Seeker (The Source Chronicles Book 1)

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Seeker (The Source Chronicles Book 1) Page 40

by MJ Blehart

  “Perhaps you are correct, Varlock-Sharron,” stated Cam, knowing that the time had come for him to show the way. “But then, as I am tied to prophecy, so, too, might you be. Is it coincidence that I came into your midst, in this time, in this place? I do not believe it so.”

  “What does this have to do with you, Cam Murtallan?” questioned Nadav.

  “It would explain much,” remarked Lyrra-Sharron. “Yet I cannot simply accept this. This is all happening too quickly.”

  “It is,” added Varlock-Sharron. “But I do not think we can do anything about it. I am loathe to believe this as well, but I think the choices we make right now will have repercussions not only for Sharron, but for all the nations of t’Thera.”

  “To set the world upon a course, to free these lands of war and strife, comes the finding of The Source, for which The Seeker comes to life,” quoted Cam. “The prophecy speaks of the Seeker, but also speaks of the stability of the whole world. My time must be drawing near, and that must be affecting you all.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Cam observed that Nadav, Neva, Torman, and the lower officers all exchanged glances, as Varnon mouthed ‘Seeker’ to Mikar, and it was silently echoed among them.

  “So in this way, we are meant to aid your purpose, Cam Murtallan?” questioned Lyrra-Sharron. “Can we be certain that doing so will truly benefit the world?”

  “’The Prophecy of Source’s End’,” breathed Varlock-Sharron. “Both it and ‘The Prophecy The Source’ are in motion now. The world will become more orderly, more peaceful…or chaos and warfare will encompass us all. I do not understand how I know this…but I stake my Crown on it being true.”

  “Yes,” whispered Lyrra-Sharron. “Yes, it has to be. There can be no other explanation for all of this.”

  Dak turned to Nadav and the others who had not known, and told them who Cam Murtallan was. Cam watched the mixes of wonder, fear, curiosity, and acceptance cross the face of each. He knew they would never see him the same again.

  “To truly become The Seeker, you had to face trials beyond what any before had endured,” remarked Varlock-Sharron. “I have read a great deal about what is expected of The Seeker, Cam Murtallan. Perhaps the opportunity will present itself for me to share my library with you.”

  “I would like that,” said Cam.

  “We have work to be done first, though,” stated Lyrra-Sharron. “We have a new duty to attend to.”

  “Not all the Falcon Raiders will continue to follow, your Highness,” remarked Dak, leaving the stunned Raiders to whisper among themselves. “For an operation of this kind, not many would be needed. We could make it into the Vann Region, and the river, in two days, if we ride hard.”

  Varlock-Sharron was still considering the idea. “Yes…yes you could. Word can be sent quickly to Gara-Sharron, then on to Admiral Trem-Sharron. He could have the ships await you, specifically.”

  The King looked now to his daughter. “You have proven yourself a fine tactician and strategist, my daughter. I hope the opportunity will present itself where we may speak of this further. I hope, indeed, that we have the opportunity to speak of many things, for we have a quite a lot of catching up to do.”

  He grinned, looked up to the others present. “For now, let us plan your next move, together. Then, Lyrra-Sharron, I believe you should address your Falcon Raiders.”


  Over the course of the next hour, they made their new plans. No one would sleep that night, and the excitement of the change of fortunes energized and invigorated all.

  Chapter 31

  The Falcon Raiders were roused and gathered not long before dawn outside the meeting pavilion. The sky was just becoming light, the sun had not yet risen over the horizon.

  Alran and Khelvan were sleepy, and milled about with the others, awaiting Lyrra-Sharron’s address. Both young men still felt awkward about what had happened with Cam Murtallan before they’d left the last base, and questioned if they’d made some kind of mistake.

  Alran pointed out to his friend the absence of the officers, but this was not unusual. Khelvan expected they’d be getting a motivational speech before meeting their destiny.

  Lyrra-Sharron, flanked by Dak, Kallan, Andim, Torman, Nadav, and Neva, emerged from the pavilion, looking weary but alert, and stepped up onto a crate, preparing to address the assembled Falcon Raiders. She raised her arms to get their attention, and soon they were silent, all eyes on the Princess.

  “My beloved Falcon Raiders,” Lyrra-Sharron began. “We have been working together for a long time now. Many have been with me for weeks, some for months, a few even longer still. I have made you a great many promises. You have come to believe in me, and my words, and to follow where I lead, ultimately, to the time I will be crowned Queen.”

  She took a deep breath, and continued. “My people, my soldiers, my friends. I told you many terrible things about King Varlock-Sharron, my Father. I have painted him to be a villain, a criminal, a danger to our continued health and prosperity. I told you that the only way to protect our future was to have him removed from the throne, and to have the crown placed upon my head. That was what has driven us on. That belief is what has motivated all our actions, and has led the Common to call me to account, and continues leading us up to this march on Mintarn.”

  Lyrra-Sharron, grand orator, held their complete attention once again.

  “Numerous events transpired during the night, and it has been brought to my attention that I have been mistaken...about a great number of things. My destiny is to be Queen of Sharron. But my time is not now. I have allowed my ambition and my misguided convictions to cloud my judgment. I have been leading you, ultimately, to the destruction of the Kingdom I so want to save and protect. I stand before you this morning to tell you that we will not march on Mintarn now.”

  A low rumble ran through those assembled. Alran and Khelvan exchanged a look.

  “I ask that you forgive me, my Falcon Raiders. Many of you have sacrificed your fortunes, your homes, and the lives you had to follow me. I fear that some of you, now, may resent me for this. I can only hope that you will all continue to believe in me, and that, when my time does arrive, you will be the most faithful of my subjects.”

  Lyrra-Sharron waited a moment, then continued. “I stand before you now, to tell you that our task is at an end. You have not labored in vain, and your actions have shown me a glimpse of the loyalty that I hope I shall see on the day I am crowned your Queen. But not today. I declare before you, my Father, King Varlock-Sharron Anduin, rules Sharron.”

  Varlock-Sharron, with Cam Murtallan behind him, stepped out of the pavilion. Alran and Khelvan had never seen him before, but by his very bearing recognized him. They looked to one another, then in their confusion at those standing around them. Reactions varied, ranging from anger, to disbelief, to obvious terror. Lyrra-Sharron raised her arms to command their attention once more.

  “I have made a terrible mistake. I was not leading you all to the glorious resurrection of this nation that I had promised, but instead to our Kingdom’s destruction,” continued Lyrra-Sharron.

  Another rumble passed amongst the Falcon Raiders before she continued. “My father is not the murderous despot I have been proclaiming him to be. He has in fact ruled justly and fairly for over thirty years, and I, his heir, have grown too impatient for my time. It comes not soon enough for me. I fear I have let my own aspirations to greatness dominate my judgment, my perception, even my most basic beliefs. These actions have very nearly destroyed our home, but I have been too blinded by my own desire to recognize this.”

  She paused, took a deep breath, let it all sink in. “Varlock-Sharron, my Father, the King, is a strong, willful, bold leader. His failure has not been in his ability to rule this nation, it has simply been his ineptitude at being a decent father. I finally understand the truth, my eyes have been opened, and I see it now. It is his place to rule this Kingdom. Without a doubt, my time will come…but it is not now.”
  She stopped, looked about at the faces of the men and women she had led all this time. “I have made a great many promises to you all, and while they cannot be kept as made, I will see to them as best I can. I may have been raised as a Princess, but over these past months, I have come to live among you, my people, and I know you, and love you, and understand you like no other. I shall not forget what I have learned from you, and I will make certain that your voice will not be silenced.”

  Alran and Khelvan could not take their eyes off their leader.

  Lyrra-Sharron glanced about the assembly. “No longer, however, will we act against the Crown to make the changes we wish to see. Now we shall labor alongside the King. There are many things we can do to make Sharron even more mighty than it is today. Rather than stand against our leadership, rather than change that which is good and true, we will honor its place, and work within the proper, legal authority to better our lives!”

  “I know that this is not what you expected to hear from me in this time and place,” she continued, her tone softening. “I had planned to stand before you this morning, to inspire you to take what I expected to be our last step in this journey. I ask you instead to follow me still, even as my path goes another way. My path follows that of my father, but I hope we may continue to travel upon it together. We will still work to achieve our ultimate goal: to make Sharron the greatest, safest, proudest and most stable nation in the world!”

  She raised her arms, and her voice. “All hail Varlock-Sharron Anduin, King of Sharron! Long live the King!”

  “Long live the King!” echoed Lyrra-Sharron’s officers.

  After a brief pause, the assembled Falcon Raiders, spellbound, stunned, enthralled by the words of the Princess, echoed the sentiment. “Long live the King! Long live the King!” Alran and Khelvan both joined in the shouting enthusiastically.


  Lyrra-Sharron continued to hold up her arms, as the chant repeated, echoed. At last, she waved her arms for silence.

  Lyrra-Sharron stepped off the crate, and allowed Varlock-Sharron to take her place.

  “I am your King,” he stated plainly. “I hereby absolve you of any crimes you may have committed in the service of the Princess of Sharron. If you all swear this morning, before me, to never again assemble for the purpose of opposing the Crown, you may go free. Do you so swear?”

  The assembly erupted into many voices. “I swear!” and “I do!” and “Never again!” and “Yes, Majesty!” were shouted, echoed, repeated, and though it was impossible to tell if all did so, it was enough for Varlock-Sharron.

  “Remain law-abiding citizens, and if you have any legitimate claims against the crown, come to Gara-Sharron, come to the palace, tell the gatekeepers you are a Falcon Raider, and I will grant you an audience, and hear you out. I swear to you, from this day forward, so shall it be!”

  A cheer rose up from the crowd. Varlock-Sharron stepped off the crate, and Lyrra-Sharron took his place.

  She raised her arms for silence. “My father, the King, has at my behest absolved you of any crimes committed at my command. You now have the option to return to your homes, and return to your lives. If you cannot do so in a reasonable manner, speak to me, and I will do for you what I can.”

  The assembled Falcon Raiders began to talk among themselves. Now came the part she was least certain of. Lyrra-Sharron held up her hands for silence.

  “There is, however, a new purpose we can serve, a better task. It is true that the Medaelians stand upon our border, with soldiers of Cordianlott and Lirdarra as allies. Their forces may outnumber ours. We can still serve Sharron, my Falcon Raiders. There is before us a far greater goal than that which we strived for. We can truly make good on our mission to save Sharron.”

  She had their attention, took a breath, pressed on. “If you will continue to trust in me, believe in me, follow me…then let me lead you to one last fight. This will be our toughest battle.”

  She paused, watched the assembly standing firm, hanging on her words. “We have mistakenly served the forces of Chaos, which seduced us with the promise of change, a change we believed would be for the better. But now that we know where that path lies, an opportunity is before us to serve instead the forces of Order, to help usher in real change, to truly make the world we would hope for! If you stay with me, you too will serve that most dignified purpose, and history will remember the Falcon Raiders, not for overthrowing a rightful crown, but rather for serving a just and lawful leader, and preventing a tragedy the effects of which would change the world forever, lest chaos reign!”

  All eyes remained upon the Princess of Sharron.

  “Stay with me, and I will lead you in service to the Crown of Sharron, where we will once more fight side by side, once more taste victory together. But this victory will be far sweeter, and far more rewarding than any we have already known, for this shall be a victory for Order, a victory for Sharron, in fact, a victory for the all of t’Thera! Those of you who wish to quit this, and go home, you may do so, and with my blessing, and my thanks. Who will stay and fight with me?”

  The entire assembly erupted into excited cheers. Not a one of the Falcon Raiders made any move to depart. It was more than Lyrra-Sharron had ever expected, and her heart swelled with pride that her people still loved and honored her so.


  “And what about you, Cam Murtallan? Do you rejoin the Falcon Raiders and march on Penkira?” questioned Varlock-Sharron.

  Cam glanced towards his friends one by one. The officers were meeting privately following Lyrra-Sharron’s speech. When his eyes returned to the King, he shook his head. “I don’t think I can, your Majesty.”

  “Why not?” questioned Lyrra-Sharron.

  “There are some among the Falcon Raiders who will no longer trust me,” replied Cam. “I will not be the cause of any dissent within your ranks. It would be better if you do this without me. Besides,” he looked to Varlock-Sharron, “my place, for now, is at your side, your Majesty, if you will have me.”

  Varlock-Sharron gave Cam a curious look, then nodded his head. “I would indeed, Cam Murtallan. You are most welcome to join me.”

  Lyrra-Sharron looked at Cam. She moved closer, and threw her arms around him.

  “Thank you, Cam Murtallan,” she whispered. “I do not believe that I could ever repay what I owe you.”

  He tentatively held her to him, unused to this kind of affection from anyone. He was uncertain how to respond, felt awkward and foolish, but it was something he found he liked. “Thank you, Lyrra-Sharron. You have already repaid me, by saving my life. I think we’re more than even, now. Good luck with your mission.”

  She let him go, but continued to look tenderly at his face. After a moment, she bowed her head to Cam, then turned once more to her father and repeated the action. She glanced towards her officers.

  “We have an army to mobilize. Say your goodbyes, and let us move out.”

  Without another word, Lyrra-Sharron left the pavilion.

  Torman stood, held out a hand to Cam. “For what I said earlier, Cam. I’m sorry. Thank you.”

  “Forgiven. Good luck, Torman.”

  Nadav and Kallan both also approached Cam and said farewell. Nadav moved towards Varlock-Sharron, said something to the King, then bowed to him and left.

  Before Kallan could leave, the King stopped him. Varlock-Sharron said something to him softly. Kallan looked startled a moment, then recomposed himself, bowed, and departed.

  Andim approached Cam next. “You’re a good man, Cam Murtallan. I shall miss you.”

  “And you, Andim Noros. Thank you for saving my life. I hope someday I can truly repay that debt.”

  Finally, Dak came to Cam. He shuffled on his feet a bit, then held out his hand.

  “I...thank you, Cam. For everything. Best of luck.”

  “Thank you, my friend.” They shook hands, then Cam pulled Dak to him, and embraced him quickly, still feeling awkward. “You’re a good friend, Dak Amvii
r. And I have so few.”

  Dak thumped Cam’s back. “And you, Cam Murtallan. I owe you much.”

  Cam released Dak, but still held his hand. “One last thing, Dak.”

  “What is it?”

  Cam took a breath, clasped Dak’s hand with both of his. “Watch out for Lyrra-Sharron, Dak. Keep an eye on her. Don’t leave her side if you don’t have to. The time will come where her life will depend on you and your actions. And vice-versa.”

  Dak acknowledged that without further explanation, and Cam released his hand. Dak went to the King, and bowed before him. Varlock-Sharron returned the gesture, thanked Dak once more, and the second-in-command of the Falcon Raiders departed the pavilion.

  Only Cam and Varlock-Sharron remained. The King turned to the Sorcerer.

  “Whatever the outcome of the next week or so, I owe you a tremendous debt. You have prevented here a terrible tragedy.”

  Cam shuffled his feet, unusually embarrassed. He had never known this sort of camaraderie, nor respect before. “I’ve really done very little here, your Majesty.”

  Varlock-Sharron snorted in response. “No, you are mistaken, Cam Murtallan. You have single-handedly repaired the rift that grew within my lands. You have also given me back my last daughter. Because of you, I again have real hope. You have helped us to see things that we could not.”

  He paused then, a concerned look crossing his face. “I nearly killed you. I tortured you brutally. I scarred you, hurt you, almost destroyed you utterly. Can you forgive me for all that I put you through?”

  “I already have, Varlock-Sharron. I will not forget it, but the lesson it taught me is of more importance than you would know. You serve a higher purpose, as do I. In time, perhaps, that purpose will reveal itself to us both.”

  The King looked relieved. “It is time to go, Cam Murtallan. This is your last chance…are you certain you wish to travel with me still?”


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