by Julia Child
from Normandy with sole and shellfish (marmite aux fruits de mer; dieppoise; chaudrée normande)
from Provence with aïoli (bourride)
gnocchi: see gnocchi
goose, preserved (confit d’oie)
gratins: see gratins for entrée
green beans with tomatoes and garlic (haricots verts à la provençale), I: 447
ham in aspic (jambon persillé)
moussaka, I: 349, 577
mousses: see mousses, entrée
pastry dough for
potatoes (pommes de terre)
filled cakes (galettes de, farcies)
hashed brown, with tomatoes (galette de, aux tomates)
pie (tourte limousine)
puff pastry
quenelles: see quenelles
quiches: see quiches
sausage dishes
baked in brioche
baked in plain or puff pastry
boudin blanc, broiled
large, fresh, with sauerkraut or potatoes
pork and liver with greens (caillettes; gayettes)
Provençal, of leftover braised beef and greens
soufflés: see soufflés, entrée
spinach and cheese canapés (canapés aux épinards), I: 472
stuffed vegetables
leaves of cabbage (feuilles de chou farcies)
whole cabbage, cold (chou farci)
zucchini (courgettes farcies)
tarts (tartes)
cheese in puff pastry (feuilletée au fromage; jalousie)
onion (pissaladiére niçoise), I: 151
timbales: see timbales for entrée
with chicken filling (garniture de volaille, financière)
with seafood filling (garniture dieppoise; aux fruits de mer)
with sweetbread filling (ris de veau à la financière)
entremets: see desserts
épices, pain d’
épices fines, for sausages
épinards: see spinach
equipment: see kitchen equipment
escabèche, I: 554
escalopes de veau: see veal, scallops
espagnole sauce base, I: 66
étuver (to braise), I: 11
Fahrenheit-Centigrade conversions, I: 24–5
faire sauter (to toss), I: 14
farces: see pâtés and terrines; sausages; stuffings
farina (semoule de blé)
semolina gnocchi, I: 183
for thickening soup
farine: see flour
fatback, I: 564; 5.1
goose, I: 282; 5.1
pork, I: 564; 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
removal of, I: 12
to render
for sautéing, I: 13
see also larding; pork, fat
fennel (fenouil)
cold, à la grecque, I: 539
garnish for soup
feuilletée, pâte: see pastry, puff
filberts (noisettes)
meringue layer, for cake (le Progrès)
to prepare
of beef: see beef, filet; beef, tenderloin
of fish: see fish, filets
mignon, I: 290, 296
steaks, I: 290–1, 296–300
for cake; see cake fillings; see also list
cheese, for appetizers, entrées, pastries, I: 201–2; 2.1
cream (fondue de volaille), I: 203
for vol-au-vent (garniture de volaille)
for crêpes, I: 193–5
for croquettes, I: 203
for desserts: see desserts, fillings
eggplant, for hard-boiled eggs or tomatoes
cream (fondue de crustacés), I: 202
for vol-au-vent (garniture aux fruits de mer)
stuffings: see stuffings and list, app.1
sweetbread, for vol-au-vent (ris de veau à la financière)
turkey (fondue de volaille), I: 203
financière, à la (garniture)
with chicken, quenelles, etc.
with sweetbreads, etc.
fines herbes, I: 18
fish (poisson), I: 207–33; 1.1
general information, I: 207; 1.1
buying, I: 207
fish for bouillabaisse, I: 50
fish for poached filets, I: 208
fish for quenelles, I: 185
fish for stews and chowders
baked with wine and tomatoes (Thon à la provençale), I: 219, 576
bouillabaisse, I: 52
fish for, I: 50
filets (filets)
poached in white wine (pochés au vin blanc), I: 208–16
stuffed (de sole farcis), I: 216
types of fish to filet, I: 208
gratin of creamed salmon or other fish (gratin aux fruits de mer), I: 156
leftover, in gratin, I: 156
cold (mousseline de, blanche neige), I: 562
hot, I: 187
quenelles, I: 184–90
fish for, I: 185
in salade niçoise, I: 542
sauces for, I: 83–5, 169, 232–3
soufflé, I: 166–71, 173
soup and bouillabaisse, I: 49–53
stews and chowders
general information, 1.1
types of fish used
with garlic mayonnaise, Provençal-style (bourride)
with mushrooms, onions, and wine, Burgundy-style (matelote; meurette; pauchouse)
with sole, shellfish, and wine sauce, Normandy-style (marmite aux fruits de mer; marmite dieppoise; chaudrée normande)
stocks (fumets de), I: 114–15
for fish stew
stuffing for lamb (farce mentonnaise), I: 338
timbales, I: 175
see also crab; lobster; etc.
flans, fruit: see clafoutis
fleurons (puff-pastry puffs)
floating island, French, I: 622
flour (farine)
general information, I: 17–18; 56, 544
for bread
and butter paste, I: 58, 64, 265
and butter roux, I: 56, 68
for cake with fruit
French and American, I: 17–18; app1.1
to measure
new system, scooped
old system, sifted, I: 17–18
old-new equivalents
for puff pastry
rye, in spice cake
foie: see liver
foie gras
with pork and veal sausages (saucisson truffé au)
with steak Rossini, I: 299
for beef tenderloin, I: 304; 3.1
for chicken, half-boned (poularde à la d’Albuféra)
for lamb, boned leg in pastry (gigot farci, en croûte)
with prunes for goose (oie rôtie aux pruneaux), I: 284
for veal, sliced and roasted (veau en feuilletons)
for veal scallops (noisettes de veau, périgourdine)
fold, to (definition of), I: 13, 161
d’artichaut: see artichoke, hearts
meringue-nut layers (le Succès, la Dacquoise, etc.)
see also stocks
fondant, 7.1, 7.2
food mill: see vegetable mill
food processor: see electric food processor
chicken and pork or veal (boudin blanc), 4.1, 5.1
quenelles, I: 184–90
see also stuffings
form the ribbon, I: 579
fouetter (to beat), I: 11
fowl: see chicken, fowl
fraises: see strawberries
framboises: see raspberries
frangipane (almond custard), I: 591
bread and bread dough: see text of each recipe
brioches and brioche dough, 2.1, 2.2
nts and croissant dough, 2.1, 2.2
pastry: see text of each recipe
fremir (“to shiver”), I: 11
bread, 2.1; see also bread, French dressing (sauce vinaigrette), I: 94
measures, I: 20–1
flour equivalents, I: 17–18; app1.1
oven temperatures, I: 25
frittons (goose cracklings), I: 282; 5.1
fromage: see cheese
frostings: see list of, 7.1; see also cake fillings and frostings
frozen desserts: see desserts, frozen
fruit(s) (fruits)
cookie serving cups for (langues de chats)
for cakes: see cake fillings and frostings
for crêpes, I: 653–4
for savarins, I: 664
flans (clafoutis), I: 655–8; 7.1
glacéed or candied (confits), I: 17, 587, 629; 7.1
juice, to remove excess (tarts)
sauces and glazes, I: 592–4, 630; 7.1
soufflés, I: 616–18, 645; 7.1
tarts: see tarts for dessert
see also cakes; custards, desserts; desserts; apples; pears; etc.
galantines, I: 569
stuffing for, I: 565
game (gibier)
half-boning and trussing
cold in escabèche, I: 554
roasted (coquelets), I: 246
in tarragon aspic, I: 549
mousse of leftover, I: 560
pâté, with veal and pork (pâté de veau et porc avec gibier), I: 568
sauce (sauce poivrade), I: 70
small, preserved
see also quail; partridge; etc.
garbure (cabbage soup), I: 48
garlic (ail), I: 22
butter, I: 101, 103
and cheese filling for appetizers, I: 202
mayonnaise (aïoli), I: 92; 51, 263
press, I: 9; app1.1
pureé with basil (pistou)
with beef stew (boeuf au pistou)
with eggplant (pistouille)
with vegetable soup (soupe au pistou), I: 45
with zucchini (courgettes en pistouille)
sauce: see sauces, garlic
soup, I: 46–8
in stuffings, I: 336; 3.1, 4.1
for bouchées and vol-au-vent
chicken, with quenelles, etc., in wine sauce (de volaille, financière)
seafood, creamed (dieppoise; aux fruits de mer)
sweetbreads, with quenelles, truffles, etc. (ris de veau à la financière)
for fish filets, I: 212–16
see also vegetable suggestions in main-course recipe texts
gâteau japonais: see Succès, le
gâteaux: see cakes
gayettes (pork and liver sausages)
gelatin, I: 113
mayonnaise (mayonnaise collée), I: 91
see also aspics
Génoise électrique, le cake
gigot: see lamb and mutton
ginger, beef stew with
glacéed fruits, I: 17
lemon peel, I: 587
orange peel, I: 587; 7.1
oranges, I: 629
glaze, meat, I: 110
glazes for desserts and cakes, I: 593–4; 7.1
Glorieux, le
gnocchi, I: 181–4
with cheese (gratinés au fromage), I: 182
potato (de pommes de terre), I: 181
variations, I: 183
semolina (de semoule), I: 183
goose (oie), I: 282–7; 5.1
baked with beans (cassoulet), I: 404
braised, chestnut stuffing (braisée aux marrons), I: 285
cracklings (grattons; frittons), I: 282; 5.1
disjointing of
fat, rendering, I: 282; 5.1
liver: see foie gras
preserved (confit d’), I: 48, 399, 404
to make
roast, prune and foie gras stuffing (rôtie aux pruneaux), I: 283
sausage, gooseneck (cou d’, farci)
stock, I: 282
stuffings for, I: 284, 286, 565
timetable for roasting, I: 283
gougelhop (kougloff)
conversion formulas, I: 21
I: 17–18; app1.1
measures and equivalents, I: 20–1
gratin(s) for dessert
apples baked with rum, raisins, etc. (de pommes, normande)
apples, sautéed (pouding alsacien), I: 626
pears baked with macaroons (poires au gratin), I: 630
gratin(s) for entrée. I: 153–7
artichoke bottoms with cheese sauce (fonds d’artichauts mornay), I: 433
artichoke bottoms, stuffed (fonds d’artichauts au gratin), I: 433
brains (de cervelles), I: 157
broccoli, chopped, with cheese sauce (de brocoli, mornay)
Brussels sprouts with cheese sauce (choux de Bruxelles à la mornay), I: 453
chicken or turkey (de volaille), I: 157
dishes for (plats à gratin), I: 5; 524
eggplant (aubergines)
slices, broiled (en tranches)
stuffed with meat (farcies)
endive and ham (d’endives), I: 156
fish quenelles (de quenelles de poisson), I: 188
gnocchi baked with cheese (gnocchi, au fromage), I: 182
leeks and ham (de poireaux), I: 155
mussels on the half shell (moules au beurre d’escargot; à la provençale), I: 228
omelettes with tomato filling (omelettes, à la tomate), I: 136
potatoes, I: 153–5
salmon or other fish (aux fruits de mer), I: 156
scallops and mushrooms (coquilles St. Jacques à la parisienne), I: 216
scallops with wine and garlic (coquilles St. Jacques à la provençale), I: 218
spinach (épinards)
braised with onions (aux oignons)
with cheese sauce (à la mornay), I: 472
sweetbreads (de ris de veau), I: 157
zucchini with rice and onions (tian de courgettes au riz)
gratiné, to (definition of), I: 13
grattons (goose cracklings), I: 282; 317
greens: see chard; kale; spinach; etc.
gugelhupf (kougloff)
guinea hen in tarragon aspic, I: 549
hacher (to mince), I: 13
ham (jambon), I: 389–99
general information, I: 389–90
braised (braisé)
in cream and mushroom sauce (morvandelle), I: 392
in Madeira (au madère), I: 393
with mushroom stuffing (farci), I: 394
in pastry crust (en croûte), I: 395
cold, I: 577
mousse, I: 561
filling with cheese for appetizers, I: 202
fresh, home-salted
buying and preparation of meat
dry-salt cure
temperature for curing
in gnocchi, I: 183
gratin of
with endives (d’endives), I: 156
with leeks (de poireaux), I: 155
with potatoes (rapée morvandelle), I: 153
hock with beans (cassoulet), I: 404
mold, parslied (persillé)
omelette (pipérade), I: 137
pâté with veal and pork (terrine de porc et veau), I: 566
slices and steaks (tranches de)
in cream sauce (à la crème), I: 398
in cream and Madeira sauce (morvandelle), I: 397
with onions and tomatoes (en pipérade), I: 396
in soufflés, I: 166, 173
with spinach (épinards au), I: 470
in stuffing
for beef roll
for cabbage, with sausage and rice
for cabbage leaves, with beef
/> for lamb, I: 337
for veal, 3.1, 3.2
timbales, I: 175
hamburgers, I: 300–3
hare pâté, I: 568
haricots: see beans
hazelnuts, to prepare
hen: see chicken, fowl; game
herb(s) (herbes), I: 18
bouquet, I: 18
butter, I: 102
omelette (aux fines), I: 135
sauces: see sauces, herbal
soup (potage aux, panachées)
in stuffings, I: 243, 336, 358; 3.1, 3.2;
see also list of stuffings, app.1
hollandaise sauce, I: 79–85
mock (bâtarde), I: 64
homard: see lobster
honey bread (pain d’épices)
hors d’oeuvre and appetizers, I: 196–206
artichoke bottoms stuffed with mushroom purée (fonds d’artichauts farcis)
with chicken filling (garniture de volaille, financière)
with seafood filling (garniture dieppoise; aux fruits de mer)
with sweetbreads and quenelles, truffles, mushrooms, and olives (ris de veau à la financière)
canapés of leftover pâté à choux, I: 177
celery root in mustard sauce (céleri-rave rémoulade), I: 540
cheese (fromage)
feuilletée or peekaboo tart (feuilletée au; jalousie)
Napoleons (mille-feuilles à la fondue de)
see also below puff pastry
chicken liver mousse (mousse de foies de volaille), I: 559
chicken livers in aspic (foies de volaille en aspic), I: 548
cracklings (frittons; grattons), I: 282; 5.1
eggplant (aubergines)
caviar (la Tentation de Bramafam)
cold, à la grecque
kidneys cooked in butter (rognons de veau en casserole), I: 417
mushroom caps, broiled (champignons grillés), I: 512
mushrooms, stuffed (champignons farcis), I: 516
onions, stuffed (oignons farcis au riz)
onions, sweet and sour, cold (petits oignons aigre-doux)
pancakes, vegetable (crêpes à la pipérade)
pâté (pâté et terrine)
in pastry crust (en croûte)
pork and liver with veal or chicken (de campagne)
pork liver (de foie de porc)
porkless (verte)
puff pastry
horns with cheese filling (cornets)
rolls with cheese filling (rouleaux)
rice for (riz au blanc), I: 532
ratatouille, I: 503
combination (salade niçoise), I: 542
rice or potato and beet (salade à la d’Argenson), I: 543
sweet peppers (salade de poivrons, provençale)
sausage (saucisson)
baked in brioche dough (en brioche)
baked in plain or puff pastry (en croûte)
spreads; see appetizers, spreads for tarts, I: 151; 2.1
tomatoes, stuffed (tomatoes à la provençale), I: 507
see also appetizers; canapés; quiches