The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 3

by Missy Martine

  “I can’t tell you if their purpose was to make them sick, but I can tell you that they’ve been injected.” He held up his bag. “I’ve got blood samples, and I’m gonna try and figure out what we’re dealing with. For what it’s worth, I don’t see any reason to believe they’re contagious. Whatever is at work is making its way through their circulatory system.” He shook his head. “I’m afraid they’re gonna get a lot sicker before they get better.”

  “Zack’s the only one besides you and their parents that has had contact with them. Is he in any danger?”

  “No, I examined him thoroughly. He’s clean.”

  Remus nodded. “Okay, get on it. Do whatever you need. We need answers and we need them fast.”

  “Yes, Alpha.” Tehran bowed his head, exposing his neck, and then left the room. Remus sank down into the chair behind his desk and felt tears form in his eyes. We have to find the people causing havoc with the packs. Nobody messes with our pups.

  * * * *

  Zack threw his phone on the coffee table and went to grab a beer. After popping the top, he dropped down onto the worn sofa and propped his feet on the table. He looked up when Macon came through the front door.

  “I was given the all-clear to come home,” said Macon. “I guess they decided you aren’t contagious.”

  Zack nodded and took a long drink of his beer. Belching, he looked up at his brother. “That’s what they tell me.”

  Macon collapsed down onto the only other chair in the room, kicking his shoes off into the corner. They’d been roommates for almost a year, and neither one of them had a domestic bone in their body. “Be thankful you can’t catch whatever it is. I overheard Doc talking to somebody over at Cardston’s pack. Those kids are in bad shape.”

  “What’d you hear?” asked Zack.

  “They’re getting weaker and now they’re systems are shutting down. They’re talking about putting the little tykes on dialysis.”

  Zack frowned. “They’re shifters, aren’t they?”

  “Yeah, but they’re so young they haven’t gone through their first shift yet. The hormones aren’t there to help them heal.”

  “And you think the pups here could be heading toward the same condition?”

  Macon shrugged. “Seems logical, doesn’t it? They started with the same symptoms as our guys.” He rubbed his socked feet back and forth across the carpet. “I think we’re in trouble, Zack. It’s looking like it’ll take some kind of miracle to help those pups.”

  Immediately the picture of a beautiful young girl with long brown hair and soulful brown eyes popped into Zack’s head. He set his beer on the table and got to his feet.

  “What’s the matter, bro?” asked Macon. “You look like you just saw a ghost.” Zack moved toward the door. “Where are you going?”

  “I gotta talk to Uncle Remus. I think I might know someone that could help.”

  * * * *

  Remus studied his adopted nephew as Zack paced in the small office, his stride erratic and his expression tense. “And you think this woman could somehow cure the pups.”

  “I saw her fix a broken leg just by the touch of her hands, Alpha. Private Medina told me they’d done all kinds of tests on her trying to find out where her abilities come from, with no luck. They’d made her use her powers over and over, trying to get a fix on it.”

  “How long did they have her?”

  Zack stopped, his lips tightening. “Five long years. She was only nine when they took her away from her family.”

  Remus narrowed his eyes. “What aren’t you telling me, Zack? Why are you so anxious to go after this girl?”

  “She’s not a girl anymore. She’s a woman. Hell, she’d be around twenty-two now.”

  “That doesn’t answer my question.”

  Zack ran his fingers through his hair. “I honestly don’t know, Alpha. My coyote was frantic to protect the girl, and I didn’t understand why. When she left with Medina, it was all I could do to keep from shifting.”

  Remus softened his tone. “Did she scent as a mate?”

  Zack hesitated for a moment. “No, I don’t think so. But remember, she was only fourteen at the time.”

  Remus nodded. “With being imprisoned from the age of nine, she might not have gone through puberty as early as other females. The mate scent wouldn’t develop until after her hormones changed.” He walked over and stared out the window. “If you do this, it’s entirely possible you’ll be bringing the government down on us. If they have five years invested in research on this woman, they’re gonna want her back, possibly at any cost.”

  Zack growled. “Saving the pups is worth the risk, and I need to know if she’s really my mate.”

  Remus sighed. “Agreed. The risk is worth it, if it’ll heal our young. Take Macon—”


  Remus’s brows shot up as a low growl moved up through his chest.

  Zack took a step back and bared his throat. “My apologies, Alpha Remus. I meant no disrespect, but I prefer to travel alone.”

  “Is there something wrong between you and Macon? You can always take someone else.”

  Zack frowned. “There’s nothing wrong between us. I’d just rather go alone.”

  “I’m losing patience, pup. Why are you so determined to go alone?”

  Zack growled. “I’m not sharing my mate with anybody!”

  “What on Earth are you talking about?”

  “Every time you send two members from the pack out on a job, they come back mated to the same woman. I don’t wanna share my mate, so I don’t wanna take any chances.”

  Remus stared at him for a full minute and then threw back his head and laughed. After a few moments, he was able to get himself under control. He waved his hand toward the door. “By all means, you make the trip alone. I can definitely understand not wanting to share your mate. Do you know where to look for her?”

  “No, but I know who does. I just have to find PFC Alvara Medina. He was sending her out of the country to hide with members of his family. If I can find him, he can lead me right to her.”

  “Talk to Koril. He’s been known to work miracles when it comes to finding people, whether they want to be found or not.”

  “Will do, sir.” Zack turned toward the door.

  “Zack?” Remus waited until his nephew turned back around. “Don’t waste any time, son. Things are bad now, and they’re just gonna get worse.” Zack nodded and hurried out the door. Remus moved to the window and watched him race down the driveway. “A woman that can heal with the touch of her hands. I don’t know if the pack is ready for that or not.”

  * * * *

  Zack threw his duffle over his shoulder and waited in line for a taxi outside the George Bush Intercontinental Airport. Koril had tracked Alvara Medina to a ranch outside the Houston city limits. He’d thought about calling first, but he didn’t want to give the man any advance warning in case he decided to run. He had a feeling he was going to get one shot, and only one shot, at bringing the woman back to the States. I’m coming, mate, and I’m never gonna let you out of my sight again.

  * * * *

  Aurelia Salazar smiled at Consuela Renyana as she allowed the healing warmth to travel from her hands into the old woman’s gnarled fingers. “Abuela, you knew better than to pick those berries.”

  Consuela looked up, her lined face gray in the morning light. “Hush, little one. Would you take away one of the few pleasures I have left?”

  Aurelia snorted. “I think the pleasure comes more from the eating than the picking.”

  The old woman chuckled. “I could never fool you, una pequeno.”

  “I’m hardly a little one, especially compared to you.” Slowly she removed her hand and held the back of the chair as a wave of dizziness washed over her.

  “Are you well, nieta?”

  “Si, Abuela. I’ll be fine in a moment.”

  Consuela nodded. “Bueno. Please sit down. I must speak with you.”

  Aurelia san
k onto the couch and fought the urge to rub at the ache behind her eyes that always followed the use of her gift.

  “It’s time, child.”

  Aurelia sat up straighter and felt her heart begin to race. “What? No, you’re mistaken, Abuela. You’re not reading the signs right.”

  “You know that’s not true, nieta. I have seen all, and your destino is coming for you.” Consuela had been a true grandmother to Aurelia since her arrival eight years before. The old woman had taken her in and made her feel loved for the first time in her life. They’d forged an unbreakable bond in love, with Aurelia teaching her English and Consuela teaching her Spanish. She’d been with the Medina family for almost a year before she’d first heard the villagers call the old woman vidente del future. Seer of the Future. She knew things, long before they happened, and often used her gift to guide the locals in the life choices they had to make. She’d been telling Aurelia her destino would be coming for her someday, and she’d have to go with him if she was ever to be happy.

  “I can’t leave here, Abuela. You know that. What would the people do without my ability to make them well again? They would suffer, and I can’t allow that.”

  “They survived many years before you, and they’ll continue to thrive when you’re gone. You will be missed, terribly, but none of them would want you to turn your back on your destino. It is important that you are ready to go, child. Many lives, including your own, depend on the journey you must make with the dual hombre.”

  “What do you mean, dual man?”

  Consuela sighed. “I’m not sure how to explain. He has a divided soul, although both sides are good. It’s like there are two beings living inside one house, and both are destined to complete your life. For your own happiness, and safety, you must be ready to follow as your destino leads.”

  Aurelia blinked back tears and got to her feet. She bent and kissed the leathery cheek. “I’ll think on it, Abuela. I promise I’ll think on it very hard. But you must promise me to stay out of the berry patch. Let Ernesto pick them for you if you wish to indulge your sweet tooth.”

  The old woman giggled, making Aurelia’s heart lighter. “Ernesto would be more likely to pick them for you than for me.”

  Aurelia frowned and moved toward the door. That was one discussion she would not take part in. “I’ll think on your words, Abuela, and I’ll see you in a day or two. Have someone come for me if your pain comes back. I will not allow you to suffer if I can help it.”

  “Thank you, nieta. Stay safe for me.”

  Aurelia nodded. “Buenas tardes, Abuela.” She left and went toward the front door.

  “Aurelia, wait.”

  She turned and winced when she saw Ernesto hurrying down the stairs.

  “Is the old woman going to live?”

  Aurelia shook her head. “Such disrespect for your only grandmother. She’s going to be fine. It was just her arthritis acting up. You should have kept her from the berry patches. You know the doctors don’t want her eating so many of them.”

  Ernesto narrowed his eyes. “She doesn’t have much left in her life that brings her joy. Would you have me take away one of her few pleasures in life?”

  Aurelia laughed. “I guess if you put it that way, I’m the one being selfish. Her joy comes from eating, not picking. Maybe one of the ninos that hang around the grounds could pick them for her?”

  Ernesto moved to stand in her personal space. “I will see to it, personally. This I promise. Where are you off to in such a hurry?”

  She stepped back and noticed his eyes narrow even more. “I have some things I need to do at the cabin.”

  He scoffed. “Why do you insist on living in such squalor? You could be here, with me and the family, in this fine home.”

  “I love my cabin, Ernesto. I need my own personal space. I don’t expect you to understand, but you have to respect my decision. I’m at peace there, taking care of my animals.”

  Ernesto snorted. “I hardly call a deer, a few raccoons, and a spider monkey reason to stay away from the people that love you.”

  She felt her temper rising. “Obviously I don’t stay away from the people that love me or I wouldn’t be here now.”


  Aurelia turned to see the grandmother standing in the doorway.

  “I wish to speak with you now,” said Consuela. “Aurelia has things to do, and we must not keep her from her chores.”

  Aurelia smiled. “Thank you, Abuela. I’ll come back soon.” Without glancing at Ernesto, Aurelia hurried out the door and down to the front lawn where her ride stood grazing on the green grass. Lightning was a Paso Fino, bred locally in Colombia. The Medina family had presented him to Aurelia on her twenty-first birthday and they’d become fast friends. She’d named him for the jagged, white streak of hair down his nose. She grabbed the blanket off the fence rail and threw it over the animal’s back. In a swift, practiced move, she was astride his powerful back, taking up the reins, and had him heading toward home. She stroked him absently, thinking about the grandmother’s words. “Things are changing, Lightning, and I can’t ignore it any longer. Abuela is never wrong, and she says that someone is coming for me.” She leaned down and rubbed her cheek over his silky hair. “I’m not ready, Lightning. I’m not sure I ever will be.”

  Chapter 2

  Zack stepped out of his rental car and looked out over the wide open fields of the Medina Ranch. The wind carried the scent of manure, grass, and dust.

  “Can I help you?”

  Zack turned to see a tall, gray-haired man eyeing him suspiciously. “My name is Zack Wind River, and I’m looking for Alvara Medina.”

  The man nodded toward one of the corrals. “He’s working with Diablo. You can wait if you want. He shouldn’t be too much longer.”

  “Thanks, I will.” Zack wandered over and watched the dust puffing around the horse’s hooves as Alvara put him through his paces. Stifling a yawn, he rested his chin against the smooth top rail of the corral. He hadn’t enjoyed more than a couple of hours sleep in the past two days.

  Diablo stood in the middle of the dusty yard with Alvara, who took slow steps toward the horse with a training bridle in his hand. Shadows cloaked most of the fenced area, the sunlight blocked by the massive barn. Already the wind pushed the loose dust in hot, relentless gusts, promising a day of searing heat. Zack looked down as a small dog yipped around his feet.

  “Zack Wind River! Is that you?”

  Zack turned and looked at Alvara Medina. He hadn’t changed much in the past eight years. Zack had transferred immediately after the incident, and he hadn’t known what happened to Medina. “Yeah, it’s me. How’ve you been?”

  Alvara frowned. “What are you doing here?”

  “Okay, no pleasant small talk. I can live with that. I wanna know where she is.”

  Alvara’s eyes widened, and he looked around guiltily. “Not here. Follow me.” He turned and walked toward a small building a few yards from the large barn. Once inside, he turned to Zack. “What the hell is wrong with you? You have no business here. Get back in your car and leave.”

  “That’s not happening, amigo. I need her. My people need her.”

  Alvara frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  Zack sighed. “I can’t tell you everything, but my family is in serious trouble. Our children are sick, and we need her help to make them well.”

  “Get a doctor,” Alvara scoffed.

  “Don’t be an ass. They’ve had several doctors, and they all said the same thing. They don’t know what’s making them sick. The only thing they can agree on is that their condition is getting worse and unless something happens soon, it’ll be too late.” Zack took a deep breath. “We’re talking about innocent children, man. They don’t deserve to die without ever experiencing life. Please, I’m begging you, let me talk to her.”

  Alvara shook his head. “I won’t risk her safety. You have no idea what they put her through. You wouldn’t understand, but she has t
o stay hidden to protect her very sanity. She can’t take any more captivity.”

  “I understand more than you know, Alvara. I understand the need to hide yourself away in order to protect yourself from scrutiny. There’s nothing she’s feeling now that my family and I haven’t lived with for years.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “If I can prove to you that she and I are similar, will you help me? Will you take me to her so I can ask for her help?”

  “You can’t convince me of something that’s not true.”

  “Then I’ll just have to show you.” Zack walked over and shut the door, pulling a chair over and wedging it under the doorknob. Alvara backed up, a look of fear crossing his face. “Don’t be afraid. I only wanna show you what I’m talking about, and I don’t want anyone else to see.”

  Alvara took a deep breath and nodded. Zack pulled his shirt over his head and reached for his belt. “Uh, Zack? I hate to disappoint you, but I don’t swing that way.”

  Zack chuckled and kicked off his boots. He yanked his jeans off and then knelt on the wood floor. “Just watch, Alvara. This is what my family hides from the world.” Zack closed his eyes and felt the tingles begin in his back. Soon, hair was sprouting all over his body and the snap of bones breaking and reshaping filled the air. He heard Alvara gasp and utter a small prayer. Soon, Zack’s coyote moved forward, shaking his fur vigorously. He walked over and sniffed at Alvara, moving low to the ground and slinking on his belly. The last thing he wanted was to frighten the man and send him running.

  After a minute, Alvara swallowed hard and reached out a shaking hand toward Zack. Tentatively, he stroked across the top his head. When Zack rewarded him by licking his fingers, Alvara backed away in a hurry. Growling softly, Zack let the change come over him and was soon standing naked in front of the cowering man. “Relax, Alvara. I’m not gonna hurt you. I wanted you to understand that my family has secrets they have to keep hidden as well.”


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