Gotta Love Dragons

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Gotta Love Dragons Page 2

by Aeryn Jaden

  "You know what I am? Nobody knows what I am."

  "You're Gataro. Is that your name, really? If so, it's really unimaginative. Mine's Rei. I'd say nice to meet you, but… Well, the circumstances could have been better."

  Rei waved his hand and shrugged as if that explained everything. This human was really confusing.

  "He calls me Gataro. My gataro name is not really pronounceable, it's more a sound that depicts an image. Gataros don't speak when they communicate. I've never been given a human name."

  The human, Rei, got closer and Gataro almost stepped back. How was he supposed to kill this human when he made him feel this way? Unsure, vulnerable and wanting more of it at the same time? How did Rei do that with his mere presence? He suspected how but that should be impossible. Gataro didn't deserve such a gift.

  "I guess it'll do for the moment. Now tell me one more thing. Is it true that you cannot break an oath?"

  Gataro jerked back but it was already too late. The soft-spoken, almost kind question took him by surprise and clued him in a little too late. Rei grabbed his arm firmly. Curious, being immobilized didn't hurt or make him panic when Rei did it. He ended up with his back to that broad warm chest that he'd fugitively glimpsed at, hands encased in Rei's fists of iron and glaring at the bright light illuminating the narrow tunnel. Only…Rei's bracelet was not supposed to do that, even him, a failure of a magical being without any obvious Other gifts, knew that. He felt the pull on his body like something was pulling him in all directions at once, his vision whitened before he started to see the black spots multiplying. He closed his sensitive eyes and leaned in the warmth behind him, choosing to focus on that. He'd also sworn an oath to not let himself be captured and failing will surely bring a world of pain his way but for that single moment, Gataro felt safe and protected. He felt as if everything will be okay. And really, what else could happen to him? These last thirty years of his life had been a living hell, he'd welcome any changes in his current life. Besides, it was better for him to suffer than the gentle human caressing his encased wrists.

  He felt pressure and his ears popped before Rei shouted something and put his arms around Gataro, to hold him closer still. True darkness descended. He screamed through all of it, the pain of his broken oath too great to hold in.

  * * * * *

  "Oh, hell no! You're giving that back right now, fucker."

  "Errr. It seems that you are the one defiling my little brother so I don't see why you look ready to combust or make your innocent brother- in- law combust."

  Ryuu giggled and covered his half-naked body. His face felt like it really will burst into flames and Troy was not helping any of it by just standing on top of him in his state of half-dressiness. His man was yummy. And that yumminess should not be seen by anyone else than him, his mate. Ryuu didn't want to have to gouge his brother's eyes out. A noise coming from the adjuvant room distracted him from his embarrassment mixed with a -more than was healthy- dose of possessiveness. He took the time to frown at his mate and point at the couple standing in front of their bed.

  "You need to fix that. Install an alarm signal or a proximity alarm so next time it happens we don't flash any more of our relatives."

  He didn't wait to see Troy's chastised expression at the reminder of how the naga had once conjured Queen Manasa, his mother, while he was in bed with Ryuu. The story was a complicated one and Troy had been right to ask for help but Ryuu still flushed bright red waiting for the earth to swallow him whole every time they visited Manasa. Troy got a clue and quickly covered his bits. Rei just smirked, but even Troy could see that his human brother-in-law was preoccupied and not really trying to rile Troy. And the source of that reprieve must be the bundle he carefully carried in his arms. Troy froze half out of bed as soon as he noticed the rest.

  "The hell! How come you have a water elemental with you?"

  Rei looked confused and Tory groaned. Really? Did the guy didn't know how dangerous those could be for humans? Ryuu would be quite upset if anything happened to his brother and well, Troy maybe wanted the guy healthy too. Rei had grown on him. Like fungus, yes. Plus, the guy had mean babysitting skills if he was to believe his mate.

  "Is he unconscious? Stupid question, I'd be surprised if he's only out of it considering you used the bracelet to get here."

  Rei's faced blanched before becoming a not so natural shade of purple. Troy watched the guy grind his teeth while quickly checking the pulse of the thing he was holding. Interesting. Troy sighed and got up.

  "Can I put my junk away first, now that I'm probably not using it for the foreseeable future?"

  Rei let a relieved breath at the pulse he'd most likely felt and stuck his tongue out while shuffling backward out of Troy's bedroom.

  "Eww, dude. That's my little brother you were planning on using your junk with. What the hell?"

  * * * * *

  Chapter 2

  Queen Manasa had lived through the dawn of humanity. Had lived through the invention of gods and goddesses, she sometimes thought. She'd for sure saw some of them rise and fall. Herself included. One distant part of her almost remembered the beginning of life but that must be her active imagination, surely. Who knew anymore? It had been so long ago that it faded into nothingness. As for her family… Things were even more confusing in that area. Her paternity was disputed by everybody who ever heard her name and her foolish stubbornness hadn't helped matters any. Her true parents were still not talking to her and her step-mother… Not to mention her adoptive family, which have been all too eager to get rid of her and marry her off. Yeah, better forget about happy reunions.

  All the intrigue and fights of the past just made her even more determined to protect and nourish her children. Her surviving older children were established and most of them accomplished and with their own lives. They either didn't need or wanted her meddling. Now as for her youngest two. Ha, those snakelings were still practically newborn and it was her duty to see them happy and content no matter what they thought. For Manasa that meant having a family, if only to spite the one that had rejected her.

  Trojan had glowed with happiness last time she'd seen him and his adorable mate. Ryuu was a fresh breath of air, so young that she wanted to keep him close and pet him like she did with her small newborn cobras. And their snaklings! Oh, precious! She'd did good, if she could say so herself. Her friends had done their best to help too, no matter the mix up with Python and Hermaphrodites. The greek godling was young and impetuous, patience was not his strong suit thought Manasa could not fault his attack on her son, Python. That snakeling deserved a good thrashing. She'd been maybe too lenient on him and his stunts but eh, Python was still really young. He had time to learn and wise up. Hopefully. It was just that he reminded her so much of Landon, her greek fabulous lover. Oh, how she missed him! Her husband in name only, Jagatkaru, was who knows where and frankly, she hoped he stayed there. Manasa had never wanted that marriage. Landon now…She'd thought for a moment there that she could have something just for her. Lesson learned again when he'd been murdered so brutally.

  Manasa had been gifted with Trojan and Python though, her most precious children. Trojan's future happiness was coming along nicely, with him being newly mated and snaklings already appearing. She was ecstatic for her youngest son. Now Python…

  "That boy will be the death of me."


  The young hung and quite naked guy rose from his place next to her comfortable wide armchair. She much preferred simplicity these days and her surroundings were a reflection of that. No more majestic caves adorned with fabulous treasures and blinding gems. No more hundreds of devotees ready to jump and make her wishes come true. The modern human world was too invasive for that. Sure, she still kept her old hangouts, but with minimal staff. This quaint townhouse on the edge of the ocean suited her well. And had the advantage of being practically on top of Trojan's place. After all, those snakelings needed their grandmother close to better teach them what was w
hat. Poor Trojan and his young mate had no idea what they had on their hands. Their children will need her guidance to figure themselves and their powerful gifts.

  She morphed her tail and sashayed towards the pool, suddenly too agitated to stay still or enjoy the young man's charms properly.

  "Later. Gary. Close the door behind you."

  The hunk was not pleased but Manasa didn't give a damn. Gary had been lately a bit too demanding and a lot too arrogant and sure of her attention. Oh, he wasn't one of her devotees; she never took lovers from among them. Actually, Gary had the impression that she was perfectly human, if a lot weird but as his mistress, she could be whatever she pleased and he could take it or leave it. Their relationship was a bit extreme, as Gary liked it like that. Manasa just couldn't be bothered with his whims today. Today, like every day this month, her brain continuously searched for a way to save her child. Python deserved better than the gods had in store for him and Manasa would make damn sure that her snakeling will have his happy ending. Double pun very much intended.

  She raised her forehead skyward, her jewel bright on her forehead, human useless eyes scrunched closed in concentration. Her father needed to help this time or Manasa would seek her long due retribution against her dear step-mother. With her new tricks, new allies and new attitude, nobody wanted to see that. Especially now, when she knew the secret of her birth. The potential of her very existence.

  "Lord Shiva, I summon thy."

  A sharp smile broke on her flawless face as the room trembled in response.

  * * * * *

  Python had long ago stopped caring about the cold. It wasn't as if it could kill him rather than just inconvenience him or induce sleep. He'd closed the large oak doors and barricaded himself inside his villa. Kayla, his former lover and unfortunately the woman he'd seduced from under his brother, had left sometime last month and he'd not bothered going out in the world since. The only exceptions had been the furtive visits to his brother Troy's house, hoping to catch a glimpse of how he was doing, of how his mate and children were. Guilty was too weak a word for what he was feeling but Python had never been clever as Troy, or eloquent, so that'll do. He'd almost managed to kill an innocent, Trojan's mate at that, with his fumbling and despair. Enough was enough. Better he perishes here in his home, alone and unknown than to ever harm another innocent ever again. Ryuu, Trojan's mate had almost died and was now irrevocably changed. Trojan will never forgive him for it and for good reason too. Kayla… She'd been a victim too. Python had seduced her when the woman had been half in love with Trojan. Showered her with promises that she was his mate, not Trojan's. Well, the joke was on Python. Kayla went off to find one of his cousins on his father's side who was most likely her true mate, leaving Python to wallow in his misery. She'd left like a storm, leaving behind anger and bitterness, biting words describing his selfish behavior. They've not been mates, but Python had loved her the best he could and Kayla's fury stung and lashed at his already raw soul.

  He stank. His nose wrinkled but again he couldn't be bothered. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten so his magic was weak and barely there. The water he floated in was not warmed anymore, his skin was wrinkled, the scales' shine dull and broken. He'd not been able to make his tail appear in what felt like ages. It was no surprise that in his weak state he didn't even realize for a long time that he was not alone and was being observed. The man waving at him from his left side made him lose his posture and half drown his sorry ass.

  "Um. Didn't know I look that bad to startle you so much."

  "Who the hell are you? What are you doing here? Out of my blasted pool, you perv!"

  The stranger cocked his head as if he didn't understand before smiling slyly and swimming shiftily straight towards Python. As for Python, arms flying erratically, he tried to swim away as fast as he could. His unused muscles protested and he hit the ragged edge of his natural made pool with a painful thud.

  "Hm. I am totally harmless I assure you. Well, in general, I guess. Some would rather see me roasted but oh well you can't please them all. Now, my darling. Why not calm down so we can have ourselves a small chat?"

  Before Python knew what was happening, he was maneuvered out of the poo, covered in a fluffy bathrobe and nursing a hot ginger tea. He'd had no idea he had tea in the house. The cup seemed to be one of Kayla's, a miraculous survivor of her well-earned anger, slightly chipped on one side. The ginger seemed bitter after that thought and he contented himself with just holding the cup, warming his chilled hands.

  "I'm being rude, aren't I? I didn't even introduce myself before interrupting your pity party."

  Python's growl seemed to please the other so he stopped and just frowned instead.

  "It's a wonder we didn't meet before. Manasa did you wrong, keeping you away from your family and your heritage-"

  "With that mouth, you don't even have to name yourself, I already know you. Vasuki."

  "King of Nagas! Show respect!"

  Vasuki seemed to calm himself forcibly and his former pleasant expression got plastered on his face again. As if. If there was one thing Python had always been better than his gifted brother, Trojan, it was sniffing trouble and finding secrets. Therefore even if Vasuki thought he was at an advantage here and had come to manipulate him towards what purpose, gods knew, Python was already ready for him. Not that he cared much but if there was one thing he hated, that was being taken for a fool. And people trying to use him to hurt his family.

  "As you said, Mother kept us away from that branch of the family tree. So I'm not raised in the tradition, culture, whatever you want to call it. Or yourself. Not my business. Now, mind explaining what you're doing here?"

  His tone was mild and for those knowing him, that meant danger. Python was brass most of the time but when pushed too much, he got deadly quiet. This Vasuki guy had chosen the wrong moment to mess with him.

  "Err, right."

  Dude didn't seem so cool anymore, Python smirked. Good.

  "Well, I've come to help you. My greatness heard your plea for help and here I am, at your side."

  Guy did an old-fashioned half-bowing gesture and Python barely abstained from laughing in his face. Surprise kept him in check and he gulped some tea before his impatience made him blurt something rude. After all, he had enough on his plate, he really didn't need to add animosity with a so-called Naga King to that. Too much trouble. Poor guy, he probably thought himself impressive, but Python just couldn't take seriously a long haired slim pretty boy in a pink dress with pearls at his neck and what suspiciously resembled a tiara adorning his head. Not to mention the blue skin that made the image of a human children's cartoon pop in Python's mind. Yeah. No.

  "And just how do you suppose to do that? For that matter, what plea is it supposed to be? Because five minutes ago I was lamenting my lack of a heated pool."

  He put his cup down in case things got messy. Diplomacy had never been his strong suit. For his part, Vasuki looked like he had tasted something really sour. Like bad milk. Or a touch of Python's sarcasm.

  "Your plea for a mate, of course. I know all about our Lady Parvati's quest to help youngsters settle down."

  Well now. Startled, Python almost dropped the cup he'd just picked again just to keep his hands busy and free of Vasuki's neck. Quest, his ass. That was a curse plain a simple. One that he should not even know about, therefore making it easy for Parvati to kill him and his brother. Another dig at their mother, Manasa, no doubt, though Python couldn't imagine keeping a grudge for so long.

  "Hmm. Interesting. Do tell me more."

  Before Python booted the guy out on his ass.

  How did Vasuki know Python had found out about the curse? Or did he know that? The story was a complicated one. One of Python's lovers had been a low-status naga, probably one of this so-called king' subjects or whatever. The first time they've met, the guy had not made the connection but after finding out Python was related to Queen Manasa, eh. Things had quickly cooled down between
them. Python had found out he had relatives wanting him dead even without knowing him or his brother. And all because some dude had cheated on his wife a long time ago and dared have a child too. When young, he'd wondered why Mother had never told them about her parents and all of that mess. Now he knew.

  "Um. Maybe she could explain it better?"

  "Hell no."

  The vehemence of his answer seemed to take both of them back. Too late to fake ignorance, Python guessed. He didn't know what Parvati's game was but he wanted no part of it.

  "You know, I find it odd that you, a so-called king, pay home visits to a nobody. After all, none of the others in the family even acknowledges mine and my brother's existence. Not only are we Queen Manasa's children, but with an outsider too. That must just rub everybody the wrong way."

  He couldn't wipe his smile completely and to be truthful, he wasn't trying too hard. His patience was very limited on the best of day, which this wasn't. For once, Vasuki seemed to be lacking the right words so Python just carried on.

  "As for you Lady's ‘quest'- why not call a spade- spade?"


  "She cursed us. She cannot kill us. She cannot approach us. I'm guessing, dear grandfather forbade it after she tried to render Mother blind. But she is among other things a goddess of fertility. And I am still, half of Hindu descent. So she's trying to cover her back and get me either to shut up by killing me or blackmailing me with fake help until I die of the curse anyway. How am I going so far?"

  Vasuki cast his eyes around him as if looking for a place to hide. After all, snakes slithered to the closest dark hole when cornered. Python wanted to take pity on the guy, wanted to give him a chance. He wasn't the type to hold grudges. He always jumped in wholeheartedly and suffered through the consequences after. Maybe he should start learning to look first.


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