Promise Me Always

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Promise Me Always Page 3

by Kari March

  “Blake! Dude, snap out of it,” Cole said, getting the tequila bottle out of the cabinet. “Get over here and help me get these shots ready for Tess.” I got to my feet and braced myself to see the only girl that I had ever really been myself around.

  As soon as Palmer told me Blake was inside, I got all giddy. Twirling my hair like I always did when I was nervous, I completely forgot about Jared. I had known Blake for over four years and we were just friends—albeit very flirty friends. I loved hanging out with him; he always made things so easy. I felt like I could be myself around him and he would never judge me. Even after our “friends with benefits” moment when we were eighteen, things were never weird between us. Just thinking of that day in his truck made the butterflies start fluttering in my stomach and I realized how much I actually missed him. I hadn’t seen him since Jared and I got back together, which was just over two months ago.

  As I walked through Palmer and Cole’s apartment door, he was the first thing I saw. And, for some reason, it was like I was seeing him for the first time. There was no doubt he had been working out and, as attractive as he was before, for some reason I now found him irresistible. He large, six foot tall frame was visibly tense as he sat on the couch. He was leaning forward, resting his arms on his knees. His muscles were showing through his shirt as it stretched over the delectable curves of his biceps and chest. His dark brown, almost black hair, which was usually cut short and spiked up, was being covered by a white hat. That only made his deeply tanned skin and the tattoos on his right forearm more prominent. I could tell he had added to his impressive tattoo collection—I saw new art work peeking out from under the sleeve of his t-shirt. His big, chocolate brown, beautiful eyes were watching me intently, taking in my every move. He had that sexy smile on his face that made me think very un-lady like thoughts.

  I had to control myself; all I wanted to do was run over to him and bury myself in his arms. The day in his truck kept flashing back into my mind and I had to start walking before the ache between my legs got unbearable. Prying my eyes away from the man candy that was Blake, I walked over to the kitchen and sat down at one of the bar stools.

  “Hey, Tess! Do you want a shot? We have Patron, your favorite,” Cole asked, sliding a shot in my direction.

  “Oh, my God! Yes, thanks, Cole.”

  “Come on, douche-bags! Get over here and let’s toast to Tess!” Cole yelled across the apartment. All the guys got up and headed over to the kitchen. With everyone raising their glasses to me, he continued. “Here’s to Tess! Hopefully she has the balls to chop off Jared’s dick and shove it down his throat!”

  “Cole!” I laughed. “I would never do that,” I said with a smile. These guys always knew how to make me laugh. We all tossed back the shots and sucked the limes dry.

  All the guys came up to me at some point during the next few minutes, giving me hugs and telling me that anytime I needed them, they would personally make sure Jared could never cheat on another woman. I didn’t bother asking them to expand on that—I personally didn’t need to hear the details. Blake was the only one that didn’t say anything to me. I didn’t understand. Usually he was the first to greet me when I arrived.

  After a couple more shots, Shane pulled me out onto the balcony to talk. Shane was one of Cole’s best friends and I had known him since Palmer and Cole started dating six years ago. We almost got together a few years back, but it never really worked out. We, well I, decided that it just wouldn’t work between us and we would be better off as friends. He took it really well, though, and nothing ever changed between us.

  “Tess, you doing okay?” he asked me with concern in his voice. “I know how much you liked Jared. I can’t believe that fucker would do this to you again. The offer is still there if you change your mind about us teaching him a lesson.”

  I started to laugh and playfully swatted his chest. What was it with all these guys and fighting? Was that always their solution to a problem? “I am actually doing better than expected, Shane. I guess I always thought it would happen again,” I said honestly. “I mean, if he really loved me that much he never would have done it the first time. And no—you all don’t need to go to prison just for me. I can handle it.” I sat down in one of the lawn chairs on the balcony. Shane took a seat beside me and we sat in silence for a while before the tension between us shifted.

  Shane looked at me with his big blue eyes and ran his hand through his blonde hair. “Well, if you ever change your mind, you know we’re all willing. It’s been a while since we’ve gotten into a fight. I think we’re about due,” he laughed. “Seriously, though. Tess, you know I will always be there for you, Sweetheart. I care about you more than you think I do.” He put his hand on my leg just above my knee. Things were starting to get awkward. I had been down this road with Shane already and I really didn’t need to go back there. I decided I should probably get back inside before he tried anything else.

  I stood. “Thanks, Shane. That means a lot. Come on, let’s go back in. I need a beer.” I pulled him by his hand and we went back inside to join the others.

  Once inside, I saw Palmer sitting next to Blake and they were both staring at me smiling. Palmer had a conniving look in her eyes and I knew she was up to something.

  Great. What was she planning?

  Palmer jumped up suddenly, grabbed my hand, and pulled me to the bedroom. I guess I was about to find out what her plan was and I didn’t even get a chance to get a beer first. Judging by the way she practically pulled my arm out of my socket—I was going to need one, too. She sat me down on the bed and looked at me with those manipulative eyes.

  “Tess, I was just talking to Blake…” She paused for effect.

  “Obviously,” I deadpanned. After a dismissive roll of her eyes, she continued.

  “You’re such a brat. Anyway, he was telling me that his date for the firefighter ball just bailed on him yesterday. I think you should go with him,” she said excitedly.

  “Are you serious, Palmer? Tell me you didn’t tell him I would go! First of all, I haven’t even had twenty -four hours to process the mess that happened tonight. And second, Blake doesn’t need your help with finding a date! I am sure he has plenty of girls lined up that would be more than ecstatic to go!” I shrieked at her. What was she thinking?! I hadn’t even had a chance to talk to Jared yet and she was already trying to hook me up—and with Blake of all people! He made it very clear to me throughout the years that he only wanted to be friends. I tried to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach.

  “I didn’t tell him you would go yet, Tess. Calm down. I just think it would be good for you to get out and do something to take your mind off of this mess with Jared,” she said carefully. “The ball is in one week and you would actually be doing him a favor. He has already bought the tickets. You don’t want him to waste all that money, do you? Tess, you would just be going as friends,” she gave me a small smile before going on for the kill. “He is your friend right?”

  “Of course he’s my friend, Palm but… I… I don’t know…” Blake really was a great friend, but what would Jared think? My mind was going a mile a minute, trying to make sense of the last few hours.

  You don’t even know what your relationship is with Jared. Do you even have a relationship now? Unwanted images of him, just a few hours before, flittered through my brain; my stomach immediately went sour. Fuck it. Palmer’s right—I do need a night out. I need to get my mind off of Jared. He messed with my head enough, so maybe this would be a nice little payback.

  “Alright, Palm. I guess I will go, but none of this high school shit. I’ll tell him myself that I can fill in as his date.” I started to get up to leave when Palmer grabbed my hand.

  “Tess, wait. It’s fine if you want to talk to him about it, but just don’t bring up the whole being ditched by his date thing. He is pretty pissed about it. You know Blake doesn’t ever get stood up and he’s taking it pretty hard.”

  “Sure, Palmer, I won’t say a word,
” I said. I didn’t understand why he would be so upset about it, though. Blake had women lined up down the street, just waiting for their turn to roll around in the sack. Maybe he actually really liked this one and that’s why he was distraught about it? I suddenly felt envious of her. Did she really capture the heart of the infamous Blake Bentley?

  With that, I got up and walked back out to the party in search of my much needed beer. After obtaining what I was looking for in the fridge, I shut the door and ran into something. Oh shit! I felt like I smacked into a freaking brick wall. Looking up, Blake was standing right in front of me. He was just dripping with masculinity. I had an excellent view of his new muscles penetrating through his t-shirt and his captivating scent invaded my senses. Holy crap, he smelled good! I took in a deep breath, letting the smell of his cologne overtake my senses.

  “Hey, baby girl. Can we talk?” His voice was low and quiet.

  “Uh… Sure, Blake. What’s up?”

  “Not here. Come with me.” He grabbed my hand and led me out onto the balcony. It was about time he came to talk to me. I was starting to think he was mad at me for staying away for so long.

  I don’t know why, but my heart was beating so hard it felt like it was trying to escape. I thought for sure he was going to hear it. What was wrong with me? It is just Blake. I never felt like this when he was around. Maybe it was all the time we spent apart, or maybe it was his new ripped body that had me all flustered. Either way, I didn’t want to get my hopes up.

  When we got outside, he wrapped his strong arms around me and gave me the biggest hug. I felt so protected in his arms and I prayed he wouldn’t let go. Then he whispered in my ear, “Are you okay? I swear—you just say the word and I will kill that jackass. You deserve so much better than that, Tess.”

  The tantalizing combination of his breath on my ear and the rough feel of his stubble on my neck made a shiver run up my spine. “I’ll be alright, but thank you. Pretty sure I knew it was coming. It’s not like this is the first time he’s done this,” I admitted. “I guess I was just stupid for thinking he really was sorry. I’m just so embarrassed! I mean, how stupid am I?” I twirled my hair in my fingers as I waited for his response. Why was I always so nervous around him?

  “Tess, you are not stupid. He’s the jackass that fucked up. If he couldn’t see how amazing you are then that’s his loss. Please don’t ever think that about yourself. You are one of the smartest girls I know and you deserve someone that will treat you like a damn princess.”

  That made me smile. I couldn’t help it—I threw myself into his arms and just held on tight. I couldn’t explain it, but something just felt right about being there. A few moments later, Blake pushed me back gently and held me at arm’s length. My nerves immediately started fraying again. Hopefully I didn’t cross a line with the way I was holding on to him. Shit!

  “So, I’m sure Palmer told you what we were talking about, huh?” he said, looking down at his feet.

  “Yeah, she told me. And I would love to accompany you to the firefighter ball, Blake. That is, if you want me to,” I joked with him.

  “Of course I do, Tess. I mean, we would just be going as friends. I never take actual dates to work functions. It just complicates things.”

  Doesn’t take dates to work functions? Then why was he so upset about being stood up? Man, I was so confused.

  “That sounds even better then. The last thing I need is more complications in my life right now,” I said with a smile, even though a tiny little part of me broke with his admission. He really did just want to be friends. I was pretty sure that is all he’d ever want from me.

  “Great, baby girl. I will pick you up around five on Saturday then. It’s a black tie event. Do you have something to wear?” he asked.

  “Yes, Blake,” I chuckled. “I’m sure I can scrounge something up. No worries.”

  “Perfect… well… Should we head back inside and join the others? Sounds like some of the girls finally showed up and I am sure Palmer will be telling them all about what happened tonight,” he said with a smug smile on his face. Bastard!

  “Yeah I better get in there and calm their asses down.”

  My breath hitched in my throat as soon as Tess walked through the front door. Even with her bloodshot eyes, she was stunning. You could tell she had been crying her eyes out. That prick, I swear I will kill him!

  She was wearing a short, white summer dress that made my dick wake up in my pants. Her chestnut hair was longer than I remembered and was lying perfectly across her ample chest. She looked right at me the second she walked in. I recognized a hint of lust in her brown eyes as she stared at me like she had never seen me before. Even though they were a little red and puffy, her eyes were still breathtaking. She started to twirl her hair around her fingers as she headed for the kitchen. God, she was cute when she was nervous.

  I heard Cole ask her if she wanted a shot of Patron and that’s when I finally tore my eyes off of her. I looked around the room and saw Shane staring at her like she was a piece of meat. I knew he liked her. He used to brag all the time about how they almost hooked up a few years ago. I was happy as hell when Tessa came to her senses and decided they were better off friends.

  Shane was pissed at first, but he played it off like it was no big deal. That didn’t stop him from telling me how mad he was that he never got to fuck her. If he wasn’t one of my best friends, I would have kicked the shit out of him for that. No man should ever talk about her that way.

  “Come on, douchebags! Get over here and let’s make a toast to Tess,” Cole demanded. Once we were all standing around the counter, holding up our shots, he continued. “Here’s to Tess! Hopefully she’ll have the balls to chop off Jared’s dick and shove it down his throat.”

  “Cole!” Tess laughed “I would never do that,” she said, with the biggest smile was on her face. My God, she’s beautiful.

  All the guys went up to her and gave her hugs and told her what they really thought of Jared—everyone but me. I was usually the first person to even speak to her when she would come over but, for some reason, all I could do was stare at her. Shane was royally pissing me off by the way he was eyeing her. Just when I was about to get up the nerve to say something to her, Shane jumped in and took her out to the balcony. Fuck! What was he up to? Considering the way he had been eye fucking her since she walked in, this was no good.

  I started to go follow them outside, but just as I reached the door, Palmer cut me off. She grabbed my hand and led me over to the couch. Damn it! What did she want?

  “What’s wrong, Blake? You look like you are about to beat someone’s ass,” she said, nudging me with her elbow.

  I decided not to answer her question and changed the subject. “How’s Tess doing? Did she say much downstairs in the parking lot?”

  “I think she’s actually doing okay. She just feels naive for ever taking him back, you know?”

  She continued to speak, but I barely even heard what she was saying. I was too focused on what was going on outside with Shane and Tess. I was staring at the door, hoping it would open, when Palmer snapped me out of my reverie.

  “Blake? Did you hear me?”

  “Oh, uh… no, sorry. What did you say?”

  “I asked if you still planned on going to the firefighter ball. Isn’t it next week?” she asked, a mischievous look in her eyes.

  “I’m a rookie—of course I’m going. It’s almost a requirement for me to attend. Plus, my whole shift will be there and they’ll beat my ass if I don’t show up,” I paused for a moment. She was up to something. Palmer had never been interested in my job before. “Why? What are you up to?” I asked her with apprehension.

  “Well, I was thinking maybe you should take Tess. You know just as friends. She needs a night out where she can relax and I know you’d show her a good time.”

  I knew Tess and there was no way she was ever going to agree to go with me—even if it was just as friends. “Well, if you want to convince
her to go with me, Palm, by all means go ahead. But I know she won’t go. The last thing she’s going to want to do right now is go to a boring work function with me.”

  “Well, I guess we’ll just see about that, Mr. Bentley,” she said, moving her attention to the doorway as the balcony door opened up. It’s about fucking time!

  Tess looked white as a ghost and I knew that Shane had tried something. As soon as she spotted Palmer and me, her color returned. She looked perplexed; like she knew we were up to something but just couldn’t figure out what. I looked over at Palmer and all I saw was her back as she made her way towards Tess. She snatched her by the hand and pulled her down the hall, towards the bedroom. Good luck, Palmer. I took a long swig of my beer. I was trying not to get my hopes up, but deep down, I was really hoping she could work her magic.

  Needing to get my mind off of it, I immediately turned my attention to Shane. I had to know what he was up to and, if I knew him like I thought I did, it wasn’t going to be good. I got up and walked over to where Shane and Matt were talking.

  I slapped Shane on the back, a little harder than I should have. “Hey, man. Did you talk to Tessa about Jared? How is she holding up?”

  “She’ll be fine. Too bad she doesn’t want us to go find him though. We could all use a good fight.” Shane said as he took a sip of his beer. “You know, I think I’m gonna try to make another go at it with her now that she and douchebag are over with,” he said, a cocky smile crossing his face. “I never did get to see how she was in bed.”

  Those last words were enough for me to see red. I didn’t want to cause a scene here at Cole’s, but I was getting pissed. I was going to have to keep my eye on him the rest of the night and, if he as so much touched her, I was going to lose it.

  “Dude, in your dreams! You tried that once already and she sent you right back to the friend zone,” I chuckled sarcastically. All I could think about was throwing him across the room. “Pretty sure she doesn’t see you like that.”


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