Moving On (Cape Falls)

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Moving On (Cape Falls) Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “Peter, that feels so good.”

  She whimpered as both his hands worked around to cup her ass. His cock pulsed deep inside her. He gripped her ass in his tight hands.

  “Tell me how you feel?” Peter asked, pulling away from her breast. He didn’t move between her thighs.

  “I love you sucking on my breasts.”

  “What about this? Do you love me gripping your ass, too?” he asked. His grip tightened making her gasp out at the slight pain.

  “Yes,” she said, moaning as his grip seemed to tighten more.

  With his hands on her ass, Peter lifted her off his cock and then slammed deep inside her. She held onto his shoulders trying her best to keep hold of him. Biting her lip, Rose stared into his eyes seeing the pained expression on his face.

  “Never letting you go,” he said.

  “I don’t want you to let me go.”

  “Good, because you’re mine. You’re not having any other men, Rose. Only me.”

  She smiled, groaning as he thrust again, hitting a spot deep inside that made her pulse. Gasping, her nails sank into the flesh of his shoulders.

  “No man, ever.” Nibbling her lip, Rose tried to stop herself from admitting the truth. She’d told him earlier that she loved him, but she’d only said that she was thinking she loved him. “I love you, Peter.”

  He paused, staring into her eyes. “You don’t think that you love me?”

  Shaking her head, Rose rested her palm against his chest. “I’ve loved you for a long time.”

  Peter stroked her cheek, pushing the hair off her face. “For a long time I thought I was in love with the same woman, and it was only when I started to see you that I doubted my feelings.” His hand caressed down her cheek to rest on her chest above her heart. “I love you, too, Rose. I’m not talking sweet words and romance. I can do the sweet and the romance, but the way I feel about you is anything but sweet.”

  Her heart pounded inside her chest, and it wasn’t just from arousal.

  “How do you feel about me?”

  “There’s this dark burning possession. I need to see you. The few days that I didn’t get a chance to see you, I felt my world had collapsed. The kiss only started everything, Rose. We’re meant to be together.”

  Tears filled her eyes at his tender words. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed a kiss to his lips.

  “Does that mean you love me?”

  “Yes, you’ll never really know how much I love you. Love is too subtle a word.”

  “For me, it’s perfect.” She tightened her pussy around his cock, feeling and hearing him groan. “Now, fuck me.”

  Peter growled. “You vixen.”

  He lifted her off his cock and brought her back down on his hard shaft.

  Her breasts bounced with each jerk of his hips.

  “So tight, so perfect. My woman, my future,” he said, pressing lips all over her body. His lips were on her breasts, her face and down her chest.

  She was consumed by his powerful thrusts.

  “I’m close, baby. Finger that sweet slit for me. I need to feel your cunt tighten around me.”

  Rose loved it when he talked dirty. She slipped a finger between them and started to stroke her clit to match his thrusts.

  She gasped, moaned, and she felt her pussy tighten more around his cock.

  “Come for me, baby. I need you to come.”

  Listening to his words, Rose glanced down, watching his hard dick disappear inside her body. The condom didn’t do him any justice, but the sight alone made her ache. She kept up her strokes, close to orgasm already.

  Peter never failed to turn her on.

  “I’m going to teach you everything, show you everything. Your whole world is going to explode, and you’re going to love every second.”

  He rode her harder. Even with her on top, Peter was the one in control.

  “Your body is only going to know my cock, and when I get you on birth control, I’m going to fuck you without a condom. I want to see your cunt, wet and naked.”

  Those words were all it took. Rose came, crying out as Peter’s thrusts got harder and more intense.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come.”

  With the last thrust, Peter growled. His cock kicked inside her, and she felt him pulse into the waiting condom. She collapsed on his chest. From this angle she wasn’t going to get crushed by him.

  Holding onto his body, she felt his heart hammering against her chest.

  The only sound to be heard in the large room was their breathing.

  He stroked her back, caressing his fingers down her spine and resting his hands on her ass.

  “During sex people say shit they don’t mean. Did you mean what you said?” Peter asked.

  “About loving you?” Her mind was a little fuzzy. He’d taken her on a rollercoaster ride, and she needed time to regain her thoughts.


  She smiled. “Are you feeling a little insecure?”

  “You’re younger than me, Rose. When I commit it will be for life.”

  “I come from Cape Falls. I marry for life.” She stroked the edge of one of his tattoos.

  “Cape Falls is going to change. You don’t have to be stuck on that tradition—”

  Rose pressed a finger to his lips. “Shut up. I love you, Peter, and I intend to spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”

  She dropped her lips onto his.

  “I’ve woken up and gone to heaven.”

  Rolling her eyes, Rose giggled as he picked her up and carried her through to the bathroom. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “We’re taking a shower together, and then we’re going to bed.” He didn’t give her a chance to respond to his words.

  Putting her on the floor, he pulled out of her body making her wince. The used condom was removed and thrown into the trashcan.

  He took charge, carrying her into the shower. Rose felt loved by his affection. The day had been stressful, but ending with Peter in her arms would make any day worth it.

  Peter, from his visits to the library, through to visiting her at her parents had saved her. Did he realise how much life he’d given her? Compared to how she’d been living, Peter had given her a chance to breathe. She felt like a woman, his woman. The thought alone of being consumed, owned and possessed, by Peter was enough to make her toes curl.

  Chapter Twelve

  The following morning, Peter made Rose breakfast, and then they were in his car, heading toward the local supermarket. The town appeared quiet. People were walking around, but there was no real activity. He saw the frowns on people’s faces. Gabriel’s words must have hit them all. Parking the car, he walked around to Rose’s side of the car. He helped her out of the car, wrapped an arm around her waist, and escorted her through to the supermarket.

  Peter couldn’t recall a time in the last twenty-eight years when Cape Falls had been like this. The town’s people were always talking or doing something. Usually, when he came to town, the people loved to talk behind their hands, whispering. No one was doing anything. The grim expressions communicated more than anything.

  “Everyone is so quiet,” Rose said, whispering.

  “Let’s hope Gabriel got through to them.”

  They entered the supermarket. Rose was pushing the trolley, and Peter held her hips as they walked together. He was doing his best to protect her from stares or gossip. He remembered a time when Laura had been in town, and their spiteful behaviour had been directed at her. Peter made sure to always be in the same place as she was. Dean had taken his place, which he was thankful for.

  Tightening his grip on Rose’s hips, they made their way to the vegetables and fruit.

  No one said a word as they made their way around the shop. Everyone was in their own world.

  “This is so weird.”

  “It’s good though.”

  They were around the canned food section when one of the local women, Cassandra Marton, stopped them. Sh
e was in her early thirties and had married young. Peter knew she’d been one of the biggest gossipers. He made to pass around her, but Cassandra put a hand on the trolley stopping them.

  “If you’re going to say something hateful, I suggest you move the fuck on,” Peter said. Years of having to put up with the town’s abuse had finally gotten to him. Rose was special. She was different and pure. She shouldn’t have to put up with negative crap at all. He would fight tooth and nail for her respect in this town. His respect, he didn’t give a crap about; Rose’s respect, however, he did.

  Cassandra withdrew her hand. Several other customers had stopped to watch the scene.

  “I’m not going to say anything,” Cassandra said. The other woman looked down at her shoes. “I heard what happened, and I heard about you and Rose. I wanted to stop and say that you guys look lovely together.” Cassandra paused. He saw her lick her lips, and her hands shook. Peter couldn’t recall a time a woman was so nervous. “You’ve turned into a fine man, Peter Miller.”

  He was shocked when she held out her hand to shake. Peter stared at her hand wondering what the hell was going on.

  “Is this some kind of trick?” he asked. He wouldn’t put it past them. The more he thought about the crap he’d put up with, the more it made him wonder why he’d not left Cape Falls.

  “No trick at all. I’m disgusted with myself that it has taken this incident to make me open my eyes. The sheriff’s speech hit me hard. Things around here need to change. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. I can’t assure this is for everyone. This is for me. I’m showing you my friendship and support.” Cassandra’s eyes were bright with tears. “You will not get any trouble from me or my family. You’re welcome, and so is the club, Control. I’ve removed my name from all the petitions. It will be nice to see some change around here.”

  Peter’s heart pounded. He stared at her hand, which was shaking. This is what he’d been wanting for a long time. Slowly, he took her hand in his and shook it.

  There were a few murmurs around the market.

  “I look forward to seeing more of you two.” Cassandra smiled and stepped around them. Rose glanced up at him.

  “It’s a start,” he said.

  They finished their shopping. A couple of the locals who’d stopped talking to him started to speak to him.

  Safely in the space of his car, he drove out to Control. He typed in his security code, and they were allowed inside.

  “What you’re about to see is completely private. You don’t talk about this place with anyone else,” Peter said, pulling up into the first available parking space.

  “I’ve got no friends. Can I still tell you?” she asked, teasing.

  Shaking his head, Peter went around to her side and helped her out.

  Opening the door, he heard the commotion in the main bar room. Daisy was standing with one of the babies on her hip. William’s two boys were playing with a train set on the floor. This was not the BDSM part of the club, and William loved to have his children around him most of the time.

  “Baby, it’s good news,” Daisy said.

  “No, something is happening. This is not like the town at all. I’ve had three deliveries this morning, all without a hitch. Something is going on,” William said.

  “What’s going on?” Peter asked, coming forward with Rose in his arms.

  Daisy turned to them and smiled. “Peter, maybe you could talk some sense into him. He’s being difficult. And who is this lovely young woman?” Daisy asked.

  Bringing Rose forward he introduced her to Daisy.

  “Is she special to you?” Daisy asked, looking from Rose to him. There was a hesitant smile on her lips.

  “She’s the woman I love.”

  Daisy cried out, giggling. “Yes, I knew it.”

  Before Peter knew it, Daisy had taken his woman and was introducing her to the children. Walking toward William, he waited for the other man to talk. “What’s going on?”

  William turned to look at him. “The petition on my club has been withdrawn, and I’ve received three of my deliveries. I’ve also been sent some compensation for my troubles opening up the club. I don’t trust it.”

  Peter smiled. “The town is changing.”

  “No, a town doesn’t change this fast.” William was shaking his head.

  Shrugging his shoulder, Peter glanced behind him. Rose had the other twin daughter on her lap. He watched for a few seconds as she played with the little boy.

  “Cape Falls has never known an attack like this. Or if it has, the sheriff has never done what Gabriel did yesterday. You’ve got to trust it,” Peter said.

  If the town was reaching out then they all needed to let down their guard and trust it.

  “What are you trying to say? Trust them?”

  “Not trust them but give them the benefit of the doubt.”


  “Peter looks happy. I’ve never seen him so happy, not even when he was with Laura,” Daisy said.

  Rose looked up at the red-haired woman. Daisy was so pretty, and the happiness glowed out of her. “Peter’s special. I love him with my whole heart,” Rose said.

  “From the way he keeps watching you I’d say he loves you with his as well.”

  Glancing up and toward Peter Rose saw that his gaze was on her. He didn’t turn away from her either. Her arms were wrapped around the baby on her lap.

  Smiling, she pulled her attention away from him to focus on Daisy, who said, “I’ve been hoping for him to find a woman for some time. It’s nice to know that it’s you.”

  “You’re all good friends?” Rose asked.

  Daisy shook her head. “We’re more of a family. Peter’s been a little withdrawn of late. I think realising he’s not in love with Laura has been a huge help to him. He always had some excuse when we were all together. Dean loves to barbeque, as do the Steer brothers. He’s not been present for any of them.”

  Rose listened, watching her man out of the corner of her eye.

  “Well, I’m not going anywhere. In fact I’m supposed to be working here sometime soon.”

  “That’s awesome,” Daisy said. “William, Rose can start tonight, can’t she?”

  The other woman pulled the men out of their conversation.

  “That’s earned you ten, Daisy. Yes, she can start tonight,” William said.

  Frowning, Rose turned back to Daisy. “Punishment.” She mouthed the word to her.

  Still not understanding, Rose put the word aside and figured she’d ask Peter later.

  When William was finished talking with Peter, he escorted her back to his office for her to fill out her application form. Peter stayed behind with Daisy.

  “Usually, I have a period of time to see if I can trust you. Peter has vouched for you, so I’m going to trust him,” William said.

  She glanced up from her form. “I’ll do everything I can to make him proud.”

  “Do you have any idea what goes on at this club?” He sat back thoughtful.

  Rose stopped writing. She was putting Peter down as her emergency contact and his address as her new home.

  “Not really.”

  “But you trust Peter?” William asked.

  Putting the pen down, she stared at one of his friends. “When it comes to Peter I trust him completely. He would never steer me wrong.”

  “You trust him.”

  She nodded.

  “This is a BDSM club. In the private rooms there are subs being punished and pleasured.”

  Rose swallowed past the lump. “Peter’s my everything. You’re not going to scare me away. I can handle what this club can do. I’m only a waitress, and I’ll train hard.”

  “Okay then, finish filling out the form.”

  Nibbling her lip, she hesitated.

  “What?” he asked.

  “What did you mean earlier to Daisy? She said something about punishment. I don’t understand.”

  “My wife is my business. She needs discipline
and punishment. By shouting and interrupting she earned ten spanks on the ass. I haven’t decided if I’ll use the cane or my hand.”

  Heat filled Rose’s cheeks. Her question was answered, and she went back to filling in her form.

  Once she was finished, William took her around the bar, showing her where the beer and everything else was stored.

  She saw Edward had arrived during her absence.

  “We’ve got a new waitress?” he asked, coming closer. Peter took a seat at the bar as Daisy took her children out of the club and to her home.

  William kissed her on the way past. Rose saw the love shining between the couple, even with the punishment hanging over their heads.

  “Yeah, we have. Where have you been?” William asked, standing in front of Edward.

  “I’ve been in Cape Falls. I went to the diner and got my first pancake breakfast without attitude. Did you know a sweet young woman by the name of Isabel served me?” There was a dreamy look on Edward’s face.

  “Isabel Benson finished high school six years ago. She couldn’t afford to go to college as she supports her younger sister. Her parents abandoned them once Isabel was of age to support them. She’s a nice woman,” Rose said, remembering the woman she was talking about.

  “Hum, she’s the submissive sort,” Edward said, popping a grape into his mouth.

  Rose tuned out listening to William talk to her about the alcohol and the beverages available. By the time they were finished it was dark and she was ready to get home.

  “I expect you here tomorrow night. Peter will bring you,” William said.

  Peter wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her outside to the waiting car.

  “Do you think Edward has a thing for Isabel?” Rose asked, getting into the passenger side of the car.

  “I’d say. She’s the first person he’s talked about since coming here three years ago. I’ve always wondered why he stayed.” Peter settled behind the wheel.

  “He’s British, right?”

  “Yeah. I imagine some of the ladies will love his accent and how he always says ‘mate’ and ‘love’.”

  Rose chuckled. “This has been a really weird day.”

  “Well, you better get some rest tonight. Control is always busy, and it’s your first day. Have you ever waitressed before?” Peter asked.


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