Eagle's Destiny

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Eagle's Destiny Page 34

by C. J. Corbin

  Michael called me as I was eating the last of my toast. “Babe, I’m glad I caught you.”

  “Hi honey,” I said swallowing my toast. “Where are you?”

  “I just arrived in San Francisco, and I’m waiting for my luggage. Can you do me a favor?”

  “Sure.” I answered.

  “Give Annie a call and confirm that I’ll be at her house this afternoon at three. I need to finish up the pictures of her baskets.” He said over the drone of the airport announcements.

  “Of course. Can I come with you?” I asked.

  “I’d love that. I see you in a little bit.”

  I sat down to write in the little corner of Michael’s bedroom that he had arranged for me. New music on my IPod and my headphones were on, I was set to go into the zone. Lately, I was less likely to feel blocked, which made the entire writing experience easier. The story was flowing from me quickly and I felt more relaxed as my deadline was approaching. Before I knew it, a couple of hours had passed.

  Suddenly, my heart leapt into my throat. I felt arms around my shoulders and I let out a loud piercing scream. It took me several moments to realize that the arms were not Kevin’s but Michael’s arms. The hands that I thought were wrapping around my neck were really hands stroking my face. My entire body shook and the tears quickly started to flow down my face.

  “Oh god,” I said crying and holding my hands to my chest trying to steady my breathing, “I thought you were Kevin.”

  Michael pulled me up into his arms and his arms enveloped me, “Babe,” he said trying to soothe me as I stood tightly embracing him. “I’m so sorry. Come on, come sit down.” He led me over to the bed and pulled me into his lap. He slipped his hand under my chin lifting my head up. “I’m here and you’re safe.”

  I looked at him and nodded. He placed a soft kiss on my lips. “I’m sorry Michael. It’s just that Kevin used to…” I trailed off.

  “Sshh. You don’t have to explain. I know.” He murmured into my hair as he pulled my head against his shoulder holding me securely against him.

  Michael patiently sat on the bed holding me while I attempted to recover myself. My tears stopped and I snuffled into his shirt. Michael smelled good, and he was wearing what had become my favorite cologne. I lifted my head slightly and kissed him below his ear along his jaw.

  “Feeling better?” He asked tenderly.

  I nodded and looked at him. He wiped away the teardrops still on my face gently with his fingers. Michael put a light kiss on my forehead and then his lips moved down to mine where he put a much stronger kiss. I scooted off his lap and lay back on the bed pulling him with me while he continued to kiss me.

  We both broke the kiss simultaneously when we heard Tammy’s voice. “Oh, are you two at it again?” She had a grin on her face when we looked at her.

  Michael spoke first, “School?” He questioned.

  She answered rapidly, “Friday, short day. I thought Elizabeth would like to have lunch with me, but,” she said, “I can see she’s otherwise occupied.”

  “You know Michael,” I said, “lunch does sound good.”

  He raised an eyebrow, “Better than this?”

  “I’m hungry. It’s been a long morning.” I said.

  He rolled his eyes and rolled off me. “Fine. Go have lunch.”

  I got up and he called to me, “Next time, I need to shut the door.”

  Both Tammy and I giggled. “Do you want to come?” I asked.

  “Yeah, might as well.” Michael lumbered off the bed.

  After Michael took us to lunch, we dropped Tammy back at the house and drove out to Annie and Frank’s house. They lived outside of Mintock on several acres of land, which was part of the Pomo reservation. Their property butted up against the mountain and the lake. Annie spent most of her days in the summer in her little shop in town where she sold her baskets to the tourists.

  Annie had been my aunt’s best friend. My aunt was a little scatterbrained so when I would stay with her during the summer, Annie always kept her eye out for me. Annie also managed to keep Don and I separated long enough so that no romance could bud between the two of us. Now I was glad for that because I saw Don as a brother. At sixteen, I thought she was meddlesome. During my mother’s illness and then subsequently my aunt’s, I was happy to have Annie in my life. Their passing happened very quickly and my dad and sister were no help to me since they were grieving too. At the time, it had never occurred to selfish me that Annie was also grieving at the loss of her best friend. Now she was my mom here on earth.

  We pulled up in front of a modern ranch style house. Dogs ran around to greet us as we exited Michael’s jeep. Frank came out of his four-car garage, which was full of antique cars, and it was easy to see where Don had developed his love of cars. He wiped his hands on a towel, gave me a big hug, and shook Michael’s hand.

  “Annie,” he bellowed, “they’re here!”

  Annie came running out of the house. She wore her normal outfit of blue jeans, boots, and a colorful denim blouse. She had braided her long hair and wrapped it as a bun on the back of her head.

  “Oh Mija, I’m so glad to see you.” Annie hugged me almost as hard as Frank had and then she turned to Michael. “Hello handsome man.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, and she barely came up to his chest. She hugged him with enthusiasm. Then she winked at Frank, “Look at the handsome man I found. Are you jealous?”

  Frank laughed and looked at Michael, “You can have her. She has been hell on wheels today.”

  Michael laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist, “I think one hellcat is enough for any man.”

  Frank laughed again, “See, what did I tell you? The leaf didn’t fall from the tree.”

  “Hey, we’re standing right here you know.” I protested.

  Frank put his hand on top of my head and stood on his toes, “Michael do you hear something?” He looked around and past me.

  “I don’t think the boys want any lemonade, do they?” Annie grinned and took my hand. We went into the house and left their laughter behind.

  Annie’s kitchen was in the back of the house and it was bright and sunny. Annie poured four glasses of lemonade and placed two on a tray. I took the tray out to Michael and Frank, and I found they were already sitting in the chairs on the front porch. Annie carried out the other two glasses for us.

  “Debi and Don are coming for barbeque tonight with Betsy. I told them to pick Tammy up on their way out. Jay should be home for the weekend, and that will give Tammy some incentive to come.” Annie explained. “Don’t worry Michael. I have some meatless burgers for you.”

  Michael grinned, “Thank you Annie. Well, I better get started before I lose the light.”

  Michael had decided after seeing Frank’s antique cars to use one of the convertibles and put the baskets in the back seat. Frank trailed after Michael ostensibly to help. I sat with Annie on the front porch. She handed me a half-finished basket and supplies and I started weaving as we talked.

  “So I heard that you’re pretty much living with Michael and Tammy now.” Annie said. Her hands moved swiftly over the basket she was weaving, adding different colors as she went along.

  “Debi has a big mouth. We’re not living together.” I countered.

  “You wake up together in the same bed, don’t you?” She looked at me over her glasses.

  I merely nodded sheepishly. Why did I feel like I was sixteen with her? I was a grown woman wasn’t I?

  “Don’t get me wrong, Mija. I like Michael. He’s a good man. And, he’s good for you.”

  I smiled and nodded. “Yes, I like him too.”

  “Oh, I think it’s a little more than like Elizabeth.”

  I blushed and studied my basket.

  “He’s powerful Mija, and he’s a very sexual man.” She stated.

  My blush deepened and I studied my basket even closer. I sighed, “Yes he is.”

  She snapped at me, “Elizabeth, the size of a man’s penis do
es not define the sexuality of a man.”

  I looked up at her. She put the basket down and looked back at me. “A man’s sexuality is defined by many different things and most of them are not physical. It is the essence and the emotional make up of the man. How he treats others, his own self-confidence, and his love and respect for women. Do others judge him as an honorable man who stands by his convictions? Does he have compassion for others in need? Many criteria judge a real man.” She leaned forward to me, “Elizabeth, not many women are fortunate to experience a good man. My Frank is a good man, Don is a good man, and Michael is the same.”

  I looked at her, “You make Michael sound perfect. You know he does have flaws.” Of course, at the moment his flaws escaped me.

  She stared right back at me, “And you do too Mija. No one is perfect.” Annie picked her basket up and continued weaving.

  I picked up my basket again. “Annie, I’m glad you like Michael. It is important to me that you do.”

  She nodded and we worked with a tranquility surrounding us.

  “Annie, why did you discourage Don and me from dating?” I asked breaking our silence.

  She laughed and picked up a different color to blend into the basket. “I knew the two of you were not right for each other. Do not get me wrong, Mija, you are good as friends. But as husband and wife, no,” Annie shook her head, “no, it would not have worked. Don needed a different kind of woman.” She put the basket down and looked over at me again. “You, Elizabeth are like the eagle. You soar above the trees, when you want something; you zero in on the target and pick it up as easy as can be. You find comfort and safety in building your nest and in one man. You need someone who is as quick and sharp as you are. Don would have bored you after a while. Don is a big lumbering bear, and he needed another bear to keep him in line, to keep him straight so to speak. Debi is that bear. They are good together.”

  “So,” I asked, “Is Michael also an eagle?”

  Annie smile, “I’m not sure yet, what animal he is. I need to know him better before that can be decided.”

  “Do we have to be the same animal to be good together?”

  “Oh no, usually it is better to be different animals.” She said.

  “What animals are you and Frank?”

  Annie laughed, “Oh I am the mountain lion. I care for all my cubs. Frank is the salmon. He will always provide and he is persistent. When he and I met, he chased after me for two years. He has provided well for me.”

  I smiled at her. Annie looked young and her eyes sparkled when she talked about Frank. I could imagine them as a new couple making a home for themselves.

  Annie leaned over and smacked me on the thigh, “Hey! Earth to Elizabeth. Come into the house with me. Help me wrap the potatoes and make the salad.”

  Shortly after we started in the kitchen, the front screen door slammed shut. “Hey Mom, we’re here!” Don’s voice called out. Suddenly the house was full.

  Debi and Betsy came into the kitchen to help with dinner. I told Debi that I was going to kill her for telling Annie about Michael and me sleeping together. Debi just did her impression of a Cheshire cat grin.

  “Where are Tammy and Jason?” Annie asked

  Debi laughed, “Oh you mean my joined at the hip pair? They are out helping Michael finish with the photographs. I don’t think we have a chance in separating them this weekend.”

  Don, after saying hello went out to the back yard to light the barbeque. Frank soon joined him with a couple of beers and I figured we would be lucky if the back yard did not go up in smoke.

  After dinner, we sat by the fire pit. The sun had set quickly over the lake. Autumn had definitely arrived. Frank handed Michael another beer and looked at me, “Are you driving tonight?” he asked.

  I nodded, “I think Michael is a little too tired to drive too.”

  Michael nodded too, “Yeah, I was up in Alaska early this morning. It’s hard to believe.”

  I shivered and leaned back into him. He put his arms around me. “Cold?” He asked.

  “No I’m okay now. Guess I’m tired too. I didn’t really do anything today though.” I said.

  He whispered, “Let me finish this beer and we’ll go.”

  “No, that’s okay. You enjoy yourself.” I whispered back.

  We ended up staying quite late. Since Michael and I were leaving for Monterey in the morning, Tammy had decided to stay the night at Don and Debi’s house. Don quietly assured Michael that he would keep an eye on both Tammy and Jason. Michael was already very suspicious that Jason would come home for a visit when he was going to be out of town. Later in the car, I told him to relax and he had better realize that Tammy and Jason were adults.

  “I don’t have to like it.” He replied.

  I smiled. “Your baby girl is growing up.”

  “I still don’t have to like it.” He frowned.

  “Remember my dad at the baseball game?”

  “Am I that bad?” He asked.

  I took his hand and kissed it. “Not quite as bad as my dad, but you could give him a run for his money.”

  Michael sighed and stretched. “I guess all dads are alike.”

  I laughed, “Yes, especially when it comes to their baby girls and other men.”

  “Speaking of girls and men, Katy called this afternoon, and she’s coming out with Paul next weekend. She has a week free from school and Paul was able to arrange vacation time.”

  “That’s wonderful. I’m looking forward to meeting him.”

  He frowned, “I’m not.”

  “Oh lighten up Michael. Don’t you remember what it’s like to be young?”

  He kept the frown on his face, “That is exactly what I’m worried about.”

  When we arrived home, we carried the camera equipment into the house. I put out fresh water for the dogs while Michael took his shower. By the time I got into the bedroom, he was already in bed and fast asleep. I shook my head and mumbled to myself, “Wouldn’t you know it, the first night we are completely alone and he falls asleep. Men.”

  Michael heard me and roused himself, “Oh sorry babe. I must have fallen asleep.”

  “Go back to sleep. I haven’t had my shower yet. Get some rest.” I told him.

  Michael nodded and he was back to sleep before his head hit his pillow. I took my shower and finally got into bed. Over the past several weeks, I had gotten used to going to bed naked. It was actually liberating and made things must easier when we became amorous. He was on his back and I got into my favorite position by turning on my side, lying up against him with my head on his chest. I threw my right leg over his so that it was nestled in between his legs. After I settled down Michael wrapped his arms around me. This was heaven for me.


  The next morning, Michael was still asleep when I awoke. While I was in the kitchen making coffee, Tammy walked in from the back door.

  “You’re home early.” I said.

  “Jason likes to sleep in and I had restless energy. I decided to work on my paper while he slept. He’ll call me when he gets up. Is Dad still asleep?” Tammy asked.

  “Yeah, he was really tired when we got here last night.” I took a sip of coffee.

  Tammy started to feed the dogs their breakfast.

  “I’ll feed the dogs. You go work on your paper.” I said.

  “That’s okay. Like I said I have nervous energy.”

  “Okay.” I said. “If you see your dad let him know I’m over at my place packing.”

  She nodded. Topper and Samantha did not know whether to follow me or stay for food. I looked at them, “You guys stay with Tammy.”

  It was beginning to get difficult for me to have two separate places. I didn’t really leave clothes at Michael’s and I felt silly every morning marching over to my place in my robe. The reason I hadn’t moved anything over was because he hadn’t invited me to move in. It definitely was a little confusing for me. I wasn’t sure about his expectations of me, well,
not all the expectations. The nighttime expectation was clear, his bed, naked.

  Since Michael had been away for several days we had not made love and I for one was definitely missing that. I wondered if he missed it too. There were all my insecurities again. Just when I thought I had buried them good and deep, they always came up bubbling to the surface.

  One thing I did know for sure was that I would have Michael all to myself for the entire weekend. That thought alone made me giddy with anticipation. I held up my black taffeta dress against me while looking in the full-length mirror by the bathroom door. I nodded my head with approval. Michael would like this dress. It was conservative but the bodice showed my cleavage off just enough to make it interesting. After zipping the garment bag closed, I started looking for my shoes and the new underwear I had purchased.

  I heard a knock on my back door and the door opened. “Elizabeth, it’s me. Okay if I come in?” Michael called.

  “I’m in my bedroom.” I called back.

  I was digging through shoeboxes in my closet when I felt Michael’s hands on my hips. “You have a lot of shoes.” He commented laughing. “I thought my ex-wife had a lot of shoes, but you have her beat.”

  I pulled out a box and straightened up. “What?” I said turning around.

  “Shoes,” he pointed. “You have a lot of them.”

  “If you think this is a lot, you should see Lisa’s closet. She has taken over her spare bedroom’s closet solely for her shoes.” I put the box on the dresser, opened the lid, and pulled out a black sandal. “What do you think?” I held up the shoe to him.


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