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Dracian Legacy

Page 6

by Kanaparti, Priya

  “Finding you was the best thing that happened to me, Ren. I l—”

  I dropped my hand from Axel as my phone beeped for the umpteenth time.

  Oh, for the love of…

  Pey: Call me. Call me. Call ME!

  “I guess we better get going before Pey goes crazy monkey on me.”

  “I saw you talking to Jax earlier.” I looked at him, wondering where he was going with this. He ran his hand through his hair. “You guys seemed serious.”

  I let out a nervous chuckle. “He… asked me out. On a date.”

  “Oh.” He sounded disappointed and I felt the need to assure him.

  “I was saved by the whistle,” I said, smiling up at him.

  “So you don’t like him?”

  I shook my head. Doesn’t he already know the answer to that?

  “Do you l-like someone else? Or have someone in your life?” he asked, unsure.

  My face burned, which was probably the worst thing at that moment.

  “Dean?” he asked, almost jealous.

  “What?” I processed my surprise before laughing out loud. He thinks I like Dean?

  “I think we better get home, Axel,” I said, straddling the bike.

  Axel didn’t hold back on the speed and I didn’t fear the bike anymore. I was definitely starting to get why Axel loved riding her.


  “I can’t believe you bailed on me last night.” Pey hooked her arm in mine, looking very giddy. “You won’t believe what happened yesterday after school.”

  “Um… You won the lottery?”


  “Landon proposed?” I grinned, knowing that was her heart’s desire. How many nights did we spend talking about her future wedding with Landon? Too many.

  “I wish. But one—” Suddenly stopping, she turned to me, flashing a crooked smile. “Ingenious. You know, I underestimated your slyfulness.”

  “Really? Slyfulness?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You remember Jax?”

  I nodded, not wanting to know where this was going.

  “I think he’s into you. Like, really into you.”


  “No, listen. He wanted to know if you had a boyfriend and if you were going to the fall dance with anyone.”

  “Ah, crap. I was hoping he’d give up.” Then I looked at her, doubtful. “You told him I don’t date, right? That I’m not going to the dance?”

  “What kind of best friend do you think I am? Of course I did. I’ve got your back.” We were almost at the cafeteria. “But I don’t think he knows what no or reeee-jected means. So I just wanted to give you a fair warning.” She nudged me in the ribs.

  “What?” I asked, annoyed.

  She pointed to both Axel and Dean, who were looking in our direction. Dean winked at us as he played with Ella’s hair.

  Axel had the most endearing look and I couldn’t help but stare back at him. Heat pooled in my cheeks as I took a steady breath, commanding my heart to slow down. He smiled at my reaction.

  “You should go back to sweats like last year. Especially if you want to stay unnoticed. I think guys are starting to take note and you know how they think…” She wiggled her eyebrows. “With their di—”

  I cut her off, shaking my head. “No shame, Pey. No shame.”

  She chuckled.

  Last year was miserable and I had no intention of going back to that. I took a seat across from Axel and next to Tyler as Pey mauled Landon.

  “Seriously? I swear, one of these days I’m going to disown you as my friends. Hope it’s worth your PDA,” I added, smiling politely.

  “You know, Ren, if you’re feeling left out, maybe I could help?” Tyler wiggled his eyebrows with a toothy grin.

  I huffed out a laugh. Is he being serious?

  “Tyler,” Axel warned.

  I opened my mouth to say something like I can take care of myself. But when my eyes connected with Axel’s, I found a gleam of possessiveness. My heart fluttered and my mouth went bone dry.

  “She doesn’t date, Tyler. You’re out of luck,” Landon’s voice cut through my fantasies.

  I snapped back to reality. Date? Luck? What? I glanced around the table, my eyes finally landing on Tyler. Right. His eyes twinkled with mischief and his lips listed in an evil grin. He looked pleased that I was squirming under his scrutiny.

  Uncomfortably squirming.

  “You know…” Tyler’s lips flattened and he moved his mouth closer to my ear. “Making out with a non-datable girl is a complete turn-on.”

  “Argh…” I backhanded him in the chest, making him gasp for air. And I refused to apologize.

  “I would never hook up with you, even if you were the last living being on earth,” I said, immediately regretting my choice of words.

  “We’re all in for the senior party tomorrow?” Ella asked. “I heard it’s going to be top of the charts. Christian’s parents are out of town and… he has plans, if you know what I mean.” Ella looked back to Dean, licking her lips suggestively.

  Axel eyed me. “Are you going?”

  “Of course she is.” Pey answered for me. “We’ve been talking about this, like, forever.”

  “I guess I’m going.” I sighed. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to enjoy it.” I scowled at my best friend.

  “I’m sure if Axel showed up you’d be up for anything,” she whispered into my ear.

  My nerves jumped and wished Dracians didn’t have dog ears. Because that would suck. I glanced up to find Axel staring right back at me, his cheeks a bit flushed.

  Damn him!

  When I opened my locker, a note fell out. I unfolded it, my fingers trembling.


  A smile crept on my face. I knew exactly whom this note came from. I shook my head, approaching Axel’s locker. I scribbled on a piece of paper.

  You hate honey? I so don’t know you.

  I drew an elaborate smiley face, including a protruding tongue. Then I gave him a bit about myself.

  Project Bandaloop. Marie

  I stood up on my tippy toes and pushed the note into his locker, hearing it hit the metal bottom with a soft clink. I smiled, unable to hold back. I didn’t understand this overwhelming attraction to a boy I just met, but one thing was sure: I was slowly, but deeply, falling for him.

  At around 8:30 that night, my phone rang. Rummaging through my book bag, I made a mental note that I needed to find a better place for it than the bottomless pit.

  “Hello?” I said, a little out of breath.

  “Is this a bad time?” I recognized the voice immediately as my heart hit the walls of my chest with a screeching halt.

  “How did you get my number?” Stupid, stupid. He calls you and that’s what you want to know?

  Axel chuckled nervously. “I paid a huge price to get it.”

  “What kind of price?” I could barely hide my grin in my tone.

  “I traded a week’s worth of patrolling. FYI, don’t ever trade with Tyler. He’s one tough SOB.”

  I laughed. “I’m glad you called.” My voice sounded foreign to me—heavy and soft.

  He paused. “I didn’t really get a chance to talk to you, and I wanted to hear your voice.”

  Damn the butterflies.

  “I got your note.”

  “I thought I would share something about myself first.” I heard his unsaid words. Your turn.

  “So you call one-word responses sharing? I didn’t know if you liked or hated honey, or if you’re the beekeeper.” I heard him laugh. “Just so you know, I assumed the worst.”

  “And what was that?”

  “That you’re a bee-killing honey hater.” I lay on my bed, pushing aside my homework.

  “That’s a lot of hate, Ren. And a beautiful girl I know told me I need to lay off that kind of energy.”

  He called me beautiful! My throat felt dry and heavy with excitement.

  “Well, that’s what you get for leaving me with s
o little information.” My voice came out soft and flirty.

  “For your information, I love honey and practically eat it with everything.” I heard his smile in his voice.

  “Good to know, Mr. Knight.” The wind chimes by my window played a soothing melody.

  “How are you?”

  Should I tell him about Jax? “Do you know Jax Winholm?” Damn it, mouth. I was still contemplating.

  “Yeah?” He sounded annoyed. “What did he do?” Now he sounded angry.

  “He asked me out on a date.”

  “What did you say?” His voice was stoic.

  “I don’t date, remember?”

  “W-what would you have said?” Now he sounded nervous.

  “What would you have wanted me to say?” I asked, feeling braver, daring even. I pulled a strand of my hair and started twirling it with my index finger. My heart squeezed with nerves, waiting to hear his response. Did he want me to say yes? God, I hope not.

  “I can take care of him,” Axel said after a pause, “if he’s a bother.”

  Well, damn. That wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

  I laughed, disappointed. “Um, I think you taking care of him might not be what I had in mind.”

  He was quiet for a couple seconds. “What are you doing this weekend?”

  Oh! Was he going to ask me out? Please ask me out. Desperate much?

  “Uh, Ren? You there?”

  Right, I hadn’t answered him yet. Get a grip, woman! “I don’t plan that far ahead, Axel. No teenager does. You should try that sometime. Spontaneity.”

  “I’ll plan for spontaneity the following weekend, then.” He laughed, then paused. “I was wondering how you feel about soccer?”

  “Um, hot guys play the sport,” I said, teasing.

  “Well, then it’s settled.”

  We made plans to meet at Settlers Ridge Park at three p.m. on Saturday. He didn’t really give many more details about who else was coming or if I was a spectator or participant. All I got was “Dress comfortably.” After that, we ended up talking through the night.

  He told me about the others aiding him with the mission, his training schedule, Tyler’s insistence they go to school to learn. Yeah, like that was even remotely believable. He probably wanted easy access to the female population.

  It was surreal just hearing him speak. Soon, my eyelids drooped and I was ready to doze off, but I fought to stay awake. I didn’t want the night to end.

  “Meus Aeternus… You awake?”

  His voice… It felt like a dream.


  “You need your sleep.”

  I mumbled some incoherent words.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow. Sweet Dreams, Meus Aeternus.”

  “Mhmm…” Then sleep dragged me under its spell.


  I wasn’t surprised when I woke up the following morning in a puddle of drool. Gross, but expected. Something incredible happened last night between Axel and me. Despite only four hours of sleep, I felt wide-awake. It might’ve had something to do with seeing a certain someone today and soon. A stupid grin spread across my face.

  Axel and I glanced at each other throughout the day, letting our eyes say what our lips didn’t.

  After the final bell, I opened my locker to find another note.

  I knew you were my angel, Temperance Marie Pernell. Harnesses, flying, dancing. Sounds so…

  I rolled my eyes.

  April 12th 7:38 p.m. Eros.

  I really didn’t know what to make of the first clue. His birthdate and time? When he lost his mom? A girl he kissed? Or worse, the day he lost his virginity? God, please don’t let it be the last one. Thinking about him with another girl just rubbed me the wrong way.

  Later that evening I went for a run with music plugged into my ears. Running was one of my favorite hobbies and it helped me think better, more clearly. After a long, hot shower, I sat down and picked up the worn-out book from my nightstand. Diary of Anne Frank.

  I found myself looking at my phone more than I wanted. I’d been waiting and hoping to get a call from Axel before I called it a night.

  That call never came.

  I fell asleep with a pang of pain in my chest, like my heart was smashed in a million pieces. I knew I shouldn’t have been so hopeful. Yet, Axel did something to me that no one else could. He kept pulling and tugging me toward him, making my heart race, my palms sweat, and my lips tremble in longing. He made me feel vulnerable and weak. He made me feel.

  This was either humiliating or incomprehensively humiliating.

  I should’ve known better. Sitting in a circle with an assortment of horny teenagers would never end on a positive note.

  My instincts, which I candidly ignored, told me that much. Here I was, in the middle of a staggered circle, music pounding against the walls, secluded amongst the most eager group of teenagers waiting for me to complete the impossible challenge. I looked around, catching glimpses of laughter and wobbly bodies swaying to the music.

  Everyone. Except. Me.

  I caught a glance of Pey, who straddled Landon, laughing and whispering into his ear. Her eyes twinkled jovially when she caught me staring. I glared back at her. She winked and averted her eyes toward the boy who sat in front of me, his hand on my knee, waiting eagerly for me to make my decision.

  “This is your lucky day, Pernell.” Dean’s voice purred with mischief.

  “Give him a big wet kiss, tongue and all.”

  “Shut up, Hunter!” I growled between my gritted teeth.

  “Rules are rules,” someone said dryly.

  I looked up to note it was Serena who had spoken. She looked annoyed that I was holding up the game—truth or dare. How naïve was I to think this would be an easy game to play and I had more control over my emotions? But Dean found my weakness. I never back down from a challenge. And he easily provoked me to accept a dare.

  “It’s fate, babe. Just kiss and get over it.” Pey spoke up.

  Fate, my ass. Easy for her to say. She wasn’t about to kiss the douchebag. I was.

  “Afraid you might fall madly, irrevocably in love with me?” Dean winked at me. “I wouldn’t blame you if you did.”

  I scoffed.

  I knew for Dean this was more of a game, the conquest of another girl.

  “Don’t make me beg, Pernell.”

  The way Dean spoke my name almost persuaded me to accept my defeat. To say I was pissed would be the understatement of the century. I shot angry daggers at him, wishing one of them would hit him square in the eye, blinding him.

  I didn’t know what came over me. It might have been the frustration and painful emotions from being stood up by Axel for our soccer date or the amount of alcohol in my system. Either way, I made up my mind. There was no way I was going to let this self-loving, arrogant, insignificant ass, who thought of himself as God’s gift to mankind, win. I licked my lips, shoving my nerves aside, pivoting toward him. Dean reached his hand toward me as he scooted closer.

  He must have assumed what my choice was based on my physical crusade. He cupped his hand around the back of my neck and pulled my lips to his with force.

  At the initial touch, my eyes closed, feeling his warm lips move against mine—slowly, tenderly—exploring the bottom, then the top. He was gentle and it left me wanting more. Warmth seeped through my body all the way to my toes, making me light-headed. I’d never been kissed, not like this. He was very tender when he nibbled at my bottom lip before tilting my head with a plea to open for him.

  I wanted to push him away, reject his advances. Because, deep down, I knew it wasn’t Dean’s lips I wanted over mine. It was another blue-eyed boy who’d stomped all over my heart.

  Axel stood you up! And Dean is here and willing. Live a little. For once.

  But through all the confusion, something inside urged me to dive into this kiss. I scooted closer to him, kneeling between his legs. I placed myself in a downward angle, cupping my hands on either side
of his face. He pulled me closer, placing both of his hands at the hem of my cami as he urged for access. He parted my lips and he let out a throaty groan, his grip growing firmer, pulling me onto his lap.

  Never in a million years did I think I would kiss him back. But I did. My heart beat faster and my lungs worked above and beyond as I kissed him back with intensity. I heard his moan when I deepened the kiss. He was no longer gentle and I was in control.

  It felt dangerous. My insides ignited, leaving my body ablaze. His greediness woke something deep within me. His hands, my hands—they had no boundaries.

  He gripped my waist tighter, making my body quiver under his possessive touch. His lips curved against mine. I threw my arms around him, pulling him closer, my fingers vigorously working through his hair. I tilted my face at an angle to give him better access to my mouth.

  Nothing was enough. I could feel something inside me wanting to get closer to him. Tying us closer, pulling us together. I didn’t understand this. I couldn’t. It didn’t make sense.

  He growled, biting and nipping at my lip, and blood rushed to my ears. I heard someone whistle and hoot from far away. I didn’t care. I was brought into the world of Dean, and my senses exploded to the maximum.

  It took me a few dazed seconds before I pulled back, confused. Dean held me close and our foreheads touched as we struggled to breathe, my chest flush against his. My head swam with incoherent thoughts, my eyes still closed. I wanted to kiss him again. I leaned closer to him, biting my lip. Dean met me for a feather-light kiss, which felt much more intimate.

  “I missed you,” he whispered against my mouth. My heart skipped a beat. “Tell me you did too.” His voice was hoarse and deep.

  I opened my eyes when I heard a room full of whispers growing louder. We just provided a full month’s worth of gossip.

  Son of a—

  I pushed him and fell back on my butt. Dean’s face flushed as a lascivious smile crossed his face. He laughed, his head falling back. I scrambled backward all crablike before I shot up to my feet.

  “Dean’s finally met his match,” Hunter said with a howl of laughter.


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