Promise Me Always

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Promise Me Always Page 9

by Kari March

  I actually couldn’t believe she had requested this song. Obviously, she wasn’t having any reservations about staying at the hotel with me, but I couldn’t figure out if she was trying to tell me that she wanted more than just sex. I sure as shit hope she wanted more. I hadn’t felt this crazy for a woman in my entire fucking life. It killed me three years ago to just walk away after what happened between us and I didn’t want to do that again. I decided to let her know I understood her loud and clear. I kissed her neck softly and started licking my way up to her ear and she started to giggle. She turned around and looked at me with the sexiest look in her eyes, biting her bottom lip. Holy shit! She was doing everything the lyrics were saying. She leaned in and sang along with the song in my ear.

  Did she really just tell me she wanted to go all the way? My dick was throbbing now, making the bulge in my jeans very noticeable. Tess was still dancing in front of me, hiding the fact that I was fucking hard as shit. The way she was dancing wasn’t helping my predicament, though. Her arms were now wrapped around my neck and her hands were making their way through my hair as she grinded her hips into my erection.

  As the song ended and another one began, Tess started acting a little strange. She had lost her balance a couple of times and, if I didn’t know any better, I would say that she was a little drunk. I am pretty sure if I wasn’t holding on to her waist, she would have fallen at least twice now. I had seen her at the bar earlier, taking shots with Cara, and wondered how many they actually did. I decided that she needed to sober up some before we did anything that she may regret. I sure hope the song she just played wasn’t a result of the alcohol. I wanted to take her back to the room so bad, but not if she was too drunk to really consent to what it was she was doing.

  “Baby girl, let’s take a break and get something to drink,” I said as I led her away from the dance floor, holding on to her to make sure she didn’t fall.

  “Oh, good idea! I need another shot!” she exclaimed, stumbling over her own feet.

  “I don’t think so. It’s time for some water and fresh air, Tess.” I could just see how the night was going to end and, even though I would be honored to hold her hair back for her, I was going to prevent it in every way I could. I wanted to finish what we had started in the elevator, but not if she was drunk.

  I may have screwed woman before that were shit faced, but I would never take advantage of a woman that was so drunk she couldn’t see straight—especially Tess. I always made sure to get consent before the drinking began, just so they would remember the next day. I had never been turned down for sex by any woman, drunk or sober, let alone had one tell me to stop. The only time I ever heard that word was when they were screaming, “Don’t stop, Blake… please, don’t stop!”

  With Tess, I needed to do everything differently. I couldn’t mess this up. I knew I was going to only get one shot with her and I needed to make it count. If that meant waiting until another time to sleep with her, then so be it.

  I stopped by the bar and grabbed some water bottles. Holding hands, we made our way out to the large rooftop balcony that over looked the golf course. It was getting late and the party was starting to die down a bit, so we were actually alone. I sat down in one of the oversized chairs that lined the whole balcony and pulled her down onto my lap. I held her tight and rested my head on her shoulder.

  “How are you holding up, baby girl? Should we head back to the room so you can get some sleep?” I asked her.

  “I am not that drunk, Blake, really. Just a little tipsy, that’s all. I would like some of that water, though. All that dancing made me hot.” She looked down at the water bottles that I had placed on the ground. I reached down and grabbed her one.

  “Are you sure? You almost fell over a million times out there while we were dancing.”

  She just stared at me as she started to twirl her hair. “Well, I’m not the best dancer, but you were the one making me lose my balance. If you hadn’t been poking me with your little friend down there, I wouldn’t have been thrown off.” She lowered her eyes and started laughing.

  “Baby girl, there is nothing little about my friend and you know it. Or have you forgotten?” I said, raising my eyebrows at her. “Maybe the two of you need to get reacquainted.”

  She shot her eyes back up to mine and licked her lips. She leaned in like she was going to whisper something in my ear. I could feel her breath on my neck and it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. She was just about to say something when the balcony door flew open and Cam and Cara came barging through it. Shit! This was just getting good!

  “Hey, love birds! What the hell are you doing out here?” Cam bellowed, laughing at the fact that they interrupted us. Again. “We can leave if you all need some time alone,” Cam teased, slapping Cara on the ass.

  “Ouch! Damn it, Cam!” she yelped, rubbing her butt with her hand.

  “You know you love it, baby. Don’t even act like you don’t,” he winked at her.

  Cara’s face turned red and she quickly changed the subject. “I think we are going to go back to our room. Brent is starting to pack up, so the party is pretty much over. We just wanted to come say bye before we headed out.”

  Tess jumped up and looked at me with hungry eyes. “I think we are ready to go, too. Right, Blake?”

  “Yeah, I would say it’s time.” I stood up and took Tess’ hand as we followed Cam and Cara back into the suite. As we walked through the door, I lifted her hand up to my mouth and kissed it.

  Brent was almost done packing his equipment up, so we said our goodbyes to him and the rest of the guys, then headed to the elevator. As the doors opened, Cam started up again. “Do you guys want us to wait for the next one so you can continue whatever you were doing last time you were in here?”

  “Fuck you, Cam,” I said, ushering Tess inside.

  Cam gave me a shit eating grin as he got into the elevator. “No, thanks, dude. I like women,” he laughed.

  As soon as the doors closed, I felt Tess squeeze my hand. I looked to her and noticed her devouring me from head to toe. I can’t wait either, baby girl. Just a little longer. I wanted nothing more than to push her up against the wall and make that sexy moan escape her lips again. I couldn’t wait to get back to our room so we could finish everything that had been started. And, by the way Tess was looking at me, I was pretty sure she was thinking the same exact thing.

  “Well, guys, it was fun tonight. Should we do breakfast in the morning?” I asked as we all stepped off the elevator.

  “As long as you all don’t mind a late breakfast. Cam isn’t really the early bird type after he has been drinking,” Cara said as she elbowed Cam in the ribs.

  “Hey, now. You know I need my beauty sleep,” Cam said, cocking his head to the side and batting his eyelashes.

  “Dude, you would have to sleep for like a year straight to get enough rest to make your face beautiful,” Blake teased, punching Cam in the shoulder. Cam didn’t waste any time. He playfully grabbed Blake around the neck with his arm and started to punch him in the side. It didn’t take Blake long to reverse the hold Cam had on him. Cam was not small by any means, but Blake had more muscle and a good two inches on him. The two looked ridiculous wrestling around in the hallway.

  “Alright, you two knock it off before you wake up the other guests,” I said as I went in to give Cara a hug.

  “It was fun tonight, lady. See you in the morning for breakfast. Say, ten am down at the café?”

  “Ten sounds perfect.” Cara hugged me back and then we proceeded to pull the guys apart, dragging them off in different directions to our rooms.

  The walk back to our room was slightly awkward. The large hallway we were walking down felt like it went on for miles. This was the quietest either of us had been all night. I wondered what he was thinking. Hopefully, he wasn’t regretting everything that happened between us tonight. I was actually pretty relieved when Cam and Cara interrupted us out on the balcony. I was about to tell him exa
ctly how I was feeling and I was nervous as hell. I hated opening up to people, especially when it made me vulnerable.

  I had originally decided that I was going to leave our relationship up to Blake. I didn’t want to put myself out there and get shut down. Letting him take control of how this went made me feel the safest emotionally.

  But while I was sitting on his lap on the balcony and looking into his beautiful dark eyes, I had a change of heart. Suddenly, I was overcome with emotion and wanted him to know how I was feeling, even if there was a chance he would turn me down. Lucky for me, Cam and Cara came barging outside, giving me time to reconsider. I was going to have to be careful when I was around him—I didn’t want to put myself in that situation again. Not at least until I knew exactly how he was feeling about me. I mean, I knew he wanted to sleep with me, but I wasn’t certain he wanted anything more.

  After what felt like forever, we reached our room. Blake took out the plastic key card and opened the door, holding it open for me. The room was chilly, but it felt great after the long night of drinking and dancing. I plopped down on my stomach on one of the queen beds and laid my head down on my arms. I was tired, but there was no way I was going to sleep yet. It was already 1am, but I was really hoping Blake would finish what he started earlier.

  He closed the door and walked into the room sitting down on the bed next to me. “Did you have a good time tonight, baby girl?” he asked me sweetly.

  I rolled over to my side so I could get a better view of his face. “Of course I did. Everything about tonight was just amazing. You really know how to show a girl a good time,” I reassured him. I looked up at him and smiled. “Did you have a good time?”

  “I have never had so much fun. You, Tess, are the most incredible date I have ever had.” He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. My heart started beating faster when his hand brushed up against my face.

  “You were the one that had all the surprises tonight. I was just boring old me,” I said quietly, shrugging my shoulders.

  “Tessa, there’s nothing about you that’s boring.” He took my face in both of his hands and gazed at me. “Your sparkling eyes, gorgeous body and that smart, sexy mouth have had my head spinning all night. I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off of you.”

  I couldn’t even speak. I just stared at him with what I am sure was a dopey look on my face. He always knew what to say to make my heart race and my sex ache. His words were always a killer combination of sweet and sexy. He had successfully given me this reaction about ten times tonight and I couldn’t take it anymore. If he didn’t make a move soon, I was going to have to break my rule and devour him. I fell back against the bed so I was lying on my back. He started rubbing my arm with his finger, leaving goose bumps everywhere he touched me.

  “You look tired. Why don’t you get out of your jeans and try to get some sleep,” he said, raising up off the bed and heading for his bag.

  Are you fucking kidding me?

  I was beyond frustrated. So frustrated, in fact, it was starting to turn to anger. I put my arms over my face and took a deep breath.

  Sleep was the last thing on my mind. After some of the stuff he did tonight, I could not believe he was talking about actually sleeping. I was going to give him one more try to make a move and then I was taking over. I stood up and headed for my overnight bag. I took out my cute black booty shorts and my low cut, turquoise tank top and stepped into the bathroom. After changing my clothes, I realized I’d forgotten my tooth brush so I went back out into the room to grab it. When I looked up, Blake was searching his bag for something, in nothing but a pair of briefs. My breath hitched in my throat.

  His toned arms and sculpted back were just as beautiful as the front of his body that I saw last week. And his ass—oh my god! His ass was perfection. Those briefs were giving me a full view of every defined muscle in that flawless behind. He started to turn around and my eyes traveled up his body to his tattoo.

  “Ahem,” he said as he cleared his throat. “Like something you see?”

  I felt my face began to heat as I totally got caught checking him out. I immediately closed my mouth, which was hanging wide open, and headed straight for the bathroom, my eyes trained on the floor. I brushed my hand over my mouth, checking for drool.

  I brushed my teeth and freshened up a bit in the bathroom, taking repeated deep breaths to get my heart beat under control. I had to get ahold of myself mentally. I looked at myself in the mirror and gave myself a mental pep talk before I was brave enough to go back out into the room. Taking a final deep breath and hoping that when I saw Blake again, things wouldn’t be awkward, I opened the door.

  Standing right in front of me was Blake, his arms stretched over his head, holding onto the door frame. Oh, fuck! I closed my eyes, fighting to grasp the self-control I had just summoned, but could feel slipping away.

  “I asked you a question, Tess, and you didn’t answer me.” His voice was stern, but not angry—just totally hot. “Did you like something you see?” he asked me again.

  Standing in only his black briefs, my greedy eyes traveled up and down his body again. When I reached his very large erection straining the cotton fabric, I shook my head yes. I tried to speak, but words were unreachable in that moment.

  “Say it out loud,” he demanded softly yet authoritatively. He watched me closely, his eyes not missing a single reaction that my body involuntarily made to him.

  “Yes,” I panted, praising myself for being able to utter one single word. Fuck! I was a soaked, quivering mess and he hadn’t even touched me!

  “Do you want me, baby girl? It’s obvious that I want you,” he said matter-of-factly, looking down at his bulging erection. “I have wanted you all fucking night. But I won’t take you unless you tell me you want me first.”

  I took in a sharp breath and answered him, “I want you, Blake. Please.”

  He let go of the door frame with one hand and grabbed me around my waist forcefully, pulling me against his hard body. I wrapped my arms around him and he started kissing my neck. He fisted his other hand in my hair, pulling my head to the side so he would have better access. When he made his way to my ear and bit down gently, I moaned softly and, just like that, his mouth claimed mine. His tongue evaded me and I opened up a little more to let him in deeper. He caressed my tongue with his. He tasted amazing—a mix of beer and peppermint. He finally let me come up for air as he lifted me up and took me over to the bed.

  “I hope you know what you got yourself into, baby girl,” he warned, laying me down on the bed and climbing on top of me. I knew exactly what I was getting into and I loved every second of it.

  He started kissing me passionately again, claiming my mouth. He started to work his way down my neck, licking and nibbling as he went. His hands were everywhere, frantically caressing me, and it felt amazing to finally have him touching me. Just as his mouth approached my breasts, his hands stopped and he lifted my shirt up and over my head. He sat up and looked at me for just a moment. I wanted to cover myself from his penetrating gaze, but then I noticed the hunger in his eyes and, suddenly, I felt sexy.

  “You. Are. Stunning,” he murmured softly as his hands ran up my sides to my breasts, cupping them and squeezing lightly. They fit perfectly in his grasp—like they were made just for him. I arched my back, pushing myself into him further as he fondled me. He took one of my nipples in his mouth, sucking and licking, while his other hand pinched and pulled on the other, forming them both in to tight buds. I lifted my pelvis into him, trying to find some relief from the relentless throbbing that was coming from my clit. I could feel my arousal wetting my shorts and I dug my nails into his shoulders as I cried out in pleasure.

  He slowly started kissing down my stomach, taking my shorts with him as he slid down my body. He pulled me to the edge of the bed, discarding my shorts onto the floor. He stood up and looked down at me. He was running his eyes up and down my body like he was memorizing every curve.

tion.” The word fell from his lips as he kneeled down on the floor between my legs. “I’ve wanted to savor you for over three years, Tess. Every fucking day, I have imagined how sweet you would taste.”

  He spread my legs apart as far as he could. He started kissing my thigh, making his way down further and further. His stubble tickled and scratched against my skin, causing the most erotic sensation I had ever felt. He positioned my legs over his shoulders and, finally, he reached my wet, throbbing clit. He slowly licked and teased me with his tongue. “God, Tess! You taste so fucking good,” he growled.

  Whimpering, I grabbed his head and fisted my hands in his hair. He started sucking and licking faster and faster, taking me to the brink. My whole body started to shake as his mouth moved over my folds and his tongue hit my sensitive nub.

  “Oh shit, Blake! I am so close,” I squealed.

  His fingers entered me, pumping in and out, matching the rhythm of his tongue. He pushed them in me one more time as he flicked his tongue over my clit and I fell apart. Tightening around his fingers, I came hard, screaming out his name.

  After my breathing had finally slowed, I opened my eyes again. I looked down and he was licking his fingers, grinning from ear to ear. “Fuck you taste good, baby girl. Have you ever tasted yourself?” I shook my head no and he smirked, climbing up my body. He traced my lips with his fingers.

  Hesitantly, I stuck my out my tongue. It tasted salty and sweet. Something about tasting my own wetness, and having Blake watch me do it, was so erotic and arousing that I licked them clean.

  “I told you,” he said as he winked at me.


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