Wild Hearts

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Wild Hearts Page 5

by Wild Hearts (lit)

  Coal brought her fingers to his mouth and brushed his lips over her damp knuckles. Shyla held back a shiver of pleasure. The last thing she should be concerned about was bedding the man already bedridden. Hot moisture seeped from her core. She crossed her legs and squeezed, willing her arousal to cease and dry.

  “After everything you saw a little while ago, do you believe us?” he asked.

  Shyla sighed, easing her hand out of his grip. She dropped the cloth into the basin and wiped her hand on her jeans.

  “I don’t have any other option. There’s nothing that can logically explain what happened to you and that guy. You changed right before my eyes.” She scratched her hair and shrugged. “Shouldn’t I be in hysterics right now? Screaming for animal control or begging someone to take me to the closest psych ward?” She lifted her gaze to his. “Why am I upset because you’re hurt and I somehow feel responsible for your injuries, putting the unnatural occurrences aside?”

  “This is natural, Shyla. This is part of who you are. And don’t you dare feel responsible for what happened at the diner. Never be sorry for who you are and what you are. Otherwise, Jacy and I wouldn’t be here.”

  “To protect me,” she said.

  “Sweetheart, we’re here to do more than protect you.” Coal’s voice dropped in timbre, and a flicker of mischief touched his eyes beneath the surfacing pain. “White wolves have always been appointed two mates for a couple reasons. Well, perceived reasons. You see, the white wolf gene is so rare that, when it comes to the surface, those who still follow traditional beliefs think it’s a sign from the spirits of good things to come. White wolves are revered and honored. Each white is spiritually appointed her mates for the purpose of protection and strengthening pack bonds and liaisons. Jacy and I are practically brothers, but we were both born into separate packs.”

  Shyla mulled over his complex explanation. She reached up to his hair and combed her fingers through the silky length of it, keeping it back from his face. His eyes closed. He turned his head in to her palm and kissed her tender flesh. The wetness in her crotch intensified as the deafening thumping of her heart increased in rhythm.

  “You’re practically a stranger to me. Why would you risk your life for me when you aren’t sure I’m what you think I am?”

  “You are. There’s a certain scent that differs in a white. A sweeter, more reassuring smell. You calm the beasts around you without batting an eye or speaking a word. It’s your presence, your spirit, that speaks to the wolves.” While nuzzling against her palm, he lifted his hand to her head. She allowed him to lead her down to him. She held her breath when he turned his dark gaze to her, so close and hypnotic. “My life is nothing without you. If you died because I failed to protect you, I would cease to live.”

  “But Jacy—”

  “Can’t challenge a creature like Rian. That wolf is my equal. He would’ve torn Jacy to shreds, and he well knows it.”

  “So he let you go after him yourself to end up having your arm torn to shreds?”

  “I told him to go after you. He shouldn’t worry a blink about me, sweetheart, when your life’s in peril.”

  The logs in the small fireplace popped and crackled through the ensuing silence. Shyla shamelessly traced the fine contours of his face, the strong jaw barely bristling with the hints of a beard. The outpouring of perfection in his face made her heart flutter and her eyes sting with tears. This man would’ve—and very well could’ve—died for her. His unspoken loyalty hooked her and fastened a large portion of her spirit to him.

  Such a tragic loss Coal could have been. Control, knowledge, and beauty melted down into the steel form of a man—no, wolf—who vied for her without openly admitting to it.

  The bottomless black of his eyes softened, siphoning the warm orange light of the fire as its glow danced over the small room. They filled with something she couldn’t quite figure out, but it drew her in, almost making her forget about the vicious wound on his shoulder.

  “I–I should really wrap—”

  “No.” His fingers tunneled to the back of her head and pulled her the short distance to his mouth. His kiss teased her, closed lips brushing over hers. Sensuality and sexual prowess poured out of him, making her light-headed. Her arms fought to brace her weight above him.

  The moment his tongue slid into her mouth, she collapsed with a moan. Coal sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Oh, God,” she gasped, scrambling off him. Fresh blood streamed up and out of his wound from her having agitated it. She grappled for the sopping cloth from the basin. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

  Coal chuckled despite the pained crease in his forehead. “I’ll take a hundred of those pangs for a single kiss from you. Trust me, other things are hurting more than that scratch right now.”

  Shyla caught her eyes drifting down his hard body until it landed on the quilt properly covering him from waist to toe.

  Where she imagined his penis might be, the blanket tented toward the ceiling. Heat washed over her face and through her body, pooling in her crotch.

  She cleared her throat and turned away, rigorously blotting the thin trails of blood from his shoulder and arm. She kept her face lowered, eyes trained on her work, and her veil of thick hair between their gazes.

  He burned piercing holes through her head.

  “You’re not in the least bit interested?” he asked.

  Shyla suppressed a shiver of excitement.

  “I’m beyond interested. I want.”

  The sudden release of Coal’s breath ruffled her hair. She glanced at him through the separated strands. Her dabbing sputtered to a stop.

  “Take. Take anything you want.” Coal’s voice filled her mind like a dark satin sheet, cool and hot at the same time. So deep it rippled in the shadowed sea of her thoughts and a surge of lust blinded her. “I told you we’re here for you. Two males for you. Get used to the idea. We’re not going anywhere, love.”

  “How’s your shoulder?” she asked, trying to lighten the suddenly thick air in the room. Her voice rolled out just as thick and sexually charged as his.

  “If I didn’t suffer such a traumatic injury to my shoulder, I doubt you’d be pushing your curiosity off to the side.”

  “You’re conceited.” Her heart skipped and her fingers trembled as they wrung the cloth over her lap. “I’m here for a week, and I’m going home. I have no place out here. I have my apartment, my job, my life all waiting for me in New York. Whatever goes on here cannot keep me here. I barely knew my grandfather aside from the stories he used to write me.” Damn if she could lie any more. She wanted to stay here. She wanted a reason to love this place, not to go running home with regret filling her spirit.

  She wanted to love Coal and Jacy. She wanted to love the fantastical ideas of wolves and packs and all the legends that enriched this quaint little town.

  “There’s no connection to this place. You’ll have to find your white wolf somewhere else because I’m not her.”

  Shyla pressed to her feet and dropped the cloth in the basin. She had to put distance between Coal and herself. His intensity melted her. It whispered unrealistic promises to her. He backed those whispers in voice.

  The bed creaked behind her a moment before Coal’s arm slid around her waist and pulled her down beside him. She averted her gaze anywhere but down until he pinched her chin in a tender grip and held her head steady, their eyes meeting.

  “Normally I wouldn’t care if I sat naked or clothed in front of anyone. Rest assured, I’m covered for your sake.” He combed her hair behind her ear and offered a small grin. “Regardless what comes out of your mouth, remember I can hear your thoughts.”

  “You’re invading my privacy,” she said.

  “I’d be invading your privacy if I had to dig into your mind, but you constantly speak your thoughts without realizing it. Something that can be dangerous if you’re in the vicinity of a predator.” His hand dropped and covered hers, folding his strong fingers around he
r own. She leaned forward and rested her forehead on his solid shoulder with a sigh. He petted her back. “Don’t be afraid of us. Don’t discount us because we’re not your typical city boys. You’ll be cared for in the best ways.”

  He pressed a kiss to her hair.

  She closed her eyes, fatigue sweeping over her.

  “You need to lie back and stop moving your shoulder. Give it a chance to heal or I’ll put a stitch in it, and I can’t even sew a button onto a shirt.”

  “As long as you promise me you’ll go rest yourself and not worry about New York or whether Jacy and I plan to up and leave.”

  She nodded once, sitting back. Coal kissed her forehead then her mouth before sidling toward the center of the bed and lying back. Her blood stirred in her gut, teasing her crotch. She folded her arms, her fingers biting into her sweater. She wanted to curl up to Coal’s side and fall asleep. The full form of his solid body lured her with assurance. He would never let harm come to her.

  His gaze lifted to her and flickered, his acknowledgement of hearing her thoughts.

  “Jacy’ll be back any minute with clean clothes for you. Get some sleep, okay?” she asked.

  One corner of Coal’s mouth lifted before his eyes closed. The firelight cast shadows over his impeccable face, his long, dark lashes coming to rest over his cheeks.

  Shyla stared at him for a long moment, knowing damn well he would not go to sleep until she left. She couldn’t help herself. Staring at him reminded her of a fallen angel, some dark beauty who lived in solitude. She thought about climbing into the bed and curling around him, but stifled the idea. She needed a good night’s rest, and sleeping in the same bed as Coal Demmering would definitely not fill that order properly.

  But, the tantalizing images that plagued her mind as she left the room filled an entirely different order.

  * * * *

  Jacy dropped the pile of fresh clothes on the evidence of Coal’s desire. He snickered when his friend growled and cringed.

  “You bastard,” Coal said through gritting teeth.

  “Just making sure you’re incapacitated completely because I intend to take her first.” He nodded to Coal’s shoulder. “It’s a shame you have that wound. Wouldn’t it be fun to see just how far we could push her limits? Two of us with her? Guess it’ll have to wait until you’re better. In the meantime, I’ll let you imagine what I’ll be doing to her.”

  “Shut up,” Coal snapped.

  Jacy’s satisfaction only increased by the sound of his friend’s growing aggravation. For beginners, he knew Coal seldom held any emotion toward women, and as hard as he hid behind his cool exterior, Shyla had snagged an unsnaggable creature. Jacy fell long before Coal did, or so he thought. Either way, both he and Coal had taken flight over the cliff for the woman he sensed sleeping in the other bedroom.

  The victory lay in that he would claim their mate before Coal. That was enough, to taunt his friend and relish this seldom experienced outcome.

  He folded his arms over his chest, his smile surely beaming down on his injured friend. Coal’s eyes narrowed. His nostrils flared.

  Pissed didn’t describe the look.

  Enraged? Perhaps that was a better choice of words.

  “You want me to send you images of what she looks like naked? I’ll happily supply you with a prelude,” Jacy teased. Coal snorted and looked away. “Hey, just messing with you. Well, for the most part. How’s your arm?”

  “Better. Any word on Rian?” Coal asked, blatantly changing the subject with a grunt.

  “Nope. Maybe he never made it home. Tomorrow we’ll bring Shyla back to town. Len offered to watch her while we follow the blood trail. I stopped back at the diner to help him get rid of the kill I left in his back lot. Bro, you and Rian left one helluva mess. We boarded up the windows so the average tourist wouldn’t look inside and see the bloodbath left in your path.”

  “We have to find Laela. I’ll help him fix the place after she’s confined. Shyla is our priority, renovations second.”

  “I already assured him we’ll be back to help. In the meantime, I lent him some funds to cover costs while his place is outta commission.” Jacy glanced over his shoulder. Shyla made a soft noise from the other room, seductive and alluring. The hunger he fought since last night rushed back to him, drowning out almost everything other than his growing cock.

  Coal must’ve heard it too. When he turned back to his friend, his gaze was pinned on the doorway.

  Clearing his throat, he added, “The local packs are bringing all their members together after Shyla’s coming out today. Laela won’t stand a chance against a hundred determined wolves. Rumor has it they’re planning to patrol the borders around Hood River. If Laela, or any of her crew, decide to plan an attack, they’ll be sorely disappointed to find their intentions futile.” Jacy dropped his arms and adjusted the awkward bulge straining against his jeans. Damn, it hurt! Coal sneered at his open action. It only made him chuckle. “You feeling okay? I mean, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re jealous of me.”

  “I’m not jealous, Jacy. She belongs to us both. I’ll have my turn.”

  “You’re jealous.”

  “Shut your fucking mouth.”

  “Ooh, you sure Rian doesn’t have rabies? This behavior is unlike you. Maybe I should grab the town vet to give you a quick exam while I’m preoccupying myself—”

  The pillow smacked him right in the face with such force he stumbled back a step. Laughing, he pulled the downy object away and dropped it next to Coal. His friend growled, a threatening rumble that reverberated deep in his ears.

  “Did you notice she smells sweeter today than last night? You know what that means, right?” Jacy asked. He jumped back when Coal swiped at him. A new line of blood formed down the front of his chest from his wound.

  “Don’t challenge me right now, bro. I’m warning you. If you’re gonna go to her, go before I incapacitate you.”

  “You couldn’t do anything even if you wanted to,” Jacy said, ignoring the sudden bristling of his hairs. His gaze skimmed over Coal in a silent assessment.

  “Don’t be so sure. Like I said, Shyla’s safety is our first concern. I’m practically helpless to protect her with this injury. Keep that in mind while you’re fucking her.”

  Jacy backed out of the room as Coal settled back in the bed and slung an arm over his eyes. He closed the door behind him and paused in the short hallway. His friend’s behavior concerned him. He might be a surly bastard with a reputation that preceded him as being dangerous and deadly, but this was different.

  Coal cared more than ever before. Shyla had whittled away at the concrete barrier around his dearest friend and the new discovery must be scaring the shit out of Coal. He flat-out admitted he could take the woman if he wanted, but chose to heal in order to protect her.

  It was a submissive move completely unlike the alpha ass he’d known all his life.

  Jacy ruffled his hair and shrugged. If the roles were reversed, he would probably do the same.

  Coal’s choice made it better for him.

  With a smile creeping up on his mouth, he found the bathroom and turned on the water faucet. After a cleansing shower, nothing would restrain him.

  Chapter Six

  Shyla cupped her breasts, a haze lingering in her mind. Her blood sizzled, and her skin tingled. She squeezed gently in hopes of relieving some pent-up pressure caused by the unnaturally sensual men who surrounded her all day. The picture of Coal and Jacy made her whimper. Heat rushed to the apex of her thighs, and she rocked her hips against the air. Hot juice drenched her panties. She slid her hand down her belly, into the flimsy fabric, and found her swollen clit. She stroked the sensitive bundle of nerves while pinching her pert nipple between fingers, then slid a finger deep inside her slick hole, rocking her hips against her hand.

  “Sugar, don’t go taking all the fun out of it.”

  Shyla froze. Her clit pulsed as she reached the brink of pleasure. Her skin f
lushed, molten lava singeing her insides. She slowly peeled back her eyelids.

  Jacy braced his arms on the edge of the bed and leaned close to her face. Her breath hitched, and moisture poured over her probing finger. Only a towel covered the man worth staring at. Lean muscles corded his thick arms, cuts defined as he leaned on them. The solid planes of his pecs created a deep valley between them, trailing down to the ridges of his washboard stomach. From this angle, the towel around his waist hung forward, but a pronounced bulge in the dark fabric teased her with the prospect of his arousal.

  She sucked in a breath. Oh God, he was aroused! She could smell him, like an animal scented its mate, pure masculinity and earthiness and wild heat.

  Shyla swallowed. Jacy lifted his large hand to her face and tipped her chin before slanting his mouth over hers. Every muscle in her body turned to putty as his tongue swept through her, filling the cavern of her mouth with deep strokes. His kiss fed her breath and drank from her soul. His hand left a trail of goose bumps in its wake as he traveled from her face to her breasts. His fingers slid beneath the flimsy satin of her bra and cupped her heavy mound. She arched into his rough hand, into the skillful kneading of his fingers. She shamelessly stroked her clit again, the sensations this man produced in her overwhelming.

  Jacy pulled back, his gaze drifting down to her pussy.

  “Get your hand out of there, sugar. I’ll take care of you,” he said. His voice rolled like liquid metal, thick and brimming with the promise of pleasure. He circled her wrist and drew her hand away from her wetness, lifting her moist fingers to his mouth. Shyla watched him suck on her dewy appendages, carnal delight flashing in his piercing green eyes. “You taste as good as you smell. Don’t you dare touch yourself again unless I say so. Your pussy is for me.”

  “And if I say no?” Shyla asked. Her tongue weighed down her words, and her question came as a seductive purr.

  Jacy’s hand traversed her belly, following the same path as his hungry gaze. “I doubt you’ll say no.” His head dipped, and his tongue flicked her pearled nipple. She bucked, spears of pleasure exploding around her breast, strumming cords straight down to her core. With her lack of experience in bed play, she never imagined the excruciating delight that could come from a man’s mouth teasing her nipple.


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