Hott and Ready (The Hott Brothers Book 2)

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Hott and Ready (The Hott Brothers Book 2) Page 4

by Leah Sharelle

  My hand quickly slipped from her hip around to her backside. The tight, worn denim of her jeans moulding beautifully to her peach-shaped arse. Digging my fingers into one plump globe, I yanked her further into my aching crotch.

  “Does this feel like I don’t like touching you or you touching me?” I asked with a rough rasp. “And yeah, just so you know sweetheart, I can tell you who you can see because of this.” Not giving her a chance to argue, I ducked my head and crashed my lips to her surprised opened ones, pleasure like I had never experienced in my years render me this weak. Shuffling the both of us back towards the office wall, I caged Blake in my arms as her back hit the plasterboard with a small thud. Not daring to take my mouth from hers to see if she was okay, instead, I lifted her easily off the ground giving her no choice but to wrap her long jean-clad thighs around my waist and instantly a groan left my throat when her core came into contact with my stiff, suffering cock.

  Blake hissed into my mouth, and at first, I thought she was going to end the kiss and slap me silly, but rather than do that, she anchored her ankles at my back, the heels of her work boots digging into my butt. Next thing I knew, my Akubra was flicked off my head, and Blake was devouring my lips like they were her last meal. Groans and mews spilled from her into my mouth, and fuck if I didn’t devour them myself. Our hands were all over each other, Blake’s at my shoulders, digging and scratching at my skin through my shirt, and mine couldn’t get enough of her fleshy, peach arse.

  Blake was a born horsewoman, her thighs toned and strong from being on a horse for hours every single day, so it didn’t escape me the way they held onto my hips just on their own as she trailed her hands all over my shoulders and back. Fuck, I wanted to feel her hands on my bare skin again, feel her cool fingers tickle down my heated flesh.

  Resisting the urge to remove my shirt, mainly because I would have to stop kissing her to do it, and also because I didn’t want to push Blake too fast.

  Not that she seemed to have gotten that memo.

  Blake was busy eating at my mouth, her unpractised kissing skills pleasing the fuck out of me. No way was I going to stop her, I fucking loved the way she was unashamedly sucking on my tongue, wetting my lips and generally turning me on with her unbridled enthusiasm.

  “Fuck sweetheart, you are driving me crazy,” I panted against her mouth, nipping her bottom lip between my teeth and pulling gently.

  “Back at ya, Hottie,” she sassed breathily, then ground her pelvis hard into my straining cock and rubbed herself along the length.

  “Jesus baby, I am so jealous of your saddle right now.” Pushing myself impossibly closer, I swore I felt the heat through our constricting denim, making my cock happy and ache all at the same time.

  “Well, you know what they say,” Blake moaned, leaning her upper body further into the wall using it to help her push further into my waist. “Save a horse and ride a cowboy.” Her sassiness was something I always enjoyed, Blake wasn’t exactly backward in coming forward and saying pretty much whatever was on her mind. Even when she pissed me off with her dangerous stunts, secretly, I admired her determination and her zest for life to try new things.

  Being around Blake was never boring, that was for certain.

  And certainly not now.

  I was on the edge of coming in my pants just from her grinding and moans, but there was no fucking way on earth I was going to complain or stop her.

  Chuckling at her joke, I moved my hands from her arse to her hips,

  “Baby, you can ride me any time—” Before I could finish my sentence, a loud female voice shouted out my name, stilling my words and Blake’s hips and kisses.

  “Hey, Hottie 2, are you in here? It’s nearly time for The Voice and you promised you would watch it with me while you rub my feet,” Mallory called out, her voice sounded like it was at the front of the stables, thank Christ, and not just outside the office.

  “Shit, not The fucking Voice again,” I grumbled, not thinking of anything other than my raging hard-on and not on the sudden stiffness of Blake’s body.

  “Let me down,” Blake hissed. Gone was the playful tone, instead replaced with a cold and pissed off one.

  Still feeling lost in my sensual bliss, it surprised me when Blake pushed on my chest hard enough to catch me off balance, dropping her unceremoniously to her feet.

  “Sweetheart?” I asked, confused at the sudden change in her mood. Mallory could wait, I knew she wouldn’t mind going up to the house without me, hell, she had her own key for Christ’s sake.

  “Don’t sweetheart me, Hottie 2,” she spat at me, emphasising the ridiculous nickname the town gave my brothers and me in our teens. Mallory had way too much fun calling me that but the way Blake said it just now, didn’t feel like fun to me.

  “What the hell, Blake? One minute you are riding my cock and now you look like you want to castrate me.”

  I growled louder than I wanted, but fuck me sideways, my cock was still rock hard, all my blood was in my crotch and not much left anywhere else.

  Blake inhaled a lungful of air, the sexual fog she was in well and truly dissipating.

  “Why don’t you ask Mallory to take care of your cock after you rub her feet?” she shouted, then punched me fair smack in the solar plexus taking me by surprise and knocking me off balance.

  Doubling over, too busy gasping, I didn’t see Blake’s size seven boot come at me until it made contact with my shin. Pain radiated up my leg from the impact of the hard kick, making me fall to my arse.

  “Jesus fucking hell, Blake Isobel! What the fuck is wrong with you?” I yelled through clenched teeth, holding my shin up to my heaving chest.

  “What is wrong with me? How dare you act so indignant Hendrixx. Why would you make a move on me when you knew your friend was coming over?” The way she said the word friend should have been a clue as to why she was so mad, but between the pain in my leg and not having my breath back yet, I didn’t pick up on it.

  “So fucking what? She always comes here to watch her shit shows, Tim said he would rather shear sheep naked than watch her shows with her,” I explained through pants of pain, not looking at Blake.

  “And you are always there for her aren’t you Hendrixx,” Blake didn’t voice it as a question, but it was the hitch in her voice that had me letting go of my leg, and finally looking up at her, and it was just as well I was sitting down because what I saw would have knocked me down. Blake’s beautiful hazel eyes shone with unshed tears, her kiss-swollen lips trembling with the effort of holding her tears from falling.

  “Isn’t it enough you spend half of your day over there, only to spend all your nights with her too?” Blake whispered. Complete and total despair etched across her pretty face.

  “Blake, baby.” Reaching out a hand, I silently begged her to take it, but her head shook and her feet took three steps back.

  “Thank you for my first ever kiss Hendrixx, and then for the humiliation straight after.” Her voice sounding so sad and shattered I could hardly bear it.

  I could feel my brows knit together, my mouth opening like a fish gasping for air. Her words made no sense to me.

  What humiliation?

  First-ever kiss?

  “Drixxie are you—” Mallory came into the room, a smirk on her face when she saw me on the ground.

  “Giving him what for hey, Blake?” Mallory asked, laughing then stopping when she looked at the tears that were now falling down Blake’s cheeks. Tears from Blake gutted me every single time, there was nothing that hurt my heart more.

  “Is everything okay?” Mallory asked, gentling her voice, staring at Blake, then turning to glare at me.

  “Everything is fine, he is all yours, Mallory,” Blake answered with a choked sob, not looking at me as she pushed her way past Mal, her boots clicking fast on the stone floor indicating she was running.

  “Blake! Blake!” I shouted, pulling myself awkwardly to my feet.

  “What the hell just happened?” I asked no o
ne in particular, still confused and very fucking horny. Pulling up my pant leg I saw a red mark where Blake had kicked me.

  Damn, the steel cap toes on Blake’s boots were a fucking weapon and a half, I thought ruefully, rubbing at the small red welt.

  “You really don’t have a clue, do you Hendrixx?” Mallory answered me, even though I didn’t actually ask for her to.

  “And you have a clue, do ya, Mal?” I said, not holding back an ounce of sarcasm. This night was not going the way I thought it would. Once I got Blake in my arms, all I could think about was getting her under me in my bed and to continue our make-out and grinding session in a more comfortable setting.

  “Well, of course I do, would you like me to share my wisdom on women with you Drixxie?” Mallory replied sweetly, laughter bubbling from her.

  Shoving my pant leg down, I huffed out a breath and stood up straight, my stomach now not so sore.

  “Oh please, oh wise one, enlighten me on the ways of the female species.”

  “Well, if you are going to be sarcastic, I won’t bother telling you that sometimes a woman doesn’t like it when a man kisses her so passionately he leaves whisker burn on her face, and he is sporting a stiffy only for another woman to come over to watch TV with him … just saying,” Mallory offered, giving me her best ‘my god you are a dickhead’ eyes.

  “Stop looking at my crotch, Rogers!” I grumbled loudly. “How do you know what Blake is thinking? And who says she is upset that you are here?”

  Mallory raised her eyebrows. “Other than the tears, you mean? I guess it was the death glare she gave me when I walked in, but then again, it could also be the fact you were on the ground when I walked in rubbing your leg and gasping for air. But I could be wrong,” she singsonged, turning on her heels. “Come on Hottie, my show is about to start.”

  “Mal, I better go after Blake, she—”

  Mallory turned back to face me, yet another smirk on her lips.

  “I think Blake needs some time to calm down Drixx, she seemed a little flustered and embarrassed. Give the girl till the morning to compose herself, then, you can have it out with her.”

  “But—” I started to argue, but Mallory raised her hand to stop me.

  “Trust me, Hendrixx, I’m female, I know shit,” she replied deadpan, making me laugh despite my inner turmoil.

  Fuck me, I kissed Blake. Not only kissed her, she practically dry-humped me while she sucked on my tongue, causing the most painful hard-on I’ve ever had in my life.

  Staring at Mal, I thought about my next move. I really wanted to talk to Blake, ask her what the fuck had her turning from hot to cold so quickly, then pick up where we left off.

  “You sure I shouldn’t talk to her now?” I asked, still not convinced it was the best move to give Blake too much space. Her temper was legendary and the woman could get herself worked up over nothing nine times out of ten. I learned a long time ago not to allow her to get too lost in her own head because molehills mostly became mountains with her.

  Mal winked at me, her expression full of mischief.

  “Have I ever steered you wrong?” she quipped. “Plus, you might need some time to get rid of that,” she said, pointing at my jeans, her lips pulling together like she was trying not to laugh.

  Looking down, I realised that the bulge behind my zipper was still very much present.

  Still hard as a steel fucking pipe from my first taste of Blake’s sweetness.

  Though, not my last.

  Not by a long shot.


  I could feel Lillian’s eyes follow me around the kitchen as I grabbed ingredients and bowls out of the cupboards and fridge. After I fled from the stables, Hendrixx shouting out for me but not coming after me, the first place I found myself running to was the main house and Lillian’s kitchen.

  For as long as I could remember, I found comfort in cooking. Horses were my main source of stress relief, nothing much could beat getting on a horse bareback and just giving the powerful animal free rein to do what came naturally. During those moments, I didn’t even use a bridle, choosing to hold onto the mane and trusting my mount. However, the horses were all put away for the night, and with Hendrixx and Mallory most likely still there, my only choice was to bake.

  And what I needed right now were donuts. Cinnamon specifically to take my mind of my bruised pride and butt. Falling off a horse wasn’t new to me, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt most times.

  Mentally checking off I had everything I needed, I carried my armload back to the island bench and dumped it all unceremoniously down.

  “Hmmm, donut ingredients, hey?” Lillian surmised, casting a knowing glance over the bench before looking at me.

  “What did Hendrixx do this time?”

  Doing my best to look indignant, I picked up the bag of flour and ripped it open.

  “What makes you think anything is wrong? Can’t I bake my favourite treat and not have to have a reason?” I asked haughtily.

  “Blake Isobel, don’t shit a shitter. I have known you since birth, young lady, and I know your every tell, and every mood. In fact, I know practically everything about you and that is why I know my second born is behind your calorie-filled project,” Lillian announced, smirking smartly at me.

  Damn it! She was right, other than Hendrixx, no one knew me better than the family matriarch.

  “Now give,” she demanded, waving her hand at me to start talking, “you sift the flour and I will measure out the wet ingredients.” Lillian got up from the bench stool and reached for the carton of buttermilk and the Pyrex jug.

  Twitching my nose and lips in thought, I knew that she wasn’t going to let me out of the house until I spilled my guts.

  Heaving out a frustrated sigh, I reluctantly did as I was ordered.

  “Mallory is here.”

  “She is? I didn’t hear her car come up to the house.”

  “No, she stopped at the stables.”

  “Okay then, and?” Lillian prompted.

  “She walked into the stables,” I hedged, not getting to the point because I really didn’t want to. Usually, I could go to Lillian for everything, after all, she practically became my mother when mine took off after my birth. Absolutely every pivotal moment in my life included Lillian Hott, my first step, my first knee scrape, everything including my first period. Telling her about my first kiss? Yeah, not looking forward to that considering it was with her son.

  “Must I drag it out of you, young lady, because you know I can and will,” Lillian threatened, snatching the sifter off me and slamming it down on the bench, sending a plume of white fog into the air.

  “He kissed me!” I blurted out loudly, then slapped my hand over my mouth, my eyes squeezing shut, mentally wishing a hole would magically appear under me and suck me down into it.

  “My god he took his sweet time, I was beginning to wonder if I needed to give him the birds and the bees talk again,” Lillian said, surprising me with her reply to my overshare.

  Whipping my head to the side, I stared open-mouthed at the woman who gave me the birds and the bees talk not all that many years ago. My dad tried, but he flustered and fumbled so much, he ended up sending me to the main house with a letter in my hand for Lillian. I remember the giggles from her as she read my father’s note shaking her head and mumbling about how useless men were. Then, she took me out for ice cream in Cattle Ridge, and we had ‘The Talk’. It had been an hour of me squirming in my seat half the time and the rest completely outraged that women had to endure monthly periods just to become a mother one day.

  I also remember the day the three Hott brothers, teenagers at the time, stormed out of the house red-faced and appalled, their mother behind them on the porch cackling at them as they ran off and hid for a whole day from her.

  I was too young at the time to understand their outrage until my own time came to understand what growing up entailed.

  But right now, my mind was reeling not from uncomfortable memories
but from Lillian’s confusing statement.

  “What … what … pardon?” I stammered like an idiot, positive that my face was a flaming shade of red. What on earth did Lillian mean? Surely, not that she hoped—

  “If you are thinking that I hoped my son would finally succumb to his true feelings for you, then yes,” Lillian supplied, answering my silent questions, again surprising me.

  All of a sudden flustered, I looked around the kitchen at anything other than the all-seeing eyes of Lillian. Normally her insight was directed at her sons, it wasn’t often she used her powers of observation on me.

  “Hen—Hendrixx doesn’t have true feelings for me,” I scoffed, doing my very best to sound convincing and nonchalant. But inside my heart was beating like crazy, the same way it had back in the stables when he took my mouth in the most passionate kiss my mind had ever dreamed up in my most private and sweetest of dreams. Dreams that were always of Hendrixx.

  “Of course he does dear, they are the same ones you have for him—feelings you have tucked away and hidden. Since you were a teenager, you and Hendrixx have been at each other’s throats. You push his buttons, and he taunts you, and so back and forth, you both go.”

  “The last year it has gotten to the point where Hendrixx has to stop himself from wrapping you in cotton wool or his hands around your neck. And you, Blakey,” Lillian put her hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look at her.

  “You have done everything in your power to prove to him you don’t need his protection. Riding your horse like a madwoman, stunt riding, getting in the bullpen putting yourself in danger, acting like he doesn’t affect you when he is within sniffing distance. And let’s not speak of your shenanigans with Lancelot. I swear it is like watching a never-ending episode of Days of Our Lives,” she chuckled, then smiled innocently at me when I practically choked on my own spit.

  “Swallow dear, and do close your mouth, it isn’t ladylike to gape like a drowning fish.” Lillian tisked, while grabbed the buttermilk off the bench.


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