Dark Carnival Murders

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Dark Carnival Murders Page 7

by Bob Moats

  "Have you ever thought of becoming a stripper?" Earl said.

  "Just who invited you to this party anyways?"

  "Blame Jim, he brought me."

  Lynn gave me a snarl and went back into the building. I smacked Earl on the shoulder and called him a putz. We followed her in and found that CSI was just finishing up. Lynn was talking to Larry Wayne and they had nothing much to go on. Larry said they found a few fingerprints on the alarm system but most were just smudges and the video tapes from the cameras were taken.

  "Great, we have no video to watch now. They took care of everything. Warren, get on the computer and see if you can find any similar robberies in cities that Dark went through."

  "Williams pulled a list of the route taken by the carnival, through registered permits, I can go with that," he said and started to go.

  "Get on it and quickly." She went back to Larry and asked, "What’s your expert opinion?"

  "It’s a mystery, had to be someone on the inside, no marks of forced entry. I’m sure Lusk didn’t forget to turn on the alarm and lock the doors. You’ve got a mystery."

  "We know who did it, but we can’t touch them yet, they are connected to a more serious case of child abduction. We have to play this carefully," Lynn replied.

  "Well, good luck, I’ll call if we can come up with something." He went off after calling his people to the cars.

  Lynn turned to me, "All we can do now is wait for Buck to pull a rabbit out of his hat. I’ll have robbery alerted to other jewelry stores in the area, in case Dark tries it again."

  My cell phone buzzed and I excused myself, it was Penny. "Hey babe, what’s up? Why aren’t you in bed, it’s after one in the morning."

  "I didn’t know when you were coming back, Angelo stopped by earlier to say his Mom and Gino are in town, they arrived tonight. Angelo put them up in the Tropicana Hotel and Francis told him to tell me we are having a spa day tomorrow after I tape my show. I’m going to pick her up in the morning to take her to my studio to watch, then off to beauty land."

  "I hope they can help you. I’m about finished here, I’ll be home as soon as I can."

  "Help me? Is there something wrong with me, huh? Do you think I need help? You better duck when you get home buddy." She hung up and I regretted trying to joke with her, but I knew she loved it.

  I went back to Earl and said, "I’m done here, I’ll take you back to your car and then I’ll go fight with my lovely wife."

  "What dumb thing did you say now?" he said with a laugh.

  "Gino and Francis are in town, and Penny is going with Francis tomorrow for spa treatments."

  "And you made a comment about her needing treatments."

  "Close enough. Do you know any flower shops open this late?"

  Earl looked back to the jewelry store and said, "No, but I know where you can get a nice necklace for her." He busted out laughing and we went to my van.


  Chapter 13

  Finally arriving at my home, Earl drove off without making any more smart-ass comments. I went into the house and straight to the bedroom and found Penny sound asleep, so I didn’t wake her. I felt bad that I hadn’t called the Walkers earlier to let them know we were still on the case.

  I took a quick shower in my bathroom and toweled off. Willy was standing in the doorway watching me and looking half asleep. I picked him up and put him on his Bates Motel chair and then I crawled into bed. I was asleep quickly.

  Morning came and I could hear a commotion coming from the kitchen area and could smell something good. I threw on a robe and went out to find Penny and Angelo packing a picnic basket of food.

  "I thought you were going to the studio, then to a spa? What’s with the picnic basket?" I asked.

  "Angelo is whipping up some snacks for us while we are at the studio. It’s sort of a welcome to Vegas for Francis," Penny replied.

  I looked in the basket and they had a bunch of tasty looking homemade pastries and assorted goodies.

  "Angelo, you never cease to amaze me, you are a pastry chef too?" I asked.

  "All good Italian chefs know how to make great cannoli’s and other pastries. It’s part of the tradition."

  I started to reach in for one and Penny smacked my hand. I recoiled and went to the bread box to get my slices for toast.

  "Angelo, what’s Gino doing today?" I asked.

  "Gee Mr. R., you don’t really want to know. It’s better that way."

  "Gotcha, enough said." Ah, the life of a mob capo. Probably going to be mixing up cement for someone’s shoes. "What are you going to be doing today?"

  "I’m going to keep my mom company at the studio until they go to the spa, then I’ll go visit a couple friends."

  "Hey, did you find out anything from your gypsy friends about Dark and Cole?"

  "Oh, yeah. Sorry I forgot, my contacts don’t know either of them but they are still going to check for me. I’ll let you know as soon as something pops."

  "Thanks Angelo." I turned to Penny and said, "I’ll be with Lynn and Deacon today, call if you need me."

  "I’ll be relaxing and being pampered by soothing hands today, so don’t bother me. Angelo is going to drive us in the mini-limo." She kissed me and then said to Angelo, "Shall we go?" They went out to the car, which Angelo brought out earlier. I looked to Willy and said, "Guess it’s just us two, big guy."

  I drove by the office building to drop off Willy for Lacey to watch and check my messages, there were none. I didn’t know if that was good or bad, but it was no fun being ignored.

  "Jim, is Mac going to be finished anytime soon?" Lacey asked as I came out to the lobby.

  "Why, are you getting horny without him around?"

  "Hey, that’s personal. I’m just wanting to know so I can plan our lives. I want to make sure that Jessie doesn’t go off to college before Mac gets home."

  "Jessie’s not old enough for college and Mac will be home in plenty of time. You’ll be the first to know when he’s finished." I left the lobby and went back to my office to called the Walkers. I knew nothing I could say would help them, but just my voice on the phone so that they knew I hadn’t given up may give them a little comfort. They held up well.

  After I finished giving the Walkers a bit of hope, my cell phone rang, it was Lynn. "Good Morning," I said as I answered.

  "It would be a better morning if we had Dark in custody. I hate letting him skate for the jewelry robbery but I accept the reason for letting it go for now. It’s been two days since the boys have gone missing, this is not good. Get on Buck to start the ball rolling again, we need to find out where they take the women and hope the boys are there."

  "I’ll call him shortly. Have you contacted robbery division about possible hits on other jewelry stores?"

  "I have and they understand the situation. They will do what they can to prevent the robberies, but not apprehend Dark and his crew. Just enough to scare them off, and not arrest anyone for now. Hopefully today we can get the women back into the hotel. Warren checked and said that the Luxor room is being reserved for another day, so that may be good."

  "I’ll put a bug in Buck’s ear to get it going. I’ll call when I have something for you." We finished and I hung up, and then dialed Buck. It was still early enough for him to be in the camper. He came on after two rings. "Hey Buck, can you talk?"

  "Sure can Jimmy, what’s the word?" he said with a pleasant response.

  "Dark got away with the robbery last night, Lynn is holding off pulling him in for questioning, she doesn’t want to give your cover away. You need to prod Dark into going again with the women, we need to get to the boys, time is running out. The longer we take the worse it could be. Dark isn’t going to murder them, they are more valuable to him alive. We just need to stop this before they are taken somewhere and we’ll never find them."

  "I’ll get on Dark first thing this morning. I was just waiting to hear from you."

  "Good, so go to it and let me know what’s going on."

  "Will do," he said and hung up. It was now up to him.


  Buck and Mac went flying out of the camper, headed right to Dark’s trailer and the old woman behind the cage waved them through to Dark’s office. He was sitting at his desk with Skeeter standing by as they were checking the jewelry they snatched.

  "Ah Buck, my sincere apologies to you for the abrupt cancellation of our little kidnapping last night. Things came up quickly, and we had to take the priority of obtaining quick funds. I’ve arranged for the nabbing to go again tonight. Did you and the ladies have a good time last night?" Dark spoke with his evil grin never wavering.

  "No, they were a bit put off that the party was canceled, they left shortly after."

  "Well, we’ll do better tonight, I have a client who is in need of women for his palace in Dubai. Pick some really stacked females, he likes busty women."

  "We’ll do our best. I have a question."

  "Ask away my friend."

  "The cops were asking around yesterday, about some missing kids, are we into grabbing children too?"

  "Why, do you object, do you have some morals about it?" Dark’s grin faded a little.

  "Hell no, I just like to know what’s going down before I make a fool of myself to the cops."

  Dark smiled a little more now, "Yes, good point, we do provide younger ones at a good price. We have three now that we will be auctioning off shortly. If you’d like to watch how we do this, you are more than welcome to join us."

  "An auction, I like that. Ever been to a slave auction Mac?" Buck said to his partner.

  "Nope, just seen some in the movies, sounds interesting. Like cattle to the slaughter," Mac replied holding back his hate for Dark.

  "Count us in, when is this taking place?" Buck said turning back to Dark.

  "Tomorrow night after we close down, I have a number of clients coming in, I may need your help to keep them happy."

  "You got it. Well, we have work to do," Buck said, and he motioned to Mac to leave. He stopped and turned back, "Let me know about the party tonight, that all is going to go as planned."

  "You got it Buck," Dark replied and the big men left the trailer.

  Dark turned to Skeeter, "It was a little strange that the cops arrived so quickly after our break-in last night, like they knew. I think we need to watch our two new friends a little closer."


  Chapter 14

  My cell phone buzzed and I checked the ID, it was Buck. "Speak to me," I said as I answered.

  "I’ll talk quick, I’m in my phone booth."


  "You got it. The nabbing is back on for tonight, send the women out or four different ones. I don’t think Louie paid much attention to the last group, but may as well be safe. Now the bonus! The boys are still alive and in the city. Dark is going to auction them off in a special showing tomorrow night. Mac and I have been invited but I don’t know where yet."

  I took a big sigh hearing that they were all right. "Okay buddy, do what you have to do and I’ll get Lynn set up again. Same deal I presume?"

  "As far as I know, Dark wasn’t very talkative. I’ll call again when I get more, later," he said and hung up.

  I put my cell phone back in my pocket and grabbed the desk phone to call Lynn. She came on quickly.

  "Good news, the boys are still alive and nearby, but Buck doesn’t know where. The nabbing is set to go again tonight, so have your girls ready."

  I could hear Lynn let out a little whoop and then she said, "Best news I’ve had in the last two days. Know anything more about them?"

  "Buck said they are going to be auctioned off tomorrow night, I presume to lecherous, creepy men who need little boys but don’t want to grab the kids themselves."

  "Bastards, I’m going to love busting that sale. Call me as soon as you find out something. Now shall I send out the same women?"

  "Buck suggested four new ones, he doesn’t think the weasel who was there really got a good look at the women but to be on the safe side."

  "Got it, I’ll get back to you if we have anything on this side." She hung up and I sat back thinking about calling the Walkers and the Feltons, but I decided to wait. Nothing worse for the parents to get hope, then have this all blow up. I’ll call as soon as all three boys are in our custody.

  I stood from my desk and went out to the lobby, Lacey was busy typing and caught me out of the corner of her eye. She jumped but didn’t scream.

  "What," I said. "I’m not announcing my arrival in the lobby every time I come out."

  "You noticed I didn’t scream, so I’m getting used to you now. So what do you want?"

  "I’m going to take a ride and get something to eat. Just so you know we may have this sewn up by tomorrow night."

  "About time, I was getting Jessie ready to go off to Harvard," she said with a smile.

  "Harvard, how much do I pay you?"

  "Well with the raise you gave me, not enough."

  "I doubled your salary, and you still aren’t making enough?"

  "Chill Jim, I’m kidding. I’m happy with the raise and I’m going to send Jessie to UNLV so she is still close by."

  "She has a good number of years before she can even go there."

  "She’s smart like me, so she’ll get in early."

  "She’s not your blood relation."

  "So, she picks up from me every day, she’s a fast learner."

  "Whatever, I’m out of here."

  I went out the door to my van and drove over to Sonic for a burger and onion rings. I enjoyed my meal and then headed to visit Lynn and Deacon. I went into the back door of the precinct and the officer at the sign-in counter waved me through. It was nice to feel like I was part of the team. I had helped with enough cases to qualify as being part of the LVMPD. I still had my auxiliary police badge, which no one asked for it’s return, so I considered myself to be part of the force.

  I didn’t find Lynn or Deacon in her office, but Deacon was now part of Vice so he didn’t hang out here much, I would miss him. I could go over to Vice and visit, maybe check out the women they pulled in, but Penny would smell it on me, so not a good idea.

  Warren was at his desk and saw me. "Lynn is in with Weber, I hope she gets out alive."

  I went over and sat next to Warren’s desk and asked, "Now why would Weber harm Lynn?"

  "He’s bothered by the fact that Lynn is homicide and the case she’s following is kidnapping and human trafficking, plus now robbery. I’m sure she’ll wiggle her way out of it, Weber is getting soft lately. Maybe he’s losing it, he’s been on the force forever."

  "He’s a strange little man, but he’s harmless," I said. I looked over to the lobby hallway and saw Lynn coming out to the squad room. She saw me and waved me to her office, I went.

  "So what did Weber have to say?" I asked.

  "He fumed about the cost of our busted bust last night but I explained the whole case to him and he’s going along with me. He worries about missing children too. He’s assigning a small task force to this, but with what you told me, we may be able to clear this up soon."

  "I hope we aren’t disappointed. We’ll see how the kidnapping goes tonight, hopefully it won’t queer the deal for tomorrow night. We need to think this out carefully," I said.

  "You’re right, if we grab the kidnappers tonight they may move the boys somewhere else. I may need to have the women be kidnapped for the duration just to keep this thing going. I hope they can take it."

  "You’re people are pros, they can do it. Besides if they take the women to the same place as the kids, our problems are solved."

  "I hope so, I want to bring this case to an end, and we need to get the boys back safely."

  I looked over to see Deacon walking down the hallway towards us. He grinned when he saw me sitting by Lynn’s desk in his usual chair.

  "Taking my place now," he said as he came in the room.

  "No one can replace you pal. Are you sick of the hookers
yet?" I said.

  "Close," he said with a side glance to Lynn. "The women are not anything I’d want to spend time with. They aren’t the finest females in the world. Not like my wife," he threw in for luck.

  "You are one smart man, bunny bear," Lynn said with a grin.

  "Please don’t start the bunny bear stuff again. I’m still trying to live down the last time you were mad at me and let everyone in the squad hear you call me that. I’m even getting it over in vice now."

  "Sorry my dear, I can’t call it back now so just wear it as a badge of honor."

  "Bunny bear is not a badge of honor. So how’s the case going? Find the boys yet?" he said changing the subject.

  "Close, but still no cigar. Buck told me today that the boys are being auctioned off tomorrow night," I said. "At least we know the boys are still alive and close."

  "Are you still in need of the women for the kidnapping?"

  "Yep, it’s going on again tonight, but we have to be careful in grabbing the criminals so they don’t change the auction tomorrow and we lose the boys," Lynn said with a sigh.

  My cell phone buzzed, I pulled it from my pocket and saw by the caller ID it was Angelo. I excused myself and went out to the squad room to answer.

  "Talk to me my friend," I said.

  "Just wanted to fill you in on the situation with Mom and Penny, they are done with the show and I dropped them off at WonderSpa, they’re probably soaking in mud by now."

  "Thanks for the update but you don’t have to keep me informed."

  "That’s not the only reason I called, I got word from my gypsy friends, they say they can’t find anything on the man called Jacob Dark, but they tracked down Lucius Cole."

  "Where’s he at?"

  "In Vegas, the gypsies say there is no real Jacob Dark, it’s a front for the carnival. Jacob Dark is actually Lucius Cole."


  Chapter 15

  "Oh man, that is great info, thanks, I’ll tell Lynn. Anything else you have?"


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