Meeting Dr. Feelgood

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Meeting Dr. Feelgood Page 4

by Riley Baxter

  “Jocelyn, married life has turned you into a prude,” Reia commented. “There’s nothing wrong with window shopping.”

  Reia, Jocelyn, and Caressa saw each other often, as they were sisters in more than just friendship. Caressa and Reia were also sister in laws as Reia was married to Caressa’s brother.

  Gazing into the water deep in thought, Kayla wondered if she would ever find what they all had.

  Jocelyn wanting to turn the heat off herself decided to alert the group of the scene unfolding before them. “Isn’t that Myles, Kayla?”

  “Who is Myles?” Reia and Caressa simultaneously asked.

  Ever the troublemaker, Rachel chimed in, “Oh, that’s right you two haven’t seen or met Myles yet, but Jocelyn how do you know him?”

  Kayla decided to answer all the chatter surrounding her while watching Myles, his grandfather, and their small fan club of women trailing behind them on the beach, “Myles is the asshole from the airport lobby, plane, hotel. And although Jocelyn didn’t mention it, the man and I were in a very public compromising position two nights ago on the Serenity deck.”

  “Well damn girl, that’s a lot of run-ins with one man and what happened on the Serenity deck?” Caressa inquired as she raised a brow at her.

  Noticing that Myles and his grandfather had spotted her and were headed their way, Kayla quickly replied, “Later, we’ll discuss it all later.”

  “Afternoon beautiful ladies, I see the sun is kissing your skin nicely.”

  “Gramps,” Myles grumbled.

  “Hush boy, I don’t mean anything by that. I’m just making conversation. Let me introduce myself, ladies, my name is Harte Feelgood, and this here is my single grandson, Dr. Myles Feelgood.”

  Gasping, Kayla was taken back. His full name hadn’t registered two nights ago. “Uh, your last name is Feelgood? Dr. Feelgood?”

  Cracking up, Rachel chimed in with, “Ooh, Myles Feelgood… Dr. Feelgood? Now that is quite the name. How true is that last name of yours?”

  A woman behind Myles and Harte spoke up with, “Baby if you want, I can be your patient, how about we head back to the ship, so you can make me feel good?”

  Another woman seemed to decide to throw her hat into the mix, “Bitch, please I’m going to be the only patient he’ll need.”

  Myles kept looking at Kayla with “rescue me” eyes.

  Instead of saying anything, Kayla politely got up and walked away. She grumbled out with, “Thirsty bitches.” And moved further away from the group. She couldn’t understand why she was feeling jealous and possessive of this man. It wasn’t as if they were in a relationship. Hell, they just got to the place of having a sensible conversation. But she was becoming acutely aware of her attraction for him and couldn’t stand to think of him being with any other women.

  Her sisters politely waved goodbye to Myles and Grandpa Harte running after Kayla who rushed away like the devil himself was on her heels.

  Kayla heard his Grandpa chuckling. “Boy, that shit storm seems to be getting bigger huh? Come on, let’s get moving before we miss our party boat.”

  Yes, he said it, all right. A shit storm was what she’d just experienced, Kayla thought with disgust.

  Before Kayla reached the ship, she decided to take a detour to Margaritaville. She figured she could use another drink and possibly some music distraction. When she walked into the door to the outside pool area, she immediately halted her steps causing her sisters to run into her back as they had just caught up with her.

  “Shit, Kayla,” they all muttered. But that was quickly replaced with, “Wellllll damnnnnnn,” as they came face to face with the reason behind the sudden stop from Kayla.

  A man who could pass for Kofi Siriboe’s identical twin was rising from the pool with water cascading down his rock-hard abs.

  “Have mercy, I think I just dropped a fountain of cum in my swimsuit?” Rachel said tugging on her swimsuit.

  Four heads wordlessly went up and down in agreement. And the torment kept getting worse as two meters out in the water was another sight of deliciousness in the form of white chocolate.

  Kayla feeling the sudden sexual energy griped, “What the hell, do they import sex on two legs in the Margaritaville, Grand Turk? I can’t take this pressure not to jump on one of those men and ride the maverick!”

  Busting out laughing at her reference to what Maxine Shaw, so eloquently said in Living Single, the girls pushed her forward.

  “Well, let’s see how much trouble we can get into, I’m due for a tune-up,” Rachel replied.

  Heading towards the water to cool off and needing that drink even more now, Kayla intended to head towards the swim up bar in the middle of the pool area, when she was stopped by Caressa just before she reached the edge.

  “Sis, I’m not sure it’s a good idea for us to step into the water. I see immaculate conception happening from just our toes touching that water, and I won’t be able to explain how I went on a cruise and came home pregnant to Brian. Hell, Jocelyn is already antsy about my earlier comment regarding other men, and an accidental Virgin Mary type pregnancy would push her into a breakdown of epic proportions.”

  Jocelyn feeling slighted sucked her teeth and smacked Caressa on her arm. “Girl, if you don’t stop.”

  Kayla decided to save her sisters from themselves. “Ok, fine how about we head back to the ship’s bar and do some dry ground drinking?”

  Two hours before the ship was due to leave port, Myles and his Grandpa walked back to the pier. They’d just gotten off the party boat that took them across the island.

  Myles was holding onto his grandpa, so he wouldn’t fall on his face. “Gramps, I told you that those six rum punches might be more than you could handle. I think you need to go sleep them off.” He laughed.

  “Boy, I was trying to keep up with those young women, and they asses drank me into embarrassment. Remind me to stop while I’m ahead next time. Damn, those drinks pack a mighty punch!” he exclaimed shamelessly leaning into Myles for support.

  “Yeah, I guess what’s done is done now. It was a great way to spend the afternoon on a beautiful island though. Well, that is until you proceeded to lose your intestines over the banister. I’m thinking those women will be staying clear of you if they see you again.” Myles laughed again.

  “Don’t remind me, Myles. I was cool until I wasn’t. Ugh, and will you look at this dang line to get back onboard? It’s gonna take forever, and I need to lay down,” Grandpa Feelgood grumpily expressed.

  “It’s going to be fine, the lines usually move quickly, and then I’ll help you to your room.” Myles’ lips quirked, and his eyebrows rose.

  After watching the Grand Turk port move away as the ship left, Kayla decided that she might need to sleep off some of the drinks she’d consumed with her sisters. Once they’d returned to the ship, they had been drinking at the Lido bar until the boat left the port at 4 o’clock which meant they’d been drinking for about two hours. Kayla felt the effects of her margaritas as she slurred to her sisters, “Seesters, I thrink I sneed a snap.” She chuckled. “I mean I think I need a nap, who wants to escort me to my room?”

  “Honey Bee, all you had to do was ask, I’ve been watching you for hours to make sure you were good,” Myles said from directly behind her.

  He stood so close that Kayla knew the hardness she felt on her back was coming from his dick. Still trying to express her thoughts coherently, she replied, “Oh, Mr. Asshole, has managed to fuck his two admirers and still try his dick…” She laughed outright. “…I mean hand with me. And damn it, what’s with you and this Honey Bee bullshit all of a sudden?”

  As if sensing that she couldn’t hear nor handle the truth in her inebriated state, Myles decided to ignore her question and follow up with one of his own, “Ladies, do you all need an escort to make sure you get safely to your rooms?”

  Unlike their sister, the ladies nodded their heads mutely and cautiously climbed down off their seats grabbing each other for b
alance and stability.

  Myles draped his arm around Kayla and they followed behind the four women rocking back and forth toward the elevator bound for their rooms.

  Dropping the women off one by one, Myles sensed that Kayla was becoming more unstable on her feet. Without asking her, he bent down and swung her up into his arms.

  Kayla, not expecting the action, hugged his neck tight but after a minute loosened her hold. The world spun as she closed her eyes.

  Just before reaching her room, Myles looked down to see she had fallen asleep almost instantly. Arriving at her door, he carefully removed Kayla’s room key from around her neck and entered her room.

  Carrying her to her bed, Kayla was oblivious to everything but the dream she quickly fell into which meant she had no clue that she began talking when Myles laid her down.

  Sleep talking Kayla murmured, “Mmmm, just like that baby. Lick me again right there. That’s it, right there.”

  Instead of leaving, Myles decided to listen a little longer—of course, he did!

  Still oblivious, Kayla kept talking and began moving on the bed. “Oh, Dr. Feelgood, you sure know how to make me wet.”

  Myles gazed down at Kayla writhing on the bed stunned by the words coming out of her mouth. Did she just call my name? He decided to store the information for a later date and backed away from the bed to let her finish up her dream privately.

  Before stepping out of the room, he had to adjust his dick in his pants. Who knew hearing the object of your aggravation calling your name out in a sexual dream would affect you this much?

  Heading to his room, Myles spotted his grandfather a few feet ahead of him hugged up with some woman, and all he heard was clicking. Getting closer to the pair, Myles busted out laughing as he realized the clicking was coming from their dentures making contact. I’ll have to apologize to Kayla because now, I understand her burst of laughter from a few days ago. Outwardly, he said, “Gramps what the fuck are you doing groping this woman for all eyes to see? Take that geriatric foreplay into your room.” He felt shocked by the scene and the fact that his grandpa hadn’t stayed in his room after he’d dropped him off. When did he have time to find this woman? It hasn’t been that long since I left him.

  It seemed that Grandpa Feelgood was too busy sliding his hand under the old woman’s dress to even acknowledge him.

  Myles moved away from them, rushing down the hallway. “I swear to God, if he whips out his wrinkled dick or exposes her wrinkled pussy in this hall, I’m going to lose my damn lunch.”

  ~Chapter Five~

  The next morning, waking up with a start, Kayla had to pry her tongue from the roof of her mouth. Groaning from the pain of her pounding head, she looked down to see she had slept all night in her clothes from the island. “Damn, my head hurts.” She groaned as she made her way to the bathroom, stripping out of her clothes along the way.

  Just as she was about to step into the shower, somebody knocked on her door. “Shit, coming!” she yelled toward the door. Snatching the robe off the hanger, she tied the sash. Opening the door, she peered down to make sure she’d tied the robe tight.

  “Hey Honey Bee, just came to check on you and bring you some breakfast with hangover essentials,” Myles said.

  “Myles, why have you started calling me Honey Bee?” she inquired.

  Looking her in the eyes, he admitted, “Well, I imagine you will taste as sweet as honey, having the ability to produce enough goodness between your legs to leave me addicted to your flavor forever. And like your namesake, you repeatedly sting when provoked.”

  Gulping, Kayla was at a complete loss for words, as she couldn’t seem to move past him imagining her tasting as sweet as honey. But damn, she needed to say something, “Ok.”

  “I’m glad we got that resolved Honey Bee.” Myles grinned as he entered the room with a plate of eggs, toast, bacon, and sausage, alongside that was some orange juice, and a bottle of aspirin.

  “Thanks for this Myles, you didn’t have to do it, but I appreciate the gesture.”

  He placed the tray on the table in the room and sat down in the chair. “No thanks needed, it was my absolute pleasure, now why don’t you sit down and eat for me.”

  Reluctantly complying with his request, Kayla sat down as he handed her the plate and fork. Where did this man come from? He’s still sexy as hell, still yummy, but he isn’t Mr. Asshole anymore. She might just be in some serious trouble here. Slowly eating while conscious of Myles watching her, she worked through the food. Once she was done eating, she took two of the aspirin and drank her orange juice.

  “I just remembered that you’re in your robe. Would you like for me to leave, so you can get in the shower? If you want company, I can join you and wash your back for you.”

  Not surprised by his comment this time after the last one he made to her a few moments ago, she replied, “Myles I think we need to establish more of a connection, and I’m just not ready to explore that possibility just yet. It’s bad enough that I let you feel me up on the Serenity Deck.”

  Seductively, Myles informed her, “I think we’re moving towards more of a connection than you’re willing to admit Honey Bee. Besides, I got up extra early to make sure you were taken care of, so I could benefit from the shower just as much as you.”

  Laughing, Kayla chose to ignore his suggestion registering his seductive tone as she held the robe tighter to her body.

  “Baby, trust me that robe is no match for me if I wanted to get to you,” he advised her in a low purring tone.

  Damn, the man’s voice could produce instant wet panties. “Ok Myles, how about we agree to disagree here, and I see you out, so I can get in the shower.” Although she wanted to give him the option of staying and taking a walk along the ship with her because she was starting to enjoy his company.

  Myles walked towards the door as he chuckled. “Okay, I’ll give you a reprieve for now.”

  “I really appreciate what you did for my sisters and me yesterday and what you did for me this morning, Myles.”

  “Listen, I didn’t do anything to receive a pat on the back nor do I expect a returned favor unless that favor is more time in your presence.”

  “Now that I can do.”

  Giving her a dazzling smile, he walked out the door.

  Getting into the shower, Kayla contemplated what she would do the next time Myles offered to share a shower with her and wash her back. “Humph, maybe I’ll let him wash more than my back.”

  Myles decided to check on Grandpa since he hadn’t seen him since he was committing lewd acts in the hall outside of his room. Knocking on his door, Myles waited for him to answer.

  Instead of his grandfather, the door opened to the older woman he’d caught a quick glimpse of last night. Revealing her toothless mouth, she smiled. “Hey hot stuff, are you looking for Harte?”

  Taking small steps backward, Myles heard his grandfather snickering just behind her.

  “Pearline, let the boy in will ya,” his grandpa said from just behind the woman.

  “Gramps, umm, uh, I was just coming to check on you. Didn’t want you to think that I had neglected you.”

  Grandpa Feelgood shrugged him off. “It’s ok, and Myles I assumed that you were busy following behind that gal like some lovesick puppy. In my day, you put it all out there. You kids today play too many damn games. Just tell that girl that you want to get to know her better.”

  Shaking his head, Myles backed up towards the door finding his grandpa was doing just fine without him. “Gramps, if you need me, you know where to find me.” Heading to his room to get a quick shower, Myles’ thoughts turned to his Gramp’s advice. How he could get Kayla to lighten up and relax more around him?

  Twenty minutes later and freshly showered, Myles decided to head to the gangway to exit the ship as they had made it to La Romana in the Dominican Republic. He wasn’t a fan of most ports in the Dominican Republic, but he wanted to get off to explore the port area. Just off the ship, he took pict
ures with the group of islanders greeting the passengers. Pocketing his camera, he proceeded to the area a few feet past the boat. It looked like most people were arranging transportation into town to beaches, shopping, or excursions. None of those things appealed to Myles, but he’d promised to bring his assistant back some souvenirs, so he wanted to see what they had here.

  Taking a step, Myles stiffened as he felt someone hug him from behind and attempt to block him from turning in their direction. “If I were you, I would take two steps back and remove your hands.” Looking over his shoulder he saw Kayla and her sisters laughing at his expense.

  “I’m sorry Myles, but Rachel thought that since she wasn’t having any luck in finding someone to have a fling with, we could share you.” Kayla laughed. “Let me introduce you to my sisters, starting from left to right… this is Caressa and Reia. You have already met Rachel and Jocelyn.

  “Nice to make your acquaintance ladies. As much as I want to be with you, Honey Bee, a fling is not in my plans for you, and when I see you in my dreams, there isn’t anyone there but us. I’m a bit of a selfish lover and choose to give myself to just one woman.”

  Rachel hesitantly removed her arms from his waist and stepped back, “Shit, I’ve said it before and let me remind you again, if she doesn’t know what to do with you, I’ll gladly take you.”

  Myles never acknowledged her words as his eyes never left Kayla’s, silently communicating that he only had eyes for her. Breaking their connection, he waved. “I’ll catch up with you later, Honey Bee.” He made his way to the market.

  Watching Myles’ fine ass walk away, the girls began to talk loudly expressing their thoughts about what they just witnessed.

  Jocelyn expressed the views the rest wanted to say, “Sis, inquiring minds want to know what your intentions are for that hunk of a man.”

  Kayla felt embarrassed at having this difficulty hiding her growing attraction to Myles, so she turned her head away.


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