Eagle's Destiny

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Eagle's Destiny Page 10

by C. J. Corbin

  “Okay.” I said as I handed the tube back to him.

  “How about you?” he asked softly when he turned around.

  Clearing my throat, “Okay.” I turned around and stared at the lake.

  Michael lifted my ponytail off my back. I reached back and pulled my hair forward. The cutout on the back of my bathing suit went low on my back. Michael rubbed the sunscreen on his hands before he touched my back. His hands moved very slowly, and instead of rubbing, his hands felt like they were caressing my back. As his strokes moved lower, I closed my eyes. My knees felt weak and my stomach was doing flip-flops. His hands slipped between the edges of my suit and my skin. Then, he wrapped his hands around my sides and pulled me against him.

  Michael leaned forward, nuzzling my neck and whispered in my ear, “Breathe Elizabeth.”

  I heard the girls make their way to the dock. His hands withdrew from my suit and I immediately turned around dropping my ponytail down my back. His face was inches from mine. With intense eyes, he kissed me tenderly on my lips and backed up.

  Tammy’s voice was first. “Hey what are you guys doing?”

  He turned around and held up the sunscreen. “Want some?”

  Both of them shook their heads and answered in unison, “Already done.”

  We finished putting the rest of the stuff into the boat. Michael asked to take the boat out to the lake center. I sat in the back just looking at him trying to slow down my pulse. If either girl noticed my beet-red face, they were polite enough not to say a word.

  The day was perfect for waterskiing. Both the air and water were warm. Even though it was the middle of the week, water skiing tourists filled the lake. This close to Labor Day everyone tried to squeeze the last drops out of the summer. All of us took turns skiing, and when it came to Michael’s turn, I watched his movements closely. I wanted to memorize everything about him. He piloted the boat while the girls skied. His joy with the boat was evident and he told me several times how much he liked fast boats.

  We took a break from skiing and moved the boat into one of the coves. I hadn’t done much skiing and wanted to swim to cool off. The girls just wanted to tan and stayed in the boat. Michael followed me into the water. I couldn’t touch bottom and we swam over to the shallower end of the cove.

  “So where are we going on Saturday?” I asked.

  Michael swam up next to me, “I thought we’d start in Calistoga for breakfast and then go where the road takes us.” He slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. “Elizabeth, you are gorgeous in this bathing suit.”

  He nuzzled my neck as he had done on the dock. His lips trailed up my neck to my chin and then to my lips. My arms went up around his shoulders and neck. His kiss was tentative at first and then more urgent as I parted my lips. We explored each other’s faces, necks, and mouths. Lifting me up with his hands, he wrapped my legs around his body never letting his mouth leave me. As he did this, I gave a small gasp of surprise. Even with the cool water, it was evident that Michael’s body was very happy to have me close.

  This brought me back to my senses. “Michael, your daughters can see us.” I pulled back from him.

  He looked at me with desire in his eyes, “No, they’re busy tanning themselves. Relax Elizabeth.”

  Before I realized what he was doing, he reached up and loosened the tight knot in my halter. My breasts fell forward into the material of my suit.

  “Michael, what are you doing?”

  Amusement filled his laugh, “Just giving the twins some breathing room. I kept trying to figure out while you were water skiing, why you didn’t fall out of your bathing suit. Now I know why, you had the poor things smothered in there.” He bent down, nuzzled me on my neck, and worked his lips lower.

  We both heard the splash of water behind us. The noise sobered us both, pulling us apart. I turned with Michael toward the boat and saw Tammy swimming toward us.

  He muttered quietly under his breath, “Damn.”

  I laughed and looked back up at him. The spell wasn’t quite broken just a little damp. Michael’s moves this afternoon had certainly startled me. His reaction probably would have been the same if I had been wearing a gunnysack, but there I was trying to entice him, and look where it got me. I wasn’t going to try that again. Or was I?

  We skied the rest of the afternoon. His eyes were on me the entire time, when I sat next to him, he would squeeze my hand or my shoulder. Michael definitely was a physically demonstrative person. I had noticed how affectionate he was with his daughters. There was a warmth and protective feeling that Michael conveyed and I could feel it drawing me in. I wanted to lay my head on his shoulder and simply let him take care of me. These feelings overwhelmed me. I found that I wanted him to pull me in, but there was also that small part of doubt, which kept repeating to me that it was my imagination.


  Early Friday morning, after a short jog with the dogs, I dressed in a pair of navy blue shorts, a red tank top, and my sandals. A small navy blue ribbon complimented my braided hair. I wanted to make sure my outfit was uncomplicated because the day would be a busy one with all the preparations for the bonfire.

  Lewis, Don, and Michael were supervising the actual fire itself, as they considered this man’s work. I asked dryly why the fire was more important than the food, which they considered women’s work, but the boys ignored me and rolled their eyes. We had been doing the bonfire for years on the Friday before Labor Day and it was always done near my cabin since mine was the last home along the lake in our cove.

  As I said, we women were in charge of the food, and there was plenty to eat. Neighbors set up tables and chairs in my front yard. Volunteers constructed a small dance floor in Michael’s front yard. We also commandeered his refrigerator to store food. The food tables had large ice chests to accommodate all the soft drinks. So they could be supervised, my front porch held the beer kegs and bar. Katy and Tammy converted Michael’s front porch into a stage to hold musical instruments and large speakers.

  Debi and Angel arrived around three. Both of their pickup trucks were full of trays of food. We stuffed the food into the refrigerator in my cabin and the extra refrigerator in my garage. Then, Jason and Tammy helped carry food over to her refrigerator. The men would start the barbequing in a couple of hours so we had a little while to sit and take a rest.

  Debi, Angel, and I made ourselves margaritas and sat on my front porch observing all the activities. Katy had a recording of steel drum music playing from the stage. It was our own little piece of Jamaica. We spied Michael, Lewis, and Don sitting on the dock drinking beers. They had finished building the bonfire and all three of them had their feet dangling in the water.

  Debi ever direct looked over at me, “Hey, so what’s happening with you and Michael? Anything interesting? You both looked very chummy last Sunday. How was the date?”

  I smiled looking up from my margarita, “Do you ever take a breath?” Debi laughed and both she and Angel looked at me expectantly. I continued, “He’s very sweet. We went waterskiing on Wednesday with the girls. We had fun.” I giggled inside. Fun was an understatement as far as I was concerned.

  Debi peered back at me, “Unh uh, I don’t think so. You’re not going to get way with that explanation.”

  Angel laughed, “I think she means to say that we want the details, you know kiss and tell.”

  “There isn’t that much to tell,” I explained. “I’m enjoying being with him,” I leaned forward, “and, wow he is a great kisser!”

  Debi clapped gleefully, “I knew it!”

  Angel looked at Debi, her sunglasses slipping down her nose, “And what is it Miss Debi that you knew?”

  “Oh you know what I mean,” Debi laughed, “look at those lips…absolutely scrumptious.”

  I tilted my sunglasses down on my nose too, “Just how much have you had to drink Miss Debi? I think we’re going to have to cut you off early tonight.”

  Debi sat back, cackled, and took a
long drink from her margarita glass. “I did think it was great when Michael paid a visit to Jason yesterday.”

  “You are kidding, he actually did it?” I asked.

  Angel looked confused and I filled them both in on the conversation I had with Tammy. Debi told us that Michael had approached Don and her first.

  Debi waved her hand, “I said have at it. We’ve talked about it, but I thought maybe it would be good for Jason to have a menacing dad after him.”

  “Was Michael menacing?” My brow wrinkled with worry.

  Debi shook her head, “Does he look menacing to you? Michael is a big pussycat. No, but Jason told us they had a good conversation.”

  “Tammy agreed to go to the doctor with me next week.”

  Angel nodded, “That’s nice of you to do Elizabeth. Where is her mother in all of this?”

  I sighed, “Their mom isn’t very active in their lives. It is sad. When I think how close my mom and I were.”

  Debi laughed, “Yeah, and boy your mom hated Kevin.”

  I stood up, “Another one?”

  She nodded and gave me her glass.

  “Everyone hated Kevin.” I replied.

  Angel handed me her glass too, “I wish I would have met Kevin. He sounds like a real stinker.”

  I went to the bar and started mixing new drinks for us. “That was the thing, I didn’t find out what a stinker he was until after I married him. He hid many of his really worst traits from me until after I said the I do.”

  Debi shifted her chair closer, “I can’t believe you still have to pay him alimony!”

  Angel widened her eyes, “You’re paying him alimony? I thought he was more successful than you?”

  I smirked cutting up the lime and then rimming the glasses with salt. “You’d think that with the way he talked. However, no, I actually made a lot more money than he did. My books sold well right away. When we split up I gave him most of the money and an agreement that I would pay him alimony for three years.”

  “And the three years are almost up and then you can tell him to kiss off.” Debi wiped her hands together as if she was brushing off crumbs.

  I grinned, “Yeah at the end of November. It will be my Christmas gift to him.”

  Debi shook her head, “I kick myself every time I think about it, because I should have been more adamant about you not marrying him.”

  “Well,” I sighed, “who knew that I would start writing? Maybe I needed to go through hell with Kevin before I got the urge to write.”

  “Bull!” Debi said vehemently, “You wrote in high school and college, it was always there! That pipsqueak did not bring anything out in you. All he did was to tear you down.”

  “Okay!” I held up my hand, “Let’s drop Kevin. I do not want to ruin my day thinking about him! Besides look what’s coming toward us, far more handsome and loveable.” I pointed to Michael, Don and Lewis who were making their way up from the shore. Michael dressed in knee-length jean shorts and a navy blue t-shirt looked delectable enough to eat.

  Debi did the marimba down the porch over to Don and hugged him. She danced around him and bumped her butt against his back. Don yelled over to me, “Okay who has been giving this woman alcohol?”

  I raised my hand, “Guilty!”

  Don laughed and hugged Debi, “Give her some more!”

  Debi pulled Don up on the porch with her, she looked at me, and I nodded my head slightly. Both Debi and Don disappeared into my cabin. I giggled.

  Angel walked down the steps and took Lewis’ hand, “I think we need to light the barbeques.”

  Lewis laughed, “Oh that will keep us busy!” They walked off arm and arm toward the barbeques next to the shore.

  Michael walked up the porch with a puzzled look on his face, “Okay what just happened? Why is everyone disappearing? And where did Don and Debi go?”

  I laughed and sat down with him on the porch swing. “Debi and Don disappeared into my guest bedroom, and if I had only one guess they are probably going to do the big nasty with each other.”

  “What?” He asked with surprise on his face. “They’re not really…” he paused, “in your house?”

  “Relax. They do it all the time, I mean when I’m not living here. It gives them somewhere quiet to go that is not too far away. The kids can’t walk in on them.”

  “I can’t believe it!”

  “Oh Michael stop it, it’s not like they’re having an illicit affair, they are married after all. After what you and I were doing on Wednesday afternoon I wouldn’t have taken you for such a prude.”

  He shook his head and laughed, “I’m not really. I’m just surprised they’re so blatant.”

  I frowned, “What’s blatant? It’s not like they announced it to the neighborhood. They just quietly went into my cabin.”

  He put his arm around my shoulders, “So would it be that easy with you?”

  I looked at him and batted my eyelashes, “Would what be that easy with me?”

  “You know the big nasty.” He said squeezing me.

  “No, I’m not interesting in doing the big nasty with Don.” I said.

  Michael moved his arm lower down my waist and pulled me closer. He faced me, “You know what I meant. I have a guest bedroom too.” He raised his eyebrows.

  “Oh great, I’ll let Debi and Don know, they can use yours next time.”

  Michael laughed and shook his head, “You were right, it’s the anticipation!”

  I looked over to the shore and saw a boat arrive at the dock. Grabbing Michael’s hand, I pulled him up. “Don’s parents are here. Let’s go meet them.”

  We walked down to the shore and greeted Frank and Annie. She was a tiny slim woman, just an inch over five feet wearing a pair of black jeans and a red cotton blouse. Her long braided salt and pepper hair hung down her back. Annie hugged me tightly, and then she shook Michael’s hand.

  “So this is your new man.” Annie didn’t as much as ask the question as she stated a fact. She peered up at him and apparently, he met with her approval.

  I laughed, “Yes this is my new friend, Michael. Michael, this is Frank, who is the Chief of Police, and Annie who is the chief of everything else. They are my second parents.”

  Michael grinned, “Frank and I have already met.”

  Frank nodded, “Good to see you again Michael.” He shook Michael’s hand, and then turned his attention to me, hugging me. “Michael helped me round up the boys that were giving us some trouble in town.”

  “Come on up to the porch and let me get you something to drink,” I offered.

  Annie slipped her arm around Michael’s and they walked ahead of us toward the porch. The two of them walking together were a sight with the disparity in their sizes. She turned back around and looked at me. “Where are Debi and Don?”

  I just nodded at my cabin.

  Frank shook his head, “Those two are worse than rabbits.”

  “Shush Frank. We should be happy they are so happy.” She said while looking up at Michael. “Michael, I am of the Pomo tribe.”

  “The Pomo are especially artful basket weavers,” I included, “and Annie is well known for the beautiful baskets that she makes.”

  Annie patted Michael’s arm. “Debi has told me you are quite the photographer. I would like you to take pictures of my baskets.” She looked back at me again, “The Smithsonian contacted me. They want to display some of my baskets in their new Native American exhibit in Washington DC.”

  They both settled themselves into chairs when they reached the top of the porch.

  He responded, “I would be honored to take pictures of your baskets.”

  She smiled and leaned forward to touch Michael on the knee, “Good that’s settled then. Thank you. I’ve heard that you are interested in our eagles. When you come and take pictures, I will tell you about the Pomo tribe. The eagles on the mountain are sacred to us. We believe that before we lived here, bird people lived on our mountain, and the eagle is what is left of the b
ird people.”

  “I’d like to hear the stories,” Michael said.

  I was happy to see Michael be so respectful to Annie. Without my mom around, she filled a very empty spot in my heart. We sat on the porch and shared stories from past bonfires. Katy who seemed to be in charge of the music changed the music from the steel drums to Native American flute music. I don’t know how she knew how appropriate the choice had been.

  Just as Lewis came to get Michael and Frank to start barbequing the meats, Debi and Don came strolling around from the side of my cabin. They looked as if they had been on a long walk. I smiled appreciating the love they had for each other.

  The afternoon was beginning to wind down. As the sun began its slow descent, we lit the torches and started putting the food out on the tables. The boys had the barbeques well underway and people were milling around talking. Katy and a band started playing on Michael’s porch.

  When the food was ready, Michael and I sat down with our over laden plates at a long table filled with our friends. The air was electric and you could feel the anticipation for the bonfire. I looked around and saw the happy faces, eating, laughing, and joking. I smiled and sighed.

  Michael put his arm around me and squeezed me. He leaned over and whispered, “Penny for your thoughts.”

  I just smiled again and looked up at him. I dabbed at the corner of his mouth with my napkin, “Mustard.”

  Michael smiled, took a bite of his burger, and kissed me on the cheek. He dabbed at my cheek with his napkin, “Ketchup.”

  Tammy came up behind us and put her arms around our shoulders. “Someone has a girlfriend!” She looked at her dad and teased.

  Michael turned, grabbed her, and started tickling her. “You mind your own business.”


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