Eagle's Destiny

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Eagle's Destiny Page 42

by C. J. Corbin

  Surprisingly I fell asleep and woke up two hours later feeling groggy. I got out of bed and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. I was a sight with swollen eyes from crying, and dark circles under my eyes from not sleeping last night. A long groan came from deep inside, but I had resolved to myself not to cry.

  The shower made me feel better, somehow it always did. I braided my hair and put on shorts and a t-shirt. The day was warming up and appeared as if we were in for a warming trend even though the nights would probably stay cool. In the shower, I had considered my options. I wanted to fly down to Los Angeles, but with the house closing escrow soon that was not a practical idea. I definitely did not want to stay with my sister or my father because I did not want to explain my visit. Nancy wasn’t an option either because she was off visiting Marcus in New Orleans and expected to be there through Halloween. Besides, a trip to Los Angeles would be running away as Michael so adroitly observed.

  My book deadline was quickly approaching, but after the emotional upheaval there wasn’t much romance left in my heart to write about, Since that had never stopped me before, I fired up my lap top and sat at my desk hoping inspiration would strike me. Unfortunately, the only thing that did strike me was my continuous thoughts about Michael. That would teach me to base one of my characters on a real person.

  Inspiration finally hit me and I was lost in the world of my romance novel so deeply that I didn’t hear Tammy come into the room. “Elizabeth, it’s me Tammy.” She called walking in from the back door. “Elizabeth?” She called again.

  I heard her and held my hand up not turning around. She knew this was a signal to wait for a moment while I finished the paragraph. I turned in my chair after a few minutes and she was already sitting at my dining room table with a small pumpkin in front of her.

  “Hey, how was school today?” I asked, walking over to look at the pumpkin she chose.

  “Good.” She said.

  I handed her a tarp to put on the table along with some newspapers, then opened the refrigerator.

  “I don’t think I’ve eaten today.”

  My refrigerator was empty. I’d forgotten that Michael had all the food at his house. I made a mental note that I would need to get to the grocery store.

  Tammy turned to me, “You haven’t eaten today?” She had a worried look on her face.

  I shook my head, “No, I wasn’t hungry until now.”

  I opened the freezer and only found the chicken for the dogs and an old box of frozen pizza appetizers.

  Tammy finished laying out the newspapers on the table. “I can’t believe you don’t have any food. Dad didn’t bring over some lunch?”

  I shook my head and smiled. “Tammy, don’t worry about me. I’m not going to starve. I just need to go shopping.” I pulled out the pumpkin carving knife sets out of the drawer and handed them to her. She laid out the tools while I picked up the phone and called Debi. “Hey,” I said when Debi answered. “We’re ready for you and Betsy. Oh and can you bring me a sandwich please?” I hung up the phone.

  Debi and Betsy arrived about fifteen minutes later. Debi brought a platter of sandwiches, brownies, and sodas. She looked a little dubious at me and I flashed a look that I would explain later. I quickly ate half a sandwich and we began the pumpkin carving process.

  Pumpkin carving was an art that I practiced every year. Both my mother and my aunt loved Halloween so Lisa and I learned early to join in the festivities. Aunt Ruth and Joe had started the annual Halloween party over twenty years ago and it became a perennial favorite of the town. With the cabin being the last house on the lane, we never received many trick-or-treaters. Instead, the Halloween party substituted for our festivities.

  During the day, the kids participated in pumpkin carving and costume contests. Our baseball club always made enough money selling waffle ice cream cones at our booth to buy us new baseball equipment for the following year. At night, we had a big costume dance for the adults and an onsite day care for the kids to enjoy their own nighttime spooky activities. The pumpkin-carving contest was one of my favorites and I had won my share of blue ribbons.

  Annie helped me make my costume this year, and I had hoped to overwhelm Michael with it, but now I did not know what was going to happen. I was certain however that I was not going to pass up Halloween.

  We sat together around my table carving pumpkins, eating sandwiches and brownies, and laughing. It felt good to laugh after the day that I had. Debi and I stepped outside to get some fresh air leaving Tammy and Betsy to work on their pumpkins.

  “So what happened darling?” Debi asked as she settled down in the front porch chair.

  Sitting opposite her, I nibbled on the edges of the brownie in my hand and sighed, “Michael and I had a fight last night.”

  She nodded, “Yeah, he was really drunk. Frank dropped off Don last night too. The boys had too much beer. Thank goodness, they had the sense to let Frank drive them home. What did you argue about?”

  “It wasn’t the argument, it was afterward.” I knew my face showed as gloomy.

  “What happened?”

  “This morning,” I fought back the tears. I did not want to cry again. Clearing my throat, “Michael said we needed to cool things down between the two of us, and that things were moving a little too fast.”

  “And what do you think?” Debi leaned forward in the chair putting her hand on my knee.

  “Michael’s response to our argument was confusing and hurtful to me, and I don’t know what to think or where we stand.” I sighed again looking out at the lake. We would have a full moon for Halloween this year. I placed my hand on top of hers and directed my gaze back at her.

  Debi pursed her lips and squeezed my hand. “Want to know what I think?”

  I nodded.

  Debi smiled, “I think you have scared Michael to death. I don’t believe he has ever met anyone like you. You are an amazing woman.” She chuckled, “Not only are you beautiful, but you are talented, strong, and have made your own way in the world.”

  “Oh stop it Debi. I’m not any of those things.” I disputed.

  Debi looked back at me in amazement. “Girl, you are all those things and more. I know more than one man in this town, who is either scared or in awe of you. Yep! You have frightened our little boy who probably always had it easy with women. With his good looks, I wouldn’t be surprised that all he would need to do is crook his little finger and they would come running. With you however, he has watched other men watch you and probably has realized that if he isn’t careful he could lose you.” She sat back in the chair satisfied with her answer.

  We sat a while longer and then the two girls came looking for us to get our approval on their pumpkins. As we stepped back inside, there was a knock on the back door. Debi and I looked at each other and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Come on in,” I yelled from the dining room table.

  It was Michael. He came into the room and the whole room seemed to light up with his presence. He looked uncomfortable standing by the kitchen. “Hi Debi, girls, Elizabeth can I talk to you for a moment?”

  I nodded and walked up to him, ignoring my desire to throw my arms around him. I silently told myself to show control.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  He paused, and everyone’s eyes were on him, “Can we talk outside?”

  “Sure.” I walked out to the back porch with him behind me. He closed the back door as he stepped outside. The room we left was quiet and I was sure there were three people trying to listen in. We stood very close.

  Michael stepped back to put more space between us. “I’m going down to San Diego, to the zoo tomorrow.”

  He had already told me about the project he was beginning with the zoo. We had talked about me perhaps going down with him, but then I silently guessed that this was not why Michael wanted to talk to me. I also inferred that I probably would not be going with him.

  “Could you keep an eye on Tammy, you know if she needs anyt
hing?” He asked.

  “Of course, she’s welcome to stay with me.”

  “Well,” he paused, “You could stay at,” he paused again, “ah, next door.”

  I closed my eyes. I only wanted to put my arms around him and hold him close, but there was no invitation from him so I had to protect my heart in the only way I knew. “No, she should stay with me.”

  He nodded, “I’d appreciate it.”

  “So,” I said trying to prevent my voice from trembling, “will you be back in time for the Halloween party?”

  “Party?” He blinked at me not comprehending.

  “Yes, the Halloween party. It’s next Friday night.”

  “Oh yeah, yes, I’ll be back in time. Maybe you and I could go together. You know on a date.”

  There was the stupid date word. I thought it was silly when he initially said it. We were way beyond normal dating. “Well, I’m working the fair during the day, at the baseball booth and I’ll be dressing at Joe’s house with the other girls. So, I’ll probably see you there.”

  He nodded but looked confused. “Joe’s house?”

  “Joe is the owner of the nursery, and we have the party in his barn every year.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right, I think you mentioned something about that.”

  I sighed and wondered if he ever really listened to me. “Was there anything else?” We had both moved close to each other again and I felt like he wanted to put his arms around me.

  “No.” He said, “That’s all I needed.”

  I turned the doorknob, “Well, I hope you have a good trip.”

  “Elizabeth.” Michael said softly.

  As I turned around my heart leapt into my throat and I could barely croak out, “Yes?”

  Michael leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. His arms went around my waist as he pulled me closely. I let go of the door and put my arms around his neck. Our lips met and I knew he was holding back but the kiss he gave me was soft and gentle. I melted in his arms and when we pulled back from the kiss, I put my head on his shoulder and we held each other.

  Moments passed and Michael whispered, “Just give me a little time Elizabeth.”

  “Is it me Michael?” I searched his face for some indication.

  Michael pulled away from me. “Babe, no, I’ve thought about this all day today. I need to understand why I doubt myself. I’m sorry Elizabeth. I shouldn’t be putting you through this.”

  I pressed my lips together, “Michael, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I’ll see you at the end of the week. Thanks for being there for Tammy.” He walked off the porch and headed back over to his house.

  As I watched him go, I wondered if his pain was anywhere close to the agony I felt. How did we get to his point? What cues had I ignored? Everything had been going fantastic between the two of us and suddenly it explodes. Or did I fail to see us heading toward this crisis?

  Before Michael went inside his house, he turned and waved at me. I didn’t respond only tried to blink back the tears once again. I stayed out on my back porch until I had myself under control again and then went inside to join the girls again.

  After the girls left, I sat down at my computer to write. Before I knew it, the clock showed that it was after midnight. It felt odd to put a nightgown on after so many weeks of sleeping in the nude. Getting used to anything was possible I guessed. I snuck a peek out the window, Michael’s bedroom light was still on, and I assumed that he was getting ready for his trip. He always repeated this scenario since he usually slept on the plane.

  I lay in bed for almost an hour tossing and turning. Sleep was evading me thoroughly. Both dogs finally jumped off the bed since I was moving around so much. I looked out the window again, and Michael’s light was still on, but this time though it looked like only his laptop. I wondered how Michael would receive me if I showed up at his door.

  Finally, I threw off the covers and put my robe and slippers on. If he rejected me, it would not be for the lack of me trying. I slipped in through Michael’s back door and knocked on his bedroom door.

  “Come in,” he called, “Tammy, you should be sleeping.” Michael used his firm dad’s voice, and it was reminiscent of my father’s voice.

  I poked my head into the room, “It’s not Tammy. Can I come in?”

  He sat on his bed leaning up against the headboard with his computer on his lap. “Of course, what’s wrong?”

  “I saw that you were still up. I couldn’t sleep and thought you’d like some company.” I said meekly realizing that my excuse to be here was weak at best. I stood by the door rather awkwardly, but Michael smiled and patted the space on the bed next to him. I smiled back, climbed up on the bed, and sat with my legs folded next to him.

  “So you couldn’t sleep?” He questioned.

  I shook my head, “No, I tried. Too keyed up I guess. What are you working on?” I peered at his computer but at the same time was eyeing him.

  He was wearing only his jeans and I was having a difficult time stopping myself from undressing him in my mind.

  “I’m getting ready for my meeting tomorrow.”

  “I’m sorry, am I interrupting you?” My voice sounded flustered and I’m sure Michael could tell that I was unsure about being there.

  “No, you’re not,” he said quietly, “I’m done. I was only reviewing my notes.”

  “Will you tell me about the project?” I was grasping at straws to keep him talking.

  Michael looked over at me I was sure to determine my level of interest and I tried to look eager. “Okay.” He said as he launched into his polar bear conservation project with the San Diego zoo.

  I decided to be bold again and lay down next to him. I put my head on his stomach ostensibly to get a better look at the laptop screen, or at least that is how I was hoping it appeared. Michael put his arm around my shoulder and this act of snuggling made me very sleepy. By the third picture, I fell asleep.

  Realizing that I was asleep, Michael must have set aside the computer and inched his way down next to me. I had felt some jostling but not enough to stir me from my sleep.

  I awoke just as Michael was leaving the room the next morning. I was lying on my side hugging his pillows to my chest. I looked up, “Michael?”

  He turned, “Shhh, go back to sleep it’s still early. I’ll see you on Friday.” He leaned over and kissed me softly.

  I nodded and lay my head back down. As he left the room, I stretched out to get into a more comfortable position and felt the envelope hidden under the pillows. I sat up immediately and turned on the light. The note read, “Good morning Babe,” at least I was still his Babe, “No treasure hunt today. Thank you for coming back last night. It was courageous of you. Love, Michael. P.S. I’ll see you on Friday, and that’s shaken and not stirred.” I smiled and tucked the note back in the envelope. Perhaps there was something to look forward to after all.

  The week went quickly. Tammy and I alternated between the two houses since she preferred my big screen television. I was very close to finishing my book and tried to be diligent during the week. Tammy spoke with Michael every night but he and I remained off the phone. Things were still not resolved between us but I felt far more positive than I had at the beginning of the week.


  On Friday morning, Debi arrived at the house early after Tammy had left for school. I took my dogs over to Michael’s house since Tammy would stop by after school to feed them dinner. Debi, Angel and I drove to Annie’s house. We tried on our costumes, and of the three of us, mine was definitely the most revealing. Debi’s was a classic sexy witch, Angel of course in a daring angel costume, and my sultry devil costume.

  Annie had done a fantastic job with the dress albeit I thought it was too short as it barely covered my butt. The shirred red dress with elastic on the sides and the front to gave it a very tight and figure enhancing fit. I actually had to pull the dress down over my body. The lacey halter barely covered my bust and left my
back bare. The four-inch red heels showed my legs perfectly and since the dress was so short, there was no way to wear hose. With a red satin thong underneath, I hoped that the dress wouldn’t inch up as I walked.

  Annie made my little red horns out of the dress material and attached them to a thin headband. With teased hair, all that would be noticeable would be the little horns peeking out. Frank, Don and Lewis walked into the living room while we were strutting around with our costumes.

  Don was the first to comment, “Man, Elizabeth, Michael doesn’t stand a chance does he?”

  We laughed and shooed the boys into the kitchen. After we changed back to our regular clothes we drove over to Joe’s nursery to start setting up the fair booths. Since the kids only had a half-day of school, the fair started at one o’clock. I wasn’t sure what time Michael would appear but Tammy had told me he had an early afternoon flight back up to Northern California.

  There was a lull in the early afternoon as the adults went home to dress for the evening. The adult party started at eight and as we dressed at Annie’s house, I kept glancing at my watch.

  “Nervous?” Debi asked while she teased my hair.

  “A little.” I answered. “You know nothing is really resolved between Michael and me.”

  “Honey don’t expect everything to be resolved tonight, in fact it would probably be better if nothing was settled tonight. Just give him a preview of what he’s missing.” She grinned at me in the mirror as she placed the horns on my head and fixed my hair around them.

  Angel had applied sparkling gold makeup around my eyes and with my dark lashes, the look was smoldering. Angel clapped her hands. “Perfect. I can’t wait to see Michael’s face.”

  “Speaking of Michael, has anyone heard from the boys? Is he there yet?” I worried that all this preparation might be wasted.

  “Jason said when he picked up Tammy that Michael was home. Tammy invited him to come with them but he said he’d see them at the party.” Debi shared.

  Annie squeezed my shoulder, “Don’t worry Elizabeth. I don’t think he will miss this. He’s curious.”


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