The Next River

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The Next River Page 2

by Neviah Wohl

  “Maybe she’s in the bathroom,” Leah said. “I’ll go check. Stay here and watch my drink so no one does anything to it.”

  Arissa took Leah’s drink and watched as she disappeared into the crowd. She swung her hips in beat with the music and ordered a drink for herself.

  “Get me one, too!” Karina yelled.

  Arissa didn’t think Karina needed another drink but she relented and ordered drinks for the both of them.

  “Hey, Ari, isn’t that Hunter?” Karina asked.

  Arissa turned and met eyes with Hunter McGregor, a man she wanted to forget altogether. She turned back around and grabbed Karina’s hand, pulling her in between the throngs of people.

  “Where are we going?” Karina asked. “Why don’t you want to talk to Hunter?”

  Arissa didn’t stop pulling Karina until they were back outside. Her heart was beating unusually fast and she wanted nothing more to do than go home.

  “What’s wrong?” Karina asked, concern written across her face.

  Arissa sighed. “Hunter and I…we…it didn’t work out.”

  “Aw, I liked Hunter. What happened?”

  “It’s really my fault,” Arissa said. “I didn’t tell him that I’m transgender. He found out when we were about to, you know, and went berserk.”

  Karina immediately sobered up and held Arissa by the shoulders. “What do you mean he went ‘berserk?’ Did he put his hands on you?”

  Arissa nodded. She lowered her head and tried her hardest not to cry but a few tears escaped.

  “Hey, don’t cry. It’s not your fault at all. Hunter could’ve just walked away. He should be in jail!”

  Arissa wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “Thanks, Rina. I don’t want to ruin the night so I think I’ll just head home. I’m not really up for clubbing now.”

  “I’m going to look for Leah and Jade. Do you think you’ll be okay out here by yourself?” Karina asked.

  Arissa nodded. She didn’t want to impose on her friends any more than she already was. She could wait outside like a big girl for a couple of minutes while Karina went back inside. Arissa remembered that she had mace in her purse if Hunter came out to bother her. The large crowds of people outside also made her feel safe. She knew that Hunter wouldn’t be so foolish to try anything with so many witnesses around.

  Arissa took her phone out of her purse and read through her emails and text messages. Most were spam that she deleted right away. She had a text message from her mother and sister, making sure she was still attending her niece’s birthday party in two weeks. There was one email from Kayla letting her know that Julian Markovitz had followed up and said his boss did not want to go through with the cleaning. She was so engrossed in replying to Kayla that she didn’t even notice Hunter sneak up from behind until he placed a hand on her shoulder and she spun around.

  “Your friends know you’re a boy?” Hunter asked with a snarl.

  A shiver ran down Arissa’s back. She had once considered Hunter the sexiest man alive but now he was just the scariest and she just wanted to get away from him.

  “My friends know that I am transgender,” Arissa said. She stepped away from Hunter to put distance between her and him.

  “And you didn’t think to tell me,” Hunter said. He stepped closer to Arissa, so close that she could smell the alcohol on his breath. “I’m not fucking gay.”

  “I’m not gay, either,” Arissa said. The night Hunter attacked her, she had tried to explain what being transgender meant but he wouldn’t hear any of it.

  “You have a dick between your legs and you like boys. That means you’re gay,” Hunter shot back.

  Arissa shook her head and stepped back even further. There was no explaining to Hunter, especially since he was drunk.

  “I hate you for what you did to me,” Hunter said. “I actually liked being around you. I wanted to make love to you that night.”

  Arissa pulled out her phone to text one of her friends but Hunter slapped it out of her hand. The phone fell to the floor and Arissa watched it fall, afraid to do anything that could get her hurt. She prayed for her friends to show up and, thankfully, Karina soon approached her and Hunter.

  “Hunter, get the fuck away from her!” Karina yelled.

  “Him!” Hunter roared. “He is a boy!”

  “She is a girl,” Leah retorted. She turned towards Arissa. “Are you okay? Did this jerk do anything to you?”

  “I’m fine,” Arissa said. “My phone fell.”

  Leah bent down to pick it up. “If you bother her again, I’ll call my dad and he’ll have your ass arrested faster than you can blink,” she said, poking Hunter in his chest.

  Arissa, Jade, Leah, and Karina turned and walked away. Arissa turned back around and couldn’t help but feel this night wouldn’t be the last time she saw Hunter.

  “Let’s find someplace to eat. I’m actually really hungry,” Jade said.

  They found a restaurant still open and munched on authentic Mexican food until Leah looked at the time and yawned.

  “I actually have to work in the morning,” she announced.

  “Haha,” Arissa joked.

  The girls said goodnight to one another and Karina and Arissa hopped into the same taxi since they lived the closest.

  “Sure you don’t want to come stay with me?” Karina asked.

  Arissa sighed. “I’m sure. I think Leah’s threat worked. Perks of having a dad who is a lieutenant.”

  “Alright. If you’re sure. Call me in the morning.”

  Arissa handed her money to the taxi driver and hugged Karina. She climbed out and watched the taxi drive down the street. She made her way to front door of her house, completely taken by surprise when Hunter jumped out of the bushes.

  Chapter 4: Romeo

  With a loud grunt, Romeo managed to throw the garbage bag filled with trash into the dumpster. It had taken him nearly all day to make the first move in cleaning out his house. He went through one room, deciding on what could be thrown away until he had filled a large garbage bag. It was hard. Everything had a reason for being where it was, at least in Romeo’s head. But he knew that throwing away the garbage bag was the first step and he forced himself to walk away from the dumpster before he was tempted to open it and take the bag back home.

  Romeo got into his car and drove towards his house. He hadn’t spoken to his parents or Julian since the dinner a couple nights ago but they had sent him text and voice messages, which Romeo had ignored. He absolutely hated that his family and Julian were right. He did have a problem. He didn’t like to admit it. He remembered when his uncle was an alcoholic and went to AA meetings.

  “Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery,” his uncle had said.

  Romeo knew it was true and he was finally admitting it to himself even though he didn’t want to. Now he’d have to apologize to his parents and Julian and ask them for help.

  Romeo turned into his driveway and dashed into his house. He showered and, by some miracle, found a clean pair of boxers and clothes under everything in his bedroom. He then dashed right back outside to the car and continued on to his parents’ house.

  His mom was in the kitchen seasoning chicken and steaks when Romeo walked in. He cleared his throat behind her and Meredith whirled around, almost dropping the things she had in her hands.

  “Romeo!” She said, surprised. “What are you doing here? I thought you were mad at us?”

  Romeo sighed. “I was. But Uncle Mitch’s stupid quote from his AA meetings keeps playing in my mind.” He paused, not wanting to say what he was going to say, but knowing he had to. “I do have a problem and I need help.”

  A tear fell down Meredith’s face and she wrapped her arms around her son who was much taller than she was.

  “Oh, I’m so happy to finally hear you say those words,” Meredith said. “We’ll get through this.”

  Romeo hugged his mom back and smirked. “So, are you and Dad grilling?”

“Yep. You sure know how to come at a good time,” Meredith laughed.

  Romeo helped his mom with the meats and food and went outside where his father was starting the grill. After telling his father what he had told his mother, Romeo sat down and waited for the food to finish. He thought about his sister, Eliza. His thoughts always strayed to her, even when he didn’t want them to.

  Julian arrived not too long after Romeo got his plate of food. He slowly walked towards Romeo, trying to decide whether it was safe or not.

  “It’s okay,” Romeo laughed. “I won’t bite you.”

  “Sure about that?” Julian grumbled.

  “I decided to accept your help,” Romeo said. “So whoever you called, I’m ready to get my house cleaned up and maybe see a therapist. Maybe.”

  Julian held up his arms. “Listen, do whatever you want in whatever time frame you want. I’m here for you. Who else is going to love you like I do?”

  Romeo’s loud laughter filled the yard. “Thanks. I knew I hired you for a reason,” he said with a smirk.

  As they sat down and ate, Romeo asked Julian about the person he had contacted to help clean the house.

  “Her name is Arissa Suarez. She was recommended by someone I trust so I know she’s good. They said she’s also very discreet and her prices aren’t too bad.”

  Romeo nodded. Discretion was key and most important. He didn’t need any media finding out about his problem. It was bad enough that Julian had found out. Romeo wanted his secret to remain within the confines of the family.

  “Call her back and schedule an appointment,” Romeo said.

  “Aye, aye captain!”

  It was almost midnight when Romeo left his parents’ house. He smiled when he turned into his driveway because he knew that soon, his house would be one he actually wanted to come home to.

  Chapter 5: Arissa

  The pain hit Arissa immediately after she opened her eyes. She tried to move her head but it was impossible. Pain that was worse than anything Arissa had ever experienced before shot up from her neck and stomach. She cried out and tried to lift a hand to figure out where the source of pain was coming from, but even lifting her hand caused her to grit her teeth in pain.

  “Hey, baby, don’t move. I’ll call the nurse so she can give you some more pain meds.”

  Arissa’s eyes made contact with her mother, Gloria, who approached the side of the hospital bed. Sadness and relief were written across Gloria’s face.

  “Why am I here?” Arissa croaked. Her throat was dry and she felt her lips cracking. She needed water but she didn’t want to open her mouth again. It hurt too much.

  “You were attacked two days ago,” Gloria said softly.

  Arissa frowned. “What? Why? Who?”

  Gloria placed a hand on Arissa’s forehead and rubbed it gently. “We’re not sure why. Nothing was stolen from your house. You still had your purse on you. The police think maybe he got scared and ran off before he could do what he really wanted.”

  Arissa tried her hardest to remember what happened. She remembered being out with Karina, Jade, and Leah. She remembered going to the club. And she remembered…Hunter. Realization dawned on her and most of the memories from that night came flooding back in. She remembered seeing Hunter at the club, how he yelled at her. And she remembered seeing him at her house, although she couldn’t remember anything else.

  “Hunter, Mom,” Arissa said.

  “What?” Gloria asked.

  “Hunter,” Arissa repeated. “It was Hunter.”

  “But I thought you and Hunter were together.”

  Arissa shook her head. “No, he found out. Got mad.”

  Gloria’s lips thinned into a straight line. “Okay. Okay. The police officer told me to call them when you wake up. You have to tell them, honey.”

  Arissa nodded. She let her head fall to the side, wincing at the pain it caused and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, the room was dark and her mother was snoring in the chair beside the bed.

  The door and light from the hallway illuminated the room. A nurse walked up to Arissa, smiling.

  “How are you feeling?” The nurse whispered.

  “I’m feeling okay,” Arissa whispered back. “My head is still throbbing.”

  The nurse checked the monitors by the bed. “I’m sorry. I can’t give you anymore morphine but I can give you Tylenol. Think that may help?”

  “Yeah, it should.”

  The nurse administered the drugs and then left Arissa alone. “Try to get some more rest,” she said before gently closing the door behind her.

  Arissa tried to go back to sleep but her mind wouldn’t let her. She wanted so badly to remember what happened. It was clear that Hunter did attack her. He most likely followed her home, or even worse, he went to her house before she got there and waited for her. That thought sent a shiver down her spine. Arissa remembered when Hunter was yelling at her in front of the club. She wasn’t too worried because there were so many people around. But she had underestimated Hunter. He had waited until the perfect time to strike.

  The next morning, Arissa felt well enough to get out of bed and take a shower with the help of her mother.

  “Last night you said that Hunter had found out,” Gloria said, helping Arissa dry off. “Found out about you being transgender?”

  Arissa nodded. “Yeah. He was pissed that night. More than pissed. He hit me then, too. But nothing like this.”

  “Ay dios mio! He’s done this before?” Gloria yelled.

  “Shhhh,” Arissa hissed. “And no, not this,” she motioned to her body. “He slapped me, threw me to the ground, and then he left that night. I don’t know what he did to me three days ago. I can’t remember.”

  “You better tell the police everything you told me,” Gloria said sternly. “And if you don’t, I will.”

  An hour later, two detectives were standing beside Arissa’s bed.

  “And his last name is McGregor?” The detective who identified himself as Stein asked.

  Arissa nodded her head. “Yes.”

  “Can you tell us what you remember?” the other officer, Jackson asked.

  “I don’t remember much,” Arissa admitted. “I met my friends at a club. Hunter was there. When I was waiting outside for my friends, he came outside and started yelling at me, telling me I should’ve told him that I’m transgender.”

  “So this may be a hate crime,” Jackson said.

  Arissa shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

  “He attacked you because he’s mad that you are transgender. That is a hate crime,” Stein said, writing down something on a notepad.

  “Do you know where Hunter lives?” Stein asked.

  Arissa rattled off his address.

  “And are you together with him?”

  “No. We broke up a while ago.”

  Stein nodded. “Okay. We’ll let you know when we arrest him. The district attorney will be calling you within the week to make sure you want to continue going forward and some other things. We’ll also keep in touch, okay?”

  Arissa nodded and thanked the detectives.

  “I have to call Kayla. When am I going home?”

  Gloria rolled her eyes. “Arissa, you need to take a couple of days off. You still look like crap and the doctor said to limit activity so your ribs can heal. Call Kayla and tell her you’re going to be out for a while.”

  “I can’t do that, Mom. You know me and my business. My clients rely on me. Pass me my phone.”

  Gloria sighed noisily and handed Arissa her phone.

  Arissa dialed her office number, happy when Kayla picked up.

  “Oh, Arissa, I was so worried about you. All I was told was that you were in the hospital and my mind went crazy trying to come up with why. Are you okay? Do you need anything?”

  “I’m fine. I’ll be heading home soon. I just wanted to make sure everything is going good at the office.”

  “Everything here is fin
e. Julian Markovitz called back and said his boss wants the cleanup and wants it as soon as possible.”

  “Oh? I’m actually surprised. It sounded like his boss was not at all willing. I’m glad to hear this, though. Tell him we can get started as soon as next week.” Arissa looked at her mother, who gave her a stern look.

  “Are you sure?” Kayla asked, worried.

  “Yes, I’m sure. Tell him we can get started on Wednesday. It may be a three-day job and deposit has to be paid before we start. You know everything so I don’t even have to tell you.”

  “Alright,” Kayla said, “if you insist.”

  “I do. I’ll see you at the office.”

  Kayla said goodbye and hung up.

  The doctor came into the room and told Arissa she was free to go home. He gave her prescriptions for pain and told her to follow up with her primary doctor in one week.

  “Did you tell anyone what happened?” Arissa asked Gloria on the drive home.

  Gloria shook her head. “Well, all your friends called. I only remember Karina. I told her. But not the others. I told them all to give you space. You didn’t need all those people visiting you.”

  Arissa couldn’t help but smile. Her mother was by far the best mother in the world. While other moms might disown their transgender children, Gloria embraced Arissa and tried to protect her as much as she could. Arissa knew that her attack must be weighing heavily on her mother’s mind. It was just the two of them. Arissa didn’t know her father and Gloria didn’t provide any information.

  “I’m staying with you,” Gloria announced when she pulled into Arissa’s driveway.

  Arissa frowned. She loved her mother, but the thought of Gloria staying indefinitely made her head hurt again.

  Chapter 6: Romeo

  “Ready for this?” Julian asked Romeo.

  It was the morning of the cleanup and Romeo sat on his back patio eating a breakfast sandwich from McDonald’s that Julian had bought him. He shouldn’t be eating junk food, Romeo knew. But today was a special day that called for special circumstances.

  “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” Romeo said. He opened his water bottle and gulped down half the water.


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