EMP Crash (Book 6): Restoring Law

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EMP Crash (Book 6): Restoring Law Page 1

by Kip Nelson


  EMP Crash Book 6



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Copyright © 2017 by Kip Nelson

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  THE SUN STREAMED through the open windows. It had been too hot to close them, but the heat wasn't a stifling one, it was more like a comforting heat, like a mother's kiss. The sky was clear blue and the sea shimmered, reflecting the golden light. The white sandy beaches hosted early morning swimmers, couples who wanted to take advantage of their time on the secluded island, and sunbathers who wanted to work on their tan before the sun grew too hot and too dangerous for their skin. A fresh smell wafted into Mack and Anna's room. They were lying in bed together. He had his back on the bed, one arm propped behind the pillow, looking out at the paradise before them. She was nestled against his broad chest, her hair as golden as the sun splayed out over him, her milky flesh wrapped up close against his body.

  It had cost him a lot of money to bring Anna here, but it was worth every penny. They both were active people, but on this vacation, they had decided to take it easy, enjoying the atmosphere at the resort bar where it was always happy hour, or exploring the depths of the island and losing themselves in the verdant expanse of the forest, stealing secret kisses, and often stealing more than that. Although there were other people staying at the island, they only had eyes for each other, and it was as though they had their own private resort.

  Mack tilted his head down and kissed Anna on the forehead. She murmured in contentment, but did not open her eyes. As beautiful as the world outside was, to Mack she was the most beautiful thing in existence, and every time he looked at her his heart swelled with love. In truth, he had known that from the moment he first had met her. Their eyes met, and something changed within him, and from the first word she had uttered an unbreakable spell had been cast upon him. Some people saw love as a curse, but to him it always would be a blessing. Being with Anna strengthened him, she brought out the best in him, and it gave his life a purpose that he otherwise lacked. He only wished that everyone in the world could be as happy as he was in that moment.

  Time had no meaning for them, and Mack wished it could last forever. The morning breeze that came into the room kissed his skin, and eventually Anna began to stir. She looked up at him with eyes as deep as the ocean, and skin as flawless as the smooth sand of the beach. Even in the morning she was glorious, and Mack couldn't help himself from kissing her, and slowly she emerged from her sleepy state.

  “Good morning to you, too,” she said, kissing him on the chest as she ran her hand over his stomach and idly played with his chest hair. His arm wrapped around her body. His fingers stroked the small of her back. The thin cover of the bed barely covered their bodies.

  Mack sighed happily. “I wish we could stay here forever,” he said.

  “Places like these are only meant to be temporary. We have to get back to our real lives,” she said.

  Even though she was the more artistic one, she was the pragmatist between the two of them as well.

  “Funny you should use that expression; this place does feel like a dream.”

  “It's all real to me,” she said, and kissed him deeply, making sure he knew she meant it. They spoke a little more and, eventually, Mack guided the conversation to the future.

  “You always like your plans, don't you? I keep telling you that you need to go with the flow,” she said, prodding a finger into his side, gently teasing him.

  “I know, and I am working on it. I couldn't live any other way with a free spirit like you. But I've been thinking a lot recently. I'll be able to retire from the army in a few years, and I wanted to start thinking about it now.”

  “You'd really leave that life behind? I thought you were army through and through.”

  “I am, and I love what I do, but it does take me away from you too much. I've paid my dues. I think it's time I'm allowed to enjoy life properly.”

  “You know I've never had a problem with the way things work between us,” she said, worried that she was partly the cause of this change of heart. Mack gave her a reassuring smile and stroked her arm.

  “I know, and I love you for that. The army has taken up enough of my life and I've always said that when I have a kid I want to be around for them, to be a proper father. It's not fair to them if they only see me a few months at a time.”

  “Mack, do you have something to tell me? Are you...are you pregnant?!” Anna said, a look of mock horror on her face. Mack laughed and shook his head at her terrible sense of humor.

  “No, I'm not, but I was hoping that eventually you would be someday. I know we haven't really talked about it seriously, but I think it's something we could start thinking about, if that's alright with you.”

  “Of course it is!” she said, leaning in to kiss him again, getting as close to him as two people can.

  “I'd love to have a family with you.”

  “Good, because if you didn't, this vacation could have been a little awkward.” She laughed. That soft, melodic laugh that he loved so much. A secret smile formed on his face.

  “Could you pass me a glass of water, please?”

  Anna huffed as she extricated herself from his grasp and turned her body around. Her eyes widened and she spoke his name, for on the bedside table, next to the jug of water, was a small black box he had placed there while she slept. Picking it up, she turned back around and sat up, not bothering to pull the covers up to cover her modesty. Her face had a look of surprise. She opened the box and her mouth dropped open as the sparkling diamond winked at her.

  “Speaking of the future...” he said, and left the question unspoken.

  Speechless, she flung her arms around him and crystal tears of happiness rolled down her cheeks, and her body trembled. Mack took the box from her, plucked out the ring, and slid it on her finger, and then the two of them drowned in their love, their future as golden as the sun that streamed in the window.

  THAT MEMORY WAS ABOUT AS FAR from their new reality as it could be, but their love still remained as strong as ever. Even after months apart, Mack's heart still swelled when he saw her. Although now, instead of sunlight pouring in through a wide-open window and the sounds of an idyllic paradise reaching their ears, the sky was gloomy and the city was broken and dirty around them. In some ways, they were broken, too.

  As soon as Mack heard Anna was in the city, he had left the settlement and marched to her, determined not to lose this opportunity. Emotions ran riot inside him. He felt guilty that she had been in the city this whole time and he had been too busy to look for her; fear that he would lose his chance; that he was too late to save her; happiness that she still was alive.

  Nothing was going to stop him from getting to her.

  Daisy trailed in his wake. They had passed through the other camp and told the people who were waiting there to wait a little longer, in case Anna returned. Daisy briefly passed on the
good news, that the Lost Children had been defeated, and they had a new home waiting for them, but they noted the look on Mack's face as he continued walking, and Daisy told them.

  Daisy didn't believe he was going to find Anna alive, and wasn't looking forward to what was going to happen when Mack found his wife had died without him by her side, but Mack wouldn't allow that thought to enter his head. His will was strong and he would bend the world to it, make the impossible possible. That's how he had survived so long, and that's how she had survived, too. She was going to live, because this wasn't the end of their story. He would see to that.

  He rode his horse onward, each step pushing into the world, as though it was due to the force of his will that the world was spinning. His eyes were locked forward in an unflinching stare and his jaw was clenched. He hadn't said a word to Daisy, nor did he speak to the others they had left waiting in the camp. He was separate from them, on a mission of his own, the impact of which they could not comprehend.

  Then he had found her, lying next to a bush, having pulled herself away, with the corpse of a lion close by. She was barely conscious. He gathered her in his arms, her frail body so familiar, and yet so strange, all at once. He whispered her name and a murmur escaped her dry throat, but her eyes remained closed. Her pulse was weak. Her skin pale. A limb broken. But she was his wife. She was the woman he loved, and now she was in his arms again.

  Mack wasn't going to ride his horse back to the camp. He was going to hold Anna in his arms until he made it back to the settlement. Straining to the limits of her strength Daisy helped Mack put the lion's corpse onto the back of his horse. He carried Anna back to the camp, returning to collect the others who were waiting for their return, while Daisy followed behind with the lion. The flesh hadn't rotted yet and would make a good feast. Upon their return, the others were stunned to see Mack carrying his wife. And as the group journeyed to the settlement, no one spoke. They walked on in silence, knowing that it wasn't proper to talk in the presence of a man carrying his wife like that. Any conversation seemed trivial compared to what Mack was going through.

  The people they had collected from the camp didn't know Mack that well, and neither did Daisy, in truth, but she had seen the way he fought, and the way he spoke, and the way he led those around him and inspired them. He was a born leader with a forceful personality and wanted to rebuild the world, but Daisy knew human nature. Everyone had their breaking point. Ever since the electronics had gone out and people had been pushed to their limits, she had seen more than one person lose their mind as they simply weren't able to handle it anymore. Mack was stronger than most, but she suspected that if Anna didn't make it through this, then he would be changed, and perhaps the world would be as bleak for him as it was for most people.

  The small group made their way as quickly as they could through the city. Creatures skittered by, and often there were the sounds of crumbling rubble being disturbed. Sometimes they even saw beady eyes peering at them from the darkness, but nothing came toward them. Two major threats had been dealt with, and while the city was by no means a safe place, for the time being it seemed as though the immediate area was settled.

  Mack had a grim look on his face as the barrier of the settlement approached. The guards on the wall saw them and opened the gates. Their allies poured out, helping Daisy carry the lion in, but each of them stared at Mack and the woman he was holding, although none of them said anything. But as he entered the settlement, people began gathering around him. There were shocked whispers but he blocked them all out because his mind was focused on one thing; making sure she was going to survive.

  “I can't believe it,” Grace said. Saul was close by, and nodded in agreement.

  Grace was seeing Mack as she never had seen him before. They'd been through so much together; a plane crash, being held at gunpoint, captured by a madman, the mental asylum, all the drama that had occurred while they had been in the city, but never had she seen him this scared. She'd heard a lot about Anna, and over the course of the post-apocalyptic world she often had wondered what kind of woman it took to capture Mack's heart, to be worthy of him, but now she saw in his eyes that it was he who was worthy of her. Sweat stained his brow and his biceps bulged for he had carried her a long way. Without saying anything, he took her to the infirmary, where those who knew him best followed. The others crowded around Daisy, who told them the circumstances in which they had found Mack's wife.

  In the infirmary, people were shocked when Mack entered. For a moment there was silence, then Mindy approached him and directed him to an empty bed. From his bed, Luis watched in amazement and shared a silent look with Grace.

  “I'll take care of her,” Mindy said, as Mack found it hard to let go of his wife. Eventually, he sank into a nearby chair, and the exhaustion took hold.

  Mindy and Freddie began examining Anna and started cleaning her wounds. They had limited medical supplies, but they were going to use anything and everything they could to save Anna. People were beginning to crowd the area as those from outside let their curiosity get the better of them.

  “Give me some space!” Mindy shouted, the petite women had a loud voice and it took a brave soul to disobey her.

  Slowly the people filtered out, but Grace said she was staying. Mindy was about to argue, then took one look in her eyes and knew the young girl wasn't going anywhere. So she nodded, and then got to work on Anna, trying to repair the ugly gashes inflicted by the lion’s sharp claws and repair her broken limb.

  Grace pulled up a chair beside Mack. For a long time neither of them said anything. Mack didn't even look at her or acknowledge her presence, for he was so focused on his wife. Indeed, Grace never had seen him look so devoted before. Mindy and Freddie worked hard. They had to create a makeshift cast from the supplies they had in the settlement. It wasn’t perfect, but Mindy was a woman blessed with great ingenuity. So, she ordered a supply of flour and eggs to be brought to her. Freddie asked in a quiet voice if she was sure she wanted to use food supplies for this, but she took one look at Mack and knew it had to be done. Wrapping bandages around Anna's leg, she then covered them with the mixture of egg whites and flour, telling Mack it would harden as it dried and form a makeshift cast. After that, all she could do was let Anna rest and hope for the best.

  While they sat there, Mack's friends popped in to wish him well, but he never said a word. Grace was the only one who stayed with him through the whole thing. Mack's eyes glistened, his face was drawn, and Grace knew she had to do or say something. He always had been there when she needed him, and now it was her turn.

  “It's kinda funny, I guess. I mean, I've never met her before, but from everything you've told me about her, I feel as though I do, and if she's as half as strong as you say, then she'll make it through this. She survived a fight with a lion! This isn't going to kill her, we just need to give her time.”

  She reached over and squeezed his hand, but still he stayed just looking at Anna, willing her to heal. Silence descended upon them again. Grace knew Mack had other things to worry about, but there were issues in the settlement that had to be taken care of. She hoped that by talking about them she could at least give his mind something else to focus on.

  “We've mostly been cleaning up since you left, and trying to deal with the aftermath of what happened. We've already got people working on repairing the barriers, because who knows what else is out there, and we need to decide what we're going to do with Peter. People have a lot of different ideas, and I know there's a bunch you're not going to agree with. And then--” she was going to continue, but Mack raised his head and looked at her.

  “I know there's a lot to take care of, but right now I can't think of anything else other than my wife, and for as long as she's in here, I'm not going to leave her side. I should have been there, should have known somehow that she was in the city, and I'm not going to let her be alone again.”

  “You couldn't have known, Mack, and you can't blame yourself for taking care of
problems here,” she said, although it seemed like her words fell on deaf ears.

  “I know you can handle things in my absence,” he said.

  Grace was about to protest, but she knew it wouldn't do any good, and figured she just needed to give him some time. He was visibly exhausted, and that wasn't even taking into account the emotional toll that had ravaged his heart and soul.

  “Okay, but I'm not going to be leaving your side because you need me just as much as she needs you,” Grace said. Mack was about to say something else when Anna woke up.


  ANNA'S EYES fluttered open and her lips parted. A soft exhalation emanated from her mouth, a gasp of pain. Mack was astonished to see her alive. Although he had hoped and prayed and wanted to believe she was going to be okay, a niggling doubt had gnawed at him, and the fear that he never would get to speak to her again was palpable. But now she was awake, and he could look into her eyes. The eyes that he had been dreaming about for so long, and to his dismay, he realized he hadn't remembered her perfectly, but she was here, in front of him, and he barely could believe it. The emotion was overwhelming, and his eyes welled up with tears. He reached out to touch her, almost afraid she would shatter under his touch, but as soon as he found her warmth he kissed her and hugged her and promised he never was going to let her go again.

  “Anna, I'm so glad to see you. I love you and I've missed you so much,” he said, choking with tears but with a broad smile on his face.

  A smile tugged at her lips as well, but she still was pale and tired. Her head rested against the pillow and her eyes barely were open. She reached up a hand and stroked Mack's face. To feel her touch upon him again was heaven, and for a moment he closed his eyes and he was back in paradise, away from the ugliness of the world.

  “Water,” she gasped in a hoarse whisper.

  Grace rose and went to get some water, which she handed to Anna. Anna sipped it gingerly, her throat still raw. She winced in pain, then Mack took the cup from her.


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