by MJ Blehart
Vurgan - Falcon Raider, Quarterstaff Student of Cam Murtallan
Tarlo - Falcon Raider, Quarterstaff Student of Cam Murtallan
Ella - Falcon Raider, Quarterstaff Student of Cam Murtallan
Kingdom of Sharron
Lord Tulock Oran - Seneschal of Sharron
Captain-General Ov Callan - Captain of the Royal Guardsmen of Sharron
Constable Val drey-Sharron - Constable of Gara-Sharron
General Sir Malov Eisnarn Bodrir - Commanding officer of the Sharron Army
Sir Garvol Dorran - Chief of Sharron Intelligence
Lady Ara Wiram - Chancellor of the Exchequer of Sharron
Lord Mika Forkuln - Foreign Minister, chief diplomat of Sharron
Lady Marna Forkuln - Foreign Minister after Lord Mika Forkuln
Admiral Kol Trem-Sharron - Commanding officer of the Sharron Navy
General Sir Portav Sopirr - Deputy Commanding Officer of the Sharron Army
Colonel Von Pirvarn - Sharron Army Officer
Major Dorjin Jun-Shilla - Sharron Army Officer
Major Yuvan Tindurna - Sharron Army Officer
Captain Signor Hir-Sharron - Sharron Army Officer
Lord Halron Gam-Sharron - Deputy Exchequer of Sharron
Captain Torin Elkir - CO of Vanntir Outpost
Sergeant Rivv Alseer - Sharron Army Soldier
Tru Griturn - Lord Mayor of Brivarn
Erlonn Broyva - Speaker of the Common of Sharron
Baroness Beviara Kurmann - Chronicler of the Common of Sharron
Lord Umar Norick - Underchronicler of the Common of Sharron
Garen Val-Sharron - Herald of the Common of Sharron
Lord Tamon Vertrun - Underspeaker of the Common of Sharron
Sir Brodan Cirgan - Archivist of the Common of Sharron
Baron Riforr - Lawspeaker of the Common of Sharron
Graff Vir-Sharron - Sharron Foreign Ministry, Special Ambassador to Medaelia
Dariana Balgrun - Sharron Intelligence, Operative in Medaelia
Lord Norvil Rivarr - Deputy to the Seneschal of Sharron
Colonel Cortun Oran - Sharron Army officer, Father of Tulock Oran (Deceased)
General Sir Delban Grandol - Deputy Commanding Officer of the Sharron Army (Deceased)
Captain Zid Grovarn - Sharron Naval Officer
Kyrra-Sharron Oroyaq Anduin - Queen of Sharron (Deceased)
Karlock-Sharron Anduin - Prince of Sharron, son of Varlock-Sharron (Deceased)
Miara-Sharron Anduin - Princess of Sharron, twin of Lyrra-Sharron (Deceased)
Baron Hallin Mirval - Baron of House Mirval
Baron Kall - Baron of House Kall
Baron Kurmann - Baron of House Kurmann
Baron Fornon Val-Cara Tilroan - Baron of House Tilroan
Baroness Aeria Val-Cara Tilroan - Wife of Baron Tilroan
Baron Yarman Foltupp - Baron of House Foltupp
Baron Ren Tir-Laras Dovan - Baron of House Dovan
Lieutenant Varg – Guardsmen officer
Gramm Dornam – Royal Guardsman Sergeant
Captain Quinn Milvora – Royal Guardsman Captain, Deputy of Ov Callan
Kingdom of Medaelia
King Aldo Wilnar-Medira - King of Medaelia
King Wilnar Vorn-Medira - King of Medaelia, father of Wilnar-Medira (Deceased)
Lord Gelva Dova-Kumirr - Prime Minister of Medaelia
Lord Crommitt Triv-Anlinn - Aide to Lord Gelva of Medaelia
General Kiran Grom-Valock - Medaelian Army commander-in-chief
General Nor Criv-Kurlirra – Commander of the Medaelian elite guard
Count Tamno Vular-Murtona - Chief of Medaelian Intelligence
Other Characters
General Gil Torma - Deputy Commanding Officer of the Cordianlott Army
Sir Ulnar Tiv - Deputy Commanding Officer of the Lirdarran Militia
Ambassador Mat Norva - Cordianlott Ambassador to Medaelia
Fratt gel-Sharron - Former Sharron Ambassador to Medaelia
King Pol Juron - King of Cordianlott
Imperial King Pallantir - legendary Ruler of the World (Deceased)
King Gara-Loros Anduin - legendary King of Sharron (Deceased)
Sir Torin Noallen - Rapier Master from Anaria, now somewhere in Vilcarr
King Doliir - Assassinated King of Ontseer
King Foliir - King of Ontseer
About the Author
MJ BLEHART was born in Golden Valley, Minnesota. He has been writing stories in the genres of high fantasy and sci-fi/space opera throughout his life, the first when he was nine years old. He currently resides in northern New Jersey.
He is a history aficionado. MJ has been a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA - a medieval re-enactment society) for over twenty years, where he studies and teaches 16th century rapier combat (fencing), archery, all things Elizabethan England and more.
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