Love's Lost Embrace

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Love's Lost Embrace Page 6

by ChaShiree M.

  “It’s ok. I like you looking at me.” He says as he leads me to the table.

  “Come eat baby.”

  “Yea mom. Dad and I made you breakfast. Did you know dad can cook? Just like Aunt Lei.” Looking at my son my heart does backflips. Seeing the joy and pride on his face is all I have ever wanted.

  “Yea baby. She taught us both to cook when we were younger and continued my teaching me when we lived with her.”

  Sitting down at the table, Trim and TJ continue like any ordinary day, and I can't help but imagine what it would be like if I don’t fight and give in. Would our days and mornings always be this...normal and beautiful?

  “Love? Is everything ok?”

  “Yea. I’m sorry. Only a bit tired. Didn't sleep much.” I say trying to hide what I was thinking.

  “Me either.” He says with a knowing smirk. Jerk. I think with a smile.

  “I was saying TJ and I have a bit of running around to do this morning and afternoon. But we would love it if you would join us for lunch at HotRod’s. Say one o’clock.”

  My initial reaction is to say no because it’s the town hyper center for gossip. Meeting him there will no doubt set the tongues a-wagging. Not to mention after what he told me last night, I cannot help but worry about the fallout once the Sheriff knows he is here. Instead of saying all of that, however, I answer.

  “Yes. Of course.” What the hell.

  “Awesome. I am assuming as a single mom you never had much time to yourself. What are you going to do with the whole morning?”

  Good question. I have no idea what to do with no child or work for five hours. I did laundry Wednesday and I have no work to catch up on. I did buy a book by my favorite author DC Renee. She released a book called ‘Let Hate Go’. It’s part of a Valentine’s Day series called Cupid’s Aim. She happens to be one of my favorites. She has a very unusual style of writing than what one might expect. I find it refreshing. I like my authors predictable and with a theme you can count on from them, but having one, that writes out of the norm, can be a change of pace. I found her a year ago, when a co-worker recommended her other book to me called ‘The Beauty Beneath’. That book gutted me. It called to me on elemental level and she has become my go to when I need to let the emotion out. Suddenly the prospect of sitting in my gazebo with a glass of wine and good book is more appealing than doing anything else.

  “Well, mama is going to sit and read a book.” My son screws his face up when I say this.

  “Really mom? Reading?” I mush his hair up which he hates.

  “Yes, little man. Reading.”

  The rest of breakfast goes the same. Conversation and plans. I get lost in how right it all feels, and I lose track of time and before I know it the boys have dressed and left the house.

  Tell me again why I want to fight this?

  Chapter Nine


  Driving through town my mind takes me down memory lane. Some memories are good and others I would rather forget. It doesn’t surprise me that the town has barely changed in the time I have been away. The most noticeable difference being the addition of my shop.

  It sits on the biggest lot on Main St. taking up three-fourths of the block, and she is a beauty. When I decided to open my first shop while I was still overseas, I knew before I had a name for it, it would be in my hometown. The primary reason was I wanted to stick it to the Sheriff. I had no idea with my knowledge of cars and my aunt’s care and love for all things organizing, along with the help of Lansing my best friend from basic training that it would become one of the foremost custom car shops across the U.S.

  Now sitting in my car about to go inside for the second time since I have been home, the pride I feel is even more prevalent because I get to show my son his legacy.

  “Dad, why are we at the car shop?”

  “Good question TJ. Why don’t we go inside, and I show you?” Lansing is meeting me here today. I texted him early this morning to ask if he was around and he said yes. I know from conversations with Aunt Lei that Lansing seems restless and agitated, but she wouldn’t comment why. Only that he seems anxious to turn the reins over to me as soon as I am ready, I can’t say I blame him. He was in basic training with me, and though we both posted out at the same time, six months into our first post in Syria, he got shot in the leg by an insurgent and never recovered sufficiently enough to come back. They honorably discharged him and sent him on his way.

  Almost as soon as he got home, I had the idea for this business. It was heightened by the fact that Lansing’s dad was a mechanic and he was set to go into the family business. He agreed to be the face and spine behind it while I was away, dealing with the day to day, taking the meetings with investors and such. He always maintained in public that he was merely the VP, but I owe him more than I can say for making this the monster that it is. So, if he needs out, I will oblige.

  Not surprised to note that TJ has never been inside as indicated by the first thing out of his mouth.

  “Wow! This place is cool.” My chest pokes out like a peacock’s tail. Fucking kid has me preening.

  “It is TJ. It is.”

  “Mac my man. It’s good to see you.” Lansing and I exchange handshakes and back pats. I must say he looks the same, but different. This life has been good to him, which has piqued my curiosity that much more.

  “And who is this little guy?”

  “Lansing. I would like for you to meet my son, TJ.” At the word son, his head immediately jerks up and he looks me dead in the face. I can read his expression as if it was my own. I raise my eyebrow in agreement and give a slight shake of my head to let him know not now or here, but the pensive looks he gives me makes me realize he is not going to let it go. I know him, and his first thing would be if he knew I had a son, he would have been there for him in my stead. Knowing that, he is always aces in my book.

  “Well it is a pleasure to meet you TJ. My name is Travis Lansing.”

  “Nice to meet you Mr. Lansing.”

  “Little dude, you can call me Travis.” He says as he ruffles his hair. We walk towards my office.

  “TJ, we have an excellent children's waiting room right over there. It has TV, video games, and toys if you want to go there for a bit while your dad and I talk boring grown-up stuff.”

  He looks at me waiting on my approval, and nothing has ever meant more to me than in this moment. When your son looks to you for guidance and acceptance, you cannot help feeling as if you could hold the world up on your shoulders. Any man who doesn’t feel the intense need to be everything their child needs is less than a man.

  “Go ahead little man. I will be right over there.” I say pointing to my office to the right of the playroom. After making sure he goes straight there and the door closes, Lansing and I begin our tour. I must admit to being equally as impressed as my son. He and my aunt have done a superb job. The layout is exactly as I envisioned. In a separate garage is a basic car repair shop. It has four bays and is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery. There appear to be seven employees for this side of the shop, some of which have on intern work shirts. It was my biggest request that we are able to employ students and give them a place to learn and add experience.

  Walking through that part of the shop, you then come to a set of double glass doors that read…. Welcome to the Custom Side.

  Walking into the area is like entering another world. This side has eight bays, each one is geared for a specific repair. For example; bay one is for custom paint jobs, bay two for custom mufflers, bay three for engine restoration, etc. …...

  My love of cars comes from my grandpa. My mom’s dad was an engineer who liked to tinker with old cars. Before he died, I use to spend the summers with him, and I would go to the garage with him while he worked on his toys. Those were the best summers. I never stopped loving cars. Looking at my idea alive and breathing is something to be proud of accomplishing.

  “Lansing, can I just tell you again how much I appreciate all you hav
e done. I know it was a lot to take on and I couldn’t have trusted anyone else. My Aunt told me your anxious to be done and out of here. I will be sad and disappointed not to be able to grow this with you by my side, but I respect your decision.”

  “Whoa…. hold on now. Who said anything about me walking away?”

  “Lei said you were anxious to turn it over to me and…….”

  Knock. Knock.

  “Sorry for the interruption gentleman. I wanted to drop off the invoices that came in this morning and to introduce myself. Mr. MacIntosh. My name is Araya Gonzalez. People around here call me, Ray. I am your Administrative Assistant and Accountant for this location. It is a pleasure to meet you and be a part of your company. If there is anything, I can do for you or you need from me, please do not hesitate to……”

  “That will be all Araya. Mr. MacIntosh doesn’t need you fawning all over him.”

  “As if. I was doing no such thing you arrogant, foul-mouthed jerk.” And with that, she stumps off. I am shocked by the display I just witnessed. I don’t know whether to laugh or high-tail it out of here. I almost miss the hurt etched across Travis’ face, and then it hits me.

  “Is she the reason you need away?”

  “For the last time...I am not going nowhere. I just…. fuck man…...I need her like I need a shot of jack. But I couldn’t do shit while sitting at this location, because technically I am her immediate supervisor. You know, sexual harassment and all that. So as soon as you rest your ass in that chair, I will take my place at the annex location across the river, and then I can make my move. That woman has made my insides jump hoops ever since I met her. I mean shit, did you see her. No... Nope never mind….I don’t need you looking at my woman.”

  I chuckle. Louder than I intended to, but it's funny as fuck because I would be the same way.

  “No problem my friend. I don’t see any other woman but Love. Now fill me in on all I need to know so my son and I can hit the road. I have three more stops to make before Love meets us for lunch.”

  “Speaking of son. What the fuck Mac?”

  “Trust me brother. I know. I had no clue until yesterday when I came home to get my lady and saw them on the lawn. It was like being hit with a 2x4 across the chest. But I will tell you one thing…...nothing has ever made me happier than knowing she cannot get away from me now. And my son is a fucking cute kid. So, all in all…...I win.”

  “I hear you man. Ok let’s get started.”

  An hour later we finish up and TJ and I head out.

  The first stop is to my lawyer where I promptly add TJ and Love as my beneficiaries. I also make sure to set something aside for my aunt and Lansing. I rewrite my will to leave them everything should something happen to me. I also take a life insurance policy worth 2.5mil and leave it all to Love. Wentworth pitches a hissy fit, like a give a fuck. She is my woman and he is my son. I want to make sure they want for nothing should I perish. The final piece of paperwork is a college fund for TJ and any other future children we will have.

  Next stop is at my accountant’s office. Raul is a straight shooter who loves his woman as much as I love mine, so I know he is not going to give me shit. I add Love’s name to all my accounts and open up one in her name with some seed money in it. He adds 5 mil to it for me. I ask for the account to the other stocks and shit I hold, as well as the shares in the businesses in town my aunt and Lansing have acquired for me as a silent shareholder. They swooped in at the last minute and saved some of the failing companies. That was my coupe de gras, if you will. The same people who shunned Love and me, have no idea that I and now her, hold the fate of their businesses and livelihood in our hands. Once Raul gives me the balance of my net worth and I leave his office, I feel almost as if nothing can touch me, until I make it to my car.

  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t the murdering son of a con man. I thought I told you not to come back here, boy.”

  “Sheriff. I see you are still sipping on the senile juice. I thought for sure by now you would be weaned off that delusional sauce that got you thinking you run shit in this town.”

  “Listen here you….”

  “Ah. Ah. ...Sheriff. I would take a few steps back, because I don’t want my son getting the wrong impression of the law in our little town.”

  It’s taking everything in me not to lay his old ass out, right here on this concrete. If it weren’t for my boy standing here taking in every single word I am saying, I would have stuck my foot up his decrepit old ass. However, my job as a father is also to show him the correct way to handle things even if it kills me.

  “I am going to give you a week to…...”

  “Do what exactly Sheriff? I am not going anywhere. We both know that bogus ass deal we made was only good for five years. I never had any intention of staying gone longer than that. And if you knew what I know, you would be begging me to stay. So, if I were you, I would watch what you say to me. Or you might find, your little town changing names in the not, so distant future. How does…...Macintosh Village sound to you? Good day…...Everhart.”

  With that, I grab TJ and get in the car. My hands on the steering wheel are white knuckled, and I need to take a moment to get myself together. My eyes are blurry as my heart beats faster and faster with rage. How dare he think he can talk to me like that? And in front of my son.

  I think it’s time to start showing this town exactly who owns whom.

  Chapter Ten


  I haven't felt so refreshed and rested since the day Trim left. Having a morning to myself is a novelty I never thought I would experience being a single mom. I laid around, read the book I am glad I got because let’s face it, DC Renee is incredible. I even had time to primp for the afternoon.

  I also spent quite a bit of time thinking about the turn of events. Once I resigned myself to the fact that Trim was gone and never coming back, I had decided to move on. Not in the start a new relationship type of way, but in the I am going to be a single mom without a husband for the rest of my life kind of way. I knew deep down in my bones that I would never love another man like I loved Trim, and I couldn't settle for less.

  Having him turn up in front of my house and finding out he didn’t exactly abandon me. That he still loves me, and I still love him. Needless to say, all the sudden changes are giving me whiplash. Not mention we have made love twice and not used protection either time.

  Rubbing my hand across my stomach, I have a vision of Trim and I married, with TJ beside us and a baby in my arms. A warm feeling of completeness takes me over and almost knocks me down, it was so vivid. Could it be this easy? He comes home, and suddenly my heart and body are such that he never left?

  Of course, my brain is telling me to put a halt on everything. I am more inclined to listen to it. There are still so many variables and things I don’t know.

  However, the question that keeps coming up over and over in my mind is: Are the things you don't know as important as the things you do know?

  I have been sitting here thinking about that very thing for too long, I almost lost track of time. By the time I come out of my revelry, I have exactly 30 minutes to get dressed and make it to HotRod’s. Thank goodness I showered this morning. I find I am a bit nervous meeting him for lunch at the busiest place in town. Crazy right? Technically I know it’s not a date, because TJ will be there. But still, it will be the first time we will be out together as a family.

  I dress with more care than usual for a Sunday. I find I want to look good for him and the feeling is welcome and makes me a bit giddy. I slide into a red bodycon shirt dress I found on clearance at The Rack, pair it with black leggings, some red ankle boots, and very few accessories. My hair is down because I feel it brings a certain maturity to my perpetual baby face.

  Making it to the restaurant with ten minutes to spare, I pick the booth in the back……. less visibility. Deciding to check my email from my phone while I wait. The last person I want to see here right now, of course shows up.

/>   “Love. Fancy meeting you here.” Crap.

  “Austin. What are you doing here? Don’t you usually go to Baylor for the weekend to see your folks?”

  “Yea. But Drake has a cold, so I didn’t want to leave home. My parents came here instead. Quinn’s begging for Mickey Mouse pancakes and everyone knows no one makes them better than, Ginger, behind the counter.”

  I chuckle, because he is absolutely correct. Ginger has been the HotRod’s baker since I was a kid. When she branched off and started serving breakfast, all the kids from the town flocked here every weekend for breakfast. TJ still loves to come here a couple of times a month.

  “Oh well, you don’t want to keep Quinn waiting.” I am not trying to be rude, but I really don’t need this right now.

  “Well you still didn’t tell me what you’re doing here? And where is TJ?”

  I am about to tell him...well honestly, I don’t know what I am about to say, when before my brain can conjure up a half-truth I want to spew, the voice behind me takes that out of my hands.

  “TJ is with his father.” Fuck.

  I watch Austin’s face blanche a shade of red, before he turns to acknowledge that indeed it is who he thinks it is. I watch as Trim’s stance becomes more and more tense. His jaw begins to tick, and I can see the cords of muscle in his neck bulging out. The situation can get out of control faster than anyone expects if Austin decides to act all high and mighty. My only concern is that I don’t want Trim getting into trouble with the Sheriff. Especially in light of everything I now know.


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