College Daddy: A Single Dad Romance

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College Daddy: A Single Dad Romance Page 46

by Amber Heart

  “I’m going to go and get the picnic basket,” she announced, just as he was beginning to stir in the pickle relish.

  “Sounds good. I’m almost done,” Dante replied, on the verge of dipping his mixing spoon in for a quick taste.

  Kennedi immediately went to her pantry to retrieve the basket and felt a particular twinge of excitement as she reached down to pick it up from the floor. Between midterms, football practices, newspaper staff meetings, and class projects, she and Dante’ barely had a chance to see each other. In fact, in the last two weeks, they’d spent less than 3 hours together – and that was a stretch. Today was the first real date they would have in a long time and Kennedi was beyond thrilled.

  In addition to being excited about seeing Dante, Kennedi was particularly ecstatic about the kind of day they’d planned to spend together. Not only was it was an exceptionally warm day, especially for the fall, but it was the first time – in a long time – that each of them had enough free time to truly enjoy it. Instead of trying to schedule alone time and wedge it between other obligations, today was one of few that they were free and clear to spend the full day any way they wanted to. As a testament to their connection, what they genuinely wanted to do was spend it with each other.

  Kennedi sat the wicker basket on her kitchen countertop and, one-by-one, added each of their picnic items to it. In the corner of her eye, she could see Dante’ proudly slathering the freshly made tuna fish onto slices of bread, making two sandwiches, and cutting the crusts off before bagging them.

  “Fresh off the press,” he said, carefully placing the sandwiches inside the basket’s gingham lining and elbowing Kennedi after they were snuggly nestled under the bottle of wine. “I’m telling you babe, these are going to be a hit!”

  Kennedi giggled in response before adding, “I guess we’ll just have to see about that!”

  Dante’ went over to the window, right over the kitchen sink, and pulled back its curtain. “This is the perfect day for a picnic!” he said, peering outside and catching a few sunrays across his face in turn.

  “It really is!” Kennedy agreed, craning her neck to share Dante’s view. “I’m just so excited to be spending this time with you! We’ve both been so busy here lately.”

  “I know, this was a great idea!” Dante said. “Especially since…”

  “Since?” Kennedi asked, annoyed with the dramatic pause.

  “Since you can finally try my world famous tuna fish,” he said to an unamused Kennedi who was quick to deliver a serious glare.

  “Alrighty, let’s get this show on the road!” Kennedi said, grabbing her sunshades from off of the kitchen table and placing them on her forehead. “Ready to go?” she asked, as she walked over to the living room couch and tucked a blanket under her arm.

  “Ready!” Dante confirmed. “I’ll get the basket,” he added, walking over to the counter and grabbing the tote full of goodies by its handle.

  As they stepped outside of Kennedi’s apartment and made their way to the car, Kennedi took in a deep breath and flipped her sunshades over her eyes. “It really is beautiful out today,” she remarked, approaching the passenger’s side of the car and waiting for Dante’ to unlock it.

  After hearing the locks disengage, Kennedi immediately loaded the blanket into the back seat and herself in the front. On the other side, Dante’ was doing the same thing but, in his case, with the picnic basket. As soon as the couple had themselves and all of their accoutrements set to go, Dante’ wasted no time getting them to the park. Once there, they set up under their favorite tree, and got busy making the most out of their time together.

  “Lay back, babe!” Kelsey invited, “let me feed you grapes.”

  Dante’ was happy to oblige her but had more of a taste for Kennedi than anything else. He leaned over and kissed her, passionately, interlocking his lips with hers. After a second kiss for good measure, he adjusted his body so that it was perpendicular to hers and slowly lowered his head until it rested safely across her thighs. Kennedi reached over to the basket and pulled out a small bunch of grapes. She carefully plucked one and instructed Dante’ to, “Open wide!”

  As he closed his eyes, followed her directions, and brandished his pink tongue in the process, Kennedi slowly lowered a green, round grape into his mouth. Feeling the sensation of something cool and smooth on his tongue, he promptly brought his lips together, entrapping Kennedi’ fingers along the way, and causing her to giggle. As he chewed the succulent berry and enjoyed its mellow taste, Kennedi stroked his eyebrows and rubbed the top of his head.

  “I missed you,” she whispered. “I missed this,” she revealed, stroking Dante’s cheek and seeing a look of pure bliss spread across his face. “Ready for the next one?” she asked, already reaching toward her small bouquet.

  “You know I am,” he replied, preparing his mouth for another grape.

  As the afternoon wore on, Kennedi and Dante’ enjoyed the rest of their picnic and more of each other. The moment of truth came when they got down to, what Kennedi described to herself as the “tuna fish challenge”. Though she originally thought she’d have to grin and bear it, Dante was right: his tuna fish was a hit! Kennedi happily ate her words along with her sandwich.


  After four blissful but, at times, bumpy months together, Kennedi and Dante’ were still bumbling through the process of learning and appreciating each other. Their love isn’t perfect, but neither of them expects it to be. Besides, both feel more complete than they ever have after meeting one another and are willing to do whatever it takes to keep that feeling, and their relationship, fresh. Even though Dante’ is a hot commodity, sparking the antennae of just about every red-blooded woman on campus, he only has eyes for Kennedi. He genuinely feels that she is the only person who wants him for the right reasons and that there is something that innately connects them together. Kennedi finds Dante’ to be a complex, fascinating character capable of doing what no other man could: continuously igniting her intrigue and maintaining her interests.

  With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, the budding couple had already agreed that it may be too early to spend it together. As a compromise, they decide to have a pre-holiday celebration, for just the two of them. Although Kennedi originally proposed it as a joke, in the end, they settled on the Sunshine Café as the place to commemorate Dante’s favorite holiday. In the interest of irony, Kennedi and Dante’ decided to dress up in their finest and head out on the Tuesday immediately prior to the big day, eager to sink their teeth in the Sunshine Café’s take on Thanksgiving fare.

  “You know, I was joking about coming here earlier,” Kennedi conceded, “but I think this might actually end up being a good look.” After staring at the dinner menu, and trying to figure out if she wanted turkey, ham, or both, Kennedi continued, “Everything smells amazing – as always!”

  “I thought it was a genius idea when you first mentioned it,” Dante’ said with a chuckle. “I couldn’t figure out why you tried to pull it back.”

  Kennedi looked around the dining room and noticed that it was much more lively (and populated) than it was on their first morning there. “Wonder if Gladys’ is working tonight,” she asked, laughing and inviting an extra level of nostalgia to the conversation.

  “HA! Gladys,” Dante’ said, remembering the first time he had breakfast with Kennedi. “She just refused to let us get through a full sentence, didn’t she?”

  Kennedi and Dante’ chuckled heartily.

  “What did you think about that first breakfast?” Dante’ asked. “Did you know we were on a date?”

  “I don’t think either one of us did,” Kennedi said, staring attentively at her menu. “Think I’m going to have the Gobble, Gobble Skillet with turkey,” she mumbled, somewhat out of turn.

  “I’m almost sure I knew,” Dante’ said, still thinking it through.

  “What do you mea-,” Kennedi started, before she was interrupted.

  “You folks ready to order?�
�� Brad, the waiter asked, looking like he was completely over the pre-Thanksgiving crowd and ready to go home.

  “Yeah, we’re going to have two Gobble, Gobble Skillets,” Dante’ responded. “Hers will have turkey, mine will have ham.”

  “Two GG’s coming right up,” Brad said, without writing it down.

  “Thanks, man” Dante’ said, before switching his attention back to Kennedi. “You were saying?”

  “Yes – I was saying something – what was I saying, babe?” Kennedi asked, distracted by visions of Gobble, Gobble Skillets dancing around in her head.

  “You were asking me something about our first date here a few weeks ago.”

  “Right!” she said, snapping her fingers in time. “Yeah, how did you even know we were on the date that morning? I, initially, didn’t read it that way at all!”

  “Well,” Dante’ said, pausing, “I can remember how impressed I was that you made the effort to meet me on the track at 5:00 AM, keep up with me while I was running, and ask me interesting – out of the box – questions. I realized that I liked something about you – no, I realized that I liked you – while we were still on the track.”

  Kennedi narrowed her eyes, “I don’t remember feeling anything like that! I just thought you were crazy!”

  Dante’ laughed. “I’m glad you changed your mind,” he added with a chuckle.

  “Who said I changed my mind?” Kennedi asked, smiling jovially.

  “Ah, touché,” Dante’ said. “Well, how about this?” he added, attempting to modify his statement from earlier, “I’m glad you decided to hang in there with me.”

  “Well, I don’t know if I told you,” Kennedi started, “but I actually had a very vivid dream about us right after I got home from breakfast – on what turned out to be our first date.”

  “No,” Dante’ said, looking puzzled. “You never told me about this dream. What were we doing in it?” he asked, giving Kennedi a randy look.

  “Not that!” she said, rolling her eyes to the sky and igniting a chorus of laughter.

  “OK, OK,” he said, conceding the point. “But seriously,” he followed, looking sheepish, “what were we doing?”

  “It was a lot! Very dramatic,” Kennedi said, flailing her fingers.

  “OK,” Dante’ followed.

  “Let’s just say: we had dinner on a football field, I wore a ballroom gown and a tiara…”

  “A tiara?” Dante’ said, barely containing his laughter. “I can’t even see you wearing….actually, I can’t see you wearing anything like, babe.”

  “Who are you telling?” Kennedi said, agreeing with Dante’s point. “I was just confused as you are!”

  Kennedi and Dante’ giggled incessantly.

  Kennedi continued. “…but outside of what we had on, and maybe where we met, everything else about my dream was pretty straightforward. Good insight, a healthy flow of conversation, just a lot of fun.”

  “Oh yeah?” Dante’ asked, please to hear Kennedi’s thoughts – and gain a new awareness about her initial thoughts of him.

  “Yeah!” Kennedi confirmed.

  “Well, I think that’s – ,” Dante’ started to reply before he was interrupted.

  “OK, I’ve got two hot, fresh Gobble, Gobble Skillets here,” Brad said, toting a platter in each hand. “Which one of you had the ham?”

  “That would be me,” Dante’ said, pointing to his placemat.

  “..and that leaves the lady,” Brad said, placing the turkey skillet in front of Kennedi.

  “Thank you!” Dante’ and Kennedi replied, almost at the same time.

  “My pleasure,” Brad said, nonchalantly. “Can I get you guys anything else? Ketchup? More water?”

  “Uh, I think we’re good,” Dante’ answered, hoping to minimize future distractions.

  As dinner continued to progress, Dante’ and Kennedi reminisced about the past four months, their perceptions of key interactions, and secrets that had yet to be discussed. The more they shared, the more they realized why they liked each other, and why they should always fight to stay in each other’s lives.

  With the majority of their Skillets in digestion mode, Dante’ and Kennedi, sat across from each other, waxing poetic.

  “You know,” Dante’ interjected, “I don’t know if we’ve ever talked about marriage.”

  “What do you mean?” Kennedi asked.

  “Well, I’m just saying, we talk about a lot. I don’t think we’ve ever shared our views on that step.” Dante’ explained.

  “OK,” Kennedi countered, unsure of the angle Dante’ was aiming for or what she should say next.

  “Do you want to get married? Do you have an idea about when? You know, that kind of thing.

  “So, yes I see marriage in my future, but I don’t have any hard and fast rules about when.”

  “Ah, I see!” Dante’ said, sitting up in his chair and leaning toward Kennedi. “I want to get married, too. I think marriage is still important – although some of my friends don’t agree.”

  “Oh, OK,” Kennedi replied, thinking that the line of questioning was odd.

  “I’ve been thinking about marriage a lot, recently,” Dante’ said, “my life is about to change drastically. It’s going to get a lot more stressful, possibly more unstable. I’ll be under a constant microscope. I’m going to need a partner on my side who can hold me together in all of that.”

  “I hear that,” Kennedi said.

  “And,” Dante’ started, “the more I think about it, Kennedi, the more I want that person to be you.”

  Kennedi’s eyes got wide and then she gasped. “You’re saying you think you want to marry me?” she asked.

  “I’m saying, Kennedi Kincaid,” Dante’ began reaching into his jacket pocket. He fished around earnestly and then produced a burgundy velvet box.

  Kennedi grabbed her mouth as her hand trembled and her mind raced.

  “I’m a firm believer,” Dante’ continued, on another train of thought, “ – I’m a firm believer that when you know, you know. We haven’t been together for years and years but Kennedi, I know you’re my wife and I want to make it official. “

  Kennedi watched in disbelief as Dante’ scooted out of the booth, got on one knee, and opened up the burgundy ring box. “Kennedi Alana Kincaid, will you marry me?” He said, looking as nervous as he ever has.

  Wiping tears away from her eyes, Kennedi clasped her hands together and drew them to her heart. “Of course I’ll marry you, Dante’” she said, to a round of applause in the restaurant.

  Dante sprang to his feet and joined Kennedi on her side of the booth. He then slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately.

  “You know this means forever, right?” He said looking deeply into her eyes.

  “It better,” she smiled, stroking his cheek, “it better!”

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  You’re not finished yet!

  Turn over and enjoy Trust Fund Bad Boy: A Bad Boy Romance Novel

  Trust Fund Bad Boy

  A Bad Boy Romance

  By Amber Heart

  Chapter One


  Opal set aside yet another of one her delicious lunches, having barely had enough time to touch it. She was working through lunch for what felt like the millionth time in a row, and taking more than a few minutes to eat something seemed impossible. Wiping the crumbs from her desk, she frowned at the thought of that scrumptious quesadilla going to waste. But there would be plenty of time for relaxing lunches and more, once this big job was finished successfully.

  She peaked over to Judith, her work friend. "How are you doing on those concept sketches, Judith?"

  Judith came to attention "I knew you were going to ask me that, just like I knew you were going to skip out on lunch,
again. Sweety, you really need to let yourself take a proper break. At least eat something substantial for once." Judith had such a graceful way about her, even when she was being bossy. Her peaceful, delicate features never matched up with any of her more forceful words.

  "Hey, I'll make you a deal," replied Opal with a slight smirk showing on her face, "We can go to an all-you-can-eat buffet and I'll shove down buckets of chicken wings and potato salad until you're satisfied. How does that sound to you?"

  "You really have a mouth on you," said Judith with a soft shake of her head. "It's a good thing you're my best friend, or I'd think you were being a smart ass." It didn't quite suite Judith when she swore, not by the look of her. She was so seemingly innocent, petite, straight brown hair, doll face. But she certainly had a wild streak in her. That barely ever showed while they were working though. Judith had started out as Opal's assistant, but had worked so impressively that Opal had pushed to have her as her lead illustrator at the marketing agency where they worked.

  Opal glanced over at Judith "You may have everyone else at the agency fooled, but I've seen your bad side. Don't make me share the pictures of last weekend."

  Judith chuckled "So, I had a few cocktails and danced like an idiot? Isn't a twenty-eight-year-old woman allowed to have a bit of harmless fun?"

  "There's nothing wrong with that at all. Still, I bet you wouldn't want anyone else you know seeing your funny dancing," said Opal with a chuckle. She was enjoying stirring up her friend, even if they were both frantically working as they exchanged the spirited banter. It was one of the few things that really kept their morale high, when they knew they had yet another terrible deadline looming over their heads.

  "We've got this, don't we?" Opal said to Judith after some quiet time at their respective desks, clicking and pressing away to try and get the workload done before the end of the day.

  "Hey, we're the best, right?" said Judith. She always had a way of motivating Opal, even when they were stressed to the limit.


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