

  “Ed told you? Why wouldn’t he tell me?”

  “Maybe he doesn’t want to influence you. It takes a while to happen. He doesn’t remember you guys being a couple until he was about ten.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “You know everyone thinks this is Sonny’s baby.”

  “People talk about my baby’s real father?”

  “Oh yeah, and trust me, no one thinks it’s Alex’s. We have to have something to gossip about.”

  “Why wouldn’t they think it wasn’t?”

  “Everyone knows how badly you two fought,” Danny said. “This you and Alex getting along all the time is new. It started once we got here.”

  “That’s because in my mind, he died. I watched him die. It was horrible.”

  “I can’t see how I handled it.”

  “You were bad.”

  Danny took a deep breath. “Well, I’m glad you changed it and… you’re here.” I thanked him for the walk and the talk, though I felt he was trying to segue into something else and never got there. Like there was something he really wanted to tell me. I made it to the radio room in enough time to place a radio call out to Hank for our top of the hour morning chat.

  He sounded despondent.

  “Just been a bad week,” Hank said. “Food is running really low.”

  “Then maybe you need to get up here. We have plenty.”

  “Do you really?” he asked. “I know you said that.”

  “We do. Randy gained fifty pounds just to play Santa. You don’t have that when you’re starving.”

  “It’s unreal,” he said. “I am so glad you talk to me every day. I feel like I know all of you at Haven.”

  “Hell, you probably could draw a map of it, I talk so much.”

  “Can’t wait to see the school, and the living places.”

  “You will.”

  “We’re starting to get the vehicles ready now. We think a couple weeks. Are you sure you have room and enough for us?”

  “Yes, we have plenty of room. It’s really not a bad place, and it’s safe.”

  “You have heat too?”

  “And electricity,” I said.

  “Your guys must have a time keeping it secure.”

  “Not really. Haven’t really seen many Sleepers.”

  “Sounds like Haven is Heaven. I hope we are welcome.”

  “Are you nuts?” I said. “Of course, you will be. When you come up, I want you to make this place your home.”

  “Mera, you are so kind. Make it our home,” Hank said. “More than you realize, we will.”


  I thought I was sick with the flu. That was nothing compared to how that serum made me feel. At first I was drowsy, then when I did wake up, I was in such a fog, everything was tunnel vision.

  Randy kept checking on me. He looked fine. I couldn’t talk.

  Javier mentioned that my fever was higher than he’d expected and maybe the Michael serum would have to be put on hold.

  Yeah, somehow I knew I’d end up with the Michael serum.

  The second day, I was having delusions and dreams while I swore I was awake. It had to be hallucinations because there was no way Bonnie would be sitting next to me reading love stories about cowboys, telling me, “Oh this man reminds me of you, Sonny.”

  I was dying. I was certain. Before opening my eyes on the third day, I assessed how I felt. No headache, I didn’t feel sick anymore, but I felt weird. Moving my hand just a little, I could feel every bit of the air. My senses were heightened.

  I turned my head to the left and opened my eyes. Randy’s bed was empty and the sheets had been removed.

  Oh my God, Randy had died.

  A sick knot hit my stomach.

  “You’re awake,” a voice I recognized said. “How are you feeling?”

  I looked forward to see Alex. Suddenly, when I looked at him, the smile dropped. He looked concerned. Immediately, I glanced down to my hand. It looked normal.


  “What’s wrong?”

  Alex grunted. “Oh my God.”

  “Alex, what’s wrong?’

  Alex lifted the radio. “It’s not good. He’s making Sleeper noises now. It’s true.”

  I knew it! I had turned into Super Shredder. I sat up and Alex backed away.

  “Don’t make me shoot you, dude.”

  “No. No.” I held out my hands to him.

  Alex aimed at me. “I promised Mera I
’d put you down. I don’t want to. Don’t force me, Sonny. Stay back.”

  “I know you don’t understand me. But I don’t want to eat you.”

  Alex laughed and lowered his gun. “I certainly hope not. That wouldn’t be good and some might take that as highly inappropriate.”

  “You asshole!” I screeched. “You made me think I was a Sleeper!”

  “Sorry. I couldn’t resist. Javier says you’re fine. Fever’s been down twenty-four hours.” He replaced his gun. “Get dressed, let’s get out of here and test your abilities. He thinks it worked.”

  “What about Randy?”

  “He’s gone.”

  “Oh man, when?”

  “Yesterday,” Alex replied. “It moved so quickly though his blood, we thought for sure it was going to be the day before. Yesterday was the day.”

  “I’m shocked.”

  “Yeah, me too. He never really got sick. He got up yesterday and Javier said that was it.”


  “Don’t feel bad,” Alex gave a swat to my arm. “You’re better now.”

  “When are we leaving to go test this?”

  Alex grinned. “We’re not.”


  If we had a tee shirt making business, I am sure everyone would get Alex one that stated, ‘Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m an Asshole’.

  Because I called him that again when we arrived at Storage Three.

  I wondered what he meant when he said we weren’t leaving, and when he reached for the padlock on Storage Three, I knew.

  “Are you insane? This is the most danger you have put the community in.”

  “The community is fine.”

  “Alex, there are Sleepers in there!”

  “No shit. Now, are you going in there or not?”


  “You are cloaked.”

  “We don’t know that,” I argued. “I don’t have a weapon.”

  “We don’t want them dead yet. We need them to test Javier and Levi tomorrow and then after we hit the community. Then we can kill them. Right now they’re being detained.”

  “Are you going in with me?”

  “Um, no, someone has to be out here and I just sent Roy away, so I have the post outside. Don’t be a baby, Sonny, go on in. I am seriously starting to doubt you have balls enough to do anything anymore.”

  “Leave my balls alone, thank you.”

  “Go in, I’m right here. Scream if you need anything.” He reached again for the door.

  “Sorry, I’m late,” Michael said, arriving out of breath. “I had to get the kids situated on their test.”

  I looked at Alex. “You knew he was coming?”

  Alex laughed.

  “Oh my God. You are such—”

  “An asshole, I know. Did you honestly think I’d send you in there alone?”


  Michael pulled out a small sword. “If this works, you should be fine.”

  “Before we go in there, how is everyone about Randy?” I asked Michael.

  “Sonny, most don’t know. They can’t know.” Michael said. “I hate not to acknowledge his sacrifice, but that’s what we have to do.”

  It was hard to believe there were Sleepers in there because once Roy had left, they quieted down. Alex said it was because they didn’t sense us.

  Standing to the side, hand on the handle, Alex opened the door.

  Michael drew his sword high and I flicked on the flashlight.

  It stunk. I mean, it really stunk in there and it took everything I had not to gag. I hadn’t even had coffee yet.

  I moved the beam around the large facility. It was the only light.

  Where were they?

  They didn’t come after us. In fact, the only acknowledging thing they did was chase the beam around. It was actually pretty funny. To further test it, once I spotted one, I approached him. We stood toe to toe, eyes to eyes.

  “Say something to him,” Michael directed. “You have my serum. See if they respond to you.”

  I don’t know why, I said the only thing that came to mind. “Boo.”

  The Sleeper widened his mouth and groaned as if saying something back.

  Michael laughed “This is great. Now two of us have this ability.”

  “Swell. That means two of us will turn into monsters upon our death.” Even though I’d been pretty sick, the serum was clearly a success.

  Michael returned to the school and Alex said he’d catch me at the cafeteria. He had to tell Javier and Levi before they conked out from their dosage.

  He ordered me to get some food. I was pretty hungry.

  I entered the back door of the cafeteria and Bonnie was carrying a tray of something to the kitchen.

  “Sonny!” she said brightly. “You’re up and about. I was so worried about you.”

  “Really? Wow. Thanks.”

  “You were out of it, but I read to you.”

  “You were really reading to me?” I said. “I thought I dreamt it.”

  “Nope. And if you want to finish that book, I have it. I would have hung your Tom Selleck poster for you as well, there was nowhere to put it. I know how much you love it.”

  “Thanks, Bonnie.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m starving.”

  “Patty made fresh oats. Go have a seat and I’ll bring you some food.”

  I thanked her and walked into the main eating area. My heart sunk when I saw Renee.

  I felt really bad because I know she and Randy were an item. They were close and had a true relationship. Heart heavy, I walked up to her.

  She smiled. “Hi, Sonny. You look well.”

  “Thanks. Listen, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I didn’t get the Genoa flu if that’s what you mean.”

  “That and, you know, Randy. It was so sudden.”

  “It was.” She nodded. “I handled it though. You’ll be happy to know we didn’t miss a beat in here with him gone.”

  “Wow. Okay. Just know I’m sorry.”

  “Things happen.” She shrugged. “We deal with it and move on.”

  “That fast.”

  “Well, Sonny, it’s been three days. We were back to normal yesterday.”

  “Well, I’m here if you need me.” I reached out and gave her a huge embrace. “I know it’s tough. Just know we’re all here.”

  “Sonny? It was only a loss of one person. We managed and we’re good now.”

  “It’s okay.” I inhaled. “You’re being brave.”

  Renee laughed. “It’s hardly brave to work a kitchen one man down.”

  “Well look who’s up and about,.” a jolly voice said.

  I spun around fast and screamed. Randy stood there.

  “Sonny?” He came closer. “Are you alright?”

  “You… you… you…you’re alive.”

  Randy’s eyes widened. “Oh my God, did someone mess with time again?”

  “No, I mean, yes, I mean, I don’t know,” I rambled. “Alex…” I grunted. “He is such an—”

  “Don’t say it,” Alex walked in. “Why are you calling me names now?”

  “You told me Randy died!”

  “What! I did not. You asked where he was and I said he was gone.” His eyes widened in realization. “Whoops. Bad word choice.”

  I groaned, loud and frustrated.

  “Sonny?” Randy asked seriously. “Are you sure you’re fine?”

  “No. I’m not sure. I’m glad you’re alive. Goodbye.” I walked across the dining area.

  “Where are you going?” Alex asked.

  “Back to bed. I’m gonna try this day all over again.” I walked out without looking back.


  Hank had told Mera that they had set up a huge compound in a city. One fire started and without proper water, they couldn’t contain it. They were wiped out and had been living in the remains for about a month before they made contact with us.

of food, shelter minimal, they needed help. They finally owned up to it.

  My plan was to go and get them. However, Mera jumped the gun and to my dismay, she told them where we were. It was the first fight I could recall us getting into in a long time. It was so bad, that Michael had to intervene. There wasn’t anyone else to do it, the community was on day two of injections.

  Most of the community, although we had a few, like Bonnie, who opted to wait.

  Javier announced in a group meeting that he had a first step to the cure. He told the residents it was protection for them. To prove our point, we brought out a Sleeper and showed them.

  The folks weren’t happy to learn we were hiding Sleepers in the camp, but they were thrilled to know they wouldn’t have to fear them any longer.

  We prepared the clinic and were able to get the bed count up to seventy-five. The remaining folks would all stay in Residential Building C. It was the least used.

  Surprisingly, no one got really sick. They followed the course of Randy, and Javier said if by evening they were well, they’d all be released.

  Phoenix and Keller weren’t given the injections, obviously, and since I needed Michael and Ed, there was no school.

  Mera had her hands full and even brought the kids to the second radio room. Maybe she wasn’t thinking. We had just given everyone their injections and they started dropping off as if they were given a sedative.

  When Mera told me she had let Hank know where we were, I was furious.

  “What were you thinking?” I asked her.

  “I was thinking of helping them.”

  “We would have gone down to get them.”

  “I didn’t tell them the exact location, just what we took over.”

  “Mera, do you understand, right now, we are beyond on a skeleton crew until tomorrow?”

  “They aren’t coming now, Alex. I told them it is bad because everyone had the flu.”

  “You told them about the serum?”

  “No, I said it was the flu. And it’s only six people.”

  “That they told us.”

  “Why would they lie?”

  “Why do we lie?”

  “I don’t.”


  We went back and forth, and it got heated until Michael came in and yelled at us for arguing in front of the babies. He was right. Being as busy as I was, I didn’t even see Mera the rest of the evening, and by morning, I was feeling guilty about it. I was on my way to see her when Sonny radioed me and said he needed to speak to me ASAP.


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