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Metamorphosis Page 10

by Marty Chan

  “Dash, we have to run. Keep up.”

  “Wait. Wait! I’m coming.”

  Ehrich didn’t look back. He sprinted the next three blocks until he reached a corner and turned to see black smoke engulfing a building that wasn’t burning. The smoke was coming from the cellar doors leading to the basement. The guardian he had seen earlier when they had come to the surface stood among the others, watching helplessly. The fire was coming from under the ground. Purgatory.

  Ehrich rushed to the woman and grabbed her arm. “What happened?”

  Her eyes were moist with tears and her face covered with soot. At first she didn’t recognize Ehrich, but he pulled her close and her eyes widened with recognition. “Thank goodness you left when you did.”

  “Don’t worry about me. What happened here?”

  “I don’t know. One minute I was selling my wares; the next the ground shook. At first I thought it was a tremor but, a few minutes later, smoke began to pour out of the cellar doors. I tried to investigate. It looked like the smoke was coming from the pneumatic tubes.”

  “Did anyone come out?”

  She shook her head. “No one. Not a soul.”

  Ehrich chewed his bottom lip. “Stay here and keep an eye out for any survivors.” He had a sinking feeling there would be none.

  Dash pulled on Ehrich’s sleeve. “What happened?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “What do we do?”

  Ehrich scanned the area. He had no idea what to do or where to go. Mr. Serenity would have been in Purgatory along with the other travellers. The army that would have stood against Ba Tian was either trapped below or worse.

  Ehrich had to warn the others. He slipped into an alley away from the bustle of onlookers gawking at the smoke. Dash followed. Ehrich pulled out his communicator and pressed the button. He took a breath, trying to figure out how to break the bad news to Amina and Tesla. Finally, he found the words: “Mr. Tesla. Amina. Do you hear me? I have news.”

  He waited for a response. Nothing but static. Then Amina’s voice came across the receiver. “What is it? We’re on the train right now.”

  “Do you see the smoke from the city?”



  “Yes. We do. What’s going on? Has the attack begun?”

  “No, Amina. Purgatory is burning.”

  There was no response from the communicator. Ehrich glanced at Dash. He pressed the button again.

  “Did you hear me? Purgatory is burning.”

  Tesla’s voice answered. “We heard you, Ehrich. Are you certain?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m at one of the entrances. The guard confirmed it. There might have been an explosion below. We don’t know for sure, but so far no survivors have come out of this entrance.”

  “This has to be the work of Ba Tian,” Tesla said.

  Ehrich pressed the button again. “I don’t think so, sir. He didn’t seem to know where the refugees were hiding. It might have been an accident.”

  “Too much of a coincidence. We’re going to have to regroup.”

  Ehrich chewed his bottom lip for a moment. “Sir, we have to warn Edison about the invasion that’s coming.”

  “No one is going to believe us, Ehrich. We’re fugitives.”

  “I think I know someone who can help us.”


  “Sir, meet us at the nursing home where Charlie is.”


  “Trust me, sir. Go there.”

  “Very well. We’re almost at the station.”


  Ehrich led Dash through the Bowery streets. Normally, he’d have to be on the lookout for thieves or thugs, but the smoke pouring out of all the portals to Purgatory had captured the attention of the people around him. No one was interested in anything other than the mysterious fire that was burning under their city.

  Finally, Ehrich reached his destination. He walked up to the door and glanced around for any hunters. The coast was clear. He knocked three times.

  The door opened. Bess was on the other side. She narrowed her eyes but then recognized Ehrich. She peeked into the street then motioned the two boys to enter the house. Charlie sat in a wheelchair in the foyer.

  “What are you doing back here?” she demanded.

  “We had nowhere else to go.”

  “What happened to you?”

  Ehrich self-consciously touched the wounds Ole Lukoje had inflicted. He recounted the events on Coney Island while Bess rummaged up some clothes that fit the two brothers. Charlie let out a low whistle when Ehrich concluded with the story about the fire.

  “I didn’t think New York was built on a volcano,” Charlie said.

  “It’s not a volcano. It’s actually another city,” Dash said before Ehrich could stop him.

  “City? What kind of city?” Bess asked.

  Ehrich had no choice but to bring his two companions into the fold. He told them everything about the Dimensionals, Ba Tian, and Farrier. They were most interested in the city under New York.

  “Purgatory is a place for refugees that have come to this world,” Ehrich said. “They aren’t welcome up on the surface and they’re hiding from a warlord named Ba Tian, who invaded and destroyed their worlds. They’ve come here for sanctuary and have set up underneath the city to hide from the people of New York and to prepare to fight Ba Tian.”

  Ehrich then tried his best to answer Charlie and Bess’s questions. They had many. “How did they get here?” “What do they want?” “How did they build a city without us knowing it?”

  He had answers to some of the questions but not all. “That doesn’t matter. What’s important is the reason they’re here is that Ba Tian attacked and destroyed their worlds. Now he’s here to do the same.”

  “So why hasn’t he attacked yet?” Charlie asked.

  “I’m not sure. He has Farrier’s men, but I think he needs his generals. I think he’s going to try to rescue them and I think they’re going to try at the execution. We’re going to have to warn Thomas Edison.”

  Charlie nodded. “They’ll have to double the shifts on Coney Island. Triple, even.”

  “If Ba Tian has the exoskeletons, they’re going to need an army,” Ehrich said. “And with Farrier in the picture, Ba Tian’s got one.”

  Bess interrupted. “Can we negotiate peace with this warlord?”

  “I don’t think so. I’ve worked with people who saw what he could do firsthand. I don’t think he’s the kind who negotiates.”

  “Then what can we do?” Charlie asked.

  “Can you send word to the hunters and let them know something is going to happen at the execution?” Ehrich asked. “Get them to postpone it.”

  “I don’t know if I can. From what I heard, Edison is using this as a major publicity stunt.”

  Ehrich sighed. “We have to stop Ba Tian.”

  Bess shook her head. “There are just four of us. What could we possibly do? If this warlord has marshalled forces already, we would need an army.”

  Dash tugged on Ehrich’s jacket. “If we need people to fight, what about the people at the tunnel project?”

  “Who?” Charlie asked.

  “The travellers who used to work in the tunnels,” Dash said. “They seem strong.”

  Ehrich beamed. “You’re right, Dash. They might be the answer. We have to talk to them.”

  Charlie wheeled himself in front of the pair while Bess crossed her arms. “Hold on there, buddy of mine,” said Charlie. “There is no way you’re going into a fight without any backup. Haven’t I taught you anything?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m coming with you.”

  Ehrich shook his head. “I’m sorry, Charlie, but I have to move fast.”

  “You wouldn
’t believe how fast this thing rolls, and you need someone in case you come across hunters.”

  Bess nodded. “Charlie can come in handy and I can push him. You’ll need us.”

  “This isn’t your fight.”

  “It is if this warlord means to invade our city,” Bess said. “I’m not going to stand by and let that happen.”

  “What about your other patients?”

  “Mrs. Sherman is about to come on shift. Wait until she shows up, then we can go.”

  Ehrich nodded. “I told Amina and Mr. Tesla to meet us here. We have to wait for them anyway.”

  “Plus, you look like you need something to eat. Both of you look done in.”

  Ehrich protested. “I’m fine. We’re fine. I’m good. I really think you should stay here, Bess. We can handle it.”

  She raised herself up. “Ehrich Weisz, I risked my life for you. I let you tie me up and, when I had a chance to turn you over to the authorities, I said nothing. You owe me.”

  Charlie chuckled. “You got on her bad side. Never get on Bess’s bad side. She’s right, you know. Without your allies, we’re all you have right now, and only a fool would turn down an offer of help.”

  Ehrich relented. “Okay, okay.”

  She smiled. “I’ll rustle up some grub for you.” She headed to the kitchen.

  Ehrich walked to the window and stared out, looking for his allies. Instead, he saw the smoke filling the sky. Purgatory, Mr. Serenity, all the travellers were gone.


  Stepping off the train, Amina and Tesla stared at the sky that was blackening from the various underground fires around Manhattan. The other passengers jostled them as they made their way down the stairs to the streets below.

  “Mr. Serenity was down there,” Amina said.

  Tesla put his arm around her. “You can’t think the worst. We’re just seeing smoke right now. We can’t be sure of anything that’s going on.”

  “He was all I have left in this world.”

  “Don’t let those thoughts crowd your mind, Amina. We need to keep our focus. Right now, we have to get to Ehrich and Dash. We’ll sort out what to do about Purgatory when we find the brothers.”

  They navigated the streets and headed to the Bowery. They pushed past the throngs of people gathered in the street, staring at the plumes of smoke throughout the city. As Amina made her way past the humans congregating in the street, she could hear the fear and panic overtaking people. Many were talking about the possibility of the demons rioting in New York. Others suggested this might be a prelude to a larger invasion. Some talked about fleeing while a few wanted to marshal forces and fight the demons in the city. The scene was getting ugly and Amina knew this played to Ba Tian’s advantage. Without her army, this world would be defenceless against Ba Tian.

  She recalled how easy it was for Ba Tian’s accomplices to capture them at Coney Island, but then a dreadful thought struck her.

  “The ones working with Ba Tian were not crimson soldiers. They were humans.”

  Mr. Tesla nodded. “Dressed in hunter uniforms. Yes, I had been mulling the same thing since the attack. I didn’t recognize any of the hunters, and they seemed older than the usual recruits that Demon Watch uses. We tended to use orphaned teens. They had nothing to lose. These were men and women who seemed to have seen their fair share of battles.”

  “Who were they?”

  “My money is on southerners. The ones who are still bitter over losing the Civil War. Ba Tian had an earlier deal with them. I guess they are sticking to their agreement.”

  “Then I take that as a good sign.”

  Tesla cocked his head to one side. “How so?”

  “If he’s willing to work with humans here, it means he doesn’t have his army.” She stopped herself when she looked up at the plumes of smoke. Neither did she.

  “At this point, Amina, we have to make do with what we have.”

  “Sir, we have no one now. We’re alone against Ba Tian and whatever forces he has amassed. If he rescues his generals, we are lost.”

  The lanky man nodded but said nothing.


  By the time Amina and Tesla had reached the Bowery, much of New York was in chaos, with volunteer brigades rushing through the streets to fight fires that they could not see. The smoke began to block out the sky. They were close to one of the Purgatory entrances. Smoke billowed out from the cellar door and rose up into the air, choking the firefighters and the curious onlookers.

  Amina led Tesla past the crowd and down the alley toward the nursing home where they had tried to trap Kifo. As they drew closer, the door swung open and Ehrich burst outside. He ran to greet the pair.

  “I’m so glad to see familiar faces.”

  “Is Dash all right?” Tesla asked.

  “Yes, he’s fine. Come in. Come in. We have food.”

  Tesla straightened up and sniffed the air. “You are a mind reader, Ehrich Weisz. Just what I needed.”

  “You’re always hungry,” Amina said.

  He ignored her as he entered the house. Ehrich lingered back with her for a moment. “I’m sorry about Mr. Serenity.”

  She shook her head. “We don’t know anything yet. I’m not ready to give up on him.”

  Ehrich looked down at his feet for a second. “Yes, you’re right. He might have survived.”

  She took his arm. “Is Bess still in the picture?”

  He nodded.

  “After what we did to her, how can we—”

  He cut her off. “She wants to help, Amina. I trust her.”

  She wanted to say more, but bit her lower lip and followed him into the house.


  Amina picked at what little food was left after Tesla had his fill. He smacked his lips and eyed the cupboards of the kitchen.

  Bess laughed. “I’m sorry, Mr. Tesla, but you’re going to eat us out of house and home. Mrs. Sherman is going to wonder how a bunch of patients in comas suddenly ate so much.”

  Tesla rolled his sleeves down and buttoned them. “Ah, yes. I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just that you cooked such a delicious repast, I couldn’t resist.”

  Ehrich joked. “You couldn’t pass up a half-eaten apple if you found it on the road, sir.”

  Tesla shot a dirty look at his friend. “I would wash it first.” Then he broke into a smile.

  Bess ushered the gang out of the kitchen. “Mrs. Sherman is due here soon. You’re going to have to clear out before she arrives. I don’t want to answer more questions than I have to, and I’m not about to be tied up again.”

  Ehrich glanced nervously at the others. “Sorry. Again, we’re sorry.”

  She smiled. “And you’re going to keep saying that until I believe you.”


  The light of day was fading. Gas lighters made their way into the darkened streets to spark up the gas lamps along the Bowery establishments. Ehrich pushed Charlie in the wheelchair. Behind him, Bess, Amina, Dash, and Tesla followed. They had waited until Mrs. Sherman showed up so that the other patients were attended to.

  As they went through the streets, the clouds of smoke were lost in the night sky, but Ehrich could smell the acrid stench coming from below. It smelled of burning garbage and sulphur mixed in with a metallic tinge like iron. He shuddered as he continued through the crowds, wondering how many people had died under the city. He shook off the depressing thought and focused on the task at hand. They had to get under the Hudson River tunnel and secure the exoskeletons. Now that they had lost the rebels in Purgatory, the war machines were the only thing that would help them in the battle against

  Ba Tian.

  Ehrich clung to the hope that Ba Tian could only recruit a few humans to his cause and that he couldn’t get under the tunnel to retrieve his machines. He convinced himself this was a race to win the war, an
d this gave his legs the strength to speed along the cobblestone streets of New York until they reached their destination: the Hudson River tunnel project.

  He scanned the travellers lingering around fire barrels across the street from the tunnel’s perimeter fence. He could sense the tension in the air as the travellers eyed the guards, who seemed to have doubled since Ehrich had last been here.

  “There’s no way we’re going to sneak past those guards,” Charlie said.

  “Ever the optimist,” Bess quipped.

  Amina shushed the two. “Quiet. Something doesn’t seem right here.” She scanned the street for the operatives she had recruited to keep watch. She spotted the meek mouse-faced man who scurried when he walked and twitched his whiskers constantly.

  “Elba,” she called.

  He nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of his name. He spun around and let out a sharp yip. He relaxed when he saw it was Amina. “You could give a guy some warning before you sneak up on him.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind for next time, Elba. We need to talk. What has been going on here? Where’s Renata?”

  “Well, it was quiet until the smoke started showing up in the city. We heard rumours it was Purgatory. Renata, her sister is down there. She ran to check. Left me here to keep watch. I’m glad you’re here. The humans look tense. I think it’s going to get ugly soon.”

  “Thank you, Elba. You did well.”

  “Everyone is nervous. More so since the smoke appeared. They fear that the humans are going to turn on us. What do we do? We have nowhere to hide.”

  “Elba, stay at your post. Watch for anything unusual.”


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