Meeting Dr. Feelgood

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Meeting Dr. Feelgood Page 18

by Riley Baxter

  Five minutes later, the nurse entered the room to answer the call. “What can I do for you Mrs. Feelgood?”

  “I called, she needs an epidural. She can’t sit here in this pain anymore, and I’m not sure why no one asked her if she wanted something anyway,” Myles stated growing angry.

  “I’m sorry, that was my oversight completely. Let me do a quick check and see if Mrs. Feelgood is still at six because the anesthesiologist won’t give her an epidural after that. Um, is it ok to check you with everyone in here, Mrs. Feelgood?” the nurse asked.

  Myles had only heard, no epidural after six. “What do you mean they won’t give her anything if she’s beyond six? If the oversight was yours why should she have to pay for that?”

  “Myles, please calm down,” Kayla said stroking his arm. “Yessss, it’s ok to check me with everyone here.” Her words slurred out as another contraction hit.

  The nurse walked over and looked at the fetal monitor noticing the constant decelerations as the contractions advanced. “Um, I think I need to call Dr. Kennedy back in here,” she said walking quickly out of the room before questions could be raised.

  Five frustrating minutes later, Dr. Kennedy entered the room “Kayla, although I haven’t been in I’ve been monitoring your progress from the monitors. And the nurse has also confirmed that the baby doesn’t seem to be handling the contractions, so if they continue, we’re gonna have to get you to the OR for a C-section. Let me check your cervix.” She put on gloves and checked her. “Alright, you’re now at eight centimeters, so that’s good, but I’m going to hang out…” she trailed off as Kayla had another contraction.

  “Ahhhh, Myles—Myles—Jesus!” Kayla cried with the pain.

  “Ok, I can’t do this anymore. Come on ladies, let’s go to the waiting room,” Jocelyn stated. She had been silently watching Kayla and like Anthony, seeing Kayla crying in pain was just too much, and she had delivered a baby.

  “Yeah, we’re going to just wait out there. We love you Kayla,” Monica said as they all came over kissed Kayla and left the room just as another contraction hit.

  Neither Regina or Catherine made attempts to leave the room as they decided they were going to be there for moral support if nothing else. Especially, since it appeared as if Myles was going to blow a gasket at any moment. He wasn’t handling Kayla being in pain very well, and they knew they could give him and Kayla what they needed to get through this labor. But a second after the last contraction hit, another one followed causing the baby’s heart rate to drop quickly, and it was slow to climb back up.

  “I don’t like this, let’s get her to the OR. I’m getting this baby out of there now,” Dr. Kennedy told the nurse.

  The room became chaotic as the nurse hit the emergency button and other nurses and aids flew into the room.

  “Oh, God!” both Regina and Catherine yelled as they were ushered away from the bed as the aides unlocked it and began moving Kayla out of the room with the doctor, nurses, and Myles running behind.

  Ten minutes later, Catherine and Regina ran into the waiting area crying and into their husband’s arms. Both women were crying so hard the group began panicking. “What’s going on Gina?” Anthony asked as he tried consoling her.

  “They just rushed her to the OR Anthony. My baby. She had a couple of back to back contractions, and the baby’s heart rate dipped and took a minute to come back up. The doctor was still in the room and stated that she needed to get the baby out now. I’m so worried. My baby” she sobbed out.

  “Alright everybody come on let’s pray for Kayla, Myles and the safe delivery of this baby,” Anthony said to the group.

  In the operating room, Kayla was quickly administered an epidural and set up for the C-section. Myles had put on the surgical attire and sat next to her stroking her hair, his nerves were shot, but he needed to be strong for Kayla. “Honey Bee everything is going to be fine. Dr. Kennedy is going to get the baby out, and we’re going to be parents. I love you with all that I am. We got this,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Myles, I’m scared,” she told him.

  “I know you’re scared and so am I, but our baby is going to be fine. I want you to think positive thoughts and let’s prepare to be parents,” he repeated as he kissed her.

  “Okay, you two, we’re ready and about to make the incision. I’ll have this baby out in a few minutes. Kayla, you’re going to feel some tugging as I grab the baby, it’s completely normal,” Dr. Kennedy warned as she started cutting Kayla.

  Five minutes later, Dr. Kennedy informed them, “Alright, baby’s out.”

  Kayla looked at Myles and smiled. “So what do we have babe?”

  Then before he could ask, Dr. Kennedy held up the baby and said, “Here is your daughter,” as the baby took its first cry.

  Kayla began to cry along with their daughter.

  “You did it Honey Bee. Thank you for gifting me with the most precious gift a man could ask for. I love you,” Myles said choked up by the sight of their daughter.

  “Myles, if you head over to the incubator, they’ll let you cut the cord,” Dr. Kennedy informed him. “I’m gonna close up Kayla but congratulations, you two.”

  Myles kissed Kayla’s forehead and walked over to where they were tending to his daughter. He cut the cord and stood there taking in how beautiful she was. She was a lighter shade of brown than Kayla, curly dark hair, and blue eyes. Glancing at the weight scale, he laughed as his baby girl was a chunker. He was in love and couldn’t wait for all the things in store for them. But he saw that his little girl had a temper as she was wailing and kicking her legs, unhappy about the process of cleaning her up. Laughing, he grabbed her hand. “Don’t worry Sweet Pea, Daddy is right here.”

  After the nurse finished cleaning her up, she handed her over to Myles, so he could hold her and take her to Kayla with every step back over to Kayla, his chest expanded. He was in heaven. “Honey Bee, I’d like you to meet your daughter,” he said lowering her down, so Kayla could kiss her as he held her close to her face while Dr. Kennedy finished stitching her up.

  “Oh Myles, she’s so beautiful. Thank you, babe,” Kayla said kissing her daughter.

  The nurse then came over and informed them that she needed to get the baby to the nursery, so they could get her cleaned up and ready to come to Kayla’s room.

  Kayla looked over at him. “Myles, go let the family know that she’s here but tell them we’ll give them her name and weight details together.”

  “Okay, Honey Bee. I’ll see you in a few,” he said kissing her and then followed the nurse out of the room.

  Thirty minutes later, Kayla was in the room she’d be in for the duration of her stay. As she looked around at the spacious room, she realized that being the wife of a doctor had its perks. “Myles, this room is huge. But anyway, before we let our families come meet our daughter, we need to decide on her name. And you didn’t even tell me how much she weighed what’s up with that?” she inquired wiggling her eyebrows at him.

  Laughing he replied, “I’m sorry Honey Bee, I was so caught up in the moment I forgot. It looks like we might need to stockpile food cause our baby girl loves to eat. She weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and was 20 inches long,” he informed her. “What should we name her?”

  “Oh, my goodness, I’m not sure if I’ll have enough milk to keep little Miss Feelgood fed. Sheesh. Uh, I’ve been thinking, and I would like to name her Maisha Nicole. Is that okay with you?” she stated.

  “Baby, I love it. Maisha Nicole, it is. And look, here she comes now,” he said as the nurse wheeled the crib into the room. “How long before we let the family in? Our mothers weren’t happy with waiting for details. It seems as if they had meltdowns after you were wheeled into the operating room. If we make them wait any longer, they’re going to lose it. Can we put them out of their misery, please?”

  “Yes, I guess we can’t keep them waiting much longer. Go get the group, but hand me Miss Maisha please.”

  Fifteen minu
tes later, Kayla and Myles were surrounded by their family and preparing to introduce their daughter to the group and the group to their daughter. “Alright everyone, we’d like you to meet the newest member of the Feelgood family,” Myles announced, holding Maisha up like Mufusa held up Simba in the Lion King. “Here is Maisha Nicole Feelgood, weighing in at 8 pounds 12 ounces and 20 inches long!”

  Oohs and ahhs broke out around the room as everyone took turns passing her around. Of course, the grandmothers were first to hold her, and both had to be forced to share her with the rest of them.

  Kayla was smiling as they held her daughter truly happy about the feelings coursing through her.

  “So, you all know that little Maisha is MY Goddaughter, right? I don’t want any questions about this thing,” Rachel said.

  “We KNOW Rachel. You’ve only been reminding us for the last two months or so,” Jocelyn said as Reia and Caressa shook their heads.

  Smirking, Rachel looked at baby Maisha, “We’re going to give them Hell aren’t we Maisha?”

  Myles looked at Kayla. “What did you do to us, baby? You do know she’s going to corrupt our daughter, right?” he asked as the group began laughing.

  Before she could respond, Maisha starting whining.

  “That’s right, and so it begins, give them Hell Maisha,” Rachel said passing her off to Kayla.


  Two weeks later and her parents would confirm that Maisha Feelgood was definitely giving them hell.

  Myles walked into the nursery hearing the baby crying. “Do you want me to take her?” he asked.

  Kayla who’d been trying to get her to eat, so she could go back to bed for another couple of hours of sleep, nodded her head. “Babe, I know she’s hungry, but she won’t eat. Yes, can you take her for a little bit? My breasts are leaking, so I’m gonna have to pump to relieve the pressure. Then if she gets hungry, you can feed her for me,” she said handing Maisha over to Myles.

  “Ok, baby after you pump, you head back to bed then Sweet Pea and I will have a little bonding time,” he said cradling Maisha to his chest while grinning at her. He knew Kayla felt tired, as she didn’t comment on his bonding time comment. She already felt as if Maisha preferred him over her, since he could calm her when she couldn’t.

  Ten minutes later in the nursery, he was feeling as if his usual magic wasn’t working, as he couldn’t get Maisha to eat or calm down. “What’s the matter, Sweet Pea? Daddy got you,” he told her.

  Walking into their bedroom, he decided to wake Kayla who’d just managed to get to sleep. “Kayla, I think we need to call the doctor. I can’t get her to calm down or eat either. Maybe there is something wrong,” he said concerned.

  Lifting her head up, Kayla retorted, “Or… she is just giving us Hell as she was instructed to do by her God mom. Call Rachel and have her talk to her over the phone. She seems to be able to get her to calm down.” She rolled her eyes in disgust.

  Over the past two weeks, Rachel had been spending a lot of time reinforcing her position as Maisha’s God mom. She came over almost daily after work, and she could get Maisha to eat and go to sleep at times when Kayla couldn’t.

  Myles shook his head as he dialed Rachel’s number while bouncing Maisha on his shoulder. After four rings, he started to hang up when a male voice answered the phone.


  Myles was caught off guard and paused for a minute.

  “Hello?” the voice said again.

  Myles put the phone on speaker, “Um, I’m looking for Rachel. This is Kayla’s husband, Myles,” he informed the man as he glanced over at Kayla who’d sat up in the bed, as she also looked baffled by a man answering Rachel’s phone.

  “Oh, what’s up Myles? It’s Dashawn, I just rocked her ass to sleep.” He chuckled.

  Laughing, Myles tried to ignore his words as Maisha started crying again, “Damn dude, TMI. Can you wake her up? Seems as if she’s the only one that can calm down my Sweet Pea.”

  “Nah, you just mad cause baby girl over there wreaking havoc. Don’t hate on me cause I’m still in play. But yeah, give me a second to wake her.” He paused then whispered, “Rachel, wake up Myles is on the phone for you.”

  A few minutes later, Rachel spoke into the phone, “What’s up Myles, everything ok?”

  “Uh, sorry to wake you Rachel. But it seems as if my daughter is good at following your directions. Can you try and calm her down, so she can eat or go back to sleep or something?” He felt aggravated by having to call someone else to calm down his daughter.

  “Sure thing, put the phone on speaker,” Rachel said.

  “Ok, she can hear you,” Myles replied as he laid Maisha on the bed between him and Kayla who was sleeping soundly, oblivious to everything.

  “Hey Mai, how’s Auntie Rachel’s baby? You just needed to hear my voice didn’t you Pumpkin? I’ll be over to see you soon. Get some rest until then my angel,” she finished cooing.

  Myles sat staring between the phone and his daughter amazed to see her calming down. Seems as if Maisha just needed to hear Rachel’s voice as she calmed down and started drifting off to sleep. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

  “Don’t hate Myles, I have the ability to make others feel good as well. Now let me get back to sleep. And sorry I missed coming to see Maisha tonight, Dashawn distracted me,” Rachel finished then disconnected the call.

  “Maisha, we’re gonna have to talk about your addiction to your Auntie Rachel. Mommy and Daddy are your allies. How come you gotta do us like this?” he asked as he picked her up. Kissing her and holding her tight as he walked her back to the nursery.

  After putting his little girl in her bed, Myles walked back into their bedroom.

  Kayla turned over and slowly opened her eyes. “Honey, I think we need to have a conversation with our daughter, setting some ground rules about where her loyalties should lie. And Rachel’s ass has taken this God mom title to the extreme, she done turned our daughter against us already. Momma Bear might have to have a talk with God mommy. Shit, I’m the Queen Bee up in here,” she concluded aggravated as well as exhausted.

  Myles gazed at his wife and got a glimpse of her fierce determination with Maisha as well as their future children. He realized all over again, that he had married the woman of his dreams. Who knew that an explosive meeting in an airport terminal would become the moment that would change his life.

  As he stared at Kayla, he felt, amazed and humbled at where they were now in comparison to where they began. Now, he needed to redirect her hostility before she exploded. “Honey Bee, I think I have an idea that could help you in this moment,” he said walking towards her with purpose, knowing she would realize she was in for some Feelgood magic.

  Yes, forever with this woman is going to be amazing.

  The End

  About The Author

  Riley Baxter is a new author from Ohio. Being new to the writing scene, she is hopeful that her debut novel will have readers flocking to Amazon searching for future releases. As she continues to write as a form of escape, she looks forward to readers tapping into her wild imagination and journeys toward a happily ever after. When not writing, she can be categorized as an introvert with a passion and love for reading and escaping life with the help of her favorite authors.




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