My Werewolf Professor: Belonging to Alessandro Moretti: Billionaire New Adult College Shifter Romance

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My Werewolf Professor: Belonging to Alessandro Moretti: Billionaire New Adult College Shifter Romance Page 1

by Marian Tee


  By Marian Tee

  About My Werewolf Professor

  What I knew about Alessandro Moretti: he’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen, he’s the most mysterious, sought-after professor in my university, and he’s not the type to fall in love with me, his plainest-looking student.

  What I didn’t know about Alessandro Moretti: he’s a werewolf…and he may just want me, too.

  18-year-old Kassia has decided to confess her love for Professor Alessandro Moretti. She knows she’s likely to be dumped, but instead the professor offers her…a bet?

  Alessandro Moretti has always found Kassia, his extremely shy student, oddly attractive. When she confesses her feelings, he’s unable to help himself. For him, it’s all a game. After all, Alessandro knows from experience that nothing good can ever happen between a werewolf and a human, especially when one of them is as cynical about love as him.

  Stay updated with my latest releases by subscribing to my newsletter!

  Want More Funny and Steamy Paranormal Romances from Author Marian Tee?

  Read the story of Alessandro’s twin, Alejandro Moretti, and learn how he falls in love with Calys, a princess also known as the human monster, in The Art of Claiming an Alpha (My Werewolf Bodyguard):

  Book 1: Wolf Fight

  Book 2: Wolf Games

  Book 3: Wolf Kisses (Out November 5, 2014)

  Also check out the story of Alexandru, a Master vampire, and his pet, 18-year-old soul seer Zari.

  (Each story reads as a standalone)





  By Marian Tee

  Copyright 2014 by Streak Digital Publishing

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Alessandro Moretti tensed even before the knock came on his door, the scent of her innocent arousal letting him know beforehand who his visitor was. It was her again. In the past, he was able – barely – to ignore the inexplicable tug of attraction he felt for her, a girl who wasn’t really his type. But with the mood he was in right now?

  He might just succumb to his most basic urges and enter a relationship that humans like her considered forbidden. Taboo.

  Then again, he wasn’t human.

  There was another knock on the door.

  He toyed with the idea of ignoring it, for both their sakes.

  But then she knocked more loudly. “I know you’re in there, Professor.”

  He was known to be a serious man, one who rarely smiled, but hearing an 18-year-old girl speak to him like he was the one trying to hide from her made Alessandro smile.

  With it, he made his decision, and he heard himself saying, “Come in.”

  She entered the room, her every step enhanced with an unconsciously sensual grace that brought his cock to attention. His nostrils flared at the scent of her arousal, which was tinged with the sweet fragrance of infatuation. The scent circulated in the room, swirling around him like an invisible net of seduction. The smell was addictive. He couldn’t get enough of it, and it affected him so that his erection grew to noticeable proportions.

  Realizing that his cock was practically near to bursting inside his pants, Alessandro swiftly walked behind his desk, lowering himself in his seat before his student could see how un-professor-like he was right now.

  “Professor?” She came forward, stopping scant inches before his desk and biting her lip in a way that made Alessandro want to yank her into his lap. She was like a fragile flower, and he was torn between wanting to see her bloom with his touch – and crushing her to him so he could be the first to taste her virginal blood.

  Her knee-length dress was of red velvet, with a cute black collar that made her appear a lot younger than her just-turned-eighteen years. It was not really far from his own twenty-four years of existence, but age wasn’t just a number if one was human and the other was not. He was a Lyccan, a werewolf. His world was not her world, and hers could never be as dark and twisted as his.

  “Hello, Kassia.” He cleared his throat after, the first time for him to have a need to do so. If he was thinking properly right now, he would not be saying that. Instead, he would tell her to get lost and never come back again. That was the only way she would be safe from his hunger, the only way her body would remain untouched.

  But he was not in his right mind.

  After learning the latest humiliation that his older brother, Domenico Moretti, had suffered in the fucking name of love, Alessandro was far from being in his right mind. Right now, he wanted to stop thinking, to forget that his brother, once the most powerful Lyccan of their race, was now being treated like a dog.

  Right now, the girl in front of him was the answer to his prayers, with the way she unknowingly tormented his hard and aching cock by the unconsciously seductive sway of her hips and the innocent flutter of her lashes.

  Kassia tugged the tips of her long, curly, strawberry blonde hair, which, like always, was tied back in a simple ponytail with a pink elastic band. When she was nervous in class, and usually this was because she had forgotten to answer her homework or Alejandro had again caught her daydreaming, she would do the same thing. It was a simple gesture, but oddly, he had always found it an incredible turn-on.

  She took several deep breaths, the action drawing his gaze to her abundant breasts. Finally, she looked at him and said seriously, “I have something to tell you.”

  “Oh?” He watched her struggle with an internal debate, a variety of emotions crossing her face. Did she know how expressive her face was?

  Kassia suddenly skirted around the table to stand right next to him, surprising Alessandro into swiveling his chair around to face her.

  She gasped, and he cursed when he realized that her eyes had been drawn to the undeniable shape of arousal bulging against his pants.

  “Professor…” Her voice had turned breathless.

  Fuck. The way she was staring at his cock with such innocent desire made him grip his armrests tightly, the only way to keep himself from reaching out to her.

  She was still staring at his cock. “Is that…umm…” With her red dress, strawberry blonde hair, and eyes as wide as saucers, she reminded him of Little Red Riding Hood. The way she couldn’t take her gaze off his crotch, it was almost as if she was gasping, “Oh, Professor, what a big cock you have.”

  But unfortunately for her, this thing between them really was like the fairytale. Because the reality was, he was no old and kindly professor. He was the big bad wolf, in every way.

  Alessandro managed to sound even as he asked, “What is it that you want to tell me?”

  Slowly, she raised her gaze to meet his. “I like you, Professor.” Her gaze slid back down, as if attracted to his cock like a magnet. She wetted her lips, and damn if his cock didn’t swell more at that, as if wanting to impress her with its size. If Kassia’s audible swallow was any indication, it had definitely succeeded.

  She wetted her lips again. Seeing it nearly made Alessandr
o groan, and the fact that she was able to arouse him unintentionally only made his arousal more exquisitely painful. If this was how she made him feel without trying to seduce him, how fucking good would it be if he taught her how to please his body?

  The thought had him inhaling sharply.

  “Professor, I never knew…”

  Her whisper had his head jerking up. Such simple words, but he knew right away what they meant.

  From the first day she had entered his class, two things had been obvious to him. First was that she wanted him. The moment she first saw him, Kassia had been attracted to him, passionately and obsessively so. Second was that she didn’t know he had felt the same way – and he had been determined that it stay that way…until now.

  From the very first day, she had never openly acted on her feelings, but she had not consciously attempted to hide it, either. Wherever he was in the room, her gaze would follow and when he was near her, she would hold her breath because she was so hyperaware of him. It had been a game to Alessandro, in fact, trying to see how long he could have Kassia holding her breath while he was near her.

  When Kassia’s light brown eyes met his, filled with such earnest desire, Alessandro found himself breathing deeply. That look in her eyes told him that whatever happened, it would be almost impossible for this day to end without him touching her, tasting her, even just a bit.

  He inhaled again, willing himself to stay in control of his arousal. Even if it killed him, he had to put an end to this. “Kassia—”

  “Professor, I like you—” Her gaze dipped low again. Just like that, and his cock pushed against his pants.

  “—and it seems you like me, too.”


  Kassia waited with bated breath as she spoke words so bold she didn’t know where they came from. She had always been shy, and unlike other shy people, she had been happy to stay as she was. But when she had seen Professor Alejandro Moretti for the first time, she had known that for him, she would do everything it took to get rid of her shyness.

  Crushes had never figured in her life – not even once. Before she had come to college, she had lived her whole life in a small town, with only her equally shy best friend and her retired grandparents for company. Life had been simple, with days spent in school and the nights spent helping out at the farm.

  Boys had never meant anything to her except in their capacity to perform tasks she couldn’t do in the fields…until him.

  She would never forget her first glimpse of the professor. She had been late for his class, purely because she couldn’t find her way to it. Her old high school wasn’t even one-fifth the size of the university, and she had been too shy to ask anyone for directions.

  When she had finally found his class, she had crept inside the room through the back door, hoping she wouldn’t be noticed—

  “Ms. Kassia Summers?”

  Hearing her full name spoken out loud had made Kassia freeze. Fearful and reluctant, she took her time turning towards the sound of the voice—

  The ready apology on her lips died the moment she saw who had called her.

  He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Admittedly, that was an easy thing to say since seventy-eight percent of the males in her old town were above forty years old, nearly bald, and pot-bellied.

  But even so, he was beautiful in a way that made her head dizzy, her heart beat hard, and her body literally ache.

  Since that day, she had not been able to stop thinking about him. Even when she was alone in her dorm, she still thought of him. Dreamt of him. With each succeeding night, her dream always became more graphic. In her dreams, the professor was kissing her so hard that her lips would actually feel bruised when she woke up.

  Just thinking about those dreams of hers made Kassia blush, but it was also because of those dreams that she had finally found the courage to confess to him. She had been his student for four months already, and no matter how hard she prayed, nothing – just nothing – happened.

  Every day, she would attend his class, hoping that it would be the day the professor would realize she was different from the rest of his Beginner Italian class. That she was his most special apprentice in his extracurricular course of ookami-kata, which meant The Way of the Wolf, a special Japanese discipline of martial arts.

  This morning, she had woken up after another deliciously wicked dream, and the truth had suddenly struck Kassia. Her dreams would stay just that – dreams – if she didn’t do something about it.

  And so here she was now.

  The professor suddenly stood, startling Kassia into almost taking a step back. His eyes had never burned such a bright shade of green before, and she found herself swallowing, wondering what that could mean.

  He took a step closer to her, and another and another, and now Kassia was no longer breathing, her mind whirling as she tried to imagine what he would do. Laugh? Ridicule her? Or maybe sweep her into his arms and give her a happy-ever-after kiss?

  All sorts of ideas ranging from mushy to crazy occurred to her, but what the professor ended up doing was the one thing that would never have occurred to her.

  Kassia watched in fascination as the professor withdrew a piece of paper from his desk and carefully rolled it into a scroll.

  And then he swatted her head with it, like she was no better than a kid who had been caught cheating.


  And just like that, the sensual mood she had worked so hard to create between them was dispelled.

  Alessandro firmly reined in his urge to smile at the adorable look of frustration on Kassia’s face. “How can you even think of seducing me when you’re skating on thin ice on two of your subjects?”

  Her eyes widened. “How do you—oww!”

  Damn. He had almost revealed his interest in her with that one. Scowling, he said, “It doesn’t matter how I know. What matters is that you focus on your studies.”

  Even as the professor swatted her head for the third time, she insisted, “But I’m serious, Professor. I really, really—”

  He walked past her, heading to the door.

  Holy cow! She couldn’t let him kick her out just like that. Kassia rushed after the professor, but he was already reaching for the knob.

  “No!” she cried out, knowing it would all be over if he opened the door and all the students outside saw her inside his office.



  Alessandro turned back to Kassia after locking the door, savoring the look of confusion on her face. Giving her no time to think, he captured her wrist and whirled her around so he could lock her between his body and the wall behind her.

  Kassia’s breath caught as the professor stared down at her, his eyes telling her better than any words could say exactly what he would like to do with her.

  Goose bumps burst all over her skin, his proximity making every cell of her body hypersensitive and writhing for his touch. Her throat dried out, and she had to swallow convulsively before she could manage to say, “Professor—”

  Oh God, she couldn’t say anything else because he was already kissing her.

  Professor Alessandro Moretti was kissing her, and she wasn’t dreaming.

  It really was happening!

  His lips moved over hers hungrily, possessively. Aside from the hand imprisoning her wrists behind her back, their lips were their only point of contact, with the professor scrupulously keeping his body away from her as he kissed her. Even so, it was more than enough, her whole body burning as his lips demanded the kind of entrance that she was oh so willing to give.

  The professor groaned when Kassia’s lips parted in surrender, and she moaned with him as he painstakingly explored her mouth with his tongue.

  “Please,” she begged when he gave her a moment to catch her breath, wanting more than just his kisses. She was so aroused now. She wanted everything.

  His lips claimed hers again, and this time he was kissing her so forcefully his tongue almost reached her throat
. It turned her on even more, and she struggled to lift her body towards his so she could finally feel his hardness against hers.

  But still he resisted.

  Desperate for more contact, Kassia instinctively sucked on his tongue.

  The professor gasped in her mouth, releasing her with a wild look in his eyes. “Fuck.”

  “Please!” Passion had totally overridden her sense of shame. She wanted him so badly.

  The professor kissed her again, but this time it was rougher, wilder, and totally out of control. Kassia couldn’t have enough of it. She tried to suck on his tongue again but couldn’t, not when he was suddenly and already doing it to hers. Her mind whirled at the sheer pleasure of it, and the throbbing between her legs intensified.

  “Do you want me?” he asked against her mouth.

  When the professor lifted his head so she could breathe, Kassia whimpered out, “So much.”

  A tiny smile appeared on his lips just before he was kissing her again, driving her crazy with his tongue and his need to keep an invisible wall between their bodies. Oh, God, she wanted to feel his body on hers so much!

  “Please,” she gasped against his mouth.

  He pulled away with an effort, demanding. “Do you want me to fuck you, Kassia?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, nearly burning up in flames at hearing the professor say such a dirty word. And how dirty was she, to want to hear him say more of it?

  “And will you do what I want so I’ll fuck you hard and long?”

  “Yes.” She nearly sobbed the word out, so turned on by the way the usually gentle professor had turned into such a dominating alpha.

  He bit her lip. “Good girl.” And then without warning, he stepped back and released Kassia, his gaze hooded as he met her confused eyes.

  Kassia blinked, unsure of why they had stopped kissing. And just when it was getting to the really good part!


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