Dark Carnival Murders

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Dark Carnival Murders Page 2

by Bob Moats

  I continued down South Las Vegas Boulevard passing small malls and restaurants, then past the mammoth Las Vegas Premium Outlet Center where Penny dragged me to a couple times a month. Although I did enjoy visiting this huge mall, there were plenty of adult toy stores for me to explore.

  I drove on, Earl was keeping up with my van and then about four miles from the end of the strip we came up on East Silverado Ranch Boulevard and the Cinemark Century 16 movie theatre, so I knew we were close.

  I drove a little further south to where the land was getting more open and less populated by businesses. I could see ahead just past W. Frias Road, where the cars were turning on to the desert land and up to the carnival. It was a bit crazy for parking; they had no system for lining up the cars, so people just parked where they could. Earl and Paula pulled up next to me and they got out. Penny, Angelo and I got out and went to our friends.

  It was hot on the dry, dusty desert land, there was no breeze, just dry heat. Penny had a two of those little handheld battery operated fans and gave one to Paula.

  "None for me?" I asked.

  "You can stay hot, I may need it for later," she said with an evil smile.

  "Sure, that’s all I’m good for, keeping you warm," I said as we headed for the midway.

  We entered the edge of the layout of rides and walked down one row watching all the people, mostly kids, screaming as they were flying or hurtling through space on an assortment of high-powered amusements. When I was a kid I always enjoyed the Tilt-a-whirl, but as I got older I discovered I would suffer from extreme motion sickness. So spinning rides were out for me.

  We arrived at the end of the row of rides and I said, "Angelo, would you escort the ladies around the grounds while the super-spy and I go see if we can find the missing boys."

  "It’d be my pleasure, Mr. R.," he said with a grin.

  Penny gave me a kiss and said, "Don’t go getting yourselves kidnapped."

  "I won’t, that’s your job." Earl and I left our group and went in the direction of the sideshow tent. We stopped outside the main entrance as I said, "When you were a kid and went to the circus, how did you get in to see the show?"

  Earl laughed and said, "I snuck in under the tent in the back."

  "Good to see your childhood wasn’t wasted," I said and he followed me off to the side to see what we could find around the back.

  It was deserted and dusty behind the tent looking out to the vast flat property only to see the freeway in the distance with cars whizzing by.

  "The boys had to cross over the freeway to get here from the subdivision on the other side. Let’s see if we can find any footprints in the sand." We walked away from the tent and did a sweep but there were a number of prints in the sand, probably from the carnies working. I did see a couple smaller prints that came in from the freeway and headed straight for the tent, I pointed them out to Earl and we followed them back.

  We were just up to the back of the tent when we heard a voice, "I hope you two aren’t thinking of sneaking in?"

  We looked over to see a fairly tall man in a black topcoat, wearing a tall top hat. He reminded me of pictures of Mephistopheles, one of the chief demons of European literary. He was holding a flap to an opening in the tent, where the footprints led to. "May I help you gentlemen?" he inquired smoothly.

  He took both of us by surprise; he made no sound to warn us of his presence. I reached back and pulled my P.I. ID wallet with the auxiliary LVMPD police badge that Lynn gave me back when Weber had her deputize me during the search for a dirty bomb last year, they never asked for it back.

  I held it out briefly so he got a glimpse of it, not saying that I was police, and then said, "We’re investigating the disappearance of two young boys." I took the photo out of my pocket and went to him, holding the picture up where he could see.

  "Sorry, I see hundreds of boys, after a while their faces all blend together. But I’ll remember these faces and if I see them, I’ll call the police."

  He stepped back in, pulled the flap closed and was gone. "That was strange," Earl said. "He looks like a character from a Marvel comic, you know the evil type."

  "Yeah, someone from a kid’s nightmare." I went to the flap but it was somehow secured from inside. "I’d like to see in this tent. Think they’d get upset if we broke in?"

  "Well, you started it and he never said we couldn’t come in," Earl laughed.

  I was able to reach in the flap and found a strap holding it closed. I managed to release it and pull the flap back. "Okay, now we break and enter."

  It was dark but there was a little light from above, there was a narrow walkway with wall of canvas all along the back of the tent with boxes and crates piled along the row. There were narrow openings between what I presumed were stages built off the ground. We went to one opening and found ourselves staring at faces staring back at us. It was the sideshow and we were between the bearded lady and a rubber man. I looked to Earl and laughed, then we went through the opening to where the audience was standing. All along the back of the tent were small platforms where geeks and freaks performed for the delight of the patrons.

  Earl and I were standing watching some geek stick sharp rods through the skin of his chest, I was cringing when I felt someone standing too close behind us. Earl and I both looked back into the chest of a very tall and well-built man, he stood about two heads taller than us.

  The giant looked down to us and growled, "You two need to leave. Now!"


  Chapter 3

  The huge man grabbed both of us by the necks, his giant fists clamping almost all the way around them. Earl went into his black ops mode, grabbed the thumb of the man and tried to bend it back. The man was strong but Earl used leverage and managed to force the giant to release him and twisted his arm back enough to cause the giant to fall back to the ground. He had released me and I pulled my Glock out and stuck it in his face.

  "Physical assault, not a nice thing," I said to him. He just laid there not moving as Earl released his thumb lock. People around us weren’t sure if this was part of the show but started to applaud. Earl and I took our bows and went out the exit of the tent. As we went out, the man in the hat stood before us.

  "Gentlemen, while I have every respect for law enforcement, you must not break laws either. You have to pay to gain entrance like everyone else."

  I pulled a five from my pocket and stuck it in the top pocket of his coat. "Here, keep the change. We’re looking for two missing boys, and we will do what it takes to find them. So don’t get in our way Mr. what-ever-your-name is."

  He tipped his hat and said, "It’s Dark, Jacob S. Dark. I own this show, and I’ll cooperate with you in finding the boys, just consult with me first." He replaced his hat, scowled at us and sped off.

  "As Alice said, ‘curiouser and curiouser’." Earl said to me.

  "I didn’t know you knew the classics?"

  "I’m a reader, everything but your books. They bore me to death," he said with a grin and walked away.

  I yelled, "What?" then I followed.

  We walked around the midway watching for the boys and showing the picture to people we passed. We hit every ride and showed the photos to the carnies who operated the rides, we got nada.

  "Okay this is turning out to be a bust," I said and pulled my cell phone and the card that Walker gave me. I dialed his home number and he came on after the first ring. I could tell he was on edge.

  "Mr. Walker, it’s Jim Richards, I don’t suppose the boys came home?"

  "No, have you found out anything?"

  "We’re still at the carnival and haven’t found anyone who recognized them. Could they have gone somewhere else besides the carnival?"

  "I really don’t know, they have never gone off on their own before. It’s not something they would do. Oh God, I hope they weren’t kidnapped from their tent," he said with a shaky voice.

  "I would think by now that kidnappers would have called you, so let’s rule that out for now.
All we have is that they wandered off from their tent and could have come here. We aren’t finished searching so sit tight and I’ll get back to you." He thanked me and I hung up.

  "I really hate not knowing where someone or something is. Like trying to find your keys, you thought they were on the table but now they aren’t," Earl said as I put my cell phone away. "Well, where to now?"

  "I don’t know, maybe we could look around all the trucks that brought the carnival here," I said.

  "Works for me, I’d like to meet that giant again without the public around."

  "You’re so macho aren’t you?"

  "Hey, it’s been way too long since I killed a man with my bare hands."

  "Or overthrew a government, yeah, yeah," I laughed.

  We went to the area were all the big rigs were parked and wandered around listening for any sounds that might be boys locked in a truck. We heard no banging or Morse code to give away their location and stopped at the end of the row.

  "Short of breaking in a few of the enclosed trucks, we got nothing. I don’t want to incur the wrath of LVMPD by breaking and entering locked vehicles, if we got caught. So now what?" Earl asked.

  "Maybe we should talk to Lynn and see what LVMPD can do for us," I said.

  I pulled my cell phone and called Penny, "Where are you?" I asked after she answered.

  "We’re in the beer tent having a few cold ones," she replied.

  "Save one for me, we’re on the way." I hung up and we went back to the midway and over to the beer tent. I saw Angelo first; he was easy to spot in a crowd because most people just moved away from him. He just screamed Mafia from his looks, kind of like the Sopranos on TV. Earl and I got a couple beers at the counter and went to the picnic table where they were seated.

  "No luck?" Penny asked.

  "We got to meet the owner of the place and a very huge giant that we wrestled to the ground," I said.

  Earl spoke up, "I wrestled him to the ground, you just stood peeing your pants after he grabbed your neck."

  "I did no such thing. I had my gun on him while you were rolling around holding hands with him, did he give you his phone number?."

  Penny and Paula both were laughing and then Penny said, "Great, so you didn’t find the boys?"

  "No, I think we may have to call Lynn in on this, it may be too soon for missing persons, but they are seriously gone and may need police intervention to get into the inner sanctum of this place. I still believe they came here," I said.

  "Mr. Dark seemed too cool about the picture you showed him, he’s hiding something," Earl said and took a big swig of his beer.

  "Yes he did, no concern or sympathy from a man who entertains children of all ages," I said.

  "And he’s spooky," Earl added.

  "Problem is, Lynn would need some facts before she can get a warrant in to investigate. I think I may have an idea," I said and took a swig of my beer; it was chilled and tasted good in the hot tent.

  "Okay, what is your idea?" Penny asked after I said no more.

  I smiled and said, "I’ll tell everyone after I talk to Buck."

  We enjoyed the festivities and then stopped for the day. It was getting too hot to be out of reach of an air conditioner.

  We all left the carnival, I watched it in my rearview mirror, it started to look evil. I drove back to the agency, Earl and Paula went to the lobby couches to watch TV followed by Angelo, as I went to my office to call Buck, explaining to Penny that there was little time to waste to find the boys, she agreed.

  Buck answered after a couple rings and I told him who I was.

  "Jimmy, how’s your day going?" he asked.

  "Well, it could be better; I need your help if you aren’t doing anything?"

  "Maria is sleeping, she has to work tonight and I’m just sitting here watching monster trucks on TV. Whatcha got going?"

  "Can you come into the office and I’ll explain. Also if you could see if Mac is free, I’ll need both of you."

  "I’ll be in shortly after I call Mac," he said and hung up. I sat back in my office chair and smiled to Penny.

  "How are you going to use Buck and Mac?" Penny asked.

  "Tell me what you thought of Buck, since the first time you met him during the classmate murders?"

  "I thought he was a big biker and tough, he was scary at first but I grew to know how much of a teddy bear he is."

  "Yes, but that teddy bear can become a grizzly if poked. That’s what I need right now."

  "You’re going to send him into the carnival, him and Mac as undercover, am I right."

  "You are one smart babe," I said with a smile.

  We went out to where everyone else was relaxing in the cool air of the office. Penny went to sit next to Paula as they were watching Saturday cartoons on the wide screen television. Educational TV, I guess.

  About thirty minutes later Buck came in followed by Mac, Lacey and their adopted teenage daughter Jessie. I cringed that Lacey came in, it meant having to explain to her that I needed her husband for a couple days. I invited Earl, Buck, Mac and Lacey to my office, asking Jessie to sit with Penny and Paula to watch cartoons, she liked that.

  They were sitting around my desk while I was still standing. I put the photo of the missing boys on the desk in front of Buck and Mac.

  "These boys went missing early this morning, we think they went to the big carnival south on Las Vegas Boulevard by Silverado Ranch Boulevard. Earl and I explored the carnival and didn’t find them, but we suspect there is more than what the people who work there are telling. We met the owner, a real evil kind of guy and he wasn’t very helpful. We couldn’t do much in the way of searching the place without breaking the law. I had an idea that may help, but it involves going undercover." I paused for it to take effect.

  Buck was mulling it over and said, "So you want Mac and me to join the circus?"

  "Carnival, but same difference, yes. I need someone inside to see what evil is in the place," I said. "Just to be on the safe side I want to send both of you in, they may take one or both of you."

  It was quiet for a moment, then Lacey asked, "Do they get overtime?"


  Chapter 4

  I smiled at Lacey and said, "I glad that you’re worried about your husband’s safety over money."

  "Crap on that, we need finances to take care of bills," she replied.

  I thought about it and said, "Do you need a raise, Lacey?"

  "It would help us, Jessie is a teenager now and she needs things, women things."

  "Okay, we can discuss this Monday. I’m open for a raise," I said knowing that we had the money to give her more of it. I wasn’t greedy, ask my wife.

  "Now can we get back to the case at hand? I need you two to go in and get a job with these people and let us know if there is any criminal activities going on and see if you can find the boys."

  "I like it," Buck said and looked to Mac, "How about you?"

  "I’m game, when do we start?"

  "We need to get you two out there as soon as possible. The longer we wait, these boys may be in more serious danger. Earl and I both think there is more going on and we can’t drag Lynn in without some proof. You’ll have to dig something up. Now we have to build a back story for you to tell them."

  Buck spoke, "I worked one summer at the old Bob-Lo amusement park south of Detroit. So I got some experience."

  "I remember Bob-Lo, the island between Detroit and Canada. I went there one time years ago on the boat. That’s good, Mac you have anything?"

  "I did three weeks at a State Fair in Kansas City working all the rides. I can pass any test they throw at me," Mac said.

  "Okay, now you have to have a place to tell them you are living, preferably nothing permanent."

  "How about my pick-up truck and camper, we can tell them we are living out of that." Mac offered.

  "Perfect, now other than the giant we ran into, there were no other carnies that I saw who would be able to take on either of you, so I don�
��t think there will be any trouble." I knew Mac and Buck both being over six feet and very muscular would be able to whip the ass off of any of the men we saw. "But carnies can be viscous if cornered, from what I’ve heard. So tread lightly."

  "I’m not worried, we’ll get in and find out what’s going on," Buck said confidently, giving me hope.

  "Okay, you two get your act together and I’ll give you directions to the site." We were finished for now and everyone left the room except Lacey and me.

  "I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to give you a hard time about money," she said.

  "Lacey you’ve worked for me for over a year and you’ve always kept everyone in line and put up with all the bull the guys threw at you, so you deserve a raise and you’ll get one. So beginning Monday start yourself at double what you are making now, we have enough business to keep up. Does that work for you?"

  She looked shocked at the offer and gave me a hug. "Thank you so much. Jessie is now getting to the age where she needs things that she didn’t need before. This will help with everything."

  "Okay, get going and give Mac a good-bye kiss; he’s running off to join the carnival."

  She laughed and we went out to the lobby. Mac turned and said, "I’ll run Lacey and Jessie home and come back with the camper." They left and Buck was on his cell phone explaining to Maria what he was going to be doing. He gave me a thumbs up and hung up.

  An hour later Buck and Mac had the camper looking like two macho men were living out of it. We put in plenty of beer cans and tossed clothes around to give it a homey look. They were dressed in bluejeans and cutoff t-shirts with their muscles bulging, looking all the part. I gave them the directions to the carnival and who to see.


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