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Max Page 3

by April Kelley

  He was an hour early, which gave him time to look around the place and assess the situation just in case Sydney was setting him up. Not that the possibility was really on his radar, but he wouldn’t be good at his job if he didn’t at least consider it.

  Max watched as several half-dressed men walked into the building. One of them had on pants so tight his dick and balls looked like a camel’s toe. To his credit, he was big down there, even if the rest of him was about average. Max was just intrigued enough to get out of his car and follow Camel-toe guy into the club.

  Once he paid the admission fee, he stood just inside the door, letting his eyes adjust to the low lighting and dark interior. The walls were blood red and looked to be covered in velvet. Max felt like he was on a television show about vampires just looking at them. As his eyes adjusted, he could see the people in the room better and noticed a lot of ass cheeks with a thin strip of material down the crack. The black lights that were used everywhere except the staging area made the white globes of each cheek glow in the prettiest way possible.

  Seeing all that made Max forget about finding Camel-toe, although he would like to see the man’s cock just out of curiosity. He’d have to make that happen later.

  Max took a deep breath and willed himself to focus. If Sydney wanted to distract him, he’d certainly picked the right place for it.

  Max moved to a table near the door and sat down in one of the plush chairs. A waiter with boy shorts so small they barely covered his ass stopped at his table. Max grinned at the man. He was cute in a college student sort of way. Not Max’s type. Max preferred men that looked like they knew the score. The blond cutie standing in front of him looked like he was trying to make his tuition payment. Not that there was anything wrong with that. He also looked like the type who craved romance, which was something Max had steered clear of up to that point.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” the waiter asked. His shy smile told Max he had pegged him right.

  Max pulled out his wallet and handed the man a ten-dollar bill. He’d been in enough strip clubs to know what talked. The waiter started to take it, but Max held on. “Water and information.”

  The waiter released the money. “Both are free, sir.”

  Max smiled and put the money on the small tray the man carried. “I’m looking for someone.”

  “Aren’t we all.” The waiter’s gaze trailed down Max’s body, settling on his dick. Okay, maybe the waiter’s college boy shyness was all an act.

  Max leaned back and tapped the arm of his chair with a finger. He had to think for a moment about why Sydney had picked the place. The building wasn’t in any sort of secluded area of town. It was on the seedier side of the city, which was perfect. If a fight broke out, no one would be surprised, and he doubted the cops would be called. Even if they were, they probably wouldn’t show up. Sydney must have considered that when choosing the place. Another factor was probably the cameras discreetly placed around the large room. Max would bet money the back rooms of the place didn’t have any cameras at all.

  Sydney didn’t trust Max, not entirely, so he figured Sydney probably had a big bodyguard watching Max’s every move through monitors in some office somewhere. Sydney was smart enough to have backup just in case Max tried to fuck him over.

  The waiter shuffled from foot to foot. “Look, I have other customers, so if you got something to ask...”

  Max looked up at him. “Do you have either a regular customer or someone who works here that has black hair, dark eyes, about five feet eight inches.”

  “Yeah, like five guys in here.” Yeah, okay the waiter had a point.

  Sydney had come to the Lakehouse mansion once and led the team on a merry chase through the forest near the house. “He probably works here or maybe used to.” Given how fast the little hitman, was Max wouldn’t be surprised if he was limber enough to work his body all around the stage pole.

  The waiter looked around, making sure no one was paying attention. When he was satisfied, he focused on Max again. “We have two guys who work here that fit that. One is the bartender behind the counter, and the other is only here for one night.” The man nodded to the stage. “He comes in when he wants. I think he has an arrangement with the boss or something. Anyway, he’s working the floor right now. You want me to tell him you’re asking?”

  “No. Thanks anyway, honey. He’ll be around soon enough.” Max winked at him and then pulled another ten out of his wallet and put it on the kid’s tray.

  The kid grinned at him and walked away. Max watched him go, because his ass in those shorts looked amazing. The extra swish in his step suggested the waiter knew Max was watching.

  Max looked at every stripper in the club with a critical eye. He didn’t see one that resembled the pictures he had seen of Sydney.

  There was a disco ball in the center of the large room that hung just above the stage. The spinning lights seemed to hit everyone all at the same time when the music changed suddenly. The stage was slightly phallic, as it jutted out and was bulbous at the end where the pole was. Smoke started filling the stage, curling around the edges and floating down to the floor like a sinister cloud. Colorful lights turned the white smoke red and blue in some spots.

  The music suddenly muted, and an announcer told him to give it up for someone named Mystery. When the announcer explained Mystery was here for one night only, Max stilled. Sydney couldn’t possibly be stupid enough to put that much attention on himself.

  Max stood up, walking to the far wall and standing against it. He shook his head, sighing. He’d have to play guard duty, make sure Mize didn’t have any of her men in the club.

  When Sydney came out on the stage in fake military gear, Max thought he was going to lose his mind. Sydney had a serious expression on his face even as he looked around the room as if scanning for potential bad guys. Sydney blinked and a look of surprise crossed his face when their gazes met. That look told Max that Sydney hadn’t expected him to be early or maybe even to come at all.

  Max kept his face neutral and scanned the crowd, much the same way Sydney had, except Max truly was looking for bad guys. When Max turned back to the show, it was just in time to see Sydney roll his hips and trail a hand down the center of his own camo cover chest.

  God, Sydney Marshall was fucking sexy.

  It got even better when the shirt came off and the camo pants were the only thing he wore. The guitar on the song scraped even as the music was bumping along. Max couldn’t concentrate on the lyrics, but the music was all about sex. Max pictured Sydney’s ass and imagined what he might look like wrapped around his dick. Sydney danced his way closer to the end of the stage. When he did, several men came up, standing at the edge, holding out money. Sydney took off the cloth belt he had on and wrapped it around the back of one guy’s neck. He kept hold of both ends and pulled the guy into him. Since the man’s face was at crotch level, that was where it landed. Sydney let him go just as quickly and then held his pants and underwear out with a finger. The guy grinned at him and slid the money in as he got a good look at Sydney’s cock. Sydney winked and gave the man a sexy smile before moving along.

  When another man grabbed Sydney’s thigh and started pulling him close, Max came off the wall. No fucking way was he letting some guy touch Sydney. A cloud settled over Max as he walked to the stage. His entire focus was on the man who was touching Sydney.

  Sydney just smiled at the man and said something Max couldn’t hear. The guy tried to put money in Sydney’s pants, but Sydney shook his head and held up a finger, asking the guy to wait. His tactic worked, because the man released him. Still, Max wasn’t going to let the man get grabby again.

  Max stood next to Mr. Grabby Hands and watched Sydney rip off his camo pants. Velcro on the sides made them easy to take off. Sydney had a camo thong underneath, money already coming out the edges.

  When Sydney turned, grabbing the pole, Max’s focus changed, riveted to Sidney and not leaving.
Sydney gave a little hop, then held himself straight out, nearly touching a man’s head with his feet. The strength that it took to keep his body parallel to the stage was impressive. He defied gravity, challenging it with that one move.

  Men threw money onto the stage and even more when Sidney opened his legs. Max wasn’t sure how Sydney did it, but he managed to turn, letting himself down slowly, his ass to Max. And, god, was that ass perfect.

  Holy hell. Max wasn’t going to survive the night.

  Sydney slid backward on the stage, toward Mr. Grabby. He was up on his knees, with his ass presented to the man as if it were an open cookie jar.

  Something about Sydney giving his ass to another man sent that cloud forming over him once again. It didn’t really make sense. Max had never been jealous of anyone a day in his life. He had never cared about the men he was with after they fucked. He wanted one thing from them, and that was it. So what the hell was his problem?

  Max leaned into the guy when he started to reach for Sydney. “I’ll break every fucking finger that touches him.”

  The guy looked over at Max, scowling until he got a good look at him. His eyes widened, and he didn’t say anything. Sydney held up the material of his very skimpy thong, exposing most of himself to both Max and Mr. Grabby. Mr. Grabby hesitated but slid the money in, careful not to touch Sydney. Once he finished, he moved away from the stage, which was a good thing, because it kept Max from following through on his threat.

  Sydney turned around, crawling across the dance floor to Max. Once he reached him, he rubbed his face in Max’s crotch. As if his dick wasn’t hard enough, Max felt Sydney’s teeth against him. If it weren’t for the fabric of his jeans, the bite would have hurt. As it was, it made Max moan. Sydney worked his way up Max’s body quickly.

  Oh god, Sydney smelled so damn good. Like spicy vanilla ice cream. How that was possible with all the dancing and sweaty pole stuff, Max had no clue.

  Max was so horny he was about ready to open his pants and give everyone in the room a show. He was also still pissed off and confused about it.

  “You’re early. I said three hours.” Sydney’s tone wasn’t sexual at all.

  Max grinned. “More time for me to convince you how good we’d be together.”

  “You’re such a charming fuck boy.”

  “I’m not playing you.” Max had never once lied to a guy about what he wanted, and he wouldn’t start with Sydney.

  “Just stick a dollar next to my dick.”

  Max pulled some money out of his pocket without looking at the denomination of the bill. He didn’t give it to Sydney right away though. “You called, and I came running. That should tell you something about my sincerity.” Max moved the material of the G-string away from Sydney’s body with a finger and stuck the money in. He kept a hand on Sydney’s chest, making sure he didn’t fall forward off the stage as Max took a step back.

  “All that tells me is you may arrest me.”

  “I’m not a cop.”

  “Close enough.” Sydney gave him a sexy grin. “I’ll find you after my set,” Sydney said loud enough for every man there to hear. Max figured Sydney said that to keep the private requests to a minimum. He certainly had better things to do than shake his ass privately for every guy who requested it. Now everyone knew Sydney’s time after his dance was taken. At least for a few minutes.

  Sydney walked right toward Max. He had on different underwear than what he’d worn on stage. Red boy shorts looked beautiful next to the man’s naturally tan skin. Sydney didn’t even hesitate as he straddled Max’s lap. “All the other guys are so jealous. It’s like fucking high school in the back room.”

  Max put his hands on Sydney’s hips, holding him in place. He was going to cum in his jeans if Sydney continued to move the way he was.

  “Why are they jealous?”

  “Because I told them you’re my boyfriend, which makes you off limits.” Sydney’s lips curled up in a sly smile.

  So Sydney was cock blocking him. That was okay, because paybacks were a bitch, and Sydney, while wily like a coyote, wasn’t as good at the game as Max.

  Max decided the best method to get into Sydney’s pants was to act like he didn’t want in them. “Why am I here?”

  “Besides the fact that I finally get to meet the man that took my phone sex virginity?”

  That had been one of the hottest sexual experiences of Max’s life. He’d ask for a live performance, except then Sydney would think he was coming on too strong. Max needed to play it just right, so instead he said, “Yeah, besides that.”

  “I need to know why Mize is pinning her crime spree on me. I need to know who she really is.”

  Max shook his head. “We need to talk about this with less people around. To many ears.” For a walking dead man, Sydney sure took some unnecessary risks. “If you want to stay alive or out of prison, you need to lay low. Mize has eyes everywhere. This is just the kind of place she hits up to get merchandise, and your little show, while hot as fuck, gained attention. As it is, there’s a guy sitting against the far wall that has been staring at you the entire time you’ve been on my lap.”

  “Fuck you. I noticed the guy. He’s a bodyguard for the club that’s off duty. He’s watching me because I asked him to have my back.”

  “Great. Then did he notice the man that walked in the door ten minutes ago wearing a gun under his jacket? What the fuck does this place have security for if not to keep the guns out?”

  Sydney leaned into Max. “Where is he now?”

  “At the bar. He’s drinking. Looks like some type of martini. So either he’s an off duty cop, or Mize is hiring idiots.”

  “Yeah, that guy’s a regular.”

  “Look. I know you think I’m just here to get in your pants. And while that’s definitely on the agenda, I also believe we could help each other. So I’ll give you whatever information I have, no strings attached. Just not here.” Max had just honored his promise to Reggie.

  “Wow. You’re not as much of a horny bastard as I thought.”

  “Considering we’re both hard, the horny part is about right.” Max could feel Sydney’s hard length against his own. “The bastard part is untrue. My father, Adam, is alive and as healthy as he’s going to get right now. Just talked to him a couple days ago, as a matter of fact.”

  Sydney grinned. “What did you talk about?”

  Max chuckled. “You want to know what my dad and I talked about?”

  Sydney shrugged. “You don’t have to tell me.”

  “Not trying to keep it impersonal. Just uncomfortable talking about my father while you’re rubbing on me like that. I’m about to fucking cum, Syd.”

  Sydney chuckled. “Come on. Let’s go talk in the back room.”

  “Just talk?”

  Sydney nodded his head and climbed off his lap. He kept hold of Max’s hand and pulled him into the back, which was a series of stalls that each had a couch and a thin red curtain that gave some semblance of privacy, although it wasn’t enough for the conversation that Max needed to have with Sydney. Despite the bumping music, moaning could be heard beyond the curtains. The curtains didn’t reach the floor, which made it possible for Max to see feet, or in one case, legs.

  “Are they fucking?”

  Sydney turned and grinned at Max. “That would be illegal.”

  “Right. So they are then.” Max pointed to a curtain. “Lucky bastard is getting head.”

  Sydney chuckled and shook his head. “So, I take it the rumors about you are true.”

  “What rumors would those be?” Max grinned, because he already knew what Sydney was talking about.

  “That you fuck anything with a hole.”

  “Nope. He must have a dick, too.”

  Sydney didn’t find his little joke funny apparently, if the look he gave Max was any indication. Was that disappointment?

  Sydney walked him past all the stalls and then down a long hallway. He
knocked on the first door on the right and waited. When he was satisfied, he walked through the door, closing it and then locking it behind him. Sydney let go of Max’s hand and turned around to face him.

  Max looked around. They were in an office with a desk in the center of the room. Sydney moved a cup of pens over and then sat down on the top of the desk. He crossed his arms over his chest and watched Max carefully.

  Sydney’s demeanor had changed completely. Gone was the smiling, hypersexual man. In his place was a man ready to do business. The stony expression on his face was one Max imagined he got when he was completing a job. Max had no trouble picturing him with a gun in his hand, holding it to someone’s head, despite the fact that Sydney was half-naked.

  So yeah, maybe Max had played him wrong. Maybe Sydney had earned his reputation.

  Max walked past Sydney and felt under the front of the desk.

  “There’s no bugs. The room is clean,” Sydney said even as he watched Max.

  “How do you know? Did you check it?” Max picked up the landline phone and looked at the bottom of it before putting it back down.

  “Yep, about an hour ago. I brought you back here because I’m starting to trust you. Don’t fuck that up for me.”

  Max straightened and sat down in one of the chairs, facing Sydney. “Do you own the club?”

  “No. The guy who owns the place owes me about a thousand favors. I collect from time to time.”

  Max grinned. Unlike Sydney, Max wasn’t putting on some award winning acting performance. He had been sincere with Sydney the entire time. “So this is you collecting?”

  “Yeah. This is me collecting.”

  Max considered Sydney’s stoic expression. Sydney must be very good at putting on a performance whenever he needed too. He switched too quickly for it to be anything else. “What personality is the real Sydney, I wonder? I don’t think it’s the hypersexual one. We would already be fucking if it were. But I don’t think it’s the little bad ass you’re trying to portray right now, either. So tell me which one is the true you.”


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