Frozen Past

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Frozen Past Page 26

by Richard C. Hale

  He nodded at two buckets on the floor by her and she could see one was filled with soapy water and the other fresh. He tramped up the stairs and locked the door behind him. She sat back down and sobbed for a long time.

  Chapter 48

  Jaxon watched the video end and the local newscaster go on to say, “The disturbing video of Eliana Worthington was delivered to the station at seven o’clock this morning. The man she speaks of is her father, Leonard Worthington, who the police are seeking in the deaths of a number of teens in the DC Metro area. Dubbed the Swimming Pool Killer, he has led the authorities on a number of wild goose chases, and is believed responsible for the death of local Fairfax County Police detective, Sally Winston, along with a number of Indiana police officers, SWAT team members, and FBI agents who were lured into his supposed residence in Hobart, Indiana last month, and then killed in the subsequent explosion. The Fairfax County Police Department has remained unusually quiet and the FBI has refused comment. What this reporter wants to know is where is the detective who was so prominently mentioned in the video? Why has Detective Jaxon Jennings, the lead investigator on the case, disappeared? An exhaustive search performed by Mel Jacobs in our investigative department indicates that he is holed up in his apartment and refuses to acknowledge anyone on the outside. We go now live to Mel at the Oaktier Apartment complex for an update.”

  The picture segued into a shot of the outside of his apartment building and Jaxon groaned.

  “Shut it off,” he said.

  Victoria stepped to the small set and flipped the switch.

  “When did this first air?” he said.

  “Four hours ago.”

  He rubbed his face and sat forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. “I’ve got to sober up. Can you make coffee while I shower?”

  She smiled and said, “Of course.”

  He stood slowly and went to step past her to the bathroom, but she grabbed his arm. “We only have three days.”

  “He’s calling me out. You know that, right?”

  She nodded. “I believe this has always been about you. He’s using the girl to get to you.”

  “Yeah. Well, it’s working.”

  She stared into his bloodshot eyes as if trying to find something he needed. He looked away.

  “I’ve got your back,” she said.

  He turned to her and pressed his forehead against hers. “I know. Thanks.”

  “Now, go shower,” she said, pushing him away. “And brush your teeth. You’re killing me.”

  Luke watched the news from his hospital bed, sat up immediately and began dressing. As he tied the laces on his shoes, Deana and his grandmother walked in with balloons and some comic books.

  “Did they release you?” his grandmother asked.


  “Then, what are you doing?”

  “I’m leaving.”

  “Oh no you’re not, young man. You had quite a bump on your head. You can’t just get up and leave.”

  “You can’t stop me,” Luke said. He grabbed his cell phone and headed for the door. Deana grabbed his arm.

  “You can’t help her,” she said quietly. “You know that, right?”

  “I can’t if you don’t let go of me.” He stared at her hand on his arm and then glared at his sister.

  She let go. “What are you going to do?”

  “Find her,” he said as he strode out of his room. “Then, I’ll kill that son-of-a-bitch.”

  His grandmother shouted after him, “Lucas Neal Harrison, you get back here this instant!”

  Her voice faded as he turned into a stairwell and descended to the ground floor. Luke’s head still ached continuously, but the dizziness seemed to be in check. It didn’t matter anyway, he’d ignore everything to get to her before it was too late.

  Something had snapped inside him as he watched Ellie in front of that camera, soaked in some gross liquid he couldn’t even guess at. She looked terrified and the fear she was feeling bore right into his heart, searing a place in it that could not be cooled until he knew she was safe. He had to find her! The police were useless and Jaxon was nowhere to be found. She had no one to help her, and he knew the terror she felt at being all alone was more than she could bear.

  Exiting the front door of the hospital, he pulled out his cell phone and called Jimmy. “Did you get your car yet?”

  “Hey, man! Yeah. How are you? Are you home yet? Have you seen the news?”

  “Just be quiet for a second,” Luke snapped. “I need you to come get me at the hospital. Now.”

  “Uh-ok. What’s wrong?”

  “Ellie’s what’s wrong! You saw the news right? Now hurry and come pick me up. I’ll be out front. Bring John too.”

  “Alright-I’m on it! What’re you gonna do?”

  “You mean what are we gonna do? We’ll talk when you get here. Hurry!” He hung up and waited. For some reason, he was not afraid.

  As Jaxon and Victoria exited his apartment, they were mobbed by reporters and bystanders shouting questions and accusations at them. The throng encircled them, keeping them from getting to her car in the street and shoving microphones and camera lenses in their faces as they tried to get him to talk. The voices were like gunshots to his head and Victoria glanced at him, a little worried. He held up his hand for them to be silent and they slowly quieted, waiting for him to say something.

  One reporter insisted on badgering him anyway. “Detective! Why have you not responded to Eliana’s pleas? How could you ignore that innocent child’s request?”

  The crowd was dead silent now, waiting breathlessly for his response. Jaxon saw the cameras and microphones jostling for the best position hoping to get the best shot or the best sound bite.

  “I have only one thing to say to you people,” he said through clenched teeth, “and I’m only going to say it once. Move out of the way or I will pull out my gun and shoot every one of you mother fuckers.”

  Any other day, the shock on their faces would have made him laugh, but he was dead serious and he had to make sure they knew that. Hell, he didn’t have a job anyway.

  Nobody moved or made a sound for about fifteen seconds, so Jaxon reached inside of his jacket as if reaching for his gun. The crowd shifted out of the way rapidly and he let his hand fall back to his side. Victoria led the way to her car, a small smile on her face and when they reached it a few of the reporters found their voices again despite the threat.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “You can’t threaten us like that. We have the right!”

  “Are you going to find her Detective?”

  “Are you just going to let her die?”

  He paused as he entered the car and then stood back up. “No,” he said and they drove away.

  Jimmy picked up Luke in front of the hospital in a black, 2001 Isuzu Rodeo. As he got in, his phone rang. It was a number he didn’t recognize but he answered it anyway. It was his mother.

  “Lucas. What are you doing?”

  “Mom, I don’t have time for this right now.”

  “You’re going to have to make time for me. Where are you?”

  “Heading home.”

  “You need to come back to the hospital right now! They have not ok’d you to leave. Besides, Deana tells me you’re going to look for Ellie? What the hell is wrong with you!”

  His mother had never cursed at him and as he thought through the situation, he really didn’t blame her for being so upset. “Mom, I know you won’t understand…”

  “Try me.”

  “The cops botched this and now Ellie is gone. Did you see her on TV? He’s torturing her and then he’s going to kill her. I can’t let that happen.”

  “Nobody wants that to happen, Lucas. Especially not me, but you have no training, no back-up and no right to traipse off to who knows where hunting for your girlfriend. You could get yourself killed. This madman is not playing games and even if you were lucky enough to find her, you don’t stand a chance against hi
m. Come back to the hospital. If you won’t do that, at least stay home while the police and FBI find Ellie and bring her back.”

  “They won’t find her. They couldn’t even find him before. Jaxon got his partner killed and then he let Smi…Worthington take Ellie from our house. Jaxon promised to keep us safe, and now he’s been missing and nobody knows where he is.”

  “He was just on TV. He’s going after Worthington as we speak. He and his ex-wife, the FBI lady. Please, Lucas. Please come back.”

  “I’m hanging up Mom.”

  “No! Dammit! As your mother, I’m ordering you to obey me! When your father is better, he’s going to beat your hide harder than you’ve ever been beaten!”

  “That doesn’t scare me, Mom. Being without Ellie does.” And he hung up.

  Jimmy and John were staring at him. “What? Let’s go. To my house.”

  Jimmy put the Rodeo in drive and pulled out through the parking lot. He drove carefully, doing the speed limit, and in some cases just under it. Luke wanted to get to the house, but since Jimmy was a brand new driver, he let it go.

  “What’s the plan?” John asked, after a few moments of silence.

  “We go after him.”

  “That’s all well and good, Luke, but how do you think we’re going to be able to do that?”

  “I’ll get my dad’s gun and you guys have your hunting rifles. All three of us should be able to take him out.”

  “What the hell are you talking about!” John yelled and Luke just looked straight ahead. “We aren’t cops. And we aren’t killers, at least I’m not. And you’re missing one other important point-we…don’t…know…where…he…is!”

  Luke turned slowly in his seat and glared at John. “This is Ellie were talking about,” he said. “Apparently she isn’t worth it for you two to risk your lives. I for one cannot go on without her, so it’s fine if you don’t want to help. I’ll do it on my own. I just thought I’d have a better chance if I had some friends backing me up, but I guess I don’t really have the friends I thought I did.”

  “Calm down, Luke,” Jimmy said.

  “I won’t! Dammit! He’s going to kill her!”

  “We’ll help,” Jimmy said. “Right, John?”

  John looked back and forth between his brother and Luke, and Luke could see the fear in his eyes. “I’m not scared, John,” Luke said. “I feel pissed and I’m going to take my anger out on him. If you don’t want to do this, I won’t hold it against you. But I’m going after him.”

  John sighed. “Alright. I’m in. I can’t let Ellie down and let you get yourself killed along with her.”

  “Thanks, my friend.” Luke put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this alone.”

  “How are we going to find him?” John asked.

  “The same way as before,” Luke said. “He may be smart, but he’s got an ego bigger than all of DC and I bet we can trick him into making a mistake.”

  “We don’t know his cell phone number anymore,” John said. “He’s not using the phone we know.”

  Luke nodded. “I know someone we can call.”

  Jaxon walked into the station with Victoria next to him, officers staring at them and reporters keeping their distance. Stansfield came up and said, “The chief wants to see you.”

  “I want to see him too,” Jaxon said and walked past him to Benton’s office. A few of the officers gave him a thumbs up but most avoided eye contact. Jaxon was not very popular at the moment. He knocked on the door and Benton yelled, “Enter!”

  Jaxon pushed the door open and strode in. Benton was seated at his desk on the phone. He mumbled something into the handset and hung it up. “Nice of you to show up,” he said.

  “I want back in.”

  “Too late for that,” Benton said. “I’ve already processed your paperwork and Stansfield is running the case now.”

  “I don’t care. Worthington is pointing directly at me and I need to point back. He isn’t going to listen to anybody else.”

  “Too bad you didn’t think of that the other day when you stormed in and threw your badge and gun on the desk. That stunt you just pulled with the reporters didn’t help either. The mayor and the district attorney don’t want you anywhere near this thing. You’ve fucked it up enough.”

  “Dammit! This is bullshit!” Jaxon shouted slamming his fist on the desk. “You and I both know this little girl is going to die unless I get involved!”

  Benton stood and leaned over the desk into Jaxon’s face. “All I see is a drunk, washed up fool who may have already sealed the fate of a young girl! And you,” Benton pointed at Victoria who had remained silent in the back of the office. “You need to call your boss immediately. Use the phone in the office next door.”

  Victoria remained where she was.

  “That is not a request Special Agent Elliot. It’s an order.”

  Victoria moved away from the wall and walked out the door without saying a word.

  “Dammit, Jaxon! I was on your side until you disappeared for two days and then threatened the media with violence. You’re a cop. You do know you could be brought up on assault?”

  “I didn’t draw a weapon.”

  “You don’t have a weapon.”

  “It worked,” Jaxon said and grinned.

  Benton sighed and sat down. “It did, didn’t it? Still, my ass is in a sling because of you and the chief of the NBC affiliate was screaming at me on the phone before you got here.”

  “I needed to get moving and they were in my way.”

  Benton waved his hand at him dismissing it. “I don’t have anything for you. My hands are tied.”

  “I expected a little more from you, chief. A helping hand, you know…stand behind your man and all that stuff.”

  Jaxon watched Benton’s face turn red and he knew he’d gone too far.

  “You are to vacate these premises effective immediately,” Benton said. “And if you return, I’ll have you thrown in the tank without so much as a fuck you very much. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Crystal,” Jaxon said, turning to leave. He stopped and turned back. “This is on your head. I’ll have my cell on when you change your mind.” Jaxon didn’t wait for a response. He walked from Benton’s office straight out the front door and to his car where he sat fuming, waiting for Victoria.

  She followed a few minutes later, a scowl on her face as she strode up to the passenger door and sat in the car. They both stared straight ahead for a few minutes without saying a word and then she finally said, “Well-that was fun.”

  Chapter 49

  Luke walked into the empty house with Jimmy and John. He stood at the entrance and just listened to the silence for a moment. The last time he had been here everything had been almost perfect. Almost.

  He walked upstairs and fired up his computer. Logging onto Facebook, he navigated to Quentin Jenson’s page and clicked on his friends list. His uncle Bodey was number thirty two. He clicked on Bodey Jenson’s face and it took him to his page. Clicking on the info button, he saw he had a website and e-mail listed and surprisingly, a phone number. Jackpot.

  “Who’s Bodey Jenson?” Jimmy asked.

  “It’s Q’s uncle. He’s the one who gave Q the program to decrypt the website that makes a cell phone number anonymous. That’s how we got Worthington’s cell phone number.”

  Luke dialed Bodey Jenson’s number and it started to ring. It was answered on the sixth ring.

  “I don’t know you,” the voice said, “You’d better not be selling something because I will make your life miserable. If you hang up now, we’re good.”

  “Bodey Jenson?” Luke asked.

  “You know me,” Bodey said. “Who is this?”

  “My name is Luke Harrison and I’m a friend of Q’s”

  Silence on the other line and then Bodey sighed. “Q’s dead.”

  “I know sir. It’s probably my fault. I got him to help me and this maniac killed him for it. I’m sorry.�

  “My brother, Q’s father, was into all kinds of bad shit,” Bodey said. “I doubt you had anything to do with it. I tried to get Q away from him, but he wouldn’t leave his family. It’s not your fault.”

  “You don’t know the whole story,” Luke said.

  “Enlighten me.”

  Luke spent the next ten minutes explaining everything to him and when he was done Bodey sat quietly for a moment.

  “Are you still there?” Luke asked.

  “Just in awe my brother. Just in awe. That kid was always willing to help anyone. I told him to be careful who he messed with, but he wouldn’t listen. I can tell you have a lot of guilt over this, but Q was able to make decisions on his own. He made a bad one.”

  “He saved a kid’s life that night,” Luke said. “Because of him, we were able to scare Worthington off.”

  “I appreciate you telling me all this, Luke, but I don’t think that’s the whole reason your calling. Am I right?”

  “Yes sir. I need your help.”

  “Is it going to get me killed?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Not too convincing are you. What do you need and I’ll decide if it’s worth the risk.”

  Luke told him.

  “So your woman, Ellie is it…?”


  “Ellie has been kidnapped by this same guy who killed my brother and his family and you want me to help you find him? Do I have this right?”


  “You’re psycho, dude,” and he chuckled. “Why aren’t the police handling this?”

  “Because they suck.”

  “Yes-I imagine they do in your eyes. What does this Ellie mean to you?”


  “That epic, huh? You do know you could get yourself killed over this? I don’t think I can live with that.”


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