Meeting Dr. Feelgood

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Meeting Dr. Feelgood Page 9

by Riley Baxter

  Kayla, unable to move from the wall held on tight and silently allowed him access to her.

  Feeling the need to punish her further with his hard-throbbing cock, Myles had to switch positions. “Come with me, baby.” He took her hand and moved her toward the bed.

  Once there, he gave her instructions, “Lie on your back with your feet raised up and tuck your legs toward your chest. Ok, yeah like that.” He knelt in front of her, coming close enough, so her lower back was resting on his knees and her feet were resting on his chest. Once in the desired position, Myles surged up into her with enough force that she screamed.

  “OH GOD, M-Myyyllleesss,” Kayla stuttered unable to form any other coherent thoughts or words.

  Myles continued as if his life depended on his movements. The more Kayla purred, the harder his plunging inside her became. He got lost in this deep penetration and couldn’t slow his pace if he wanted to.

  Kayla moved her hands to his thighs in a sign to slow him down.

  Myles growled out, “Nah, Honey Bee take this dick. You wanted to challenge him in that club, and I’m letting you know what happens when you fuck with me.”

  An hour later, Kayla laid spread out in post-coital bliss. “Have mercy,” she whispered breathlessly as she couldn’t even move.

  “Damn straight,” Myles stated with a smirk.

  ~Chapter Thirteen~

  Six thirty the next evening, the five women were sitting in the dining room having dinner. It was the first time the sisters had seen each other since the club last night. Since they were in a crowded dining room, they couldn’t discuss anything private.

  But Jocelyn couldn’t bear the forced conversation while not addressing what was on all their minds. She looked at Rachel and Kayla. “Listen up, we’re going to the library after dinner because we need to talk. So, eat quickly and let’s bounce. I need the 411 from both of you.”

  Forty minutes later, the sisters were walking into the library but soon discovered the geriatric club already occupied it with Grandpa Feelgood leading the pack. They attempted to turn quickly without being noticed by the group of old men, but their attempts proved pointless.

  Grandpa Feelgood seeing the women trying to make a quick escape called out, “So ladies, why the mad dash to get out of here? We’re about to play a friendly game of poker, want to join us?”

  “I think we’ll pass on both offers, Grandpa Feelgood. But uh, it was good seeing you,” Kayla muttered as they backed up towards the door.

  Back in the hall, the women bust out laughing.

  “That man is something else,” Caressa mentioned as they walked in search of a place to chat.

  It seemed as if everybody on the ship was out tonight, so they headed to Caressa’s room to catch up and plot their next move.

  When they got behind the closed door it started with, “Kayla, Rachel,” Jocelyn started. “Inquiring minds want to know if last night proved to be just as raw as those dance moves we witnessed. And if you wanted to share any other pertinent information, we’ll welcome the info.”

  “The only thing that I will say is that I’d love to see Mr. Chocolate beyond last night. He is quite the melting pot,” Rachel shared.

  “I believe that it’s classless to share intimate details, so mums the word for me,” Kayla said showing a sign of zipping across her lips.

  “So, what I’m hearing is, Mr. Chocolate is like his namesake, melts in your mouth and possibly in your hands or in this case, your walls,” Jocelyn said. “And Myles is like Campbell’s, mmmm-mmmm, mmmm, goooooood. Ok, we got it loud and clear.” Then she slapped five with Caressa and Reia.

  “All I know is Brian better be ready when this is over cause I’m going to ride that ass like a bull when I get home,” Caressa said, sexually frustrated.

  “OK, I’ve been watching the single folk get it in all week, and I’m missing Carter something fierce,” Reia sadly admitted.

  “Humph, Justin might want to start looking for a babysitter for baby JJ,” Jocelyn spat out. “Cause that ass is mine when this is cruise is over. Fuck, I’m ready to go home now and fuck him like a porn star!”

  “Now that we’re done talking about getting and receiving ass, how are we going to spend the last two days of this cruise?” Kayla asked.

  “For starters, you two heifer’s gonna spend it with us, those dicks be damned,” Caressa demanded. “We’ve got to enjoy each other these last two days, cause our next trip isn’t planned yet.”

  “Alright, the remainder of this cruise will be about our sister connection,” Rachel replied. “I will agree to release the dick, Kayla you in? Yo ass has been getting dicked down since the cruise started almost, so you should be good and tuned up by now.”

  “Fine, I’ll let go of the Feelgood dick, but damn, just when it was getting too good for me,” Kayla agreed. “But there’s nothing like my sisters.”

  Just then, Reia tapped on her phone and blaring from the speaker was their anthem, “We are family, I got all my sisters with me.” The sisters hugged it out while singing along.

  ~Chapter Fourteen~

  Arriving in San Juan Puerto Rico the next morning, the girls had just finished breakfast and were sitting around the table discussing how they would spend their day.

  Kayla was only slightly listening as she thought of the things Myles had done to her once they left the club. She also remembered his slip up with not putting a condom. The last thing I need to do is go home pregnant. She also wondered just how to turn this vacation into a long-term relationship. Commuting just an hour would—

  “Kayla, Kayla, did you hear anything that we said so far?” Caressa inquired.

  “Uh, yeah I heard. We were discussing. Umm, we were discussing. Shit, I have no idea what we were discussing. How am I going to have a long-distance relationship with Myles when this is over? I really like him?” she said putting her face in her hands.

  “Damn Sis, he got to you good, huh? Got your ass over there thinking about after we leave BEFORE we even leave,” Jocelyn said laughing at Kayla’s expense.

  “Well, my suggestion is to ignore his ass the rest of the trip to see just how serious he is about seeing you beyond this week,” Caressa said crossing her arms.

  “Fuck that shit, I already exchanged numbers with Mr. Chocolate. He already agreed to be my welcome home present when we return. Can you believe that he lives in Columbus?” Rachel animatedly expressed.

  “DAMN,” Kayla, Reia, Caressa, and Jocelyn said at the same time.

  “You wasted no time locking that ass down huh?” Reia stated.

  “Uh, back to me and my dilemma. What should I do about Myles?” Kayla inquired.

  “Sis, as much as we love you, we can’t tell you what to do,” Jocelyn said. “This plan is yours, and only you can determine how you proceed from here. Now let’s go enjoy San Juan and leave the heavy stuff for later.”

  With that, all five women stood from the table, emptied their trays and headed to the gangway to explore San Juan.

  “Myles, you realize we haven’t spent much time together right?” Grandpa Feelgood asked. “I know that you were able to unwind based on the smiles I’ve seen from you. But let’s hang together the remainder of our time here.”

  “Ok Gramps, you and me for the remainder of our trip. Let’s go see what San Juan has to offer.” Myles laughed.

  Two hours later, Myles was trying hard not to think about Kayla, but he was consumed by the memory of her pussy squeezing his dick. “Down boy,” he silently said.

  “Myles, you see that store over there? Let’s go in and see what they have in stock,” his grandpa suggested.

  “Gramps, you really want to go into Condom World?” Myles asked with shock reverberating through his system.

  “Hell yeah, I’m out thanks to that freak Pearline. I wore her ass out and used all of my stash!”

  “TMI, Gramps, TMI. We’ve got to work on our communication and what’s appropriate conversation between grandfather and grandson. Have
you forgotten that I’m not one of your friends?” Myles groaned.

  “Fuck no, my friends ain’t as uptight as yo ass. Lighten up, boy. Let’s go up in this store,” Grandpa Feelgood said.

  “Why are we up in Condom World ladies?” Reia asked. “It’s not like three of the five of us can take home anything. I ain’t got time to argue with Carter when all I want to do is stuff lots of Carter in me.”

  Kayla laughed until the door chimed and in walked Myles and his grandfather.

  “What the fuck? Do y’all have ESP or something?” Caressa pointed out. “You are with us, so don’t talk to him, Kayla. Your ass acts like you can’t function without him as it is.”

  “Ok, but how am I going to just act like we’re not in the same room?” Kayla asked.

  “Speak quickly and let’s roll,” Jocelyn said.

  At the door, Grandpa Feelgood was also drilling Myles. “Now boy, don’t play your gramps for no woman. You are already acting like you can’t live without her. Speak and let’s keep it moving.”

  Not wanting to deal with those around them, Kayla and Myles waved and headed in different directions.

  An hour later, Kayla felt terrible about not speaking to Myles. Damn, he looked scrumptious today. How can a man look so ravishing in jean shorts and a t-shirt? She had to get him out of her head. “Alright, so anything else we should see while we’re here?”

  “Yeah, let’s go check out Rita’s,” Reia replied. “It’s a pizzeria, and I hear they have some of the best pizzas.”

  After filling up on the yummiest pizza they’d ever tasted, the girls walked backed to the ship.

  “So, what y’all want to do tonight?” Rachel asked. “I think we should have a sleepover in Kayla’s room. I don’t trust her not to ditch us for Dr. Feelgood.”

  “Come on, y’all really have no faith in me,” Kayla retorted aggravated by Rachel’s comments. “I said that we would spend these last two days together and I meant it. But we can have a sleepover in my room tonight, we haven’t done that since college. It might be fun.”

  Around eleven that night as the girls were sipping wine and eating cake from room service, they heard an insistent knock at the door. “Ha, wonder who that could be?” Caressa smirked while walking to answer the door.

  Opening the door, all five women purred, “Heyyyyyyy Myles!”

  Laughing at the animated yet loud greeting, Myles stepped back a bit.

  Smirking, Caressa asked, “What can we do for you Dr. Feelgood? You’re interrupting our bonding time. And Kayla’s cooch is closed for the rest of the cruise.”

  Gasping, Kayla exclaimed, “Caressa!”

  Myles’ eyes connected with Kayla, but he spoke to the group, “I’m sorry to interrupt ladies, I’ll be going now. You mind if I have a quick word with Kayla?”

  “Stand here, Myles. We don’t trust you not to encourage her to sneak off with you,” Caressa chided in a serious tone watching Kayla walk toward them.

  When Kayla reached him, he hugged her and whispered in her ear, “I missed you today, Honey Bee. Is there somewhere we can meet to at least exchange numbers? My grandfather won’t let me shaft him anymore, so I’m not sure if we’ll be able to see each other before we debark.”

  Also whispering and holding him tight Kayla replied, “Meet me on the Serenity deck at two a.m. on the morning of debarking.” With that said, she stepped out of his arms and back to the girls.

  “Bye ladies and thank you for allowing me a minute of your time,” Myles said as he left the room.

  “Alright, let’s get back to our drinks now,” Rachel quipped.

  ~Chapter Fifteen~

  The next day which was the last day of the cruise, the ladies decided to sleep in. They had stayed up drinking until about 1:00 am as they sat around walking down memory lane. They’d discussed their college days as well as Jocelyn and Reia’s marriages. They had also discussed how Caressa thought her relationship with Brian was going. Jocelyn was sure that Caressa wouldn’t be just a girlfriend for too much longer.

  Caressa was the first one to wake up and she decided to wake everybody up. “Sisters, wake up, we can’t sleep the day away.”

  Without opening her eyes, Rachel said, “Who said we couldn’t? Just because you’re nervous about Brian proposing doesn’t mean we all have to be up while you do it.”

  “Ok, I’m really starting to believe that you have psychic abilities or something,” Kayla breathed out sitting up looking at Rachel with raised brows.

  Rachel huffed. “Girl bye, y’all just don’t know how to be quiet in your sleep, and I sleep light. Caressa’s ass been tossing, turning, and talking all damn night. I didn’t get a lick of sleep which isn’t good after all of the drinking we did.”

  “Caressa, I’m sorry if I caused you to be restless,” Jocelyn stated with concern. “I would have never mentioned my thoughts about Brian if I knew that you would start fretting about it.”

  “I’m okay really. I’m just not sure if we’re ready for that next step. I mean I love him a lot but are we ready for marriage? Marriage is final and y’all know how I can be. Am I ready to embrace forever?” Caressa asked.

  “After witnessing how you two were at the hospital after Jocelyn delivered baby JJ,” Kayla said looking over at Caressa. “I’m amazed that we aren’t already planning your wedding. You two were made for each other,”

  “I agree with Kayla on this one and you know it’s hard for me to imagine another one of us strutting down the aisle,” Reia expressed. “Shit, I’m still recovering from our last bachelorette party,”

  “Thanks, sisters, I appreciate the words of confidence,” Caressa stated. “I guess I’ll just see what happens. I will say that I wouldn’t mind marrying Brian. He’s become such an intricate part of my life, so being his wife would be my privilege. But have we been dating long enough?”

  “Ok, you need to stop overanalyzing this thing.” Jocelyn deadpanned. “You and my brother have been dating for almost two years. My parents and the rest of my family have already adopted you in. We’re just waiting for Brian to catch up. Whatever happens or doesn’t happen, you will be my sister. Now let’s move on, ok?”

  “Now that we’ve taken care of that, how about we order room service and just veg out today?” Kayla suggested. “We don’t have to leave the room, put on makeup, get dressed or anything. Just enjoy each other for the remaining hours that we have.”

  Agreement was reached, and the girls proceeded to order room service and just relax for the final day onboard the ship. As the hours ticked away, they decided to send Reia out to purchase a bottle of wine as she was the one less likely to get distracted in the mission. But then wine turned into the need to have something stronger, so Reia left again with instructions to purchase a bottle of white Hennessey. They’d heard how no chaser was needed for it as well as how good it tasted.

  Feeling the effects of the wine and white Hennessey, the girls passed out around eleven o’clock that night after placing a call to the front desk for a wakeup call.

  ~Chapter Sixteen~

  At 2:45 am the morning of debarkation, Myles realized that Kayla wasn’t going to show, as it was forty-five minutes later than their set meet time, so he left the Serenity deck. “Guess we won’t be exchanging numbers after all.” He hadn’t seen any sign of Kayla the day before, so he figured that her sisters had hidden her from him. He searched all over the ship but didn’t see any of the women hanging out anywhere.

  Going to her room, he discovered that she wasn’t there. He’d even gone to the nightclub to see if they were there celebrating the end of the cruise like everyone else. There seemed to be final parties and celebrations all over the ship, yet his efforts of spotting Kayla or her sisters proved to be useless. They were nowhere in sight.

  Walking up to his door he found his grandfather waiting for him. “Shit, what is he going to say now?” he asked silently.

  “Humph, I guess your whipped ass didn’t see Kayla huh? Your punk ass moping like
she kicked your puppy or something. Damn boy, get your shit together before somebody thinks I failed as your influence. I just came by on my way to my room to see if you would be out sniffing tail. Go to bed Myles, we leave this paradise in a few hours. And don’t worry. Your dick will revert back to its stuck-up capability within a few hours of returning home.” Grandpa Feelgood turned and left.

  Myles stood staring at his retreating back.

  Further down the hall, Kayla and the girls were sleeping contentedly. They’d been partying the last two days, and the effects of it had smacked them all, reminding them that they were not young anymore.

  The in-room phone rang at 6:15 am alerting them that they had to get dressed and out of the room. They had chosen to self-assist and carry their own luggage off the plane, due to Kayla and Rachel’s early flight out of Orlando.

  Kayla realized groggily that she’d slept through her meeting time with Myles. “Oh, my gosh, I didn’t meet Myles in the Serenity deck at 2:00 this morning. We were supposed to exchange numbers. I have no way of finding him now, damnit!”

  “Kayla, calm down. If you two are meant to be, fate will find a way to bring you back together. Trust the process,” Jocelyn said hugging her.

  “Jocelyn is right Sis, distance has nothing on Cupid. Don’t worry too much, I think you’ll see Myles again,” Caressa added walking into the hug.

  “Feelgood or no Feelgood,” Reia said also entering the circle. “I’m glad we got to spend time together sisters. We all got to get rejuvenated for our busy lives.”


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