College Daddy: A Single Dad Romance

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College Daddy: A Single Dad Romance Page 31

by Amber Heart

  On the morning of the twentieth day, I was standing in the elevator of LeoField Ad Group, heading for my interview. “You have to get this, Levant, there is no other option.” I was determined and high spirited as the door opened to the executive floor and I stepped out with my chin high and steps confident. “Cassandra Levant, I am here for the Assistant Account Associate interview,” I said to the strawberry blonde in mid-thirties on the reception desk. She looked up at me with a curt professional nod and talked into her phone. “You’ll be seen shortly. Please have a seat,” she gestured towards the waiting area.

  I sat on the green leather couch and looked around. Being an ad agency, it wasn’t all that conventional. The interior wasn't special, everything was in white, black or grey. It was a creative blend, yet soothing to the eyes. Minutes passed and I kept looking at the people rushing in and out of rooms. I glanced at the large clock on the wall as ten minutes turned into fifteen and then twenty. I wasn’t approached yet. Just when I was about to get up and ask the receptionist, an extremely pretty brunette stormed out of the elevator and walked straight towards the door on the right. “Miss. Marek, please wait. You can’t go in there,” the blonde receptionist, called after her but the woman was long gone. She quickly reached for her phone and spoke into it, “Sir, Miss. Marek is on her way to your room.” Her face paled and she muttered after a few seconds, "I am sorry, Mr. …” her words were probably met by a dead line.

  Ten minutes later the same brunette was leaving from where she had vanished, this time her face was red, from anger maybe. “Ms. Levant, please make your way in. Take the second door on left,” the receptionist called me five minutes after the brunette’s departure. She gestured at the same right door and gave me further directions. I thanked her and walked in.

  I knocked on the door and opened it. The room was still. The chair on the other side of the desk was rotated so I didn’t know who was seated there. But there was something familiar in the air. Something I had gotten addicted to in the Bahamas. Don’t go there. I told myself and then knocked on the door again and asked in a clear voice, “May I?” No answer came and I felt stupid. After a few long, drawn out seconds, a low throaty voice spoke, “You may, Ms. Levant.” A voice I knew all too well. And then the chair swirled and I met those pitch black eyes that were embossed in the back of my mind like a sharpie. Aaron Maxfield was sitting before me, looking at me like he was ready to strike and sheer me. Air left my lungs and I tried hard to resume by breathing. Just when I had thought I’d never see him in my life again, he had to sit in the place which held my entire future.

  I tried to walk as confidently as I could to the desk and then took the seat. Placing my folder on the table and bag down to my feet, I straightened my skirt and then ran my fingers through my hair. When everything was in place, I finally looked up. Holy earth to hell and back, his eyes was stripping me and I felt all the longing that I had tried to suppress in the past twenty days, taking back over me. I was instantly wet between my legs. Be a chess player. Nobody needs to know what you feel inside or think. Yes, that was what I was going to do. I cleared my throat and said, “Well, isn’t this a coincidence.” I said in a light tone, which came out as a hoarse whisper. Aaron leaned back in his chair and his thumb and index finger reached his chin which he scratched softly. The image of what these fingers had done to me came flying back and I flushed. “Yes, it is. Maybe that’s because a few things were left unfinished the last time we parted. Don’t you think?” he said in a tight tone and his eyes bored into me like daggers. That’s when I gathered; he was pissed – royally pissed. And a big part of my brain wagered that I was the reason.

  Chapter 6


  Cassandra Levant was sitting a desk’s distance away from me and all I wanted to do was put her on the table and fuck her senseless. Fuck her until all she remembered was my name. I wanted to take it out on her how twisted she's had me in these last few weeks. I was like an injured tiger that was restless and in search of something he couldn’t get his hands on. I had tried so hard to get her out of my mind and body but she was like a stupid drug that got you addicted with one little taste. Cassandra was a drug to me. And now that she was sitting before me in that white shirt and beige skirt with her hair all straightened giving out a completely professional look, I knew what she was hiding beneath. And god, how I wanted to unleash it again. You will have her, Maxfield, all in good time. I told myself. Because I had big plans for my new account associate. She doesn't know what she has gotten into.

  After reaching Seattle and spending two weeks trying to get over that one night stand, I had tried getting in contact with Avery to get Cassandra’s contact details. Unfortunately, Avery and Quinn were on their honeymoon with the absurd plan of not using their phones. I was waiting for their return on Sunday but then her resume had crossed my eyes when I was sitting with Mark yesterday. I had asked him to leave the interviews to me for the position. I only intended to hire her. It was payback time. I had deliberately made her wait before the interview and just when I was about to call her in, Elsa had stormed into my office unannounced and uninvited. I wasn’t entertaining her calls so she planned to give me a surprise, midday booty call and had tried to suck me off, and the real surprise? I wasn’t able to get excited and had asked her to leave. And now minutes later with Cassandra in the same room, I was rock hard.

  “Aaron … Mr. Maxfield, I don’t think it is appropriate to talk about personal things of the past here. I am here for the job interview,” she said in a clear voice, trying to act all business. But then that blush appeared on her face and gave away her exact thoughts. Yes, I wanted her to remember everything just as crystal clear as I remembered. “I am well aware why you are here, Ms. Levant,” I said to her. “Previous matters need to be laid at rest first and then things should be proceeded further. That’s what my approach is.” She fidgeted in her chair, uncomfortably. I was enjoying her reactions.

  “Mr. Maxfield, we are both adults and can put our past behind us and work on professional terms. This is my approach,” she straightened her back and looked me square in eyes. Ah, there that was, her cold, hard mask, covering her real self. “I see, Ms. Levant, you are desperate for professionalism.” “I am,” she looked at me with narrowed eyes. “Alright then, Ms. Levant. You can start your new job tomorrow,” I said to her and saw her eyes widen. “That’s it? You are not going to ask me anything?” “Do I need to know something, Ms. Levant? Something you want to tell me?” How about why you left without saying a word? Why you made me feel used and discarded? I would love to hear the answers but now was not the time, nor the place.

  “No, but…” she began to speak and I cut her off before she could finish. “You’ll be working with me on an account we have just taken over. Melinda will give you the details. I expect you to be well prepared when we next meet.” “What if I don’t accept the job?” she asked. “Then don’t.” I shrugged as if her answer mattered nothing. I opened the top drawer and pulled out a manila envelope and slid it in front of her. “This is your job letter along with the contract details. Make your decision,” I said to her and then turned my head to the Mac screen, dismissing her.

  She sat there, opening her mouth to say something and then thinking otherwise. “I’ll let you know about my answer,” she said and got up. “Thank you, Mr. Maxfield. Good day,” she turned and walked towards the door. I watched her narrow hips sway in that tight skirt she was wearing. I suppressed a groan when my body protested. This time when I’d have her, she would be begging me. And I had a whole plan structured to make sure that happens. Now all she had to do was take the job. She was insisting on professionalism now, she’d be hating the word by the end of her first week at work. That was my solemn promise to my injured ego and myself.


  “Good afternoon, Mr. Maxfield.” I nodded at the greetings as I passed through all the desks on the main floor. I stopped at my favorite desk that I had been frequenting for the past two days. The sig
ht that welcomed me was Cassandra’s face close to the desktop with her forehead squeezed together in a tight frown and the back of the pencil was clenched between her lips. She sensed my arrival and her face turned to me. “Are you done?” I asked her, keeping my voice flat and cold.

  “Yes, Mr. Maxfield. I was just revising it,” she said and pressed print key. “Here,” she gave me the paper. I took it and looked at her, she had that beaming expression with her brown eyes illuminating. She was probably proud of her piece. I glanced at the paper. “Do it again,” I handed it back to her and turned. “But I have done it again, twice before,” she protested. I tilted my head and quirked my brow. She opened her mouth to defend again and then sighed. “You have rejected my proposal three times. Can you at least tell me what the mistake in it is?” she asked. “It is just a proposal, Ms. Levant. I am sure you know how to write a decent one. Try harder.” “I have done this all my life, of course I know how to write a goddamn proposal,” she said in frustration. “Watch your language, Ms. Levant, your professionalism is the primary requirement here,” I reminded her and she gritted her teeth. “I apologize, Mr. Maxfield,” she muttered. “Fix this,” I eyed the paper and walked away. A victorious smile came on my lips. I had brought out her first outburst – level one accomplished.

  I stood by the floor length window of my office and stared out at the gray weather of Seattle as the clouds took over the better part of the sky. Hmm, it was going to start drizzling any time. I checked my now replaced and updated iPhone, it said five fifteen. It was almost the end of the day and I was expecting Cassandra to step in any minute. Just then my phone buzzed and I checked the caller ID. It said Jasmine. I sighed and then picked it up. “Maxfield.” Just then there was a knock on the door and Cassandra poked her head in.

  “Aaron, how are you doing, lover? I haven’t heard from you for a long time,” Jasmine said in her strong Greek accented voice which alone was able to make me hard. But that was old news now, the reason for my cock jumping to attention was because of the platinum blonde I was obsessed with. I waved her to come in.

  “I have been occupied at work, Jasmine,” I said into the phone and watched Cassandra shifting from one foot to another, tapping her fingertips on the paper. Was she impatient to get away from me? I decided to push her.

  “You are always working so hard, Max. You deserve a good time,” Jasmine said. “I can certainly think of a few things to do right now, and trust me when I say they do not involve office work,” I said keeping my eyes fixed on Cassandra. She wasn’t looking at me, but of course she was hearing and I noticed her jaw tightening. Yes.

  “Promises, promises. Be a man of your words, Max, have the grace to keep them when you promise,” Jasmine teased and I smiled. She was always stroking my ego – until the other woman in the room injured it. “I always keep my promises, Mia Bella, you should know this by now. I apologize I have been inattentive to you. But I assure you I will make it up to you. How about we meet tonight? You can give me a list of my misdemeanors and you can take it out on me in your usual creative ways,” every word that slipped my tongue was hitting Cassandra like a swing of a hammer. Her tapping had stopped and now her fingers were clutched into a tight fist.

  “Aren’t you in good mood today, Max. You sound nothing like your usual self,” Jasmine laughed. If only she knew. “Oh do I? It didn’t occur to me,” I said and right then Cassandra snapped her head up and glared at me. “Mr. Maxfield, may I have a minute, please?” she said. I raised my hand in the air for her to hold on. She almost bared her teeth and I barely kept the laugh that was just on the edge of erupting out.

  “Let’s meet tonight. I've missed you, lover,” Jasmine said. “Sure. I’ll make reservations and let you know. See you soon, Jasmine,” I said and then disconnected the call. I’ll ring to cancel later, I have no interest in Jasmine “Yes, Ms. Levant, how can I help you? What is it so important that couldn’t wait until I finished my phone call?” I stowed my phone and asked the one woman I wanted all along. She looked at me and I knew there were so many words rolling on her tongue, wanting to spill out, and none of them were professional nor decent. ‘Come on, Levant, fight for your control,’ I urged her mentally as I rested my back against my desk and folded my arms across my chest, waiting for her to explode.

  She clenched and unclenched her fist and then thumped the print out in her hand next to me. “Your proposal, Mr. Maxfield,” she said. I picked it up and read. She had written every piece marvelously and this one was the worst compared to the other three she had previously written. “Now this is better,” I said and she looked at me as if she was going to dig her teeth into my neck and suck my blood dry. She knew what she had written.

  “Am I excused for the day, Mr. Maxfield?” she asked me. I looked at the clock on the wall. Five thirty. “You are,” I said and turned to take my seat and logged into the system. “Do you need something else, Ms. Levant?” I asked looking up at her. She was staring at me and if she stood there like that for another minute, I was going to drag her to the couch and christen it right then. “No, thank you, Mr. Maxfield. I don’t mean to take any more of your precious time,” she said with a sour smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she turned around and left. “You’ll see me all right, Cassandra.” I was enjoying this game way too much.

  Chapter 7


  Damn. Damn. Damn. I was so losing it. I was frustrated beyond description. Aaron is an asshole. A professional jackass asshole! He was challenging my control, my patience and my tolerance. I was losing all three of them. He was pushing my buttons and I couldn’t even protest because he was just being my boss. It was my seventh day at LeoField Ad Group and it already felt like I was being bullied by Aaron.

  He made me work ruthlessly, and then rejected it and then made me do it all over again. He kept a continuous check on me by visiting me at my desk, looking at my work himself. And when he’d bend down close to my face, his arm almost brushing mine, I’d go all still. I was too damn aware of his body heat, or over all heat around me. He treated me just like an employee. He was professional, just like I wanted it to be, yet it frustrated me. Because he was all distant but still close. My mind fizzed around him. As much I loved the nature of work in the agency, I hated the effect my boss had on me. If it wasn’t for him, this job would be perfect. I just hoped that I’d get over my stupid reactions around him. Because Aaron, for sure had moved on from our night together. Hell, I had heard him talk to that Jasmine or whatever her name was, the other day. God, I wanted to scratch both their faces off. I was furious and … dare I say jealous? But I was being absurd. He was Aaron Maxfield. I knew of his reputation before our night, but I still got myself tangled in his web. My colleagues have filled me in with the colorful details of his nature with women.

  “Can you please type me a letter, Ms. Levant? I’ll give you a dictation,” Aaron said to me as I copied down the presentation he had asked me to place into his system. He himself was lounging on the sofa, with his feet propped up on the table and had a couple of pages sprawled on his lap. I looked at my wrist watch, it was already five forty in the evening. Will I get paid for working over time? I wondered. Oh who was I kidding? It was a universal rule; taking a job in media field meant you entered into working unpaid overtime hours.

  I opened a blank document and waited for him to tell me what to write. His eyes were glued on the paper before him and his index finger was caressing his lower lip as he concentrated on the matter of the paper. That simple movement of his finger was giving me such lewd thoughts that I shifted in my chair. This sexual frustration was getting out of control. I had to do something about it and soon or else I don’t know what I was going to do because being around Aaron was – hard.

  He started speaking and I began to type. We fell into a comfortable sync. Until I brought the Mac Book to him for a review and sat next to him. He straightened to lean his face near to the screen to read and I sucked in a breath. His musky cologne, his spicy body wa
sh and his natural scent all filled my nostrils. The closeness generated a spark inside me and I was suddenly on fire. I feared my breathes were changing into low panting. God, this man made me desperate.

  “Can you shift this clause above the second one?” he raised his hand to point out and his elbow brushed against my arm. The friction caused an immediate effect on my nipples and they tightened under my suit jacket. “Also add the media budget of the previous campaign so they know what leaps we are taking. Just mention it right after the mediums.” His voice vibrated into my ears and I briefly closed my eyes to let the odd feeling of wanting him sink in.

  “Ms. Levant, are you alright?” his hoarse whisper came from right behind me. I jerked straight. And turned my head, only to find his mouth so near to me. Those luscious lips were a couple of inches away from me. I itched to taste them, to feel them. Knowing what they were capable of doing, I shuddered in utter anticipation. “You look flustered, Ms. Levant. Is something wrong?” he asked and I looked into his eyes. They were dark, filled with lust, desire, want. “Uh …” my throat was dry. I ran my tongue over my lips to wet them a little. Aaron gasped as he took in my little action.

  The air between us was as thick as fog with sexual tension. His finger caressed the length of my neck with a feather touch, barely touching yet making sure I was feeling it. “Your neck is pulsing, Ms. Levant,” he stressed over ‘Ms. Levant’. I wanted to lean into his touch. “I wonder why,” I whispered. He looked into my eyes. His own sparkled with lust. “I can think of a few reasons.” His thumb was now tracing my jaw line and damned if I wasn’t soaking wet down there.


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