Eagle's Destiny

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Eagle's Destiny Page 24

by C. J. Corbin

  “How’s the law firm?” I asked.

  “Oh splendid,” he grinned, “lots of people for us to sue. Let me change my clothes my love,” he looked at Lisa, “and I’ll start the grill, shall I?”

  A sharp knock on the front door twenty minutes later announced the arrival of our father. The kids beat me to the door and both of them greeted him as they greeted everyone with shrieks of delight. Dad hugged everyone and left me for last.

  He gave me a hard hug, “How is my Sweet Pea?”

  I smiled at his very special nickname for me. “I’m doing good Dad. You look great.”

  “I feel good.” Dad picked up Jon and put him up on his shoulder. “What do you say we go outside and give your mother some room to maneuver in her kitchen? Bess, would you grab a couple of beers. I’m sure Bill can use one.”

  I nodded and went to the refrigerator. “Why don’t you go out and join them Bess, I don’t need your help in here.” Lisa said.

  “Are you sure I can’t be of some help?” I asked.

  “Oh, god no!” Lisa laughed. “You know you’re worthless in the kitchen.”

  I took three beers from the refrigerator and headed for the back patio. I handed Bill and my dad their beers and sat in the chair next to my dad.

  “Good news about Lisa and Bill, isn’t it?” I said.

  Dad smiled, “Very good news. I’m glad you’re not stopping at two.”

  Bill laughed, “It was a surprise to me too. We had been talking about only having two children, but I guess Lisa beat me to the gate.”

  I raised my eyebrow and looked at him, “Bill you know where babies come from, it wasn’t all Lisa.”

  Bill took a drink of beer, “Sometimes when you are in the midst of a conversation, you don’t expect any surprises.”

  Okay then, I was not going to touch any more of this conversation. Something was going on between Lisa and him and I did not want to know more information.

  My brain told me to change the subject. “Dad, are you still riding your bike? You look great.”

  “Yeah,” He stretched, “I beat Bill last weekend in a race.”

  Bill laughed, “Bob, I didn’t know we were racing, or I would have participated in the race.”

  Dad laughed, “Didn’t I tell you I do undercover racing?” They both laughed. “Bess, what is this I hear about you selling your house? When did this happen?”

  “You know I’ve been thinking about it. I really love Aunt Ruth’s cabin and now since I finished remodeling it, I decided that I don’t need two homes.” I explained.

  Bill turned from the barbeque to look at me, “That and I heard that you have a new boyfriend, who lives next door.” He winked at me.

  I blushed.

  Dad looked at me, “That would explain the strange conversation I had with the idiot boy Kevin yesterday.”

  I wrinkled my brow, “You talked to Kevin yesterday?”

  “While I was on my bike, I literally ran into him on my way down to the beach. He told me that he stayed with you last weekend. At first, he made it sound like you were getting back together. I knew that wasn’t true so I pressed him a little further. Then he asked me if I knew about your new boyfriend. Lisa told me that you have a new friend living next door to you. He sounds normal. That’s good.” Dad shook his head, “Kevin is very disturbing. I don’t feel right about him visiting you like that. You should see what he did to your old house. There must be 15 people living with him and the back yard is trashed.”

  “Dad, it’s his house. Kevin can do anything he wants to the house.” I commented.

  “It just isn’t right. You paid for the house with the money from your books. It just isn’t right.” Dad repeated.

  I did not want to get into this discussion with my father. Bill came happily to my rescue. “Bess, have you considered getting a restraining order against Kevin, I could help you with it?”

  I did not need this type of rescue. My father did not know about Kevin’s penchant for violence toward me. We were all afraid Dad would do something drastic. Dad caught on too quickly.

  He looked directly at me. “Elizabeth,” my dad used my real name, which meant I was in trouble. “Did Kevin abuse you?” He said it very simply, he was always straightforward and matter of fact.

  I let out a big sigh, “Dad it doesn’t make any difference now. We’re divorced and he’s part of my past. He can’t do anything to me anymore.”

  My father’s voice became very measured and I could feel his anger starting to grow, “So was this physical or mental abuse?”

  I did not want to discuss this in front of Bill. I actually did not want to discuss this in front of anyone. “Bill, would you excuse us for a minute?” He looked at me, scooped up the kids, and went into the house. I continued. “Dad, what Kevin did to me is over. Discussing it now will not change it.”

  Now I was glad that I had not told Lisa about Kevin’s brutality on Sunday. I could pretend that it was all in the past.

  “Elizabeth, I want to know. Did he hit you?” My father was known for being very even tempered, but on occasion could lose his hard fought control.

  “Yes Dad, he did. All through our marriage, he would abuse me mentally and then when he didn’t receive the reaction from me that he wanted he would hit me.” I explained. “That’s why I finally filed for divorce.”

  He raked his hands through his hair while giving me an anguished look, “Why, Elizabeth, why didn’t you tell me?”

  I took his hand, “Exactly because of this reaction Dad. Now that you know, you feel like you have to do something about it. I’m afraid that would land you in jail or worse. Please don’t confront Kevin, and let it rest.” My eyes pleaded with him.

  He squeezed my hand then put his arms around me. Holding me close he murmured, “Sweet Pea, I’m so sorry this happened to you. I wish I would have known.”

  I could feel the tears running down my face, and buried my face into his shoulder. “Please let it go. Let me get on with my life.”

  “Hey Bess,” he tilted my face to look at me, “Where’s my fighter? Don’t worry. I won’t do anything to Kevin.”

  I sniffed back my tears wishing as always that I had a tissue in my pocket. I stepped back to look at him. “Okay.” I said hesitantly.

  He laughed his deep throaty Dad laugh, “But I may call a few buddies to check the zoning laws for his house, I think he has too many people living there. I’m also wondering about the registration of his vehicles.”

  “Dad,” I cautioned him, “no interfering.”

  He looked at me surprised, “What? I’m just doing my civic duty. You know I’m a retired cop.” He chuckled. Dad called to my brother-in-law, “Bill, you better get your butt out here, I think something is burning.”

  We enjoyed a good dinner. My sister was a good cook and I was a good dishwasher, the partnership still worked between us. Somewhere inside of me, I was glad that my dad finally knew about Kevin. It was as if a secret burden had lifted from my shoulders.

  While Dad walked me home, my cell phone started ringing. The display came up with Michael’s name. “Michael, can I call you back in fifteen minutes. I’m walking home with my dad.” His voice told me that he was looking forward to speaking with me.

  Dad and I continued walking. “Was that your new boyfriend?” he asked?

  I nodded. “Yeah. He’s calling me every night so we can talk.”

  “Lisa told me about him. He sounds like a nice person. When do I get to meet him? I guess I could come up and visit you. Would that be okay?”

  I nodded again. “Yeah Dad, I’d like that. I miss you when I’m up there.” My father slipped his arm around my shoulder and squeezed me.

  “Let’s plan on it then. I want to meet this man and make sure his intentions are honorable.” He chuckled.

  “Oh, Dad.” I giggled. “I’m 38 years old. I think I can take care of myself.”

  He hugged me again, “Sweet Pea, you will always be my baby girl.”

>   Dad and I said our goodnights. We set up a Dodger game at the end of my book tour when I swung back into town for the last stop. As I walked into the house I pulled out my cell phone and plopped myself on the couch.

  “Hey Babe,” Michael’s voice came over the phone.

  “Are you home?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I got in late this afternoon, and before you ask, your children are doing just fine.”

  I laughed, “Thanks, for letting me know.”

  “How was dinner with your family?’

  “Oh, the usual, you know nothing really changes. I did talk to my dad about Kevin.”

  I heard the relief in his voice, “Elizabeth, I’m glad. You needed to let him know.”

  There was a sound of him shifting around. “Are you in bed?” I asked.

  He laughed, “Yeah and I’m naked too. No, I’m teasing you. I am working on the photographs. My deadline is quickly approaching.”

  I whispered, “I would much rather hear about you being naked.”

  Michael chuckled, “I was wondering when my hellcat was going to come out.”

  I giggled. “You’re never going to let me live down those few marks on your shoulders, are you?”

  “I thought it was so funny you thought at first an animal had gotten to me. No, the nickname sticks, you are definitely my hellcat.”

  I whispered, “Then I’m going to have to sharpen my nails and make sure I mark you again so I earn my nickname.”

  Michael laughed, “Promises, promises.”

  I whispered again, “I wish you were here with me tonight.”

  Michael’s voice became low and throaty, “Babe, you don’t know how much I want to be with you tonight. You have no idea what you do to me. I want you naked and in my bed.”

  My stomach started to do turns and my body reacted to his words. “Stop it Michael, you’re going to drive me crazy.” My voice had turned low too and it betrayed that I did not want him to stop.

  He continued on the path down to ruin, “Then I want your long legs wrapped around my hips so your luscious body is open to me. I want to feel your hands caressing my body, and feel your body moving against me.” He paused. I had closed my eyes, lost in my thoughts of him.

  “Are you still there?” he asked.

  “Yes,” my voice responded quietly. I was not thinking clearly, my entire body felt the heat he was sending through the phone.

  He groaned, “Damn, Elizabeth it’s going to be two weeks of phone sex isn’t it?”

  I exhaled and my voice was breathy, “Yes Michael.” I replied.

  “I’m going to be stuck taking cold showers again, aren’t I?”

  “Yes.” I replied again barely able to catch my breath.

  “Are you able to say anything except yes?” He chuckled.

  “No.” I giggled, “I’m sorry, guess I got caught up in the moment. We are so bad, and you know I want you too.”

  Michael sighed, “It’s going to be a long two weeks for me.”

  “For me too,” I acknowledged. “You’re still going to call me every night, aren’t you?” I asked, afraid that he would want to back away from me. The emotional pull we had on the phone was a heavy one.

  “I will, because it’s the only thing that will get me through.”

  I understood the need in his voice because I felt it too.


  On Friday morning after meeting with the realtor at the house, I started boxing up the few personal items that were not going to be trusted to the moving company. They would pack everything else for the move up to my cabin. I felt more energized about the decision to move after speaking with the realtor. She expected the house to move quickly and already had a few clients who might have an interest in buying.

  I pulled out a few items of special clothing that I would take home with me. I had the perfect dress for Michael and his special evening at the aquarium. We had spoken about the evening a couple of times and I could hear the excitement in his voice. He tried to downplay the honor in a show of humility, but I knew he was looking forward to the event.

  Home. This was the first time that I looked at the cabin as my home. It took me three years to get to this point. I was finally ready for this next phase. This house had been my refuge at first but I could move on now. My dad told me he would keep my old bedroom open for me in case I changed my mind. It was time though to stop running back to my family and stand on my own.

  I kept myself busy throughout the day organizing and packing. Nancy and Robin were meeting at my house and we would go together to the restaurant for dinner. After I dressed, I called Michael.

  He answered on the first ring. “Babe, are you okay?”

  “Yes, everything is okay. I’m going out tonight and don’t know when I’ll be home. I didn’t want to miss your call.” I explained.

  “Going out with the girls?” he asked. “Sounds like trouble to me.”

  I laughed, “We usually don’t get into too much trouble. Robin is married.”

  “There’s always you and Nancy, and what you’ve told me about the two of you together, I think real trouble can happen.”

  “Oh, you sound jealous. Are you?” I asked, silently hoping the answer was yes.

  “You know I am. I want you to call me when you get home. I don’t care what time it is,” he said.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’ll worry about you.”

  I giggled, “You’re so sweet.”

  He laughed with me, “No, I’m looking out for my own self-interest.”

  Michael asked me about my day. He was surprised to hear that I had put the house up for sale. I could not tell by his voice whether he considered it good or bad news. He managed to keep the inflection in his voice very even. I was dying to ask him what he thought about the sale but I could not push myself over that edge. His opinion was uppermost on my mind but since I did not have the courage to ask, he did not tell either.

  He had spent his day with our eagle couple who he had named Ethel and Fred. Michael had also taken the opportunity to read the notes that I had written about my impressions of the eagles last weekend. He wanted to talk to me about it further but the knocking on my front door interrupted us.

  Nancy opened the front door, “Hello, hello!” She saw me wave the cell phone at her and she immediately closed her mouth.

  “I have to go,” I said to Michael. “Nancy and Robin are here.”

  “You girls have fun. I’ll be waiting for your call tonight.” He said.

  “You’re just trying to check up on me.” I joked.

  “No, I want to have phone sex.” He laughed.

  I murmured into the phone, “We are not having phone sex Michael.”

  “We’ll see.” He replied.

  I disconnected after we said our goodbyes, and both Nancy and Robin looked at me with raised eyebrows.

  Nancy was the first to speak, “Phone sex? Oh my! How wonderful, I can’t wait to meet Michael.”

  My blush broke out on my face. “We are not having phone sex.”

  Nancy looked at her nails and buffed them on her pants, “Oh I don’t know. Don’t knock it unless you’ve tried it.” She smiled a wicked grin at Robin and me.

  “This is going to be quite the two weeks isn’t it?” I asked Nancy.

  “Yup, yup, yup.” Nancy grinned at us again, “And, it starts tonight! Let’s go, I’m starving and I want to start drinking. I’ve had a difficult week.”

  I hugged Robin hello. We shook our heads at Nancy.

  “Okay, let me put my shoes on.” I said.

  “Hey, not the three inch ones, they make me look short.” Nancy said pointing to my shoes.

  “How can my shoes make you look short?” I asked Nancy while I continued to put on the shoes.

  Robin laughed, “It’s because you’re all legs, look at you, especially with the short skirt. You make us look short.”

  “Robin, you’re petite. You’re not short.” I said. Both g
irls frowned at me. “Oh alright.” I slipped on a pair of flats. “Better?”

  A chorus of “Yes” answered me. We went to the front door. “So whose car are we driving?” I asked.

  Nancy opened the front door, “How about the big black one?” She pointed to the large black limousine parked in the driveway. “This is a business meeting, after all, Elizabeth you’re my client, and Robin you’re Elizabeth’s editor. It’s tax deductible!”

  The three of us made quite the trio. Robin had soft brown hair and eyes that complimented her heart-shaped face and petite frame. Only a couple of years older than me, she had more wisdom than Nancy and I together. Her adorable bear of a husband gave into her whims easily. What other man with such a cute wife would let her go out and party with the girls? Theirs was a special trusting relationship that I often envied.

  We climbed into the limousine and Nancy gave instructions to the driver. I looked at Robin expectantly. “Well?”

  Robin glanced at Nancy, “Business first?”

  Nancy nodded, “Oh absolutely, let’s get it out of the way!” Nancy opened a bottle of champagne, and began pouring it into small paper cups. She handed a cup to each of us. “You know you get nothing but class from me!”

  We touched our cups together. In unison, we chimed, “To the book!” before drinking down the champagne in one gulp.

  Robin looked at me with a huge grin on her face, and I wanted to close my eyes afraid of what she was going to say. Her lips formed the words and she finally spoke, “MORE!” Robin yelled. “Oh my goodness, this one is the best!”

  The three of us started giggling and in a fit of drama, I threw myself prostrate across the seat. I pumped my arms in the air, “Yes! She likes it!”

  Of anyone, Robin’s opinion of my books was one of the most important to me. She, like Nancy, had been with me from the beginning of my book-writing career. They were the ones that guided me, cajoled me, and listened to my tearful pleas of writer’s block. Robin was a merciless editor, helping me with the timing and flow of each book. At the same time, her praise was hard won and valuable.

  “Where did you come up with Craig?” Robin asked about the male main character. “He’s wonderful. I can really see Jessica ending up with him.”


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